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Everything posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. According to the wiki this is the case. Armor mods + the armor from rubble applied to Rumbled. Now it doesn't. Rumble was nerfed going to Overguard. That's just sad.
  2. I think the most hilarious thing about the Rumbled change is that before it actually had modded armor and collected Rubble applied to it. So if it works like all Overguard now it's actually a nerf. A nerf to Rumbled. Lol.
  3. I think you mean buff, not fix. Because it was clearly intended to be that no DR applied to it. Now, that's *awful*, no doubt, but it's not like it's bugged.
  4. My point is that as long as Revenant exists in the game as he is now that there is literally no point in fretting about tankiness balance because he has effectively infinite health so long as the player doesn't zone out from how boring it is and remembers to hit the ability again when their shield gate pops to remind them that the buff ran out. It's silly. Rumblers and Frost's aug would not remotely be an issue, and Iron Skin, while it would be undeniably goofy in terms of EHP, is still not as strong as other tank options.
  5. My brother in christ you have a Revenant as your profile pic. Literally who cares.
  6. If Overguard is not affected by armor/adaptation/etc. then that mod will always not be worth taking.
  7. Is overguard health affected by armor/adaptation/etc.? That's been the main issue with stuff like Frost's augment for his ult. Raw hp with no dr just doesn't cut it in high level content.
  8. Because there's such a thing as opportunity cost and Moas are trash outside of hyper-niche builds.
  9. If all else fails, slap Hunter Adrenaline + Quick Thinking + some form of self heal on your build. For extra funnies, if you're going Strength, subsume in Nourish to multiply the energy you get from Hunter Adren. Your effective ehp and hp/s will be ridic.
  10. SS was awesome and had enough variety in ground objectives to reward gimmick builds. I don't remember people hating on it but I was probably too busy having fun. I don't know how it would go down today with the stupid power creep and the helminth.
  11. Yeah they could do what I suggested and nerf the bejesus out of damage and damage resistance powers. And then y'all would lose your goddamn minds.
  12. Meh. I think they can attack. Like honestly, they would take forever to kill things for you regardless. The chance to actually fail a mission is so hilariously low, literally who cares.
  13. There is nothing that DE can create that players won't immediately find a way around and cheese. Warframes are just too powerful. Any 'challenging' endgame would revolve around doing mechanics in an encounter, not the actual surviving/damage-dealing portion. If you want numerical challenge in the game, you should start arguing that all damage buffs should get tamped down to a 25% base with an artificial 50% cap and are all non-stacking, and do the same for damage reduction abilities. DE cannot create a game that is challenging but fair when some frames are wandering around with 99%+ damage reduction from a combination of abilities, adaptation, and arcanes, while also doing multiple times their normal damage, while their party also feeds them other buffs to boost that a dozen times. (Closest to an endgame that's challenging right now is Circuit where you might not get the choices that turn you into a god, but decrees take care of that pretty quick.)
  14. It's very hard to ignore the fact that DE nerfed the bejesus out of AoE spam, and then released some of the most overpowered BS AoE weapons imaginable with Duviri's incarnons.
  15. Honestly I would take slightly more predatory monetization if the money was used to staff up their QA department so that we don't get garbage like every week having an incarnon with evolutions that don't bloody work. Or, you know, tested it to make sure week 6 properly rotated into week 1.
  16. They were thinking "we want to give players more survivability but we're terrified of our own decision making ability and judgment so let's err on the side of it being absolutely terrible."
  17. What skill? Basically everything in this game can be cheesed.
  18. DE once again proving their unprofessionalism. How do you not test that?
  19. This is still the case as of 5/31/3023. The only thing DE fixed here is that the testing method is harder because they fixed Demulcent applying to Warframe abilities.
  20. I like the doubling because it makes it a lot easier to spread to allies and be support-ruuk.
  21. I think the conceit is that enemies are using some scifi materials for their armor and construction. It doesn't look impressive to us, but if they were using modern materials, Tenno bullets would punch holes right through it. Probably. We'd be able to keep secrets from them. It's Lotus, after all, that ferrets our targets for us. Our intel gathering capabilities are woefully limited, and we didn't bring her back in time. So we the Tenno'd be relying on ... Ordis, pretty much. I'm not even sure whether to count the orbiter's 'stealth' capabilities, since I'm pretty sure the devs have also forgotten they did that (you'd think that we would have made use of it when raiding Ballas' ship instead of getting shredded in the railjack). It probably wouldn't be impossible to track regardless, though, because at least its engines would likely be putting out a lot of thermal. Also like. One soldier, no matter how powerful, can only do so much. Without proper intel, a Tenno is going to be striking more or less at random against military targets, which after initial hostilities are likely to be decoys. Absent all other solutions, the military can likely just stalemate the Tenno. Also, I joked earlier about just luring them to waist-high water, but use of the environment is a good option. Such as, say, luring them into the lower depths of a facility, then dropping thousands of tons of earth and rock down on their heads with controlled demolitions. Even if the Tenno survives and is eventually able to claw their way out - unlikely since, you know, it's proven that Warframes need air - you've had ample time to set up a wrath of god against them wherever they end up to finish them off.
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