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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. Well Megan in her locked PSA asked to be made aware of any future issues with Steam purchases of this Prime Access. I can't tell if this is just visual, so I posted on the Forums hoping either staff or another player can confirm whether this is a visual bug or an actual bug.
  2. Incarnon Genesis Adapters are proof Disposition never worked all along, because it's the first time we've had pseudo-variants that improve an existing version of a weapon with massive performance difference. This means that nerfing the Disposition on Incarnon would nerf it for players not yet reaching those adapters, or you're setting a precedence that says: "your Rivens are supposed to get worse as you improve your weapons". I don't understand why DE has spent years on toying with Disposition when the elephants in the room are broader issues like Primed Sure Footed, Viral status, unchecked AoE, AFK farming, etc. The days of Riven Mods making or breaking weapons is long behind us.
  3. There are many weapon families that lack the latest powercreep. Glaives specifically are powerful enough as they are to be quite honest.
  4. Riven Disposition has no influence on weapon selection or innate characteristic strengths. This isn't 2016 where Range on the Scoliac is a game-changer. You can have just decent mods on Torid with Incarnon and clap a majority of the other primaries.
  5. I miss the fluidity of slide attack meta. I honestly haven't gone too crazy using melee since 2020.
  6. I am not sure if this is purely a visual bug, but the inbox message for my Prime Accessories has a 7 day booster instead of 90 day booster. It's hard for me to tell personally because my boosters are already such a high duration from login rewards and previous booster duration. Here are my boosters right now: Maybe it worked? I don't remember what the duration was before my purchase. Here is what my Protea Prime Accessories inbox message looks like: Here is my Grendel Prime Accessories inbox message: @[DE]Megan
  7. Testing on players who do not know they are being tested on may come to find other players get an "advantaged" start (even if small for us old players) with a frustrated perspective of their experience being arbitrarily worse than another player. I understand there is lots of money to be made from fresh players who aren't educated on what smart purchases are, but most of the turnoff in the early game comes from how the microtransactions are perceived and the lack of tutorials on fundamental systems. Warframe needs to spoil new players with knowledge, not free crafts. The problem with the early game is a complete lack of explanation for where to start and how items work, especially stuff sold in the market that can be easily farmed. If you'd like a very recent new player experience from someone who has since completed The Second Dream and loves Warframe, I suggest watching Legendary Drops:
  8. This change is not towards the average person who needs to get one set for their account, it's to target those who farm several for valuable trading. Making Arcane Energize cheap and of little value through easy gameplay means doesn't actually solve anything. We have very few "endgame rewards" in Warframe. Those items become highly valuable to grind out, especially when they can be traded. If DE let you easily farm Focus Lens in an event, nobody would honestly care. It's when we have Forma, Arcanes, Archon Shards, or similar items that players flock to grind loads of them. The inconvenience of farming the original Arcanes stems from Trials, and it's really not that hard when 6x3 is much easier for players to reach, especially with Helminth and Focus reworks over the years. I'm honestly tired of events having almost the same rewards for 4 years now. The last Vandal/Wraith we got was Glaxion and Spectra in 2019 with Hostile Mergers, and the last new weapon at all was Basmu and Ceti Lacera in 2020.
  9. Any chance we can revisit Riven Disposition? I've asked for years, but I really don't think this is accomplishing much outside of making new weapons feel like a waste of investment for atleast 9 month. There's a good chance base Sobek outclasses Kuva Sobek with the way Acid Shells works because of such a disparity in Disposition.
  10. You only ever get the noggle (and glyph) for buying the Warframe. It's always been that way. You'll have to wait for Prime Resurgence in a couple years to buy the noggle separately and/or the glyph at a discount.
  11. If I had to guess at what a Jade Eximus does, it cleanses status effects from enemies in close proximity to it. Either that, or it's something to do with Radiation or Corrosive status/Armor. Part of Jade's theme seems to be "purity" or equivalent opposition to Stalker, so that is what I am guessing. It would also make sense given the status rework coming and DE's fixation on status spreading lately.
  12. I know threads got merged, but this is why it seems questionable: Players have always had freedom when it comes to farming events. This is turning a new corner that doesn't benefit players to be quite honest.
