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[PC] Update 23: General Feedback Megathread


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I suggest a synergy between umbra and his katana ( it makes a lot of sense ) , making it so that the invisible lasts longer and scales with duration mods but keeping it the same with regular attacks ( you get kicked out of invis if you do anything other than stealth finishers )

Edited by makary
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Overall an enjoyable update. 

The quest, I loved the use of atmospheric effects on the Orbiter - the lights changing suddenly really aided immersion and drew me into the story. 

Having things suddenly happen with our controls was also interesting, umbra jumping out, operator taking control. It could have been a little jarring having control stripped away like that, but in my opinion, it was done just the right amount to add a good layer to the story. 

I wasn't overly fond of the beginning scanning section, reminded me too much of having to hunt for plant scans. No major complaints other than that for the story.

I don't like the new UI. I can see where it's going but it's made everything more complicated for no gain.
Items blend in with each other, difficult to see what you have and don't have. Names aren't visible. Overall it has taken form over function, instead of following it. 

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Great quest. Several WTF moments and loved the reward in the end.


The new UI made it a bit hard to exchance Ayatan for Endo at Maroo. There isn't a quick way to see which Ayatan has Stars and which doesn't unless you hover the mouse over them. They seem to be placed randomly on the UI as well.


As for exalted weapons, I knew it would be a bad idea if implemented in a greedy way, and this is exactly what happened. More stuff to forma for no clear benefit. Now we need to add useful polarities and get rid of the useless ones. Not only that was a cheap move, the exalted melee weapons don't even benefit from stances and have exactly 60 capacity. This move will make the lives of new players even harder.

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Here's my constructive feedback.
What do you like?
-new UI style, the stalker one is just an eyegasm, looking at it as a whole (on every menu one day) it's really good looking
-umbra, his lore side, his powers, his new mods, his alt helmet (so much), new map's aspect, his transition from sanity to insanity, instant built, being able to follow you
-acting, animations, voices, sounds, fog, lights, shadows, linear narration interrupted by an angry child, change in ordis voice acting (too breif tho)
-decorations, operator cape and blindfold, new captura scene as reward
-the lack of grinding to get a frame
-the whole Vitruvian sequence, how to get it, how to view it, content, style, all
-not too many bugs quest related, kudos about that, in the past this would be already a bugfest

What do you dislike/What is the issue?How would you fix/improve it ?
-the quest spoiled itself: from the very first moment we see that strange sentient with a "head" lotus-like, at that point i already got where we were going, and so the last part was not a surprise at all. I suggest to change point of view and just let us see a purple ray shooting, that's already a big hint by itself.
-the quest felt too short of contents and "stuff" to do: partially bc of the lack of grinding (which is GOOD) but mostly bc besides a game chess and a new puzzle there was not much to do besides walking around, still light years better than "go there for 249 times, kill that 249 times to get this 1 time to build the thing once and never more", but i was expecting more puzzles, more "look for stuff hidden in this level" and more "oh wow this is really old and different from what we are used to, that's amazing" like the Vitruvian sequence
-quest's rewards: why umbra and skiajati are already maxed? i want them to be mine, exped by me and only me, why should i have already maxed stuff from which i can't get MR points? that blade was stuck in the ground for so long, and that frame was ashes, why my tenno should have already full mastery over both? even if it's the same flesh for both the thing, why am i not allowed to exp my frame? i don't like this at all and it feels strange too, like it was a bug
-building the frame: ok this is not a common frame, i get it, but building one from ashes with no neuroptics\systems\chassis? i don't know, it felt weird, unmotivated, too much arbitrary
-too little too late: this quest had to be released with the Apostasy Prologue, not after months. It doesn't make sense to have them divided at this point, after discovering the new room of the ship it had to be released all toghether, not like this, not like years of teasing about umbra. Wrong, cruel too, and not on pair with the hype generated. It was not ready? Fine, don't release the Apostasy Prologue, don't release a Umbra Trailer, don't talk about it until you actually finished and approved the script in the future.
-the ending: so now lotus is part of the Space-X program. Elon Musk is so proud. No, seriously, she just entered in a portal with Ballas during the Apostasy Prologue and now she is just flying away? And Ordis can't trace her? Or follow her? Or, i don't know, shoot her down? Apparentyl not, and it makes no sense to me. Why using this anime-like exit when you still have a totally fine unused portal?
-the probable sequel: please don't start baking a new whole series of umbra frames, let this be the exception, build new mixed frames with diverse entities fused but don't start a new "warframe prime remastered" series, it's going to get boring fast, and even "warframes made with humans" is not a worth excuse to just recicle themes
-fake purple lotus is still here
-ordis is totally cool in being abused verbally and not by a child
-textures are in a desperate need of an upgrade,
or even switch to the vector generated type (like nvidia is planning to do), i can't stand a good looking frame near a bad looking wall bc the wall has a low resolution texture
-UI only looking good: the old one was worse looking and horizontal but at least it had all i needed right there, images were clear, details were always visible and so on, with this one i can barely see icons and ducats are nowhere to be found, i beg you to reconsider a the aestetic side to give us more infos without forcing us to go over every icon just to look one common element
-children being children can't be a valid reason to go full rambo on an instable murder machine in hostile territory without backup, at that point i was just confused by how we got from "i have to face grineer queens with my warframe after i got a powerup and a trial" to "i have to face a not-mine-crazy-warframe alone with my galloping abandonment syndrome", and still win after (only) 45min of being killed by umbra spamming powers
-new stuff from quills and ostron are too expensive
-the Alignment system was not in line with most of the possible choices

