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Developer Workshop: Saryn Revisited 2.0


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DE is going to run their game into the ground. I have never seen a game developer with OCD this bad. The whole reason warframe is fun is because it makes us feel powerful, becoming an unstoppable killing machine is fun. Spending hundreds of dollars on a game grinding 12 hours a day grinding on a game, then having all the stuff you've earned be nerfed into the ground is not fun (at least in my opinion). I threw so much money at this game because I loved it, but now it's becoming more of a love hate relationship. Granted some nerfs were needed, (Resonating quake was broken, and getting 99% percent damage reduction with trinity was a bit much) but sometimes things in this game change too fast. I dont expect everything to be pefect either (everyone makes mistakes ) maybe there should be a survey with major changes to see what the community really wants, it would allow everyone in the community to feel like they have a say. Ok my rant is over have a nice day

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On 2018-05-11 at 9:55 PM, blaes said:

No. rewatch the video. at 10m15s, he says something like "the one thing that we remove from this is that before it used to carry your toxin procs [blablablablabla], instead of relying on that damage being carried, we just increased the damage of spores, increased the damage of toxic lash, at least the melee portion, and basically removed that extra part there"

Anyway, in that video we have also seen that the damage will scale abnormally high and quite fast with the right equipment, so I don't give a damn about it anyway. It could've been a fun thing to do though.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)drollive96 said:

DE is going to run their game into the ground. I have never seen a game developer with OCD this bad. The whole reason warframe is fun is because it makes us feel powerful, becoming an unstoppable killing machine is fun. Spending hundreds of dollars on a game grinding 12 hours a day grinding on a game, then having all the stuff you've earned be nerfed into the ground is not fun (at least in my opinion). I threw so much money at this game because I loved it, but now it's becoming more of a love hate relationship. Granted some nerfs were needed, (Resonating quake was broken, and getting 99% percent damage reduction with trinity was a bit much) but sometimes things in this game change too fast. I dont expect everything to be pefect either (everyone makes mistakes ) maybe there should be a survey with major changes to see what the community really wants, it would allow everyone in the community to feel like they have a say. Ok my rant is over have a nice day

Good thing you said in your opinion, I'll have to agree you're right. Unlike most players some people don't think that lack of challenge is fun, so no I don't intend to side with your argument on this one. Being powerful i all good untill you become powerful at cost of good sense.

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5 hours ago, Rankii said:

Saryn was already revisited. This is just a nerf disguised a s a buff with intent of making her less viable for onsslaught.

Can you explain in detail why you are saying that the changes made to saryn, so far, should be seen as a nerf

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1 hour ago, Cibyllae said:

Can you explain in detail why you are saying that the changes made to saryn, so far, should be seen as a nerf

simple thing, change mechanic of spore and game play around spore turret. mean that they dont want you spam spore on molt, but have more interaction with frame. and yes, saryn was nerfed/changed b4. and you have multiple ways of play with her. now i dis like rework intended for her. and again spores are just fine as it is and we got multiple way to strip armor so far in game so no "t-shirts are gone" corrosive spores are needed so they trick you with dmg stack. only real use would be in surv missions that with constant enemy spam, defence mission not so much.

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24 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

simple thing, change mechanic of spore and game play around spore turret. mean that they dont want you spam spore on molt, but have more interaction with frame. and yes, saryn was nerfed/changed b4. and you have multiple ways of play with her. now i dis like rework intended for her. and again spores are just fine as it is and we got multiple way to strip armor so far in game so no "t-shirts are gone" corrosive spores are needed so they trick you with dmg stack. only real use would be in surv missions that with constant enemy spam, defence mission not so much.

That would be a reduced number of interactions, since one is being removed to force the players to a more 'intended' type of playing with the warframe. Otherwise, I am glad the rework seems useful to your particular playstyle.

