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Does anyone actually enjoy fighting the infested?


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In my opinion, fighting infested is about as much fun as unclogging someone else's toilet with your bare hands. I enjoy the basic corpus and grineer missions a lot, because winning a fight is dependant on manoeuvring around the map fast, having good aim, understanding your warframe's abilities, and being able to hit the right targets consistently. The infested, on the other hand, don't seem to provide any real challenge. All infested units can use melee attacks exclusively, and rely on overwhelming you with their huge numbers, damaging you with toxing procs, and spitting snot everywhere (those yellow trap-things), so you're constantly getting slightly damaged. If you've got good enough AoE weapons, though, cleaning them up becomes so easy it's boring, but requires just a tiny bit of thought and perception, making it annoying.

I don't hear a lot of people complaining about it, though, so it seems like I'm the only one that finds these types of missions to be very boring. So, is there any of you who agree, or is this just another case of "git gud"? I'm very curious to see what the rest of the community's opinions are on the subject. 

Thanks for reading 😉

P.S. I'm farming Nidus at the moment, so if you're wondering why I'm so salty about it, there's your explanation.

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I enjoy fighing Infested the most. What I don't enjoy fighing is Corpus and their GOD DAMN SAPPING OSPREYS!!!! God damn I hate those stupid little motherf***ers! You can't even jump over that at higher levels! On top of that there's Scrumbusses or whatever they're called and Nullifiers...

Of all, I hate fighting Corpus the most be cause of how punchy and annoying they are.

Infested? I enjoy infested the most. Grineer are fun too but armor scaling is broken as fk.

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I personally enjoy fighting against the infested, they are an extremely easy faction to fight. Bring an Orthos Prime and use slide attack, bam, every enemy in your direction is gone. The faction that I personally hate fighting against definitely has to be the corpus though.

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Infested are my favorite enemy to fight. They bunch up, constantly come at me, and can be pretty powerful. So far they have the potential to be the deadliest enemy, however...they don't use their powers well enough. The disruptor aura could use more range or at least chain through every infested in range(meaning if 1 disruptor but there is a line of 100 infested infront of it, all in like 3m range, his aura would spread to all of them.) They could use armor...but other than that they need to be more like the Hyena pack(Leaping onto walls and such. If they just had the wall leap/crawl ability they would be better. Also upping their spawn rate would be nice...

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5 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

I enjoy fighing Infested the most. What I don't enjoy fighing is Corpus and their GOD DAMN SAPPING OSPREYS!!!! God damn I hate those stupid little motherf***ers! You can't even jump over that at higher levels! On top of that there's Scrumbusses or whatever they're called and Nullifiers...

Of all, I hate fighting Corpus the most be cause of how punchy and annoying they are.

Infested? I enjoy infested the most. Grineer are fun too but armor scaling is broken as fk.

Your gonna blow when you hear... *Nullifies*

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I do enjoy seeing the multitude of numbers popping up on infested missions. Its a good way to unwind.

I can also swap my ignis' elemental around with gas for similar effect with corpus.

Its the grineer that I hate. With their crap load of EHP and their 1 shot damages.

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5 minutes ago, Syvarin said:

Sometimes it's nice to just mindlessly slaughter hordes of enemies. It may not be a challenge, but it's a good way to unwind.

What he said. Not everyone wants to spend the time playing as if it was a detail-oriented job, some of us just like to see stuff explode and chill. 

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7 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

I enjoy fighing Infested the most. What I don't enjoy fighing is Corpus and their GOD DAMN SAPPING OSPREYS!!!! God damn I hate those stupid little motherf***ers! You can't even jump over that at higher levels! On top of that there's Scrumbusses or whatever they're called and Nullifiers...

Of all, I hate fighting Corpus the most be cause of how punchy and annoying they are.

Infested? I enjoy infested the most. Grineer are fun too but armor scaling is broken as fk.

And the award for best answer ever goes to.......

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They have several ranged attacks.

There's the goo you mentioned, the "mosquitos" (black bubble with yellow sparks), actual projectiles (that are so small, you probably just didn't see them), and those freaking hooks that open you up to some severe punishment. The gas is also quite nasty on higher levels.

Infested aren't all that challenging in smaller numbers, but once they swarm you with dozens of different units, all protected by several ancients (and potentially leeching your energy), things can get out of hand if you're not careful.

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1 minute ago, Hixlysss said:

They could use armor..

yeah...no *looks at grineer armor issues*

OT: I love farming infested...at this post i have 663,761 infested kills...the next lowest is grineer at 295,469, with corpus at 137,266 and corrupted at 138,550 heh
i do hate the near constant hookshots...but apart from that they are fun and easy to kill, though the 5-7 types of parasitics is stupid...not to mention disruptor auras letting all infested have the same energy draining affect on hitting us)...as long as i have one weapon with radiation status or some way to proc it, im good.

