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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: General Feedback Megathread


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Sanctuary Mode still does not work properly.

Just played a standard game ... like 50% of the time the Host left... couldnt reconnect... interestingly the Rewards i got IN the actual Game were GONE ... (Khora BP, chassis, system and some Endo) but i had a bunch of Standard? Rewards like a eidolon shard in the roster? ... wtf is up here?

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Sanctuary Mode still does not work properly.

Just played a standard game ... like 50% of the time the Host left... couldnt reconnect... interestingly the Rewards i got IN the actual Game were GONE ... (Khora BP, chassis, system and some Endo) but i had a bunch of Standard? Rewards like a eidolon shard in the roster? ... wtf is up here?

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well my only issue righ now is this efficiency system,the time runs out and my teams loses 50% efficiency "WAITING FOR THIS DAMM PORTAL TO OPEN",sorry for the rant but after 4 fixes is impossible for me to not rant.killing is not the problem,but losing efficiency for this portal tsc.idk maybe is because my pc is not strong enough to load fast the portal????this can be the problem????my internet is not laggy that's for sure.can you guys tell me how you make one gamemod  harder but not harder enough???DE need this answer,after this last update some people said the gamemod is gonna become easy some others after testing saying is became impossible.for my experience i never reach to zone 8 thanks to this system portal.comparing me to others i have the same amount of kills,so what's wrong?.

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Ya the new hotfix makes this not worth playing. Im still crashing or loosing rewards and now it even harder to keep effeicney up. Plus things keep walking into walls or staying in far off rooms.

honestly- scrap efficiency as it is now. it makes this a slightly worse survival currently. if you want a score board then use efficiency for that, and make the enemy's scale or change per wave. the hazards are anyoing, but at lest make them visabule or denoted somewhere so its not just "im slowed for no reason".  Id also like to see the level 30 requirement come back because the one match I played before it crashed had one person contently on the ground. level zero Oberon prime. Spent more time picking him up then killing things.

Befor todays hotfix I wanted to play this mode. it feels like you guys are trying relay hard to kill it off. Plus two things bother me outside of this. the first is that the longer they dont fix being able to get the new frame, the more sales they are going to have of people who couldnt wait to be able to farm it. Id rather just see a "shes for sales only right now" rather then the hope of trying and crashing each time. Second is that the peculer mods are the TF2 hats all over again. its a money grab. the things are going to be worth a lot if implemented plus they are rather rare right now. nothing wrong with that, mind you , but I think we need to see it as the same thing. 


Iv seen games start to go down hill befor, and this feels a lot like it happening over again. I hope im wrong on that.

Edited by Fluff-E-Kitty
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I didn't have a issue with this until after having 5 runs with a struggle to get efficiency. 

On elite having on wave 4 it just drastically drops and it is harder to keep it up even with the efficiency macaroni's.

I have builds for this and now... They are just garbage for elite mode.

Edited by Blake666
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I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but I'm not sure what you were thinking taking two of the biggest complaints (efficiency drain and vandal grind) and making them worse, while ignoring others (host migration and spawn rates), and nerfing one of the few things people liked about it (focus gain). I don't expect the community to get its way all the time, but this hotfix feels like a troll.

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So I somehow didn't notice this megathread first but anyhoo. Public seems to be still at mercy of the host.





And these grades doesn't seem to correlate how fast efficiency drops, it's only normal Onslaught after all at low zones.





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Nearing my sixty (normal) B rotation in an attempt to get my final Khora Piece, I am firm in my belief that I am punished for playing sanctuary onslaught, at least on the normal level. You dont get any mods, credits and resources, the captura "rewards" dont have any use beyond the first time you get them and all the other rewards are what you would get playing normal missions.

So basically you loose out on the credits, materials, mods and even the ability to scan for codex entries that you would do during normal missions, for what?