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As someone who did the saryn turret mode in hydron 1000 times, I very much welcome these changes to make Saryn more appealing to play. Nearly every ability was somewhat pointless in sorties, although I'm not sure how much that will change. Toxic viral spores did help against the shield sorties. 4th skill has pretty high energy cost, I'm not sure if that's going to be an alternative. I also fear about the lack of control over spores. Yes you can detonate them if you fail to catch a group but it's going to happen so #*!%ing often. Also the scaling damage will have somewhat questionable use when you kill enemies in seconds even in 90+ range. Also Molt used to last 2 seconds before it died, but even if it lived, even with the augment, it never helped Saryn to deal with the incoming damage. A speed boost seems only nice for melee saryn (which luckily is probably the best choice I assume, it kind of would be nice if it increased attack speed as like volt's thing). But these decoy skills always have fairly limited effect vs just better cc or defensive skills.

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6 hours ago, MirageKnight said:


You also forgot that part where DE aims to make her somewhat tankier and her other abilities are made more interesting.

I'd rather my toxin procs to spread than to gain 25 extra armor. The biggest change here is enemies won't be dying as fast, yes the corrosive procs removes armor, but like stated from someone earlier in this thread, that does not effect all enemies equally, viral procs no matter how you look it take half the health off an enemy regardless of their armor.

Edited by Endless-Waltz
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vor 10 Stunden schrieb Rankii:

 She won't. By the time damage ramps up to a point where it would be useful you'll have just gotten over there and killed it yourself. This is a need, and anyone that thinks otherwise is brain dead at best and a blind idiot at worse.

hmm finally someone toxic in this community...i was already afraid that there were non

calling people brain dead because of what they say about a rework in a game just shows how unsatisfied you have to be with your life

i pity you

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22 minutes ago, Endless-Waltz said:

I'd rather my toxin procs to spread than to gain 25 extra armor

That's a fair point. I forgot how much that buff was going to be, so I appreciate the reminder.

Given the meager buff to armor...Yes, I would rather keep Spores as they are now, but perhaps tone down their DoT just a little. They really can be quite potent.

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12 minutes ago, xFlameHaze117x said:

i can't seem to grasp the idea of making spores corrosive, can't say i've ever heard of certain spores being corrosive in any sort of context.
other than that, i'm really looking forward to these changes 🙂

They don't like her as a frame that can deal lots of damage to a lot of enemies, what seems nice from someone who might not play her is a complete travesty to those who do. I hope she's not pushing up daisies soon.

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Like many other players i have the opinion that Corrosive on Spores is the wrong Dmg type.

Reason: We have a Corrosive Aura, Frames like Oberon for excample that have corrosive (+ other Frames that can strip armor)... If DE really want to change my beloved Saryn, then please on an way that makes sence. My suggestion ist to select Gas as Dmg type cause it is toxin/poisen... and would make here more to the Queen of Poisen...

So pls pls pls do not use corrosive. 

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38 minutes ago, xFlameHaze117x said:

i can't seem to grasp the idea of making spores corrosive, can't say i've ever heard of certain spores being corrosive in any sort of context.
other than that, i'm really looking forward to these changes 🙂

Powered by the might of the Void. Anything is possible. 

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6 hours ago, Urlan said:

That would be a reduced number of interactions, since one is being removed to force the players to a more 'intended' type of playing with the warframe. Otherwise, I am glad the rework seems useful to your particular playstyle.

in a way yes. rework of molt and miasma and toxic lash are good but i would leave spores it self. duo over use  in EOS since saryn is only frame which actual dps was 1st ability not 4th, they decide to change it. so no more spore turret spam and that was her key. so in rework they talk about her spores is nerfed actualy and trick you with inf duration and dmg stack. as i sayed only real use will be in surv missions other type of mission are limited. that is why i do not support spores rework, rework it self of other abilitys are good.

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Fantastic! Saryn update is coming for you guys on PC tomorrow, talk about dread. I am pretty anxious and scared right now. Kind of would have liked it, if DE actually gave some more details or addressed peoples concerns here on the forums before they just went ahead and released it. If Saryn new build turns out to be absolute poop garbage, please do me and all other Saryn mains a favor and go into rage mode! Lol! No seriously though, some these changes seem ok but it may appear that her spores are affected by line of sight. Depending to what the degree, we could be seeing a major nerf to her spores. I am worried! 

Edited by (PS4)a1-w23e_r4
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5 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

That's a fair point. I forgot how much that buff was going to be, so I appreciate the reminder.

