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Community Thoughts: How are you with 8 months of low content?


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13 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I'm too lazy, but I would like to see someone compare the content from this year to years past.

Personally, I don't remember a huge difference besides a few more weapons. And that's content that either gets consumed extremely fast, or complained about because of grind. 

Also, as the game becomes more developed and polished, there's less huge sweeping changes to make. What I remember mostly from the earlier days was them revising place holder content. Adding enemey variety to factions with practically nothing. 

We're at a point now where the game is moving forward into almost WF2 territory. The pace has changed because the base game isn't bare bones anymore. 

Why should DE focus all their energies on tenno reinforcements when they could be bringing us railjack instead? The same people complaining about a content drought would be the same exact people complaining about ranking yet another shotgun or dual sword instead of the game innovating. The same people would be complaining about yet another corridor map instead of something new. The game has  reached a point where it has to evolve, not dribble about small variations of the same content. 

For a new player there is TONS of content available. 

I don't see DE going back much to reiterating old Warframe content anymore. The game is what it is. Their focus is probably on open worlds, the new war, Tau, etc. 

I've been trying to find a compact list of updates by date. It's surprisingly hard.

There's the remote observer, which is a bit messy. The Warframe wiki afaik doesn't have an orderly archive.

Anybody willing to jump in and help?

Edited by Tellakey
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27 minutes ago, Vivian said:

Clicker games with unlimited levels and microtransactions to speed up. It would make a game with the most amount of content.

Except warframe isn't a clicker game with unlimited levels for mods.

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14 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

First off, what do you consider "content" anyway? What are you looking for? 

Content: features that extend gameplay time.

New content: features that provide extra hours of gameplay.

This could mean a lot of things: Tenno Reinforcement, Warframes, game modes, quests, tilesets, farmables, cosmetics, etc...

Cosmetics were the bulk of this year's content. We're nearing the end of round one of deluxe bundles. In terms of other content, though, hardly anything was released; a single game mode, a quest, a frame, and like two new weapons? idk. 

This is primarily due to Fortuna and a lot of QoL, fixes, and the weapons rebalance at the beginning of the year. There's also Melee 3.0 which is new-ish content because it forces you to experiment and reacquaint yourself with melee. That said, you can see the trend: DE focused on revisiting old stuff instead of dishing out new stuff.

Edited by Tellakey
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Since Warframe is primarily player(s) versus the environment and not player versus player, it's not realistic to expect it to have the same longevity as repetitive (IMO boring) PvP titles like Overwatch. Those titles are bare-bones sandboxes with neither story nor true content. They engage people because encounters play-out differently. Warframe is not a sandbox. It has story and content. It's more like an 'old' game that was bought, played for a number of hours and finished. DE keeps adding extras to Warframe to allow those who have finished to re-start again, but it's inevitable that some will outpace the arrival of the latest re-start material.

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I think it will get better once DE gets Landscapes and space missions in a good place, as well as once they finish the other major reworks they are busy with right now. Fortuna and Railjack aren't just elaborate content expansions, they're also cornerstones of efforts to improve larger existing systems that DE isn't satisfied with, and that many would agree are currently dragging on the game. Once those are addressed I suspect DE will be able to focus more on producing content and fixing smaller things.

Edited by (XB1)Blacklash93
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Honestly, I think the game is getting to a point where Tenno reinforcements needed to slow down or we'd have the same people complaining that they're tired of ranking the same weapon types over and over and insist on innovation (like what DE it's trying to do now). 

Honestly, how many shotgun types are you willing to rank before you say you're bored? Not to say that we shouldn't get new weapons anymore, but every 2 weeks now compared to when the game barely had content is two completely different things. 

The game has gotten to a point where it needs to innovate and do new things. There's ton of old Warframe content already there. 

If you've completed everything the game has to offer, that's not an emergency on the devs part. You just need to realize that you've completed the game. A new weapon isn't going to change that. You'll just rank it, toss it and go back to doing old content. Why would DE focus energy on that, when they could be doing exciting things like fortuna, rail jack and the New War? It's not like Warframe 3-4 years ago when a new dual sword was actually exciting. The game has tons of variation now. 

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Well, at leas the devs seem to have noticed the drought, with the tactical alert from last week and the return of the acolytes as well as the Razorback event that started last night i think we will be kept busy for a while.

Or just play some other games till Fortuna comes knocking 😉

I for one still have loads to do(making my first amp, getting primes ect) and with the nice ppl i play with it will be a blast.



