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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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In less than 10 days of the console UI / reticle rollout, this thread is the all time most replied post on the Warframe forum - that's gotta mean SOMETHING DE.

I've posted the issues I've seen and given my own critiqued opinion(s) on the rollout, execution and overall implementation on the console - to say the least, awful.

In light of this, I propose a new compromise.  One that will provide a new way of using the game and provide an equal amount of discussion.

Let's get rid of the Keyboard, mouse AND controller inputs altogether....and support a...

TRACKBALL!!  (j/k) :)

Seriously, though...a LOT of the issues I identified almost 10 days ago still have not been addressed, and yet MANY MORE ISSUES have been discovered.

I think that while trying to program for streamlined code and for a lowest common denominator between all 3 system users, the overall design, implementation and timing of it all has caused undue stress on the community and a WHOLE LOT OF BAD BLOOD, as a whole.

DE Team:  Please consider that while PC and PS4 have keyboard and mouse support, XBOX users do not as of yet have an officially supported implementation of keyboard and mouse.  Xbox says it's coming, but that's been in the works for a while. (So all those comments about buying a keyboard and mouse and "deal" with it, just doesn't apply. Yes, I do know there are 3rd party solutions available, but these are NICHE implementations and again, not officially supported).

Also understand, unlike PS4 users, our controller does NOT have a trackpad solution, even from a 3rd party and it's NOT on any MS road-maps for development.  It's just not a "thing" on Xbox (unless I'm mistaken).

Seeing ALL the comments, I'd like to know from DE's perspective WHEN the new UI is coming out.  It seems to me that IF this reticle implementation was DESIGNED to work with the new coming UI, it seems appropriate to get the new UI out there as soon as possible, perhaps even a higher priority OVER any new content.

Maybe, if we had the new UI and we discover that the combo of reticle and UI is FANTASTIC and flawless, perhaps you could make people at ease and gain back the confidence in your decision making that you've clearly LOST.  However, if the new UI and this reticle is just as bad, you've doomed the game; there will be no more second chances for Warframe.

IMHO, this ridiculous implementation BOLTED ONTO the existing UI is really doing a number on the community.  JUST LOOK AT HOW MANY POSTS THIS THREAD HAS HAD IN 9 DAYS.  It should tell you guys something.

I hope that sending out this reticle update in the absolutely POOR condition it was, doing the absolute minimum in tweaks for the biggest bug fixes, with NO announcement on a DEFINITIVE TIMETABLE of new UI rollout, was worth it to you.  It is clearly affecting your user base.

[DE]Steve, [DE]Danielle, [DE]Megan, [DE]Rebbeca:

When can we expect the reticle issues to be resolved?  When can we expect the new UI to rollout (dates, be specific)? What say YOU, DE?


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1 hour ago, TwoWolves said:

Yeah, except for the part where I said:

"DE still owns the game, and has every right to leave it in open beta"

Accepting money for a game doesn't mean the game is ready to be released. Warframe did it before the game was ever released to generate funds to get the game released. Other games have done the same. Accepting money for a game when it's in the EULA that it's an open beta does have legal ramifications, sorry to break it to you. Unfortunately, it means that the user has very little if any control over what gets released, and the fact that DE listens at all when they have no legal or moral obligation to do so means there's still hope to get this melee "rework" put in the trash bin where it belongs, along with this new half-assed hybrid UI. Honestly, the more I use the UI, and now with the melee rework, the more I find myself in the camp of the alienated and disenfranchised. 

Whoever said that the hybrid UI was in alpha state was spot-on. You don't release alpha-state software to the public because it's not ready. If you still choose to do so, then you deserve any recriminations and backlash that result.

I agree with the rest but as for the first part, it is based on the premise that DE is openly distributing their software in addition to collect money over 5+ years that is the problem.

Imagine if a car company released software for driverless technology and told consumers that it was still being developed. Sounds fair, right? Now imagine it is 5 years later and they have had several different models with this software and someone gets into an accident. Do you think the judge would tell the person in the accident that they knew the software was still in testing so the company was not liable, or do you think the judge would look at the progress and expansion of the company over those 5 years and deem them liable? Technically I should have used a example from the FDA as these are much more similar, but the idea is that if you are advertising your product, increasing distribution, have stable revenue streams, etc. then no matter what the company claims they believe that their product is ready to be released and will be held accountable accordingly.