I cant really put into words how much each rotation another of the crappy relics, endo or captura rewards shows instead of the one piece makes me more and more frustrated. I even ragequitted several times by now (running solo). To consider that other parts in elite haven an even lower drop chance...no way ill be touching that.

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4 minutes ago, Auris40 said:

I cant really put into words how much each rotation another of the crappy relics, endo or captura rewards shows instead of the one piece makes me more and more frustrated. I even ragequitted several times by now (running solo). To consider that other parts in elite haven an even lower drop chance...no way ill be touching that.

I won't be playing that mode, thats for sure, just like I avoid PoE. And I won't spend palts to buy Khora, which does not have any single quirk nor the theme interesting. I also kind of procastrinate Saryn because of the stupid massive grind in the Arena needed to fight the Sedna boss. Not that I like large AoE frames, I went in for a shooter - which is disappointing me on higher levels since most powerful weapon are basically useless in play. Players should feel rewarded for playing not punished.

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Yeah, what's the point?

It doesn't reward you more for getting further. 

Why did you guys plague potential "endgame" with rotation rewards? The thing that's stopping endless from being good.

Why can't we have incentive to try?

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People are complaining about how hard it is to get efficiency and you make it worse with each update.

I see you really take players feedback in consideration.

Keep going , its not like we are already sharpening our pitchforks.

Edited by Siala
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I'm not very interested in this new game mode (he immediately seemed to me deadly boring), but his constant "fixes" lead now to failures in other areas of the game:(

I've already met twice today with the "white screen" during the training sessions for the Mastery Rank. In the morning, my Reno ran empty-handed in the mission "Beehive", pretending that he was shooting from a shotgun :) The shotgun completely refused to be reflected on the screen. Fortunately, the damage has been saved, that is, I killed all of them safely, but I was still somewhat perplexed by this fresh design decision of the developers:)



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I hate hotfix 22.18.7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So right now there is still no reason to run more than 8 zones other than scoreboard. With each run i start to dislike this onslaught more and more as i see clearly in terms of efficiency  the 1 button warframes or spin like crazy are still better rewarded. Banshee random 8 zones, zero effort - i was even reading a newspaper while just pushing one button and giving myself a zenurik buff from time to time VS. my own idea i thought to test and have some fun, Mirage with Lenz. Dear Lord, efficency was at best 50% for 6 zones and it didn't matter i deal insane amount of damage and build itself was decent.

I hate execution of onslaught idea DE. It turned something that could prove to be challenging, action packed game mode into half brain afk effortless button mash. There is no introduction to why Simaris wants us to do this, no story why Khora is related to that (especially from the ghoul fragments in the codex that are telling us how one corpus man met khora cat and what happened to it and everything was suppose to end up at Plains of Eidolon) u greatly turned new content into new farming/leveling/mastery fodder zone that isn't any more special in terms of excitement than Candy Crush.  

Shame, it could have been so much better. Also...we had Zephyr Prime, now Khora and in terms of trailer Hydroid is not even here. I feel like DE tries to catch too many tails in one go and that is the effect. One big disappointment and content that is not connected to what we have in any way and doesn't introduce anything. I would rather wait much more than have a content filled with holes, just slapped into game. 

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Please DE fix the Host Migration in these mission.  I played a mission and had a leaver after Wave 6, problem: he was the Host.  The other 3 players want to reach wave 8.  So he left and the mission "ended" in a never ending Host migration screen, and we have to cancel the game.

So we got no reward, no XP, nothing. this is realy frustating.

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Last hotfix came with yet another arrow to the knee of Onslaught, in terms of efficiency. The moment a 2 players team keeps RQ spamming to a max - and still see the efficiency plummet 6 zones later - is when you realize something isn't quite okay. We went there with random warframes initially, packin' solid firepower and slapsticks, but we just couldn't keep up with Onslaught's efficiency drain. We brought the boring frames then. Still, the efficiency was draining like mad. I'm happy you guys fixed the stats of the mobs in the sanctuary so they're no longer made of pudding... but.