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I dont have this Content Drough I hear so much about(still got a bunch of frames to get, and a LOT of weapons to farm for), but for the QoL fixes, and bug squashing, I believe they are in the right track, since you need to make sure ur ground floor is solid, before adding another floor, in other words, be sure older content is in working order, before adding more content, now a small detail, Working Order, means that it is working at least without any major bug, not that its COMPLETELY out of Bugs, since in MMOs its pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to get a game with NO BUGS, Even older games, had bugs, even ATARI games had bugs, and the games were quite simple, now scale it to MMOs nowadays, and you can see the picture....

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Honestly, I think the game is getting to a point where Tenno reinforcements needed to slow down or we'd have the same people complaining that they're tired of ranking the same weapon types over and over and insist on innovation (like what DE it's trying to do now). 

Honestly, how many shotgun types are you willing to rank before you say you're bored? Not to say that we shouldn't get new weapons anymore, but every 2 weeks now compared to when the game barely had content is two completely different things. 

The game has gotten to a point where it needs to innovate and do new things. There's ton of old Warframe content already there. 

If you've completed everything the game has to offer, that's not an emergency on the devs part. You just need to realize that you've completed the game. A new weapon isn't going to change that. You'll just rank it, toss it and go back to doing old content. Why would DE focus energy on that, when they could be doing exciting things like fortuna, rail jack and the New War? It's not like Warframe 3-4 years ago when a new dual sword was actually exciting. The game has tons of variation now. 


It is seriously okay to put the game out and go do something else.

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3 hours ago, Atekron said:

it's a onlain game where content=life, long time without content and game will be dead, now warframe indeed did increase their playerbase, mainly thanks to the hype thouse big annouces ganerate and huge amount of content it has for new users losers

but, eventualy, all players, that are intrested in such type of games will also came to wasteland where all veterans are rigth now and then process will be reversed, player counts will drop and that's how warframe will die

Makes sense


They could add some way to start the missions already on higher levels, dunno, double, triple difficulty as the regular mission, stuff like that


Like Survival missions, it is stupid that to feel a bit challenged at the game, I must do atleast 45min~1h of gameplay


Not saying it would solve the problem for everyone, but giving the possibility to start the missions at a higher level would surely be attractive, maybe even drop rates could be a bit higher doing so, at every higher starting difficulty

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As for collectibles and stuff, as a gamer I’ve done that in other games too many times already those collect everything fillers be it feathers in AC or anything similar of that kind those hidden pickups yknow. 

I’ve been there done that so many times I know for sure I’m not going to feel that sense of achievement I felt playing Mario when I was a kid but rather I know I will feel like a drone programmed by a game developer to waste (x) amount of time and I’m executing that command input. I’m not going to do that, not going to make the same mistake again unless if it’s like Mario Odyssey. Not again. 

Edited by (PS4)johnsoigne
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vor 3 Stunden schrieb (XB1)Badfaildotexe:

So, this is just my thought on the matter. 

But, what are you all talking about? Yeah I've done all the quests, finished the sacrifice a week ago. And so on. 

But, are y'all saying you've done everything in the game? Finished the codex? Got all the Cephalon fragments? Somachord tunes? Played every mission in the game? Mastered every weapon? Mastered all the frames and prime frames? Have ya found all of the Kuria? 

I've been playing for a good two years, one on PC one on Xbox now. And the thought of being 100% done with a game as large as Warframe that has 5 years worth of content in it already is baffling. 

I only have about 60% of my codex, and that's only cause of Helios. Still got Wukong and Atlas to master. As well as Vauban, Limbo, and Rhino prime to get. 

And don't get me started on the Kuria. I've only found one! 

And then. The biggest thing I can think of to complete. A pure 100% Mod collection with all of them fully ranked up to max. 

Dear lord if you have that all done I'm gonna eat my shorts. 

There IS a content drought. I collected all the fragments thank you very much but that isnt what a content drought is about. Those are just collectibles, much like in Pokemon you dont need to finish the Pokedex to finish the game. The majority of veterans and long term players got every warframe and weapon, YOU are just talking about collectibles, that is not content. We done all missions, all quests, grinded our butts off, got all the good stuff and now there is nothing to do (I say we but I just speak for myself). So YES there IS a content drought, you are on XBox, its alot different for pc players.

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2 hours ago, ShinTechG said:

Time to turn Warframe into Diablo 3 and add Paragon levels. Boom, now you can never finish!!!

Honestly, if some of the Diablo 3 mechanics like Paragon were implemented right, this could actually work great and be fun. Also, in some way, isn't that what Focus is for, in the sense that it's just extra stuff/stats that you don't really need 95% of the time but are somewhat helpful and make you technically even stronger?