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I jumped in a couple days ago to help a friend who was just starting and they kept asking me why the UI was so broken.  I don't like the new changes but I might be able to suffer through it because of the time i invested in the game over the years.  That said, it has already driven away my friend who just started and it has a good chance of keeping other new players from getting into the game.  Trying to force this on us when we clearly don't want it will irritate us in the best scenario and drive us to quit in the worst.  You claim to always be listening to the community, now's the time to prove it.

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Perhaps the "Sacrifice" is our UI... In conjunction with the new update, we are part of the sacrifice. Mind blowing huh?

Side note: Why can't we view profiles from the chat box? So many options like invite, communicate, view Xbox profile etc. But cannot view Warframe profiles... While we are sorting through the many other issues, just thought I'd ask.




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The cursor for console was a terrible idea. Please let there be a choice to turn it off in a future update. Everything has become so slow and on a controller it makes sense to navigate with basic finctions. The cursor is meant for a mouse, not a controller and it really suffers. 

Please, have an option to turn it off. Please. Not a fan. 

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On 2018-06-06 at 1:11 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

D-Pad interacts with the virtual cursor in the following ways: 

  • You can swap back and forth from the virtual cursor (and from keyboard/mouse inputs) using the left stick to using the D-Pad . 
    • The virtual cursor will travel with the D-Pad movement.
  • Using the D-Pad will snap your cursor to whatever button is nearest to it at that time.




Posted this on the workshop, but it'll probably get lost here... oh well.

When will this be applied to consoles please? I'm not seeing this behavior for the chat menus. The chat seems to have some of the smallest menus requiring some real pin-point accuracy, and it's quite frustrating at the moment. Similarly for the 'leave squad/mute/profile' options... there's perhaps more, but they're probably the most used menus for me, so it's really obvious that this cursor/d-pad is not working as intended.

The L1/R1 (ps4) buttons randomly stop working. It seems to happen if I press either button before the current menu/screen has fully opened. Is this something that can be addressed please?

Edited by (PS4)iuvenilis
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Waiting for the update to download and I'm bored so have this bit of the PC patchnotes that people here may be interested in as whats not on console of these changes is something you'll probably get as well.



The launch of virtual cursor controls on consoles brought many hotfixes to those platforms with much needed changes and improvements. Our first Dev Workshop looked at bringing D-Pad Functionality, while our second, a follow-up Action Plan, looked at what we planned on improving across platforms. Combined, the following changes are now live for our PC controller players:

  • D-Pad support is here!  
  • Restored button shortcuts in the Arsenal. 
  • Changed Relic selection windows to preview content on hover. To choose a Relic, simply select it. 
  • Added the ability to auto-rotate your Warframe in the Arsenal (using the Right Trigger) while browsing item grid. 
  • Changed “preview” and “select” to be independent of one another in the Arsenal item selection (separate bindings displayed in bottom right of screen in Arsenal).
  • Removed the need to hold down and drag in order to select a Mod in the Modding UI. Instead, selecting a Mod will make it stick to your cursor like it used to, allowing you to move it with cursor control or D-Pad. Additionally, hitting “back” will deselect the Mod from your cursor without exiting the screen. 
  • Increased the size of Star Chart node hitzones when using a controller.
  • Fixed category switch with controller LB/RB on some screens when hovering over a category button.
  • Fixed not being able to fish with Classic Controls.
  • Fixed LB prompt in Ability Menu appearing permanently after opening fishing gear wheel. 
  • Fixed the cursor on controller moving to an arbitrary spot in the Inventory Sort Options drop down.
  • Fixed cursor automatically snapping to a button on the right side of the screen if a menu is open.
  • Fixed being unable to rotate your Operator while customizing with the Right Stick when your cursor is hovering over the item menu.  
  • Fixed being unable to rotate your Operator at all after fast traveling to the Transference room from “Operator” in the pause menu. 
  • Fixed the “X” callout button missing from the Lunaro Practice Mode, which made it appear that the Practice Mode could not be activated. 
  • Fixed button to send Amp Slots as a gift not actually sending the gift when using a controller. 
  • Fixed controller RB and LB loss of functionality after accessing Navigation, opening matchmaking and then pressing B to back out.
  • Fixed pause menu button on controller causing a brief UI transition to mouse mode. 