-explanations: i get it, the real sacrifice is made by lotus to protect us, but still there is the usual lack of explanations, which i would cover even going 100 times in the deeps of these old orokin maps just to solve a complicated puzzle to get the missing information

If i get something else i'll add it in a subsection.

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Hi i got some questions, first will the Umbra glyph be in a normal style, not a cartoonish one? Second can reduce the cost of new jewelry from cetus, very expensive? Third can make excalibur prime also have unique skills and a set of animations, yes all prime needs to do it?

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I didn't like this quest. 

I liked the game more when it was ambiguous  and I could make my own head-cannon.

What's the point of giving me dialogue choices if my guy is going to do/say things I have no control over? Do I roleplay as the magic space child or not?

Here's spoilers:



Why is the villain introduced and killed off so fast? 



Why is the villain bragging about using my son as a warframe experiment then makes "me" kill him ? Did I miss anything?



Wew lad the Lotus is evil. Boy what a twist



Why is my space child going on a kamikaze mission to take down an overpowered warframe with no warframe of his own?



If said overpowered warframe can slash me to bits forever and I just shrug it off and revive, why am I supposed to feel tension when he strangles me?



Tenno control warframes through the power of friendship, love and empathy. Ok.





We're doing this now?



Yay, STILL no new guns.



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Well heres my feedback on the whole update

First of all the quest is great but its to short and doesnt finish the story at all. It was supposed to be a big finale and all we got was a "To be continued" sign. It was to short and story wise we only confirmed what we already knew about Helminth and warframe origins. It expanded the lore of the game but the story went nowhere, and dialog options felt tacked on.As a quest it was great but as a grand finale of a trilogy it wasnt that good.

The new exalted changes are awful with forma requirements and you even need to max an inferior prime mod for umbras sword. Please give us the ability to chose which polarities we want on our exalted weapons because a lot of us wasted so much forma on weapons we only used as stat stick, and having to do that again is so infuriating. I mean we have (2- and 1v) polarity on Mesas regulators and now we have to add 2v and reforma the 1-

Umbra is really great and i like the.differences between regular Excal and Umbra.

The UI is very beautiful as are the cosmetics but it really isnt functional.

Overall i can sum this update up as pretty for on the eyes but frustrating for everything else.


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Feedback regarding this update:

Limbo Stasis tweak is.... fine, I guess. Duration halving is a punch in the gut, but the freedom to shoot enemies is good. Mind I ask for some effect where corpses of killed enemies stay suspended in stasis? Both for aesthetics and to help Nekros Desecrate.

Some of the new UI features seem to overlap eachother or show the wrong icons. Like deploying Extractors will have their descriptions awkwardly overlap eachother when hovered over, Baro's Prisma equipment appears with the regular version's icons, icons on the inventory are really not enough to convey what item it is now that we don't have the little text name below it like in the old UI design. Just little stuff that kinda bother me while trying to transition from one UI style to the other.


Now for spoilerific stuff:


Excalibur Umbra's independent action feature while in Operator mode is a bit buggy. Sometimes Umbra will be stuck in walking animation doing nothing. Sometimes when returning to the warframe, it won't be brought to us, instead we'll be brought to it. It would be nice if we could manually choose which, but right now it seems completely random.

