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Warframe Usage Statistics. In a chart.


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On 2018-08-18 at 7:37 AM, DeMonkey said:

surprised Atlas is just as unused

Obtaining Atlas is his biggest hurdle currently. And while he is a lot better now and more worthwhile, most players don't see any need to go through the work to get him.

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I tried Nyx Prime quite a bit during the weekend, inspired by the data released, to see how it feels playing her after quite a long of time. She was definitely an underused frame by me.

There is nothing "wrong" with her, and I don't necessarily think she needs a rework of some kind. It's just that her more prominent skills are nothing special when you see the big picture i.e. you can do similar things with other frames which seem better overall. I really like her "3" but as a whole I feel that e.g. Oberon has a better variety of skills for my needs.

Same thing with Atlas. If I need a "bulky" warframe I just pick Rhino who has really good and "simple" skills to use.

The problem here is that while DE surely seeks to somehow "balance" the usage of frames, it is very hard when there is a big overlap between the roles of the skills they have, and this overlap is going to get bigger the more frames are released.

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I think it may be worth concentrating the figures somewhat, and mixing the stats for Prime and regular frames. It would be more interesting to see what power sets are most commonly used as opposed to actual frames. It's fairly obvious that Prime warframes are going to be used more often by higher MRs, so seeing the numbers without that being a separate stat would be worth considering.

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On 2018-08-18 at 9:37 AM, DeMonkey said:

Not surprised to see Wukong being resoundingly unused, surprised Atlas is just as unused. Thought the rework for him was pretty decent.

Its because of the type of farm Atlas comes from.  Jordas golem isn't a difficult mission, but it requires at least some effort put into Arch Wing mods and Arch Wing missions which is already a firm "86'd" in a lot of peoples minds.    I usually just recommend people by him now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is interesting to see this chart and surprised how trinity, nyx and vauban are so underused. Nova also not so used which is interesting also banshee is not so popular but she never was a popular frame and a hard core use her mostly. The excallibur prime is not surprise at all on this list because it is founder only. The mirage also went downhill but once she was more popular but her prime and the spamulor combo nerf made her less interesting so the majority just skipped her.

What is not a big surprise is the saryn, nowaday I have seen a lot of saryn but after her re rework she is now overused and her low level clearing ability is just amazing so not surprised many skipping these missions when she is used by someone.

Overall this chart is interesting and informative, maybe something will happen to make more popular the less interesting frames or make these frames more easily obtainable. 

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On 2018-08-20 at 1:55 PM, Sasuda said:

Obtaining Atlas is his biggest hurdle currently

Nah, that award goes to Harrow.

Just by investing in a good Arch weapon like Velocitus or Grattler can make it super easy.

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On 2018-08-18 at 5:09 PM, AhLiu338 said:

With how most of the game work at the moment, CC is kinda pointless. 
Unless you're going for a really high level enemies, I suppose.
Most of the time we're farming, and most of the time we need to kill a lot of enemies to farm.
Frame that enable easy mass murdering, like Saryn, is going to get more use.

Also way of acquiring a frame will also play a part in this.

Hmmm...my Capacitance Volt with range begs to differ.

Chaos-Assimilate Nyx also.

Should I keep going?

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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On 2018-08-19 at 2:33 AM, Obviousclone said:

I've been running cetus bounties daily for focus lens (because thanks DE for making them the only place where they drop)


and I have yet to play a match where there wasn't a teammate playing Zephyr.


and if we want to get more technical about MR 25, Rhino is the unanimously highest damage buff for eidolon farming. Volt is also up there in popularity at MR 25 for his eidolon farming but part of why he's there is also because he's also pretty good at Elite Sanctuary Onslaught farming along with Saryn.

Volt’s Support Synergy with Saryn in ESO along with about 10 other frames.

You won’t be the top killer, but man will you be able to affect the whole map and make the best killers even better.

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47 minutes ago, 541K4T said:

investing in a good Arch weapon like Velocitus or Grattler

That's not something most people want to do. With Harrow it's just grind and so far it's not bad for me. Grinding for Juggernauts was worse. That's the thing Atlas has multiple grinds too. It's not hard but it is grindy. Jordas also can dole out damage in pretty dirty ways, is extremely glitchy and does messed up things. There's just so many reasons why players don't go for it.
I didn't bother getting Atlas after the quest for like over a year because it took so long and I just wasn't interesting in investing into archwing at all. There wasn't anything special about Atlas that made me really want to get him either.

You may have not had trouble with it or got lucky RNG, but I don't think the majority of players feel about it the same as you.