Thanks to your feedback, we are continuing our work to improve the cursor experience overall. To stay updated on the changes/fixes we are working on, visit our feedback thread here


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U23, still nothing about leave squad being annoying, modding screen getting stuck on remove all if using dpad, and to be quite honest, stick driven cursor is just a wonky, bad feel with warframe menus. I am just never gonna like it. They need to remove lag from the cursor moving in response to dpad input, and clean it up. Example: when modding with the dpad, if I place a mod in a slot but don’t move, triangle input remains “remove all.” It does this frequently, I haven’t worked out all the situations it does but this issue causes me to dump my whole build out unexpectedly fairly often. It’s so aggravating, once is enough for me to immediately quit out and come here to the forums and make a post saying:


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8 hours ago, (PS4)Solenkrios said:

U23, still nothing about leave squad being annoying, modding screen getting stuck on remove all if using dpad, and to be quite honest, stick driven cursor is just a wonky, bad feel with warframe menus. I am just never gonna like it. They need to remove lag from the cursor moving in response to dpad input, and clean it up. Example: when modding with the dpad, if I place a mod in a slot but don’t move, triangle input remains “remove all.” It does this frequently, I haven’t worked out all the situations it does but this issue causes me to dump my whole build out unexpectedly fairly often. It’s so aggravating, once is enough for me to immediately quit out and come here to the forums and make a post saying:


The specific points you raised, I agree with you and support the request to fix them all. Your suggested solution, isn't feasible. 


They already explained that they had to get rid of the messy code that was kludged together to allow us to play on different systems. They explained why it was an issue and some of the problems it caused. 

In trying to fix it they made massive changes and incorporated them into the code along with everything else they were working on. 


To revert the cursor they'd have to undo everything including the fixes, including any improvements. Stuff that's been in the pipeline for possibly months. No I don't know why it isn't all modular with you being able to remove pieces at random and have the others functioning well, but I can believe their narrative based on the size of the update. 


So if we want the functionality to be returned, it means that they'll have to rebuild it into the new code. Given the fixes I've seen (I was playing when the update rolled out, I saw it in the original form. It was bad) it seems as though they are working on the suggestions we've made here. 


Do they still have a lot of stuff to fix? Yes. But I have already bought more platinum and expect to buy some more in the future. That's how confident I am that I'll continue to see improvement. Your mileage may vary. 


13 hours ago, (PS4)The_WolvGambit said:

The cursor for console was a terrible idea. Please let there be a choice to turn it off in a future update. Everything has become so slow and on a controller it makes sense to navigate with basic finctions. The cursor is meant for a mouse, not a controller and it really suffers. 

Please, have an option to turn it off. Please. Not a fan. 

See above. 

14 hours ago, (PS4)Talaan99 said:

I jumped in a couple days ago to help a friend who was just starting and they kept asking me why the UI was so broken.  I don't like the new changes but I might be able to suffer through it because of the time i invested in the game over the years.  That said, it has already driven away my friend who just started and it has a good chance of keeping other new players from getting into the game.  Trying to force this on us when we clearly don't want it will irritate us in the best scenario and drive us to quit in the worst.  You claim to always be listening to the community, now's the time to prove it.

See above. 

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after playing a little on other games that use a psudo mouse pointer on console I've noticed why it's more bearable in other games, DE your pointer requires rather presise aim to effectively select anything but that requires a sacrifice of speed & efficiency turning every menu into a tedious mess, while other games will soft lock on to anything that the pointer gets close to allowing the whole process to be relatively quick & easy, plus they tend to only use the pointer when it is absolutely necessary (like you used to do, with only using it for the map).


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Console controllers were not designed to use a cursor like this. To mod or customize frames takes so much longer than usual it is honestly disheartening, I can't even rotate my frames while customizing them. Please go back to the old system that consoles and controllers were designed for.


edit: Its not that bad once you get used to it, but it is still annoying since there is no soft lock and I can't rotate my frame when I am changing their colors, syandanas, armor, or switching out equipment.

Edited by (XB1)classyredneck00
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9 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

The specific points you raised, I agree with you and support the request to fix them all. Your suggested solution, isn't feasible. 


They already explained that they had to get rid of the messy code that was kludged together to allow us to play on different systems. They explained why it was an issue and some of the problems it caused. 

