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Tactical Alerts - Yay or Nay


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With the recent tactical alert that dropped exclusive items such as the rift sigil and the stratos emblem, I was just thinking whether this could indicate a possible return of the more frequent and consistent tactical alerts in the game from time to time. There was a time where tactical alerts would be released from time to time but as of late tactical alerts are somewhat a rare thing which made items such as the rift sigil and the stratos emblem rare and seemingly impossible to obtain for newer players. I was thinking that tactical alerts can be implemented more often in the future much like the grinder ghouls event so that players have a chance to accumulate stratos emblem ranks and other rewards like sigils etc. What do y'all think about this idea? Also it may be worth to note that this post isn't really meant to discuss about the type of mission / mechanics of the mission (like 20 defense etc). It is more towards determining of the tactical alerts as a concept should be help more frequently in the future to help the players to have something to achieve / play for once they have already run through the content in the game. 



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I think the reason they did this tactical alert and perhaps some other stuff in the future is just to get people nice and pissed off at Corpus for when Fortuna drops.  Let everyone get nice loadouts/set ups for fighting corpus.  

I will never say no to exilus adapters and Catalyst/Reactors!!  Didnt really care about the sigils but I got them.

You dont want to talk about the difficulty of the Tac Alert but you do want to talk about having more or less of them???  Well it freaking depends on the difficulty lol.  Do I care about getting sigils?  Hell no.  I assume some other nicer things could replace the sigils.   And then its all about running the content for the sake of running it.   

I passed every round on the first try with a PUG.... I didnt realize the whole thing was a corpus event so I wasnt using the right mods so I died a few times I think lol.  The jackals were the worst of the enemy... the green ones that turn into disco balls.  They get in close and do that and would just shred me lol.   

I was annoyed with how long each phase was.  I love survival but it just bugs the crap out of me with defense or intercept when I have to do multiple rounds, I dont know why.   The tac Alert felt like a newbie version of Sorties.  I know sorties have conditions on their battles.  But having to go go through each phase to get to the next you know?  

Without nice rewards I wouldnt bother with them if they were that long/difficult.  Make each phase 5-10 minutes.  Give them sortie conditions.  And make the enemies 0-50 and I think it would be fun for all.   


But like I said I dont "think" they were trying to revive this game mode.... I think it was just about the Corpus and Venus...  

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I enjoyed this one, but mostly due to the novelty. It was my first you see. I can see the somewhat glaring flaws in it though. Notably that Jackals are fine as a boss but INFURIATING as regular enemies thanks to magnetic procs and high-damage 360 shotgun attacks. And the increased number of eximus units - AKA Energy Leeches - didn't exactly help. I like playing caster frames like Limbo. Needless to say it was...


A number of the other tactical alerts seemed more interesting. Stuff like all Manics, the Nightwatch Corp and so on. I'd like to see more like that going forward, if they continue to crop up

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3 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

Without nice rewards I wouldnt bother with them if they were that long

This pretty much sums it up. 


as a concept, Tactical alerts would be a fun addition to have it come on a predictable regular basis like on the weekend Baro doesn't come. 

On the other hand, it should be MUCH harder than sorties. Tactical Alerts would be bi-weekly high-end-game content.

The way I see it you got 3 types of players, New players, Seasoned players and Veteran Players

New Players content

System Map, Story Quests, Fissures, Alerts, Invasions

Seasoned Players content

Kuva, Nightmare, Sorties

Veteran Players content

[this is where the Tactical Alerts should go] You shouldn't be able to PUG this. 

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More content is good.  More rewards is good.  More stuff to do us good.

Anyone mad that their oh so exclusive item is now easily available is silly.  The only reason I might get someone being annoyed is if excal prime was rereleased, and even then I thibk it would be good for players to have access to stuff like that much like the braton vandal, obscenely hard to obtain for new players but possible, though I don't expect excal should or would return in such a form, I can't see why people want to hold on to stuff in a game like it makes them special or something as if their identity as a person depended on it.  Let people have a rift sigil, let people have a tac alert.  Let them eat cake, it's a game it's supposed to be fun for everyone.

If anything I liked the tactical alert because I failed it twice on the last mission, mainly because my team sucked both times from random pug, and I finished with like 78% and 86% damage respectively, but for the first time in a while I was forced to depend on other players not sucking and being thoughtful in their load outs and not screwing up real bad constantly.  Other than the occasional weird sortie that i am better off soloing this really never happens to me anymore. And in this case, my best efforts on my own were not enough to carry the whole mission even with all the top end gear and other people with a level spread of 12 to 16.  