When we put all things together - including the chances brought with the hotfixes - we can define the latest version of Onslaught as "An unrewarding, but trolling cookie-cutter game mode that punishes players from using anything other than the most dull builds available". No incentive to continue playing past 8th zone, not much of a focus advantage there (hell! 4 people Io defense is better!), no reward for even putting up with the dull game-mode up to the 8th wave - unless, somehow, one is a constant and desperate need for endos.

Onslaught is not for players that got to experience everything else in the game. It's not end-game in any shape or form. Endos and random relics are not rewards for the veterans that already have everything, they barely qualify as such for relatively fresh players. 150 days of Warframe is enough for dedicated players to scoff at endo and relic rewards.

And yeah! Let's not forget, Onslaught makes just as little sense - lore wise - as the Tennos being a force for good or balance do. Kill stuff fast, for no reason, to pretend you get rewards. That's Onslaught in a nutshell. I mean, really! from a cephalon's point of view... what in the nine hells is the point of just butchering random monster types at an continuously increased pace? what data can you, as an AI gather from it? It's not faction info, it's not entity intel, it's not warframe' power output, weapon's... it's bloody nothing.

The rewards are bad. The efficiency mechanic is flawed, the logic and reason behind Onslaught are committed to the void.

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Still feels like I'm fighting a percentage bar and not playing the game. I would suggest removing efficiency and, to keep things fair, all the rewards. If this is just an 'arcade mode' then treat it as such.

Why play such a mode without rewards? For the same reason that we play Flappy Zephyr. Fun.

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Is it only me or they made reward even worst than what they were already.
I mean, before update, we had a change to get all Khora part on Elite while farming for vandal weapons, but now we got to farm BP on normal

they replace the BP with relics...so we are still sutck while same low drop rates...

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5 minutes ago, Renarde-Louve said:

Is it only me or they made reward even worst than what they were already.
I mean, before update, we had a change to get all Khora part on Elite while farming for vandal weapons, but now we got to farm BP on normal

they replace the BP with relics...so we are still sutck while same low drop rates...

Yep. I totaly agree with you. This change is very disappointing.

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After 22.18.7 I have been playing the non-Elite mode a bit, and for the most part is has been a relatively painless experience in so far as crashes and bugs are concerned.

However, the game mode itself is essentially a giant kill box, which makes normal play highly ineffective and pushes us all to use a very small set of builds designed to exploit the claustrophobic maps to their limit.

As an affinity and focus farm it's ok, however as anything else it is one of the most frustrating things ever to be added to the game. Khorra's drop rates are extremely low, on a game mode that is already offers poor rewards to begin with for the time investment. If it went AAAABBCC, so a reward at every stage like with the bounties, that would hugely reduce the grind. Even without a change to the drop rates it would make it feel less like the original bounties were, only giving one reward at the end.

I accept there needs to be a balance between people farming for a frame and those who are willing to buy it, but like Nezha on release the balance is way too far in the wrong direction. I hope in the coming weeks we will see this changed, as right now it is really making the game much less interesting.

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The Efficiency bar should STOP when the Portal is materializing.

How many times did we stay there just looking at each other, wondering where the hell the portal?

No enemies to kill, Efficiency going down by the second, we were at 100% and go to the next Zone at 40%, we finish the Zone at 40% and we cant help but fail because the portal opens the moment it its 1%.


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20 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

The Efficiency bar should STOP when the Portal is materializing.

How many times did we stay there just looking at each other, wondering where the hell the portal?

No enemies to kill, Efficiency going down by the second, we were at 100% and go to the next Zone at 40%, we finish the Zone at 40% and we cant help but fail because the portal opens the moment it its 1%.


i agree efficiency drop without enemies to kill looks stupid,also when the time goes to zero,this gamemod at this moment is just one lose to lose cenario.

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