Given the meager buff to armor...Yes, I would rather keep Spores as they are now, but perhaps tone down their DoT just a little. They really can be quite potent.

no need if tone down it is good as it is. most of ppl are welcoming other 3 ability rework but not spores rework. and i must say player are hooked at this point to support rework. they give you offer, a bad one for spores rework which are biggest issue of rewok. DE wont support us neither take in consideration our opinion. they will simply do as they intend and be simething along lines of: you will like this rework or it could be a lot worse. just look at kuva farm. would be batter to have 300 base kuva  or have to charege syphon for kuva and defend it for example. point is they did not change it regardless of player complain and suggestions.


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1 minute ago, (PS4)a1-w23e_r4 said:

DE will make changes if the new build is absolute trash and enough people get angry about it. DE went back on damage 2.0 because it was complete garbage and people were pissed! People just need to give the same response if this build turns out to be pretty bad. 

true very true. but they will force this rework as intended. i would leave spores as it is and accept other abilitys rewok. it would make her batter. or at least spores to be affecet by status type, like zephyr tornado.

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Yeah DE is going to force anything that they possibly can but there is only some much abuse the community can take. I really don't understand DE logic here, after how many people they pissed off with damage 2.0, you think they would have learned their lesson. What are they accomplishing by potentially pissing off more people with more garbage reworks and nerfs? DE doesn't seem to have much business sense...😑 Maybe DE just thinks their support base is stupid? Lol! 😂

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6 hours ago, myuushii said:

As someone who did the saryn turret mode in hydron 1000 times, I very much welcome these changes to make Saryn more appealing to play. Nearly every ability was somewhat pointless in sorties, although I'm not sure how much that will change. Toxic viral spores did help against the shield sorties. 4th skill has pretty high energy cost, I'm not sure if that's going to be an alternative. I also fear about the lack of control over spores. Yes you can detonate them if you fail to catch a group but it's going to happen so #*!%ing often. Also the scaling damage will have somewhat questionable use when you kill enemies in seconds even in 90+ range. Also Molt used to last 2 seconds before it died, but even if it lived, even with the augment, it never helped Saryn to deal with the incoming damage. A speed boost seems only nice for melee saryn (which luckily is probably the best choice I assume, it kind of would be nice if it increased attack speed as like volt's thing). But these decoy skills always have fairly limited effect vs just better cc or defensive skills.

rework of other 3 ability is good for her but not for spores  rework. 1000 hydron spam will understood.

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I dont understand why ye peeps are so pissed Off fer dis

I like how it sounds i mean a scaling and slowly spreading spores and more armor and better way to spread toxin and striping armor White at it

Ye foken thanks

So da fq is activating yall's almonds? 

Edited by coolteemu
There were sneaky beaky typos here.
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@(PS4)a1-w23e_r4remember carrier rework? some idiots where treatening them, and they sayed next time we gona fck it up compleatly so it would be useless. point is this in not good interaction between community and DE. most player do wecome molt, toxic lash, miasma rewok but complain about spores rewok.

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@coolteemu because DE never fully explains anything before releasing stuff like this. They had a video showing the spore rework with 145 percent power range but the spores weren't hitting enemies behind walls that were relatively close. That means they could have added line of sight to her spores and depending to what degree, we could be seeing a major nerf to her spores. That means DE could have added a nerf to her arsenal that they didn't even bother to mention in the devworkshop. If they did that, then they have no respect for their own support base and only care about they want! 😠

Edited by (PS4)a1-w23e_r4
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13 minutes ago, (PS4)a1-w23e_r4 said:

@coolteemu because DE never fully explains anything before releasing stuff like this. They had a video showing the spore rework with 145 percent power range but the spores weren't hitting enemies behind walls that were relatively close. That means they could have added line of sight to her spores and depending to what degree, we could be seeing a major nerf to her spores. That means DE could have added a nerf to her arsenal that they didn't even bother to mention in the devworkshop. If they did that, then they have no respect for their own support base and only care about they want! 😠

Well if we cant stab enemies thru walls why shud spores go thru walls? 

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