In trying to fix it they made massive changes and incorporated them into the code along with everything else they were working on. 


To revert the cursor they'd have to undo everything including the fixes, including any improvements. Stuff that's been in the pipeline for possibly months. No I don't know why it isn't all modular with you being able to remove pieces at random and have the others functioning well, but I can believe their narrative based on the size of the update. 


So if we want the functionality to be returned, it means that they'll have to rebuild it into the new code. Given the fixes I've seen (I was playing when the update rolled out, I saw it in the original form. It was bad) it seems as though they are working on the suggestions we've made here. 


Do they still have a lot of stuff to fix? Yes. But I have already bought more platinum and expect to buy some more in the future. That's how confident I am that I'll continue to see improvement. Your mileage may vary. 


See above. 

See above. 

So they half assed it. Should’ve taken the time to focus on it. Time to do it was not in a rush prior to a UI change which from what I’m hearing from PC players is having its own issues.

I stand by what I said previously. I didn’t even log in for Baro today. Maybe in a year or two I’ll take a peek and see how things are. Maybe not. I really loved this game, sucks to see it like this now.

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why have a cursor on a console?

ok, it is nice... but only if you are able to use a mouse, but I'm pretty sure most choose a console so they can either get away from a mouse or just have a bigger screen.

just kinda seems like it would just be a good option to allow players to choose if they want mouse controls or a controller instead of making some people happy and the rest upset 😕 it doesn't make much sense from a design point, to force slandered when people are choosing platforms for specific reasons.

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Hello people from warframe,

Iv had a lot of things going on with the new cursor update on ps4. One would be when you are picking gestures it's not possible to see any of them. When you click on one to see it just selects it and it doesn't show the animation.  We should be able to see gestures or look at weapons by just putting the cursor on top of the object without needing to press X first. I just think that the cursor update was really unnecessary and it brought a lot of bugs into the game.  It is also a lot slower when you are choosing missions.

Thank you,



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So are we ever going to get an update on when DE will fix this interface or does DE not care about console players. We have been struggling with this update for 10 days now with nothing to show for it. Are we seriously going to have to wait for the sacrifice to be released on console before this is fixed or even worked on. 

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Having played around with this a fair deal, I honestly can say I'd vastly prefer having the old navigation/ UI system back, at least for consoles - the cursor is slow and awkward to use on a controller, and makes doing basically anything both significantly harder, and more time consuming. It's annoying at every step of the way seemingly, and I've struggled to find any real benefit for controllers. Is there any chance we can at least get the option to switch back to the old system, or something of that nature?

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2 hours ago, (XB1)SolemnShadow777 said:

Having played around with this a fair deal, I honestly can say I'd vastly prefer having the old navigation/ UI system back, at least for consoles - the cursor is slow and awkward to use on a controller, and makes doing basically anything both significantly harder, and more time consuming. It's annoying at every step of the way seemingly, and I've struggled to find any real benefit for controllers. Is there any chance we can at least get the option to switch back to the old system, or something of that nature?

At this stage, I'd say that's very unlikely. 

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Hello, just adding my two cents!

Like (a lot) of other people said, having a cursor on console is not a great idea. It makes things go slower, especially with the “dragging mods” now and everything else really.

While it is true you can still kind of use the “joystick mode” with the d-pad on xbox, it’s way more unpleasant than how it used to be. I frequently use Edge on XB1 (surprisingly) and I have experience with “cursor use on console”, but frankly, cursor isn’t something great to implement in a game UI like the one from Warframe.

It does look great on PC, I give you that, but it simply isn’t the best on console. If you guys want to keep it, I suggest a setting to enable/disable it.

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38 minutes ago, (PS4)DaxInvader said:

Please. This whole cursor is driving me crazy. I was here on day 1 and still no improvements or mod posts. I can't bare it anymore. Goodbye.

Tell my dog... To delete my browser history..

For better or worse, what we got was the 

Curiously it doesn't mention d-pad scrolling which is absolutely something I think we need to get any semblance of functionality out of the new UI for controllers.

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I tryed it,its just a backstep , pc controls on consoles.What i do not understand is the fact that everyone hates the cursor and DE response is all about we improve the cursor and its cool . No.Just no. I can not play it,i will not and if the cursor stays i will stay away.

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