To me it wasn't "hard" especially not once I got a competent squad on my third run, but it was the first thing resembling a challenge in a really long time in warframe and that was kind of fun for a change.  

Typically I need nothing and mostly just exist to help out low level clan mates and give away stuff as prizes for people that try hard to succeed.  It was nice to know there was a bit of content for once I couldn't carry a team for with my eyes closed and half asleep.  I hope to see more stuff like that because even 8 rounds of eso is snoozey at this point.


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I think its a nice change of pace from the 100% out of context missions we usually get.

On a side note, it was also a nice way to show how the Corpus doesn't need nulifiers to be as challenging as the Grineer. Those hyenas and blitz moas were quite annoying little fellas.

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Yay but no more "weekend only". People have lives. Families. Work. Responsibilities. Have it over the course of a week. It's not like you can do it over and over again. Either that or have it on different days. There are people who love this game but are being denied access to this event because life got in the way. Had to work doubles, had to take kids somewhere, had to take care of ill family members. And it'll be over by the time they get back to it. This should not be an opportunity for DE to /screw/ their players.

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I loved every single TacAlert they did other than the one for glaives and hijacks which i didn't play because i had just started the game and didn't have a glaove or understand what the #*!% was a TA. 

This one and Phoenix Intercept Escalation are imo the most fun ones. I just found the wave of corpus proxies and Hyenas so satisfying to fight. 

I really wish Phoenix Intercept Escalation came back bus with another "0" on the level. 

Heavy blade only Interception on the old Ceres tileset. Back then it was lv 150 (remember acolyte mods and condition overload came years after this TA). 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Echo_X said:

Yay but no more "weekend only". People have lives. Families. Work. Responsibilities. Have it over the course of a week. It's not like you can do it over and over again. Either that or have it on different days. There are people who love this game but are being denied access to this event because life got in the way. Had to work doubles, had to take kids somewhere, had to take care of ill family members. And it'll be over by the time they get back to it. This should not be an opportunity for DE to /screw/ their players.

We all have lives. You find time. Or not. This entirely depends on you and your situation, not DE. 

I work nights typically. I work weekends. Hell, I have to schedule vacation just to have weekends. I do little aside from work. I find time. Not as much as I'd like, but it's there. Mostly, I give up sleep, but I've never slept well, so it works out (sorta). 

Most normal people do have real weekends and can find a few hours. So DE mostly schedules this stuff on weekends. A little overlap during the week wouldn't be a bad thing, but the bottom line is it has to be on some day(s) and not everyone's schedule is the same. You just deal with it. 

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I would be in favor of making tac alerts somewhat procedural, having them be every three weeks with bunch of weird modifiers (much weirder than Sorties, at least. Give us that "the floor is lava" modifier).


That said, they would need a bit of a rework to rewards. Right now we have the Stratos emblem that "levels" with every completion, what about add a Weapon or Syandana with a similar mechanic (also, the Stratos emblem was originally touted to get energy effects once it was ranked up high enough... it is rank 31 now).

In addition, difficulty could use some tweaking, the final tier really should be level 100+. And finally, giving some repeatability to the final tier for some good-good loot would be nice. Maybe have high end rewards, or credits, or maybe even kuva depending on the mission. IMO, tac alerts should be something that makes the majority of people who play Warframe, even those who do irregularly, want to hop on and play. Giving them disproportionately good rewards would be a great way to do that. However, don't make the rewards "exclusive" (except for the leveling emblem), you should not feel punished for not being able to do the alert.

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3 hours ago, DrBorris said:

I would be in favor of making tac alerts somewhat procedural, having them be every three weeks with bunch of weird modifiers (much weirder than Sorties, at least. Give us that "the floor is lava" modifier).


That said, they would need a bit of a rework to rewards. Right now we have the Stratos emblem that "levels" with every completion, what about add a Weapon or Syandana with a similar mechanic (also, the Stratos emblem was originally touted to get energy effects once it was ranked up high enough... it is rank 31 now).

In addition, difficulty could use some tweaking, the final tier really should be level 100+. And finally, giving some repeatability to the final tier for some good-good loot would be nice. Maybe have high end rewards, or credits, or maybe even kuva depending on the mission. IMO, tac alerts should be something that makes the majority of people who play Warframe, even those who do irregularly, want to hop on and play. Giving them disproportionately good rewards would be a great way to do that. However, don't make the rewards "exclusive" (except for the leveling emblem), you should not feel punished for not being able to do the alert.