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9 hours ago, YUNoJump said:

I personally hope that after Fortuna, they think up something other than a new open world to add to the game. PoE was an amazing addition that managed to make game-news headlines for quite a while, but they can't make lightning strike twice and they definitely can't make it strike three times. I hope that they can get back into a better release schedule after this.

Well they already seem to be willing to add Tactical Alerts and other stuff to do while they work on the big stuff. If they'd also add new drops to those events, it'd be great.

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9 hours ago, BattleChief142 said:

As far as we know there will only be two open(ish) worlds. I do not see DE making many more open worlds mainly because of the current content drought and two open worlds are enough for now. Will we see more open worlds? Mostly likely. Seeing open worlds other than Fortuna any time soon? Maybe, maybe not.

I don't have a link, but I'm fairly sure they mentioned when they released Plains that they were considering adding a large explorable map to several of the major worlds.  Mars and Europa could still get them since both have apparently been mostly terraformed.  The gas giants would be trickier, because gas giants.  But that doesn't rule out the possibility of a static Corpus Gas City map.  They also still have "something planned" for the Sentients.  And an open world in an Infested area would offer the possibility of some *truly* alien looking landscapes without having to actually bring in genuine aliens.

Some of the planets aren't as obviously suitable, but that doesn't rule them out.  Mercury currently seems to use the Grineer ship and asteroid tilesets.  Presumably because the surface is blasted almost molten by the sun during each of Mercury's months long day cycles.  Lua would be problematic, since any permanent base there is likely to be new construction by Corpus or Grineer, and neither seems likely to welcome random Tenno wandering around while they're trying to scavenge everything Orokin that they can pry loose.  A lot of the other map nodes are really just asteroids.

Considering the resources they've put into open world maps over the last two years, I can't really see them walking away from the idea at only two.  They've invested too many resources in upgrades and optimizations that really only make a difference in open world maps.  The main tipping point might be whether Railjack maps can use the same tech.

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4 hours ago, Tellakey said:

Thank you for not jumping to conclusions, unlike @LupisV0lk I am indeed not complaining.

But I have to refute your points. From all the evidence, The Sacrifice, while technically in-the-making for more than a year, has not entered development until a few months prior to release. DE always brushed aside the topic whenever it was brought up, and only started getting chatty close to release. We have zero indication of them working on the Sacrifice for a long time, and it makes sense because it offers no monetary profit. Also, you can trace back at approximately what state of development Venus had been from the Devstreams. Rebecca and the gang had shown early concepts, prototypes and such. I would daresay that Venus itself has not been hard in development for a long time, though this guess proves a bit riskier.

Regarding the Sacrifice, I will spoil the quest for you by revealing that its very, very short. You can finish it without rushing in under 40 minutes. In this case in specific there literally was nothing to rush through. It's a quest with a reward, nothing more, nothing less. Which is why the community was disappointed when it faced the truth: this legendary quest that was allegedly years in the making was basically 40 minutes of awesomeness with nothing to build to afterward. I will grant that it was overhyped as hell. Overhyped or not, it's still the most barebones cinematic in terms of what it brings to the table, and I think we all know why: DE rushed it so they could do Fortuna, and that's okay.

Plains of Eidolon definitely was rushed through, what with it achieving novelty status. Even later that year we got Plague Star and Ghouls, the Tridolon update and a lot of reinforcement. I didn't see too many people complaining "What now?" In fact, I have never experienced this atmosphere of constant anticipation for new content. I think this is one of the longest periods we had without new stuff.

And listen, we had QoL, fixes, Deluxe skins, etc... so it's not like DE bummed around doing nothing, but almost none of it was content, it was all fluff. And again, that's O.K. But it is what it is, and what is it? A drought.

You just highlighted another part of the problems DE are having to deal with. Not just creating content, but fixing stuff, improving existing content and adding cosmetic touches.

They have pretty limited resources, compared to the larger game studios, so everything takes longer to do.

And thats without the fact WF is a story-driven game, with a lot of lore that has to be followed & expanded on, in order for the game to grow. Its not like PUBG, COD, or other PvP shooters, where they can just toss some terrain & buildings together & create a new map, or add some new weapons, skins etc. to keep players happy.

If the devs are going to "grow the game" and not just come up with new frames & weapons, or variations thereof, they need to sit down and do some serious thinking about where the game can go next. I'd be willing to bet a big chunk of development time is spent just brainstorming storyline ideas. I mean Fortuna looks like a pretty big departure from whats gone before, with new factions, characters, enemies and even a new mode of travel.


So, yeah, if I were a veteran player who's done just about everything the game has to offer, I would probably feel a bit bored with the game. That said, because of the way DE work and what they are trying to achieve, I'd be willing to cut them some slack.

Edited by FlusteredFerret
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