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Is Onslaught and Khora Blueprints Acquisition DE's worst move yet?


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I've been keen to play Khora for a while, and yes, while I am well aware of the fact that acquiring her is a lot easier and faster by simply purchasing her, I will get onto a point about that shortly.

First off, let's take a look at Onslaught.

Now, it's actually quite a good idea. I applaud DE's construction of it and overall, it's not a bad thing to have there. It's great for leveling gear, weapons, frames, etc. But after finding out you get nothing but affinity from it, no credits, no resources, nothing but affinity, I realized that this is just a dead end brick wall hitting us. So, I started to ask myself what reasons do any of us have for using the onslaught other than leveling and of course, Khora blueprint hunting? The answer is that there isn't anything other than those two things. The challenge can be claimed to be the reason, but when the WF community asked for something challenging for those who are long time/late game players, I really don't think this is what most of us had in mind.


Now, let's talk the next thing I've been pondering over. Khora acquisition.

Like I said, Khora is a Frame I've been dying to play ever since DE first showed her off in Dev Stream. I really love her style, her abilities and the fact that she's generally a CC type of frame. So, I was really excited to see what kind of quest they'd implement for her. So, I can honestly say, I was quite surprised when it wasn't a quest, but rather, you have to hunt her through pure chance of obtaining her various required blueprints through onslaught. I normally wouldn't complain about something like this, but now... I feel I have no other option but to do so.

This is a terrible and absolutely insulting method of getting a new frame that many of us WFCM's (Warframe Community Members) would obviously really want to play.

For a whole week I've been doing nothing but onslaught. And I've over looked the bugs and the problems, putting up with it in just a determined (yet vain) effort to obtain Khorra. Yet, after a week of several hours a day, which includes after I've been to work, so basically most of my free time, I've pushed myself through onslaught. All I have to show for it in the way of Khora blueprint components is two Chassis prints. It would of been three, but after a bug during a host migration, the mission ended with me keeping my 300 endo and two relics, yet for some reason my third Kora chassis print was gone... Not that I needed it.

What the Vey Hek?!

Seriously, the grind here is beyond real. I know attempting to get things without paying for them is indeed a grind, but come on... a whole week and two chassis prints?

My point I'm making here is that in the long run, WFCM's will eventually get sick of it. I certainly have. I found myself repeatedly saying "I hate this..." and that was when I realized for the first time... well, ever, I was starting to want to play Warframe less and less rather than more and more.


Third and final point.

While I know DE have put in a lot of effort into Khora and also worked hard on trying to make Onslaught what the WFCM's wanted, I feel like it was a last minute jam together. I really do feel like Khora was tacked on into the onslaught at the last minute or something. And the biggest problem is that people in the end will feel pressured to just buy her with plat if they really want to play her but have suffered a hell of a long grind in trying and failing to get her prints. I'm sure there are some, plenty of players even who have managed to get her through the onslaught. But feeling pressured into buying her with plat for those who haven't been lucky enough to do so... It sounds like a familiar controversial topic that's been happening for the past few months. 

I am in no way claiming this is what DE want, intended, planned or they even think it's a good idea or okay.

I personally adore DE and truly do praise them as the one of the overall best game developers I've seen in some time. Everything they do, they keep working on until they feel it's just right so we as the community are happy. But I can only see this Khora situation a massive mistake. I no longer wish to play onslaught ever again, and I refuse to buy her with plat because I feel pressured to do so.


So sadly, it looks like I'm going to miss out on Khora.


Please leave any comments, feedback and have any discussions. (Keeping it civil and polite, of course.)

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I feel there is something fishy about the drop rates for her parts. Since she is released i haven't got a single neuroptic. Doesn't matter if i do 8 zones n reset or go beyond 16. It just doesn't drop.

I just don't see the point of tying so much RNG to her parts. It's like they want us to give up n buy her with plat.

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This is exactly the point I was hinting at. While I'm certain that isn't the case since DE is completely against pressuring their player base into buying anything, this is how it feels and how it comes across overall. At least in my eyes.

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Eh Onslaught is kinda fun and her parts aren't that hard to get. 

The bigger issue for me at least is that most of the loot in the reward tables are relics. Which isn't in theory a problem. Except when you are trying to get Khora, in which case you just see relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic after relic, etc. Which makes all the non Khora drops that much more disappointing. Not because the relic you got was necessarily a bad relic but simply because it was any relic and all you've seen for what feels like forever are relics. Everything starts to blur together and it makes it feel worse than it actually is. 

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Same thinking on you wasted few day of farming relic, but not the khora part, from the day this thing online to the game i never saw a part of khora part drop in onslaught, what kind of drop rate is this. I also noticed that every round also repeat the same drop only, Just they really control the drop of Khora part to make use buy from market? Is like this of thing 3000 hour of game play i also dont care to quit this game. Waste my life.

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Farming for a week...  It took me 3 months to farm Frost in the old days and the saddest thing was I already had Frost Prime so he was just going to be for Mastery.