The delay on Radial Howl is kinda detrimental in comparison to vanilla Excalibur's Radial Blind, plus the upside of removing Sentient resistances is not worth the delay no matter how you look at it. Sentients are a very rare type of enemy, Excalibur is not really the go-to frame for effective Sentient killing and Operator's Void attacks do the exact same thing for much less effort.

Sentient Mimics are very dully designed. I've had enough of Conculyst/Batallyst clones. Please use a more unique design for them.

Will the new "Umbra" polarity ever be available for other equipment besides Umbra? It would be incredibly useful to have it on other gear, even if we need some sort of "Megaforma" in order to specifically set it.

The new Skiajati nikana has a very interesting special effect, but it's not really mentioned anywhere, not even the weapon's description, and the invisibility being broken when attacking is a real deal breaker. Please have it be full invisibility for the normal duration.

The scarf on Umbra is kinda goofy some times, can it be set as either a Syandanna or an Auxiliary item so we can take it off?


Edited by Zoh_Veldae
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Here's my review of the update:

The Sacrifice quest line itself: 7/10 - I thought the story was really cool and dark, up to the standard I've been used to in Warframe. But honestly after finishing it the first thought that crossed my mind was "is that it?". After sleeping on it and rewatching a playthrough, I can appreciate it more, but it still feels more like an awesome Warframe quest like Harrow's than the final chapter in the epic trilogy that started with Second Dream and War Within. I think this is partly because those first two cinematic quests had a new tileset and added new gameplay mechanics to the operator. They felt more robust because of that, with more jaw dropping revelation moments. Now don't get me wrong, I totally understand why you guys had to do it like this. You're working on Venus. Most of the people that would normally be working on these new maps and mechanics are busy with Venus. So I can easily cut you some slack in that regard. But the ending also felt slightly frustrating for me. I loved that final Lotus scene for what it was, it was definitely awe inspiring, but it ended in such a cliff hanger, with so many unanswered questions. The first two cinematic quests had a proper resolution at the end, this one just left you with the cliff hanger. And I dislike cliff hangers like that, doesn't matter if it's in videogames, movies or any kind of storytelling. 

Excal Umbra: 10/10 - Oh boy, he's so freaking cool. I honestly was just expecting a reskinned version of Excal prime or something, but the new mods and the new passive are so sick and make him feel so unique. I absolutely love how this warframe feels and plays. Not to mention that his backstory is just amazing. I was definitely blown away by how awesome Umbra was, in that regard this was a home run for sure. Also unlike the rest of the community I don't think the new umbra polarities should be available to all warframes, I think that'd take away the uniqueness that Umbra has atm. Right now you can still use them on other warframes, but you need to make hard choices in terms of builds, which ones you can fit, etc. Adding them to other warframes will just make them feel mundane and add even more power creep to the game. 

All in all, thanks for the hard work and great update guys!

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That was it?



I hoped on a new deep and revolutionary game mechanic on Umbra, not just a silly AI bot on your warframe when you go in useless mode.

The quest was good apart from Ballas himself: why does ballas even feel pain? Wasnt he supposed to be one of the immortals and just laugh off his wounds like Ordan Karris said the Orokin did when he attacked them?

I know he's not dead, but i expected him to be something alien and incomprehensibly powerful, not just an arrogant magic man in a dress that just dies as soon as you slap him

Also, wasnt this a good chance to free us of the Lotus announcer and give us something else until the next quest? Now we are stuck with fake lotus for another year at best



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Honestly rahter disappointed with this one, let me just give a fast rundown:


- No real content apart from a one-hour quest with bad writing, cringy dialogue and a rather generic story, even for warframe. The second dream and the War within brought something new to the table, actually brought a lot of surprise and were overall not-so-badly written. But now DE went the "warframes were actually people"-way (probably because of popular demand, where's the artistic autonomy?) which was just disappointing.

- Umbra is not a valuable addition in all possible ways. Not only does it have exclusive polarities and mods that can't really be used without this polarity, it also requires us to spend 6x 39000 endo to max them. Was that really necessary? This is a slap in the face for any user of the two other versions of excalibur who put forma into them because Umbra is just straightout better and adds to powercreep. I understand it because of Excalibur Primes exclusivity, was only a matter of time before DE added somethign better than excal prime, it's been 5 years now, can't even be salty about that, it's how things work. But if every frame get's an umbra, I hope it will just be like a one-time forma to umbra a frame, enabling it to add umbra polarities with a forma.

