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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. Yeah, it seems they opted out. They may be concerned with people abusing the auto-play features for accessibility while using a computer. It happens with all the recent Forza titles too. That makes sense to me atleast.
  2. I like the concept of the new mode and I've been waiting for something to release with even a shred of the feeling Trials had. 3 uninterrupted missions where you need to consider different objectives sounds really enjoyable, and it rewards having the most gear fully built with proper Forma settings. I know it isn't a popular take, because people like playing in their comfortable loadouts, but this mode would be a snooze-fest if you could just take Revenant and Torid like you can most stuff these days. Giving extra research points for making a determined set of gear work looks fun to me. Also if you can't handle it, just play normal Netracells. I don't understand this idea of "forced". The players who can handle this kind of content getting rewarded appropriately is something this game severely lacks.
  3. It's better to address it once at a time than just making it worse over time. I won't disagree that this is a cherry picked change, but Mirage getting a toggle should be at the cost of the nature of bonus. That's the only reason people asked for a toggle, because they assumed it would be a toggle of the multiplicative bonus. Rhino is a faction damage multiplier, so while it's not base damage, it's not its own separate final damage multiplier. Xata's Whisper (and by extension Toxic Lash) is long overdue for standardization.
  4. Why do you feel a completely different Warframe's ability needs to be kept in a state of overusage for adding a powerful damage multiplier (viral) and acting as an energy generator? The game has spoiled players too much with one-man-army-self-supporting builds with the complete aversion from team roles. Nourish is functionally energy vampire on all your Warframes if you want it. It's really boring power creep to be quite honest.
  5. That's the entire point and it's healthier for the game this way. I'm honestly glad they did this when making it a toggle.
  6. Yeah, that's kind of the point with scaling login rewards.
  7. The shop was just to test the waters of selling adapters for platinum and only on that one week rotation (which was added post-duviri). I'm not sure why they left it as-is. Obviously people will want to spend platinum to bypass the time-gating. We've really gotten no word if that will be expanded or if any future adapters will have this acquisition method.
  8. I read it fine the first time. Serving increased enemy spawns through a dedicated server to a player on underperforming or outdated hardware isn't going to suddenly allow them to avoid crashing/instability to play the game. I frequently have swirly-crossplay logo players crash 5 minutes into a Steel Path mission while I'm hosting. I always follow that up with politely asking their platform. The same thing would happen if you took a dedicated server and shoved the spawns down their throat. The problem is the hardware and this false "build parity" between platforms, not who (or what) is hosting. That point has nothing to do with "dedicated servers", which is what I said in my first comment.
  9. Right, which is what I just said. You'd be a client to the server. It wouldn't fix those issues. Don't believe me? Go play Conclave on a "dedicated server". DE finally fixed doors and Operator Transference by addressing those root problems. Slapping on dedicated servers back in the day when Transference was not client side wouldn't have suddenly created a smooth experience. Stable connections are a relative concept. I host most of my missions by setting my ping settings low for matchmaking, and because I'm on the east coast of the States, my hosts when I am client are always relatively stable. A dedicated server certainly adds stability as an infrastructure, but it doesn't magically fix the stability for players from remote areas of the world. You say enemy spawns would be fixed by dedicated servers, then admit that it has nothing to do with servers, but physical on-device processing. Which is it? Projecting that I didn't think about this topic, your comment, or my response gave me a good chuckle. Reading this just makes me want to comment more as I know I'm getting under the skin of someone resorting to mud-slinging. I don't see how dedicated servers magically fixes many of the issues Warframe has for matchmaking/client bugs/etc., and I certainly don't want to pay a subscription to play this game online.
  10. You realize so many bugs in this game are caused by being a client right? People complaining about host migrations are actually complaining about a failure in progress-protection systems. People complaining about high ping or laggy hosts are actually complaining about a lack of robust matchmaking. People complaining about low enemy spawns are actually complaining about a "build parity" lie for cross-play. All the people asking for dedicated servers are just lumping several issues that should be fixed under one umbrella. This game could have dedicated servers, and it wouldn't actually solve any of these issues, you'd just run into them less frequently. A subscription model is also just a terrible suggestion. We have enough subscriptions stuffed down our throats in everyday industries. No need to add it to a game that's made a name for itself and exceeded expectations without one for 11 years.