As to the opening question of "Is Onslaught and Khora Blueprints Acquisition DE's worst move yet?", no, I don't think so.  I remember when Auras were first made into mods and cost mod points (instead of the current system of them granting extra mod points), that was a worse move.

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It is all RNG, some people farmed her day one. I managed to get her in two days. 


When they release a frame and/or content... it should not be able to be completed day one.  This makes it so people complain about nothing new being released.... then when something comes they complain they cant get it fast enough.... when they finally get it, they complain about nothing new being released again.


IF you want Khora instantly, buy her with plat. She is actually faster to farm than many other frames.



Edited by Krhymez
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Onslaught is an experiment. Like PoE. DE is tweaking it as they go, and listening to the players to do so. So no, it's not a bad thing at all. I think it is amazing actually. Bugs yes, but always with new stuff.

As for the drops. No, there is not a problem. I got all Khora drops the first day, within 1.5 hours. Yes, I got lucky, but isn't that what RNGesus is all about? lol

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I've played this game mode maybe 5 times and the only piece of her I'm missing is her main blueprint. If you want awful implementation, I'd like to remind you that before Update 19.0 Nezha pieces used to drop from sortie missions. You know, those things you can only do once a day. Ivara's pieces still drop as random rewards from spy missions. And getting Saryn from Kela De Thaym is now the highest grade of tedium. I think Khora's fine compared to these.

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These are all interesting pieces of information. Perhaps I am just unlucky in the fact that a week straight and all I have to show for it is two chassis prints. I've got plenty of relics, but I have so many of them from other methods in the game that I've got them coming out of my ears, so relics really aren't anything I'm fussed about.


I'd not be too fussed if onslaught had more to offer. Resources and credits at the very least. But the way it is, I think it's asking for too much.

I can understand the view point of that frames are being made so they can't be acquired day one, but that doesn't really make any sense. If you don't farm a frame, you buy it, which is... getting it day one, so the argument about that is kind of redundant. And I've never really known about getting frames day one anyway. The components, maybe, but you then have to wait for them to build, unless you're one who rushes construction with plat. Again, all optional, and everyone's different.


But I still feel this onslaught is a failure and something just isn't right here overall. For the majority of WFCM's, I feel this is going to be a bad situation.

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2 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

Why not try it for a week after the latest hotfix. It's been kinda all over the place since launch and it's finally becoming more stable.

A fair point, and it might be worth a shot. But I don't have high hopes as I've already burnt three hours of today of just constant onslaught. But it's certainly worth considering.

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9 minutes ago, akira_him said:

at least you farm all of these in one node(mode) not 3 separated ones like banshee in the past and now harrow

This is the core of it for me. I don't really feeling like commenting on percentages and acquisition rates(because I don't have an opinion on them), but I like the simplicity and straightforwardness of it : log in, go to the mission, play till you have what you want. I'm in no rush to get my new toys, and when I just want to shoot stuff, I definitely prefer hassle free game play over having to coordinate efficient runs (relics, for example). Having everything in one, simply accessible game mode is well worth a few more hours of farming, to me.

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il y a 3 minutes, lennieplop60 a dit :

It all comes down to those insanely low drop chances. Why can't DE at least make them 12-15%? Korra is probably the hardset warframe to get, right now, and it's not ok.

Mesa, Harrow, Nidus and Equinox would like to have a word with you sir. 

Khora is a decent farm by itself. At peast you also get relics and a lot of Focus in the meanwhile. 

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(For those getting hissy over the title, it was just a title, not a literal meaning that I think DE has made the worst move.)


Points being made about Khora being the hardest frame to farm or not are all valid ones. And I agree, she isn't the hardest, but the fact that she has insanely low drop rates, (even lower on the elite onslaught, which makes no logical sense at all, giving me no reason to ever desire doing the elite mode), her low drop rates are obviously the problem here for most.

I honestly have no care for onslaught, and that's just me. I don't care about the scores, being top of the leader board, I don't care if they add in resource and credit collecting or not. I just feel that DE didn't quite fully think this whole situation and idea through. This endless hoard mode (which is basically what it is at the end of the day) is something I'm not keen on, with or without the Khora situation.


I just feel on a personal level that DE have sort of sent a silent message saying "We want players to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when acquiring Khora."

Again, I make no claim that's what they have said or are implicating. It's just my personal view and feelings on the situation.

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“it’s just RNG” is cold comfort indeed. We know its random, but that doesn’t make it fun and when you’re on the “sucks to be you” end of random, well... it sucks. How about not rubbing it in?


As to Relics being a reasonable reward? I already have more than I could ever hope to open. Several hundred more just doesn’t excite me.

But those captura scenes are the real worst thing: after you get it the first time, it’s a complete null reward. 

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1 hour ago, Krhymez said:

It is all RNG, some people farmed her day one. I managed to get her in two days. 