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Atlas is a brilliant frame. Definitely an access issue.

The misconception that the boss fight is hard is because if you try it with an unmodded imperator, yeah its a bullet sponge. Seems hopeless.

But if you use the Grattler, slap on a few mods, no forma or tato needed, it takes a few minutes on your own. Ignore the minions, chase golem from one end of map to the other, shoot his engines when he is stopped. Use odonata shield for nice buff.

(Or get the Velicious and murder him crazy fast)

Build the Grattler, get Atlas. Its an easy farm. 

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21 hours ago, Sasuda said:

Jordas also can dole out damage in pretty dirty ways, is extremely glitchy and does messed up things

Use Odonata, keep the shield up, and just fly away when he emits that 360 blast. And Grattler is very easy to build. Using stock weapon like Imperator against Jordas is like using Mk1-Braton against Lephantis

21 hours ago, Sasuda said:

With Harrow it's just grind and so far it's not bad for me. Grinding for Juggernauts was worse. That's the thing Atlas has multiple grinds too. It's not hard but it is grindy

Atlas parts have way higher drop rate than Harrow System and also with guaranteed part drop, which is not the case with Harrow System. Even for Mesa you had to farm 3 Alad V Nav Co-ordinate per key.

Get a good Arch weapon and try to run 3 back to back run, chances are high that you will end up with all 3 parts. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My friend told me that for some reason this chart ment that Chroma was super popular right now and unfortunately this chart does not show popularity it shows whats being used and while Chroma is being used to take down the occasional eidolon I am betting no one is using him for anything else.

Maybe I or someone should make a poll or vote thing that asks what your fave warframe is and then show DE that Chroma is near the bottom, THEN maybe they will finally make some changes to him like make his Vex armor Fury buff go off your damage instead of it going off your health damage =/

So yes anyone who is confused about this chart, it does NOT show popularity it shows what warframes are most useful for example Saryn Prime is very good for killing a whole room really quickly but is not a really popular frame I think

Rhino is a really popular frame because hes easier to use then Chroma and the other tanky frames and he looks really bulky and strong

Anyway my rant is now over, Chroma will always be my fave frame cause hes a dragon, whats your fave frames? =P

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On 2018-08-18 at 8:37 AM, DeMonkey said:

surprised Atlas is just as unused.

Atlas is locked behind Archwing grind. Although it isn't difficult once you have the proper Archwing weapons, it's annoying to those who don't, and can take a lot of time. Plus that node is almost always dead so you're soloing it most of the time.

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46 minutes ago, Primed_ToiletWorm said:

Basically every frame does what others do only the way different. KILL KILL KILL KILL.

The charts only show which one more fun value to kill something so whoever said we don't need frames with smae abilities and similar sets those are liars. All what we doing is KILL KILL KILL.

That and the ones which require a massive grind to obtain go relatively unused as well. Last three on the list are annoying to get.

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On 2018-08-18 at 8:37 AM, DeMonkey said:

Not surprised to see Wukong being resoundingly unused, surprised Atlas is just as unused. Thought the rework for him was pretty decent.

As a mostly-Atlas main, I'm not TOO surprised.  Most people get Rhino first and Atlas is a PITA to get.

In the wild I seem to see a split between two different types of Atlas... one-punch and melee.

One-punch Atlases (the ones who spam landslide and often treat their melee like a stat stick) seem to be something that people dabble in.  When I look at their profiles the Atlas % is pretty low.

Melee Atlases (the ones that leverage the passive and lovingly craft their melee build) seem to be where the actual Atlas mains are, anecdotally they've had a higher Atlas % and also a similar cluster of other melee-friendly frames in their top ten (Valkyr, Zephyr, Nidus, Volt, Rhino, and yes the occasional Wukong) 

And of course lots of people with various builds in the middle, because Warframe. 🙂

I'd be interested in seeing the same data with time played,  %time wielding which weapon (primary/secondary/melee) as well as kill percentages for each when in those frames (MR I don't think is important and don't see much difference between 16 and 25).

(And yes, I know how complicated that data would be, but still way less complicated than the data I work with.)

Edited by FreeWilliam
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2 hours ago, Erytroxylin said:

Atlas is locked behind Archwing grind. Although it isn't difficult once you have the proper Archwing weapons, it's annoying to those who don't, and can take a lot of time. Plus that node is almost always dead so you're soloing it most of the time.