- Exalted weapons that NEED forma to be brought up to their former glory again. Don't get me wrong, modding exalteds is awesome. Having to invest additional resources makes me feel really bad though. DE added more grind for nothing. Please just give them infinite mod capacity or let us disribute polarities equal to the number of forma we spent on the Warframe already.

- Only one new weapon and a semi-new frame but tons of overpriced cosmetic items: Yeah, 50k standing for a fruit basket, 50k for a iridite deco. Oh, and 225 plat for a pointless nikana dax skin that is 99% the model of the gemini sheath retextured. Seems like DE isn't getting in enough money anymore. What the actual hell? 75 Plat for the umbra blindfold while all other operator cosmetics are priced 15 plat?

- Then there's the UI. Thanks for hiding even more information from me. It looks good, but it has the worst functionality of any of the UI iterations that have been released yet. Can't even see my teams loadout when pushing escape anymore. Way to dumb your game down.


Oh, and one more thing: Umbra was way too easy to acquire. It was basically for free, the only frame you have to invest less time in to acquire would be the starter frame I guess.


I feel salty, disappointed and a bit angry at what this update brought. It made literally nothing better. It absolutely was not worth the wait. It really feels like either DE had heavy internal problems with designing this quest and everything around it or they are holding something back(Venus?). But not even that does justify the overpricedness of all newly brought additions in plat and standing. I'm really baffled, because things were going quite well until now.

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49 minutes ago, Genoscythe said:

Oh, and 225 plat for a pointless nikana dax skin that is 99% the model of the gemini sheath retextured. Seems like DE isn't getting in enough money anymore. What the actual hell? 75 Plat for the umbra blindfold while all other operator cosmetics are priced 15 plat?

I've just been watching this go down (just watching, because console) and while I can talk about the up and downs of other aspects, this is the one part that really gets me angry.

Three years of hype, teasing, trailers, and mysterious answers and the result is a bunch of vastly overpriced, plat-only items that seem tailor made to be impulse purchases on hype and little else. The Gemini bundle comes with 2 skins (different energy effects on them, anyway) for one fifth the price. This has a couple little C's glued to it and I guess it skins the actual sword, but not so much that I can really tell you how it's different without looking up images of both. You can get the Ash Koga Deluxe bundle for ten plat less and you get a more unique nikana skin and it's like the entire Ash deluxe skin is a bonus.

This ain't cool, DE.


Edited by (PS4)ElZilcho
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12 hours ago, UncaIroh said:

I was expecting more from this, really. That reveal at the end and then... what, we wait another 6 months? I hope not.

The "choices" felt reversed. I always though that moon=violence and sun=peaceful/merciful. Did you guys get it wrong?


  Hide contents

we got wrath for sun, and acceptance for moon, then telling ballas off for sun, and cycle is broken for moon. 

The sentiments seem inconsistent with the choices we had for TWW, yes?

I did like how the walls changed as time went on in that cutscene.


It's especially annoying since the only context you have to make your first choice is the knowledge that sun=good since you only get one word. What my operator then said was quite...disappointing, to say the least. I sure hope this is either a bug or if it is intended that these choices get clarified and we get to redo the thing and aren't locked into choices that we would never have made knowingly.

Quest feedback:

  • fighting Umbra as Operator wasn't really fun. Maybe it's different for people who heavily invested in their operator but the Quills grind is just too much to bear so I'm using the basic Amp and got killed like 8 times before his shields ran out. His Radial Javelins just one shot the operator, not to mention his stun-locking.
  • not ecstatic about having the Operator speak during these quests, I disabled them in options for a reason: I really cannot identify with the voices, at all
  • kind of bummed Ballas was done away with this easily, he masterminded this for who knows how long and then he just goes out like Han Solo? I kind of really hope we haven't seen the end of him 😞

Generally enjoyed the quest, barring the above points.


  • the new UI doesn't show your available currency when trading with Baro (haven't checked any other vendors yet)
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The Sacrifice Quest did make the Warframe plot more interesting, at least for me. For the first time I did some research to know more about the history, which is very impressive. Definitely should be something in-game to explain everything about Orokin, Tennos, and most important The War.