  11. Just wait until you learn that melee has "Multishot" too.
  12. It's an Operation, not an Invasion. Operations are rare (and these days even rarer) with worthy rewards attached to special game modes. For DE to add Plague Star that frequently, you'd be looking at an awful reward structure, as it would otherwise hollow out the entire point of buying/crafting Forma for many players, the value of Exodia Contagion, and several of the other rare rewards there.
  13. Neither of your examples have a rewards shop with powerful items that also save and/or sell for large amounts of Platinum. Plague Star is akin to Nights of Naberus, which is how it normally functions. It's only had long periods of downtime over the years because Plague Star is 7 year old code that needs updating to work in Plains of Eidolon.
  14. That's kind of the reason the crossplay symbol doesn't let you know exactly the platform a player is originating from. I'm not sure what plans DE has to combat this issue to be quite honest. So much of crossplay is platform politics rather than roadmaps and implementations.
  15. Thanks for the hotfix! Any possibility Arch-guns could be given Faction Damage mods so that this multiplier isn't exclusive to Riven Mods? It's been like this for 5 years now...
  16. Did they fix Operator triggering Energize/Eruption on Sling? I doubt DE intends for you to proc the Arcane with the Operator.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if that becomes the next method used for Ani/Mot AFK.
  18. You're just getting lost in the sauce buddy. I was merely painting you reality, not the optimism of you're dream-state with Warframe. The game has hundreds, if not thousands of hours worth of content. We're also playing a game centered entirely around loot and rewards. The way the game plays now is actually compelling for many players, myself included. I have many qualms with Warframe, but it's still my favorite game and I still love the movement, the combat, the builds. and what's possible with my account, even when I know that sometimes I am just blitzing through a low level mission. Achieving how you want to see Warframe requires undoing a decade of changes that have accumulated to this point. Treating public Fissure players as "an extra Relic" is a symptom of the way Relics were designed as opposed to Void Keys. Archon Shards, Helminth, Arcanes, and several other layers of upgrades have enabled the one-man-army gameplay you dislike playing with. I'm sorry, but you're just waffling at this point. You're venting to the wrong guy, barking up the wrong tree, and pissing in the wind. Good luck.
  19. I'm not a MacOS user (haven't used MacOS in 10 years now), but a quick google search leads me to believe you can just install iPhone and iPad apps on your Mac through the App Store. Does this not help? Visit the App Store on your Mac and select your name at the bottom-left corner or sign in if you aren’t already signed in. Here, you’ll see a list of the Mac Apps you have downloaded. Flip to the second screen, which shows iPhone & iPad Apps. Find the app and if it doesn’t state Not verified for macOS, tap the Download button (the cloud icon with the down-facing arrow). If the app requires in-app downloads, a notification will pop up asking you to confirm permissions. Select Continue. Wait for the app to finish downloading. Once fully downloaded, Open the app. You can now access it like you would on your iPhone. (You may need to log in depending on the app.) Are you saying the Beta was installed this way, but now the full game says "Not verified for MacOS"?
  20. The strength of the mod itself isn't relevant or overpowered in any way. I opened the thread discussing that. This is why I made the thread. It's more about the signal this planned addition has towards the landscape of Auras and the behavior it caters to (which can be argued as damaging the game in other areas). I wanted to make feedback as early as possible, not wait until it's already out and likely forgotten for years like Orokin Eye not consuming charges was. To me, this Aura having a universal polarity falls into the same category as Void Sling and Heirlooms. It's just another thing eroding part of the game to implement something that really doesn't have to be added given the "intention" behind the addition. I infrequently disagree with DE's intentions, but I'm often disagreeing with execution. There's a large difference there that I feel is lost on some people. I'm aware that I'm a minority of player that isn't a consideration within the scope of most changes, but I would like to give my perspective on those intentions and provide a solution that is more healthy for the game in the future. It's like this; I understood and don't mind that Status Immunity/Knockdown Immunity negates personal staggers. However, I knew from then on it would lead to a stale experience with the way many gear options are approached for years to come. I've always had that same feeling towards Void Sling. Slowing down the player with more controlled usage of an Operator dash is perfectly acceptable to me. Void Sling is still horrendous though. No matter how much I am used to it, I know we've had (and can still have) better. This Aura is likely a nothing-burger right now, but I'm sure it will have the consequence of being yet another catalyst for stale build choices, especially community advertised ones. Players optimizing will quickly grow out of this mod. It's the game overall rewarding players to lean into a lazy mindset that I take issue with. It's why we have things like damage attenuation. Undermining core mechanics of Warframe or applying bandaids to attempt at bridging this gap is only corrosive to the game's identity long-term. We're still playing a very fast-paced looter-shooter with space ninjas, but the drive to frequently make changes in this way and in this direction has honestly divided the game into pre-2020 and post-2020 Warframe.