Yes, I hadn't gathered that from the 3 other people who have previously quoted me and stated the exact same thing several weeks ago. Thank you very much. /s

Yeah, this is a grumpy response and I'm not really in the mood to try and lessen the blow, sorry about that. I got the message after the first response, Jordas sucks. I didn't need a second, third nor the fourth or even the fifth quote stating the exact same thing.

1 hour ago, FreeWilliam said:

I'd be interested in seeing the same data with time played,  %time wielding which weapon (primary/secondary/melee) as well as kill percentages for each when in those frames (MR I don't think is important and don't see much difference between 16 and 25).

That would be pretty interesting tbh. That'd be a sizable graph though, and would require a hefty chunk of time devoted to just laying it out in a manner that we can actually read and understand what we're looking at.

1 hour ago, FreeWilliam said:

When I look at their profiles the Atlas % is pretty low.

I wouldn't pay much attention to the usage stat tbh, especially if they're a long time player. It's super sketchy since it was counting things it no longer counts as ''use time''.

Wukong's not even at 7% usage for me, but if you look at my stats with him compared to every other frame I own, there's a huge difference.

Edited by DeMonkey
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9 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Yeah, this is a grumpy response and I'm not really in the mood to try and lessen the blow, sorry about that. I got the message after the first response, Jordas sucks. I didn't need a second, third nor the fourth or even the fifth quote stating the exact same thing.

XD, don't worry. You'll get plenty more of them for sure before this thread dies. Plenty of us don't read the whole thread before replying.

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1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

I wouldn't pay much attention to the usage stat tbh, especially if they're they're a long time player. It's super sketchy since it was counting things it no longer counts as ''use time''.

Oh yeah, good call.  Add 'by month' in there as a time dimension!

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

That would be pretty interesting tbh. That'd be a sizable graph though, and would require a hefty chunk of time devoted to just laying it out in a manner that we can actually read and understand what we're looking at.

Oh, even a hack could put together a pretty decent dashboard in Tableau or something with only that many data points.  I do healthcare data analytics and visualization, so the norm for my peeps is a whole lot more chaos than we'd get unless we also added weapons, mods, grouping statistics, and more. The number of people used to dealing with crazy amounts of data and tools to help them has been growing like crazy for years!.


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2 minutes ago, FreeWilliam said:

Oh yeah, good call.  Add 'by month' in there as a time dimension!

Would certainly be a better representation of what a player actually uses.

3 minutes ago, FreeWilliam said:

The number of people used to dealing with crazy amounts of data and tools to help them has been growing like crazy for years!.

True, but that's in proper professions and such. A relevant percentage of people (especially when it comes to video game communities) are going to either be in education or just starting at a low tier job where they don't have to deal with much.

Still, at the very least any data would be more interesting than no data, even if it's a bit difficult to put together. Perhaps one day we'll see such a thing.

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4 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

I wouldn't pay much attention to the usage stat tbh, especially if they're a long time player. It's super sketchy since it was counting things it no longer counts as ''use time''.

Wukong's not even at 7% usage for me, but if you look at my stats with him compared to every other frame I own, there's a huge difference.

Indeed. My most used primary is Penta. I have not touched that weapon in literal years. same for the Brakk. It took me a LOT of dedication to raise my Nova Prime to the top. Same for Odonatta prime as my most used archwing. Barely used that one. Itzal is pretty much a permanent pick.

The profile page is definitely not reliable.

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On 2018-09-24 at 1:04 PM, DeMonkey said:

True, but that's in proper professions and such. A relevant percentage of people (especially when it comes to video game communities) are going to either be in education or just starting at a low tier job where they don't have to deal with much.

Oh, we've got lots of nerds who are ALSO in proper professions!  And tools like Tableau online give you all the features as long as you use public data. Check out their 'Viz of the day' section!  I bet we've got hundreds of Tenno who are already great with that.  And if not I could hack together something way better than a static graph in an hour or two.


Once people start making interactive dashboards (click 'Nyx' and see the bottom graph just show Nyx and Nyx prime stats' type stuff) they tend to get entertainingly creative. 🙂

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23 minutes ago, FreeWilliam said:

Oh, we've got lots of nerds who are ALSO in proper professions!  And tools like Tableau online give you all the features as long as you use public data. Check out their 'Viz of the day' section!  I bet we've got hundreds of Tenno who are already great with that.  And if not I could hack together something way better than a static graph in an hour or two.


Once people start making interactive dashboards (click 'Nyx' and see the bottom graph just show Nyx and Nyx prime stats' type stuff) they tend to get entertainingly creative. 🙂

This post right here is why I never make snap judgments about people - you never know who you're talking to and doing so makes you look very ignorant.

Good stuff, man!

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