Excalibur Umbra is nice. Still Excalibur in essence, it's not a enhanced regular Excalibur and it's not a 'nerfed' primed version. It's different. Congrats. New mods are impressive and I'm looking forward to max them. By the way, it was a surprise. But I still don't know what Tau is.

New operator cosmetics are very cool and overpriced.

The UI?! Add labels. I was completely lost in my arcanes and prime parts tab. Works good with other items because each one have a specific icon. It's not a must have, so don't need to rush things with UI development. DE can just uses the old one until those new are finish.

Exalted Weapons: Just did some tests and I feel they're weaker. Maybe I'm not modding properly. Need more tests.

Now there's something I really liked... Limbo! Omg. If played right can be the best overall in-game. Require some experience, but it's very good now. I don't have any complaints about Stasis just some suggestions. Reduce ability animation time. And Rift visual FX still need tweaks. This frame need to be in the rift all the time and after a while, sound and visual became boring. It's not friendly and fun like having a Nova in your squad. Just turn everything black and white inside Cataclism and enemies glows in currently energy color, like when you pick the key after opening vaults in Orokin Derelict. And the sound, can be like movies bullet-time.

Finally... Natah.! I'm creating some expectations about Sentient's and new Eidolons. Please don't let us down. Thank you!

Edited by Tenno.Rukasu
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No offense, DE...but it was mildly disappointing.

In a way: We waited like over a year for this and it was...like

Okay the quest was cool, umbra is cool, mods are meh, nikana is okay, accessories are cool but....

Quest was so short, i mean...guys it was beatable in 30 mins (20 mins i spend finding the scan things, EW)

Overall: It was good, but there was not much of it. Plus i still did not get my opportunity to kill the Lotus.


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Update 23.... 

The quest is awesome, I can see many people saying that it is too short, but only because we want to know more… Space Mom has turned against us? ☹

UI however is an utter disaster, having to hover over everything to see info on it.... even an items name... is just ridiculous. Add to this the fact that the different screens are not uniform, for instance the mods upgrade screen still looks the same while the lens screen is on the new UI makes it even worse… because you realize that the new UI is so much harder to use.

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Only one really bad part of the update. Excal Umbra is in a terrible state due to his specter mechanic.

You cant reliably play him the way you play regular Excal or other frames for that matter together with your operator. It renders Magus Elevate close to worthless. It becomes a huge hit and miss risk taking since Umbra might die as you pop out due to not having the damage mitigation of other frames when the operator is out. The same goes for Magus Nourish, it simply wont heal up the frame due to him taking the same or more damage in return. He is just a deathtrap in higher content where things hit remotley hard.

I get it you guys thought it was a cool idea, well it is but the execution is bad. I bet you did this to counter possible afk abuse. So a few simple solutions.

1. Reduce the damage Umbra can deal while automated. Reduce it by alot (50, 60, 70, 80% or whatever) and give him the same damage mitigation other frames have while he is automated.

2. Make the passive a toggle you can set in your loadout or on your operator.

3. Keep damage output as it is for Umbra while automated but add an energy drain to the operator for every second Umbra is active, this drain would also stop all energy regeneration for the operator so they cant stay hidden for an eternity while Umbra kills.

Right now there is zero reason to play him over regular or prime Excal in any serious mission. Currently he is nothing but a huge downgrade of epic proportions.

I'm extremely disappointed.

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I already made a post on this here but just in case and since this is the official megathread I'm going to try to make a shorter version here so that it is in the proper place.