  21. I addressed this in my post, but I went ahead and elaborated to make it more clear. I shared your concern when initially writing the thread, but it may not have been super clear at first.
  22. In isolation, yes, I can absolutely see why this would be a silly thread to make. When I made my initial thread about Auras in 2017, I looked at them in isolation, and I ended up writing rather terrible feedback that makes me look way too concerned about what people are picking instead of how it affects the general game. However, this is not that thread. You're looking at this as if my only concern with the upcoming change is how it affects choices right now. No, my concern is that this further encourages players down the road of using something extremely cookie-cutter because the game rewards you for doing so. This same concern is why Revenant usage was so high in 2023 (among many other examples over the years that led us to the way current content functions). High levels of time-gating seen in things like The Circuit, Archon Hunts, Veilbreaker and Netracells are absolutely related to the overall concern this thread is speaking to. When the behavior of players is encouraged this way, you end up with the general community leaning heavily towards reducing inputs. Whether that's in their arsenal or their missions doesn't matter, it affects other players. We saw this with capped Steel Essence purchases from Teshin for Kuva and Relic Packs. Whether these changes I drafted are implemented or not, I would see no difference to my experience with Aura/Stance Mods. I own every Warframe (including vanilla when I own a Prime), I have applied Aura Forma to every Warframe (including those vanilla Warframes), I own atleast one copy of every weapon in the game, and I have applied Stance Forma to every melee with the exception of Zaws. I am completely removed from direct affection by these changes. What does potentially impact me is what DE's proposal speaks towards the health of the game as a whole, dramatically prioritizing a new player boost over the mechanics of the entire system and their associated rewards later in the game. Warframe modding is about customization as well as trade-offs. This Aura Mod is a "you can have your cake and eat it too" mod for capacity on any Warframe. Is that game-breaking? Not in the slightest, but it undermines several layers of modding as well as long-standing precedent with how modding behaves that is the very reason we haven't had a Universal Aura as a core mod in almost 11 years now. There are better ways to add this mod and help new players than to give it a Universal polarity. I could have easily just written the title and asked for DE to make the Aura one polarity. At that point your comment would be fitting towards the thread. That's just not the feedback I wrote though. I do not care how other players engage with Warframe. What I do care about is when changes are made that serve a demographic that harms the health of the game for everyone else. Mobile users have been getting plenty of bones over the years, the crown going to Void Sling. This Aura is a fine addition. The universal polarity attached to it is unnecessary and glosses over several problems that led to them picking that in the first place. A modding overhaul is just not within the scope of this thread, and I personally don't have the motivation to try and tackle that. At the end of the day, most of the modding issues in this game are what make it Warframe. That's also something that needs to be weighed as well. I definitely understand your gripe, but that could either be solved with standardizing Auras at a higher capacity, or doing a proper mod audit, especially in terms of capacity drain. I removed the 7/14 proposal since it's a minor numerical detail that isn't critical to the overall point of the thread. Thanks for the feedback there. I'll agree that DE proposed a bandaid, but your proposed powercreep of innate regeneration is no improvement in that department.
  23. I think the best thing to do is increase the cost of crafting air support charges, add a 25x blueprint, and substantially lower the cooldown for things like Orokin Eye (Kahl Beacon, Med Tower, and Turret can have a cooldown still). Tilesets aren't even that big. I would understand the cooldown if we were playing Minecraft, but I don't see how it's a big deal. The stuff you're looking for with these is either a guaranteed spawn (Medallions) or extremely rare (Rare/Reinforced Containers, Sculptures).
  24. You'll have to reach out to support and they can potentially help you. https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us I've read a few people reversing cross-save, but I don't know about cross-link. As far as I know though, these are permanent actions taken with your account. :(
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