When they release a frame and/or content... it should not be able to be completed day one.  This makes it so people complain about nothing new being released.... then when something comes they complain they cant get it fast enough.... when they finally get it, they complain about nothing new being released again.


IF you want Khora instantly, buy her with plat. She is actually faster to farm than many other frames.



^ This.

I didn't even bothered trying to farm her until Sunday, and decided to make it a slow far, 1-2 runs a day. 

16 runs 8 zones each, only missing systems.

Yeah, Sunday was merely about deciding if farming or buying. Got Bp and chassis in 6 runs, too many duplicates of her Bp, and just neuroptics on last run a few days ago.

So no, by far, it is not their Worst move yet.

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Every new content is always followed by the hyperbole "worst thing ever".   No it's not. 

Vauban - locked behind randomized alerts requiring you to be lucky online at the right time. This takes weeks and months for many players.
Mesa - waiting for invasions to start and end to get a single Mutagen Nav coordinate and yet another RNG layer getting the right part to drop from Mutalist Alad V. Weeks and months here too.  The coordinates were added much later as possible rewards from Hive and Derelict defense/survival, another RNG layer.
Equinox - 9 whole parts needing to be farmed behind a vicious RNG layer.
Atlas & Limbo - people who outright hate Archwing simply skipped their quests and bought them.
Trinity - farming the RNG ambulas which may or may not appear for animos to get the right to play the assassinate boss fight for another RNG layer part drop.
Saryn - Rathuum points farming.  'nuff said


In the above list, you either get what you want or you walk away with a dupe part and nothing else.

With Khora, you get what you want or you walk away with relics and a buttload of Focus.  I'll gladly take the relics.  They translate into ducat fodder and forma blueprints. You can never have too many of those. And as for the focus, newer players now have a very fast way to max out their daily focus cap (which has even been increased since last update).  I already maxed out all schools since last year december, the very slow way. That took much much longer to do than somebody who just started will ever have to partake. Newer players don't know how good they have it.  

So when I look at Onslaught as a whole, the effort:reward ratio is definitely improved.  We never walk away with empty hands. Whether you want the relics/focus or not, at least we get to walk away with something useful rather than nothing but a dupe part.

13 minutes ago, FenricFox said:

But those captura scenes are the real worst thing: after you get it the first time, it’s a complete null reward. 

Sell/ trade them.  There is demand for them, especially now since they're brand new content, "strike while the iron is hot" as they say. Trade them for scenes locked behind syndicates you are in the negative with. You might even encounter somebody who will trade Vandal parts for those scenes.

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Overall, there are valid points on both sides of the fence. On one hand, those who have farmed Khora have found onslaught to be enjoyable and entertaining, those of us who haven't are seriously hating our experience with it.


The issue is, is that Warframe isn't meant to split its players like this. At least, that's what I've always thought DE have wanted, that their community of players are always on the same page with each other. But onslaught is obviously causing problems for some and not for others.


The facts are as it stands:

There are about an equal number of people supporting both sides of this argument. This indicates there is at least something wrong here.

The rewards truly aren't worth any time in onslaught for the long haul. Those of us who are late game players likely don't need a mass amount of relics. I certainly don't.

Onslaught is a true pain after the first eight or so runs. And Cephalon Simaris is starting to really depress me as he's just a negative and unpleasant character of the Warframe universe. Plus, hearing him say the same line for the 300th time in row isn't a delight in any possible way.


While I agreed with someone earlier that maybe onslaught deserves another chance after the recent hotfix, I've tried it the past couple of hours again and I've not seen one Khora component. I've decided that this really isn't worth pushing myself to go through something I hate just for it.

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It is as good a place as any. The farm isnt unreal for her or anything, it is just simple RNG inline with and even slightly better than some other frames. Now that the host migration is fixed it will be even easier since people can do it in full groups again.

Onslaught itself was pretty fun imo. The endless slaughter mode was needed. It took me 10-12 hours or something to get everything needed for her, including the 9 kavat DNA fron derelict. If I had skipped trying to run with groups the first day I tried onslaught it would have been faster since I had only 2 fully completed runs that didnt bug out due to host migration or people leaving.

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2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

It is as good a place as any. The farm isnt unreal for her or anything, it is just simple RNG inline with and even slightly better than some other frames. Now that the host migration is fixed it will be even easier since people can do it in full groups again.

Onslaught itself was pretty fun imo. The endless slaughter mode was needed. It took me 10-12 hours or something to get everything needed for her, including the 9 kavat DNA fron derelict. If I had skipped trying to run with groups the first day I tried onslaught it would have been faster since I had only 2 fully completed runs that didnt bug out due to host migration or people leaving.

But none of this justifies repeating the same painful process again and again in quick succession. Especially if you're an unlucky player of onslaught.

Yes, you have to repeat the process for the other difficult frames, but you don't have to completely do the same annoying thing again and again within the span of about 20 minutes. I just find rather hypocritical that DE have stated they're trying to move away from annoying grind fests and then they go and implement this for a whole brand new frame.

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