  • NEW UI:
    • Pros: looks really pretty and I actually want to say I'm a huge fan of the vitruvian background, it's tight, the color combinations are great as well!
    • Cons: it's a huge change from the old UI and a lot of the things look off in comparison so, here's my main issues: 
      • All of the boxes are smaller now, while this is not a problem it also means the images within them are so and that makes it harder to easily view things sometimes, especially when you are not looking forward to hover each one of them to only have the contents inside zoomed in. Having a way to scale them up would be nice? There's also a somewhat aesthetic problem with the new UI since everything is on almost perfect squares the syndicate mods (for example) look really small in the offerings screen and you have to hover over to be able to get a good look at them... going back to rectangular boxes wouldn't be bad...
      • It feels like we are missing a lot of text. While I'm aware less text means a cleaner UI it also means that, for example, prime parts in large are all the same to you on the ducat kiosk unless you double check on them (this doesn't apply to blueprints since they show you the weapon/warframe they are for).
      • The matching/host system (public/solo/invite-only/friends-only options) is now hidden in navigation by default so it's not explicit and I feel like a lot of us are gonna forget to double check what we have chosen if we don't do it all the time... I, for a fact, have at least twice earlier this morning when I was doing missions. Having a little sign that told us "you are running public/solo/etc" was nice and I do hope you consider bringing it back.
    • Overall review: 10/10 It was well done, it was well delivered, I didn't have any major bugs just one glitch with my primary weapon at the end but not a big deal and I'm sure a lot of people had it too and it's probably been already fixed. So, thank you all for your effort and hard work! 
    • Now... I did have a couple issues with it.
      • First one, Earth's levels didn't seem as optimized as usual for low-end PCs, I did have some of my settings on medium to be fair, but this was really a big contrast to me since the Lua missions ran just fine with the same ones.
      • Off that the lighting on the confrontation scene on Earth is perhaps way too bright? I've seen screenshots from people with higher settings and the lighting didn't look so bad in their version so maybe take a look at it, it simply looked a bit off.
      • Last issue I had and this is kind of spoilers and long so I'm gonna go ahead and put a spoiler box:

        did our operators really have to be so rude/impolite to Ordis?

        Here's the thing, even from an objective point of view (I admit I'm biased) the only character that hasn't abandoned us and has always cared for us is Ordis. 

        So, after the events of The War Within and The Apostasy Prologue, after the Cephalon fragments and the hint to Ordan in Octavia's Anthem... do our operators really don't care about Ordis at all? When he becomes a creepier more robotic version of himself due to the Vitruvian, do our operators really just shrug it off and go on? I know that they are edgy stubborn angsty teenagers but it's hard for me to believe that after all Ordis has done for them they would not worry about him or try to understand him, or just, be a little nicer to him if they can...

        I mean, if we can empathize with Warframes why can't we do so with Ordis who has gone through more than enough for us and before us? He's been through a lot of pain and hardships and our operators know that so... do they really have to be like that?

        I know Lotus is a very important figure and that our operators miss her since she filled the "mother" role that Margulis left but... Ordis has literally never left and he was basically our guide through the whole quest... he seriously didn't deserve to be treated that way. If anything let us choose to be nicer to him next time, I know it might make the dialogue a bit slower but I'd like to have a choice, he really didn't deserve that when he was trying his very best to comfort us most of the time. 

        I am aware a lot of players find him annoying and hold a little grudge against him but some of us don't and I do appreciate the role he plays in the game, besides, he's literally the next closest thing our operators have to a parental figure right now so maybe let us not be so harsh on him? This is just my opinion but I know a lot of people have had issues with this too so here's my contribution to that.


Edited by Eliasdrid
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Great quest, dissapointing content.

After a long wait, was the quest good? Yeah, I enjoyed it. Was it the best storytelling in a game ever? Not really but that wasn't what i was expecting. For a Warframe quest, it's a great addition and i enjoyed every moment of it. Some people were bothered by the clfif hanger, i can get that but honestly it didn't bother me that much.

On the other hand, where did the content go...  No new location, no new game type or feature additions, a reskinned frame (that was to be expected mostly) and a sorta-new weapon. Then some random mods thrown in, not even eluded to at any point, no grind or mission just "yep here you go". What is there to do after the 30 min quest? I miss the days when stories were told through events and GAMEPLAY. DE, you have some of the best gameplay in the entire industry and you arent putting it to use. I want to go use my new Umbra and sword but what on?

Every update just feels like we are moving away from what made Warframe great in the first place, and don't even get me started on the lack of end-game, thats a whole other topic and i doubt that we'll ever have a true end-game mode to replace raids but just some sort of reason to come back would be nice. As a veteran player i logged in for the first time in 3/4 months, played a great quest and then logged off because there was nothing more for me to do. You could've just made a new mission on Lua with the new hacking mechanic for us to aquire the new mods but nope.. just given to us. The best part about the whole update was the UI overhaul, which i cant wait to be finished and added to the entire game with some small tweaks, it looks awsome and no other game even does this. Its amazing what you guys can do i just feel like its sometimes in the wrong area... the new/mid-game players have enough to do now, please give some love to the end-game players who have supported your game from the start.

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Rather than writing out a few paragraphs on the flaws i found with the update that will ultimately be ignored despite offering detailed and constructive criticism, here is my reaction after finishing the sacrifice.

Where is the actual update?

Edited by -Sora-
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