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Concern about Melee3.0


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From the Dev stream we see that the combo multiplier does not build up quick as they advertised before. You reach combo 1.5x at around 20 counters which is much harder than what it is now (5 counters).

For now the crit and status in melee is quite balanced thanks to blood rush and condition overload. But with the combo counter system in the stream, crit weapon can take less advantage of the combo counters for heavy attack because they need the counters for cc, and also building the cc is more difficult than it is now because the combo multiplier is building up slower. If that's how things will go, then crit melee weapons will be nerfed and status weapons will be OP.

Condition overload era is coming, RIP maiming strike and blood rush.

Edited by 1thurts
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Considering you can build combo by blocking? I think it's fine, it seemed to build super quick, my only problem is it's all used up on heavy attacks still. And from what it sounded like was these mods aren't going to work any longer, but I'm going to wait for a dev workshop to tell us more.

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1 minute ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

The counter will build up significantly faster. Did you not see how it skyrocketed while blocking bullets?

well i did not express it well enough. When i say combo counter i mean combo multiplier. You get 1.5x combo multiplier at 20 counters instead of 5.

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Just now, 1thurts said:

well i did not express it well enough. When i say combo counter i mean combo multiplier. You get 1.5x combo multiplier at 20 counters instead of 5.

Didn't they also swap out the requirements for moving to the next tier though? I don't think its the 3x the last tier anymore.

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1 minute ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Didn't they also swap out the requirements for moving to the next tier though? I don't think its the 3x the last tier anymore.

it is not 3x even right now. though dk how they calculate counters for higher multipliers yet. One thing that could help it that it seems the counters do not disappear as fast as it is now.

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Just now, 1thurts said:

it is not 3x even right now. though dk how they calculate counters for higher multipliers yet. One thing that could help it that it seems the counters do not disappear as fast as it is now.

Um it IS 3x towards the next tier right now. 

1.5 - 15 hits

2.0 - 15x3=45 hits

2.5 - 45x3=135 hits

3.0 - 135x3=405 hits

And so on.

Well, it's still too early to be concerned tbh. Melees will get a buff; we'll likely be getting either the same amount of effectiveness as of right now or improved further.

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Just now, KuroShiranui said:

Um it IS 3x towards the next tier right now. 

1.5 - 15 hits

2.0 - 15x3=45 hits

2.5 - 45x3=135 hits

3.0 - 135x3=405 hits

And so on.

Well, it's still too early to be concerned tbh. Melees will get a buff; we'll likely be getting either the same amount of effectiveness as of right now or improved further.

Yeah misunderstanding, I thought he was saying 3x is the highest combo multiplier one can reach.

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While I can't say I'm looking forward to the rework (some of it seems like it may end up being a major nerf with certain mod combo's and, no, not just maiming strike), I'm holding full judgement until release where I HOPE DE will take notice of feedback and adjust accordingly rather than just going here it's done and then leave them in a bad state like they have done with some past reworks. 

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Hi all, I just rewatched the demo in the stream and it seems you get 1.5x at 15 counters, and 2x at 30. If that's the case, then 15 counters every multiplier level, that should be pretty fine and is actually easier to reach a much higher multiplier comparing to the present system. If they do not make further change, then it should not affect mods like blood rush much, or could even be a buff.

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

My biggest question since melee 3.0 was mentioned and they talked about changing the combo system, was what about blood rush?



Seems that it stays as it is as long as you dont heavy attack. We need official response tho.

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6 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

Seems that it stays as it is as long as you dont heavy attack. We need official response tho.

Which, in my book, is kinda dumb. Because if that genuinely makes you weaker, why even add that? Why use it?

I fear heavy attacks may become the new channeling.

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6 minutes ago, MidoriFuse said:

Watched whole stream,learned nothing about upcoming melee changes. But I loved better corpus textures,that is something i guess. :^)

That's unfortunate. No opinions on directional jump slam, combo switching, newly visible range indicators, or better simplification of the combos?

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19 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

That's unfortunate. No opinions on directional jump slam, combo switching, newly visible range indicators, or better simplification of the combos?

You mean things we heard already? I hold my old opinion,liked old system better and I mean coptering,it was the most fun i had no cost light speed movement,everything feels so slow now. Most of the changes feel like they wanna slow me down even more,but well I gotta wait for final numbers to judge that properly.

What I liked was something not even melee related,the wall run,it was news (at least to me) instead of jumping like mad rat.

Even maxed volt with active speed buff is just soooo slow,nova is kinda ok fast with portals but both are not relevant because they cost energy. :^(

I m really scared they will cut our clear speed in half,at that point this game will be slower than disciples 2 with stuck ai

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1 hour ago, Loza03 said:

Which, in my book, is kinda dumb. Because if that genuinely makes you weaker, why even add that? Why use it?

I fear heavy attacks may become the new channeling.

Yeah, after watching the stream I am worrying about the same thing, and spin2win still going to be the meta.

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guys, it's too soon to judge. they said themselves that it's only half done, all we saw and heard were animations and rough ideas, they still have to look at unique weapons like Heliocor, plus being able to build a multiplier via blocking will actually make blocking useful. a few seconds in front of a heavy gunner swatting it's bullets away and you'll be able to kill them pretty quick.

wait for the dev workshop. that's when we need to properly make our voices heard. I'm guessing that there will also be a feedback thread post release, so the best we can do is melee as much as possible to get a feel for the new system, and then say what we do and don't like about it.

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honestly, it feels a bit dumb to get rid of the light melee attacks from the combo multiplier formula.

Yeah, thanks for the 2x damage buff DE, but really that is another bandaid and down the line more work for you.
What was great about the 2.0 was essentially that you would be rewarded for dedicating to your melee, as enemies got stronger. Sword alone, remember?

This change, is legit going back to melee 1.0, where melee was only charge attacks, thanks.

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On 2018-08-03 at 6:20 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

guys, it's too soon to judge. they said themselves that it's only half done, all we saw and heard were animations and rough ideas, they still have to look at unique weapons like Heliocor, plus being able to build a multiplier via blocking will actually make blocking useful. a few seconds in front of a heavy gunner swatting it's bullets away and you'll be able to kill them pretty quick.

wait for the dev workshop. that's when we need to properly make our voices heard. I'm guessing that there will also be a feedback thread post release, so the best we can do is melee as much as possible to get a feel for the new system, and then say what we do and don't like about it.

This, I just want to know how certain mods will be impacted by this. What will +combo duration do? What will blood rush do? I think it would be kind of a bummer if condition oveoad status became the only viable way to go.

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