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Can we clarify what's wrong with Limbo exactly?


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Not since he initially released have I tested Limbo in a squad. Just tried Sanctuary onslaught with full range and duration, and not a minute later my squad freaks out. One leaves, the other says "Dude... come on." and  I'm like... "It literally covers the entire map."  On top of that, the moment I stopped my Cataclysm we all die and the map fills with enemies.

What have I done wrong here? In what scenario beside defence can I use it without people freaking out?

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People tend to only like Cataclysm with min range on Defense/Mobile Defense and Interception. Otherwise, it can be disruptive since you can't shoot enemies outside of it or inside it if you are outside, and if the Limbo uses stasis it gets everything down to a crawls, prolonging the mission more than neccesary. 

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9 minutes ago, DarthBane1 said:

I would try not using stasis a TON. If you do use it, make sure you have a lot of enemies in the rift. The more in there, the less people freak out. If you just turn it on and leave it on, you're a troll. 

I don't see stasis being a problem anymore since the change where you can use weapons in the bubble now. 

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7 minutes ago, DarthBane1 said:

I would try not using stasis a TON. If you do use it, make sure you have a lot of enemies in the rift. The more in there, the less people freak out. If you just turn it on and leave it on, you're a troll. 

So like, only to quickly get rid of enemies? Because as I said, I covered the entire map, meaning every single enemy.


6 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

People tend to only like Cataclysm with min range on Defense/Mobile Defense and Interception. Otherwise, it can be disruptive since you can't shoot enemies outside of it or inside it if you are outside, and if the Limbo uses stasis it gets everything down to a crawls, prolonging the mission more than neccesary. 

As I said, the cataclysm covered the entire map, so I haven't disrupted anybody's shooting. And didn't use stasis. We did get 800% damage because of the augment though.


5 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

Limbo in Sanctuary Onslaught!?

OP, are you serious or is this a Satire thread?

Still not hearing what's wrong with that.


3 minutes ago, Shiichibukai said:

You used limbo in onslaught, your first mistake. You covered the whole map with cataclysm, your second mistake. Stasis isnt as annoying anymore since it only affects enemy guns now but cataclysm still is annoying if its on such a large scale.

People use S#&$ frames in onslaught all the time. I was just testing him in a squad. Nobody would have cared if I tried a different useless frame. And again, you're not telling me why covering the whole map is a mistake. We got 800% damage because of that. No stasis used unless everybody was downed.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

Tbh nothing now he's just broken OP but he still has the stigma from before and that likely won't go away.

True , people will always see him and his player as " obvious troll " even if DE makes him totally team friendly.

Edited by Aeon94
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Personally I have a massive issue with those who spam stasis for no reason other than the fact they have the ability 

also massive cataclysm builds which serve no purpose what so ever than it being a hindrance to others and OTT bright energy colour...   blinding everyone

and being put into the rift at random moments be it by accident or on purpose is just as annoying. 

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2 minutes ago, S0ulCal1ber said:

Personally I have a massive issue with those who spam stasis for no reason other than the fact they have the ability 

also massive cataclysm builds which serve no purpose what so ever than it being a hindrance to others and OTT bright energy colour...   blinding everyone

and being put into the rift at random moments be it by accident or on purpose is just as annoying. 

You do know rift give 2 energy a second. The massive cataclysm is to basically lay down free energy regen with the ability to render every enemy defenseless with stasis at will. That's the purpose.

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Just now, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

You do know rift give 2 energy a second. The massive cataclysm is to basically lay down free energy regen with the ability to render every enemy defenseless with stasis at will. That's the purpose.

I get that, its just with limbo he has the same issue as almost every other frame he is situational, he is great for defense,defection etc... but outside of that he can get in the way at times.

if the DE considered making the entire warframe environment interactive like level destruction etc.. limbo would be the the meta of all (hint drop) 😛

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26 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

Just tried Sanctuary onslaught with full range and duration

Why do you even want CC on SO? You need DPSs and maybe healers, CC is completely pointless unless it's something like Radial Blind/Howl that gives you a lot of extra damage.

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Static Cover the Entire map = Stop the flow of enemies = Have to run to find enemies = Slow the killing = Lose a lot efficiency...

What we really needed in SO is either Frames or Weapons that kill enemies fast. Not just 'Control' them. Although, I did agree that the demerit in the past did make people hate him.

Also, if your bubble NOT Cover the entire map and I really mean ENTIRE map not just a bubble in the center of the map and leave some space outside. The teammate will be very annoy because they needed to go out of the bubble to kill the enemies outside. And run back to the bubble the kill the enemies inside... instead of... just shooting them...

This is just my opinion of him in SO or ESO only.

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Well, onslaught. That's the problem.

In onslaught all you need is DAMAGE and KILLING SPEED. Literal efficiency. And Limbo is all about CC which stops enemies, keeps them from getting to you and to get killed. Therefore he slows down the mission which also translates into making onslaught harder unnecessarily.

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he's limbo that's what, eventhough ember always had the same capabilities of screwing you over as limbo limbo somehow also got hated more, even though ember used to be worse than limbo in my experience

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Fellow Limbo user here. Limbo is kinda a poor choice for Onslaught is all given that - as pointed out - you wanna kill as many enemies as quick as possible and Limbo often slows that process down. Although I think yer team being jerks about it instead of saying this is rude - if they have time to complain - they have time to explain.


Also people are super jealous of Limbo being a sexy gentleman.


Jokes aside - every Warframe gets hate in some manner - often in contradiction. No matter what the DE does - they will always have one group claiming they're just out to get them. (I'm not kidding. I have seen people - with complete sincerity - claim the DE hates the players and are just trying to make us suffer in some manner. (usually with claims that they only like a certain frame or such and want to "ruin the game" for people who don't use that frame)

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Yeah, can confirm this is annoying.

Just had my first experience of this yesterday, doing a mobile defence mission. For a few moments I was wondering why the screen looked funny (weird, washed-out colours) and my weapons were ineffectual...then I looked at who had joined me in the mission...sure enough it was a Limbo.

Was only a minor irritation in this case, since the main objective wasn't mass slaughter of enemies, but I now understand why players can get annoyed by this.


This experience has made me wonder if its even worth building Limbo myself, since I am liable to screw up somehow and annoy everyone...unless I play solo.



Edited by FlusteredFerret
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but ppl think others players had to adapt to their playstyle ( most if are any limbo player in team ) talk is the key a well organized team with limbo can be the best of all.. but again most of ppl just ignore chat and dont comunicate.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Tellakey:

So like, only to quickly get rid of enemies? Because as I said, I covered the entire map, meaning every single enemy.


As I said, the cataclysm covered the entire map, so I haven't disrupted anybody's shooting. And didn't use stasis. We did get 800% damage because of the augment though.


Still not hearing what's wrong with that.


People use S#&$ frames in onslaught all the time. I was just testing him in a squad. Nobody would have cared if I tried a different useless frame. And again, you're not telling me why covering the whole map is a mistake. We got 800% damage because of that. No stasis used unless everybody was downed.

Because cataclysm IS ANNOYING to have cover such a huge area. Thats the only reason. Its annoying to be in the rift, end of story. Thats all it is. If you dont want to see that then idk what to tell you.

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I leave pretty much any mission when limbo shows up (maybe a lunar spy or occasional rescue).  

I just cannot stand his kit.  He is great for solo, bringing him into public is rude because you greatly affect others gameplay.  

99% of the limbo players make the rest look bad.  

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