I thought the lynx or some other corpus boss was going to show up on the last wave of the final defense mission. Like dropped in from the dropship... nope. *disappointed chuckle*

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18 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

I think the reason they did this tactical alert and perhaps some other stuff in the future is just to get people nice and pissed off at Corpus for when Fortuna drops.  Let everyone get nice loadouts/set ups for fighting corpus.  

I will never say no to exilus adapters and Catalyst/Reactors!!  Didnt really care about the sigils but I got them.

You dont want to talk about the difficulty of the Tac Alert but you do want to talk about having more or less of them???  Well it freaking depends on the difficulty lol.  Do I care about getting sigils?  Hell no.  I assume some other nicer things could replace the sigils.   And then its all about running the content for the sake of running it.   

I passed every round on the first try with a PUG.... I didnt realize the whole thing was a corpus event so I wasnt using the right mods so I died a few times I think lol.  The jackals were the worst of the enemy... the green ones that turn into disco balls.  They get in close and do that and would just shred me lol.   

I was annoyed with how long each phase was.  I love survival but it just bugs the crap out of me with defense or intercept when I have to do multiple rounds, I dont know why.   The tac Alert felt like a newbie version of Sorties.  I know sorties have conditions on their battles.  But having to go go through each phase to get to the next you know?  

Without nice rewards I wouldnt bother with them if they were that long/difficult.  Make each phase 5-10 minutes.  Give them sortie conditions.  And make the enemies 0-50 and I think it would be fun for all.   


But like I said I dont "think" they were trying to revive this game mode.... I think it was just about the Corpus and Venus...  

Correct me if I'm wrong but where exactly did I say I don't want to talk about the difficulty of the alert? I just merely stated that we can try to avoid talking about the specific mechanics of the mission in this particular alert like the excessively tedious and long 20 defense mission for example and the purpose of that was to gauge whether people are keen with the idea of Tactical Alerts itself. Also tactical alerts are meant to be more challenging and harder than regular missions or alerts which is why they used to give exclusive rewards in the old days but if you have the right build or team setup at least it shldnt be that much of a problem imo. If they weren't more challenging then it would kindda make the stratosphere emblem as a stat tracker for how many missions you completed pointless.

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5 hours ago, DrBorris said:

I would be in favor of making tac alerts somewhat procedural, having them be every three weeks with bunch of weird modifiers (much weirder than Sorties, at least. Give us that "the floor is lava" modifier).


That said, they would need a bit of a rework to rewards. Right now we have the Stratos emblem that "levels" with every completion, what about add a Weapon or Syandana with a similar mechanic (also, the Stratos emblem was originally touted to get energy effects once it was ranked up high enough... it is rank 31 now).

In addition, difficulty could use some tweaking, the final tier really should be level 100+. And finally, giving some repeatability to the final tier for some good-good loot would be nice. Maybe have high end rewards, or credits, or maybe even kuva depending on the mission. IMO, tac alerts should be something that makes the majority of people who play Warframe, even those who do irregularly, want to hop on and play. Giving them disproportionately good rewards would be a great way to do that. However, don't make the rewards "exclusive" (except for the leveling emblem), you should not feel punished for not being able to do the alert.

Agreed, they kindda need to rework they type of mission and how the mission goes coz this one felt bit redundant more than enjoyable. Also another key different is that the interesting rewards other than the stratos emblem that they use to put into tactical alerts are mostly available by other other means in the game itself which made rewards for all the tiresome effort seem somewhat disproportionate. That being said the concept is quite interesting, just needs rework moving on.

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Making the alerts more hectic would be pretty fun but the first defense could get pretty hectic if you didn't have good teammates with you or were too energy reliant, as it was 1 AM and I was tired I just cheesed it with Speedva, Zenistar, even though it's kinda bad, the Azima (What a funny little gun) and my strun wraith to murderate the Hyenas. Failed the first one because my party was an mr2, 5 and 6 and I was Volt, they died a lot.


If I wasn't so tired it would have been a throw back to long missions but between me being spoiled as an mr24 and not having to do these kinds of missions very often anymore I wasn't super enthused.

Overall, I think it's nice they're doing it, I'd personally like it if they just went nuts like the... 'dev council' or whatever it was called alerts, some of those were super chaotic and fun as heck. It's one reason why I like the 5th tier bounties on the plains when you get to the final mission, bolkors everywhere, high level dangerous enemies, mortars, bunch of eximus units and you have to keep this thing alive or murder 15 guys so the boss pops out, the kind of chaos that makes me feel like I'm playing the ninja version of Doomguy/Doomslayer.

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