  13. This was my gut reaction as well. As I said in OP, you look at Nights of Naberus, Plague Star, and Dog Days staying close to the same for years, this change just seems questionable. I don't feel that DE outright lie much, but they are professionals when it comes to damage control for sure, and they very often miss details that almost feel deliberate at times.
  14. I want to acknowledge that this is a DevShort and more information will come from the Devstream in May. Rebecca shared this as not to blindside players when they hear this information next month. I'm writing this feedback to be a point of conversation prior to the Devstream in May. I'm a bit confused with Rebecca's reasoning here. She talks about doing this as not to burn out players on an excessive farm, but historically, Warframe has always had Operations, Events and Tactical Alerts a player can farm extensively to earn items worth trading later if they choose. It's always been at a players' discretion with how much they want to play in these time-limited farms. Rebecca mentioning burn out feedback is also a bit strange, considering how unchanged Nights of Naberus, Dog Days and Plague Star are for 4, 5, and 7 years now, respectively. Potentially grindy events (if a player decides) have been a thing for a very long time in Warframe: Operation: Gargoyle's Cry (2024) for Eidolon/Trials Arcanes, Basmu and Ceti Lacera Operation: Orphix Venom (2021) for Eidolon/Trials Arcanes, Basmu and Ceti Lacera Operation: Scarlet Spear (2020) for Eidolon/Trials Arcanes, Basmu and Ceti Lacera Nights of Naberus (2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023) for Exodia Contagion, Exodia Epidemic, Basmu and Ceti Lacera Operation: Plague Star (2017, 2018 (two appearances), 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2023) for Exodia Contagion, Exodia Epidemic, Forma, Fulmination and Sacrifice Dog Days (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023) has quite a steep grind each year that comes with negative feedback each time it returns. Tactical Alert: Wolf Hunt (2019 and 2023) for Wolf Sledge Hallowed Nightmares (2016, 2017, 2018) for Aura Mods Tactical Alert: Project Undermine (2015) for Electric 60%/60% Status Mods Tactical Alert: Emergency Exit (2015) for 120% Slash Mods This is just the list I can think of since I started playing in 2015 and not comprehensive. This caveat to the event rewards concerns me for a few reasons: Firstly, Operation: Gargoyle's Cry like any event had some exploits (namely FPS affecting Damage Attenuation) among other things. Then there was also a subset of players who were duplicating Arcane Energize (I was only made aware of this through a PSA to larger traders like myself to avoid "bad Energizes" (similar to bad Platinum). I know Rebecca wouldn't publicly address this, but I do wonder if this is a reason for capped purchases. The feeling I am getting from this announcement is the same I got when Steel Essence purchases for Kuva and Relics were capped from Teshin's Steel Path Honors (and we still see a large presence of AFK Steel Essence farming in Mot with Tenet Envoy throughout Bilibili and Eastern player circles ). Secondly, I am concerned for future events. One of the only "end-game" things to do in this game is farm valuable items to trade. The most obvious thing to farm are time-limited items. Whether this is an unvaulted piece of Prime gear, Exodia Contagion, Basmu, large quantities of Arcane Energize, or even Sacrifice from Plague Star, players typically farm many duplicates of these to trade later and fuel their costs as players (whether that be slots, cosmetics, boosters, Forma, or more Trading/Riven Mods). This sets a rocky precedence, and I would like DE to clarify if this is just for this event, or if this is a new thing going forward. If Events, Operations and Tactical Alerts have capped rewards purchases, this puts a massive damper on the nature of F2P for many players. Player burnout is often not within DE's responsibility to solve directly. Intervening in this capacity is unexpected to see from me (as I outlined every other event where you just farmed as you liked). That's all. I'm a bit bummed that we haven't had a scored Operation in several years now, and capping Arcane purchases further kills the mood for me. I hope DE gives us more transparency on this in the Devstream given Rebecca has limited time on DevShorts. I'm suspicious about this change, and I really hope this isn't the future for exclusive rewards through events. We've been seeing "capped" purchases on items for a while now in various updates, and it's becoming too normalized, entering reward structures they have no business being a part of. The game having freedom in how much you farm (within reasonable limitations) for 10 years and now retracting on year 11 is questionable.