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16 minutes ago, lennieplop60 said:

In my opinion, fighting infested is about as much fun as unclogging someone else's toilet with your bare hands. I enjoy the basic corpus and grineer missions a lot, because winning a fight is dependant on manoeuvring around the map fast, having good aim, understanding your warframe's abilities, and being able to hit the right targets consistently. The infested, on the other hand, don't seem to provide any real challenge. All infested units can use melee attacks exclusively, and rely on overwhelming you with their huge numbers, damaging you with toxing procs, and spitting snot everywhere (those yellow trap-things), so you're constantly getting slightly damaged. If you've got good enough AoE weapons, though, cleaning them up becomes so easy it's boring, but requires just a tiny bit of thought and perception, making it annoying.

I don't hear a lot of people complaining about it, though, so it seems like I'm the only one that finds these types of missions to be very boring. So, is there any of you who agree, or is this just another case of "git gud"? I'm very curious to see what the rest of the community's opinions are on the subject. 

Thanks for reading 😉

P.S. I'm farming Nidus at the moment, so if you're wondering why I'm so salty about it, there's your explanation.

Yes, I like fighting infested as they often pull the situation down to how well you use your weapons and prioritize targets; I like powers and feel that such phenomenons should have better in-game rationale as to why they work, but yeah Infested fighting is my jam. I can understand your frustration on Infested Salvage however; as you will often get surprisingly not worthwhile mods or other rewards instead of Nidus parts on Rotation C when the mission isn't really that fun for one player. I had to do it myself getting my Nidus and assisted others after the fact, doesn't ease the nerves but it can help getting more used to it in a way.

I would have totally agreed with you on AoE weapons back before the infested rework that came before the Strange Shipments. Ancient Disruptors reduce all AoE and abilities, Ancient Healers heal and reduce all damage nearby infested take by a good amount, and Toxin Ancients null all toxin based damage and status types while around. AoE weapons or punch-through still help, but they are not nearly the automatic answer they once were.

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Most of the peoples enjoying to killing infesteds because they can hurt you the least but they have more parasitic eximuses in time so they can just as much annoying as the others. If you do a fast survey you can see the majority of players most hated enemies are the corpus and grineers because they can oneshot you in higher levels also they have a lot of techs which can prevent you to enjoy the game. That is why most of us kills mostly the infested and that's why the devs added the dark sectors almost "really" infested exclusive only. Same goes to derelict and the void is the only place for orokins except fissure. Infesteds are mostly melee only but if you want a challenge then be enemy of new loka and they will spawn to you those ancients and believe me those are annoying as hell. On higher levels they spawn with higher stats and not once I dide by them just because they spawned near to me and eat me alive.

Corpus with nullies and techs are annoying enemies the grineer also annoying because of ramparts and the fact they have bombards, napalms, gunners and all of them heavy metal grineer. "aka high armors".

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I enjoy the basic corpus and grineer missions a lot, because winning a fight is dependant on manoeuvring around the map fast, having good aim, understanding your warframe's abilities, and being able to hit the right targets consistently.

Maybe it's just me but unless it's a Corpus or Grineer boss, the same strategy I use against Infested works against everyone else. Shoot the closest target and keep shooting till they're all dead. Yeah warframe abilities are a factor but there really isn't anything different I do depending on who I'm fighting...other than switching out status on weapons of course.

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i think i would enjoy fighting infested more if there weren't as many ancients and parasitic eximus. having to pick out the ancients, Especially the healer, out of a big ol conga line really disrupts the whole 'flow of combat' thing. the parasitic eximus just kind of ruin the fun when you can't spam abilities (read: exalted blade) and when theres more than three or so AND a healer AND a disruptor, i'm pretty much in the 'ok this sucks bye' mood. i mean i /guess/ you can pick certain frames to actually be useful but i usually play solo and i only like about 4 or 5 frames

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Just now, Kel_Silonius said:

yeah... i think these guys should be removed from a starchart missions. for example, PoE bombards are way better than their regular cousins.

They don’t need to be removed from the starchart, their mechanics just need to be tweaked, and once done so, they’ll be fine.

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I don't give a darn who I'm fighting - infested, Sentient, Orokin, Corpus or Grineer, I kill 'em all.

"If it's hostile, you kill it."

"If we are to survive, these threats must be eliminated, no matter the cost. Eliminated."

Edited by Mach25
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