  15. I personally like doing the Lith Exterminate on Venus Proxima (Bifrost Echo). The mission is so fast that you can actually get 2 Relics cracked off one Smeeta Proc, which is nice for Void Traces. Also, Lith Relics are easier to amass and burn. I got 300 holokeys while farming Void Traces for my Relic Codex completion (one of each Radiant Relic).
  16. It got removed for being a low return on investment. I would also like to guess that DE couldn't come up with rewards for Eidolons at the time. I'd honestly love missions in Warframe that have puzzles and stuff again. Though, I've scratched that itch with Helldivers 2 lately.
  17. The problem with Regal Aya is that each Prime Accessory pack differs in value (like you just pointed out), and there is no linear scaling with the prices for Regal Aya. Previously you just spent X dollars for Y pack. Now it's spending X dollars on Y Regal Aya to see if you can afford Z items, and if you're looking at one of the bulkier Prime Accessories packages, you'll be spending way more than you would have back in the day. Prime Vault became a mobile game micro-transaction storefront. Most people are complacent with this kind of thing, so it's just whatever.
  18. Especially for a mod only worth 50 Platinum. That is so many hours of this (typically unrewarding) mission instead of a handful of Fissures for Prime parts for trading. This kind of reminds me of those who farmed for Xiphos. Drop rates in this game are tricky. Yes, some are a bit rare, but the value of things is honestly often quite low because they are often traded and one-and-done rewards. Even the more rare stuff like Lato and Braton Vandal only peak at around 400 Platinum. Given how many hours it takes to farm a set of those, they're still not that valuable compared to just farming for Platinum.
  19. I just hope that whatever the end result is, enemy eHP is either relatively the same or higher than current. It'd be a shame that we finally get a mode like Deep Archimedea only to get a major update shortly after that pushes the enemies closer to feeling like another Sortie.
  20. They will return through Prime Resurgence just like how Mesa Prime's alt helmet has. What the new language says to me is that they are seeing if this tweak can fleece some more players for seeing the word "exclusive" or have a reduced comprehension of English. Their policy hasn't changed at all, but the language used now adds an extra sprinkle of confusion and convolution that unfortunately almost caught you. Don't bother buying the accessories if you're willing to wait possible years for Varzia to offer them.
  21. You make great points here, but I am still solely focusing on removing the interaction where a squad can do 2 runs, switching off carrying each other, thereby undermining the Research Points system. I understand what you're getting at, but I'm not really talking about the people who are just doing the mode in the most comfortable difficulty setting. I'm discussing a way to remove the circumvention of this mechanic. I don't think this segments much to be quite honest, especially if we go with the range idea suggested by others earlier in the thread. Players who can't handle this content's requirements should be pushed into doing normal Netracells, not become a vocal point for accessibility. That focus on accessibility is what has had players waiting for 6 years from the removal of Trials until now just to get a mode that feels like a semblance of a real end-game mode. Maybe my suggestions are too ahead of the curve, considering how poorly aged Warframe's matchmaking system is. This is just the best idea I could come up with for fixing the dilemma I outlined in the post. If DE came up with some entirely different idea to fix the same issue, I wouldn't mind that either. It just feels really cheap when we finally get content like this, and there are glaring oversights present in this way. That's why I used the word relative. I like the way the mode is currently set up, and the whole "difficulty" discussion is relative to both what you rolled for gear, and your builds/knowledge as a player. That is what I meant with the word. You have agency over how challenging this new mode is, but some players just don't want to hear that Mastery Rank, slots, and completionism/build diversity are the solution. Personal modifiers and gear RNG are needed in the modern game for a mission to put friction on the player. This isn't 2016 anymore. We've had a one-man-army gameplay loop for several years in a row now. It is what it is. I have my bias as someone who's built out the entire arsenal, and this mode feels good with the way it is. I want that to be preserved, even if this thread is a hot take for some and some players might see me as "gate-keeping" or "elitist" for wanting this mode to dish out the maximum rewards strictly to those who deserve it, not free lunch carries.
  22. Whether you got host migrated or not, you would have still failed the mission. I would just do those missions solo or abort faster than the host next time.
  23. Or players could stop being spoiled and just search the map the old fashioned way. Orokin Eye and Golden Instict were honestly a mistake of an addition, just like self-revive.
  24. I think we won't see Ember Unvault until Android Warframe hits the market.
  25. People just want Glaive Prime.
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