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Everything posted by 0_The_F00l

  1. We will need to define lucidity in this context first , I would consider any frame able to perform actions independent of the frame as lucid , The lore is kinda all over the place and it's difficult to say whether some of the frames are lucid or their operator is just not all there. There are very specific instances where we fight frames (other than spectres) as part of the quest which assumes that any frame we fight (against or for) are lucid. So Inaros , Umbra , Chroma (?), Mesa(?), Sevagoth have a level of lucidity atleast. Kullervo is in an odd place for me , cause he is part of a dream and I have my own theorems to that regard of his actual identity. But he is lucid while in the dream.
  2. As long as it's not just a glorified taxi.
  3. Ok , a few things other than what already is mentioned above about heavy slam not being the same as regular slam. It is not possible to heavy slam if you have a ranged weapon equipped and are aim gliding (aiming using right mouse button) , as heavy attack has the same input as ranged weapon alt fire (middle mouse button) There are two ways to get around it , 1) Equip melee only mode (hold F) , then jum and aim glide , then do heavy melee attack towards the ground. Easiest to do but need to have melee fully equipped (your cursor will change) 2)while melee is equipped , jump up , Do not aim using mmb , and just use heavy attacks while looking down. Fastest to do but need to be quick (you drop down fast)
  4. This may have started as a joke but now DE knows they can do this..... I personally would like if they had done the gardening thing better , so we could also use the dormizone kitchen to make some edibles that give bonuses.
  5. The guy has imagination but he also assumes a lot and joins dots that are actually commas at times. Can be entertaining either way.
  6. i think its less of a helminth issue and more that the ability itself is rather weak or that the few good ones are far too good , just like everything else in the game including frames, weapons , companions and mods. I do totally blame DE for the poor balance that brings us to such a conclusion where of the more than 60+ abilities there are about 5 that are too good to be true , a few that are situational and some which are rarely worth the cost. you can definitely make them fun , but they will not be more effective than the top 5. Gloom and Nourish are definitely outliers - i am very surprised its not nerfed yet , but i guess its cause not many players actually got grendel and sevagoth for their "ease of acquisition".
  7. Like maroos bazaar as a trading hub is obscured due to clan based trading perhaps? If it is more convenient and worth the cost it might just happen. So did you actually miss my previous comments? cause you have been one of the few members that has been sensible (though not always agreeable) with their opinions and comments.
  8. Are you not reading what has been written? or did you go temporarily blind? or have you never traded (both buying and selling) in the game? These kind of responses really piss me off when i have already explained my stance more than once. But i will try to explain again in the hopes you simply overlooked what was mentioned, The AH i am talking about would be an exclusive Platinum only trading option , and it is an option so you do not need to engage with it if you are happy with the p2p trades that already happen, I am suggesting a 10% tax (rounded up hence 1p for 5p trade) on a sellers price for things they put in the AH slots , so anything a seller wants to sell can either be marked down to accommodate the tax if the seller is savvy enough (seller only gets 4p buyer pays 5p and 1 p goes to DE) to earn less or not mark it and let the buyer pay a little extra (seller gets 5p and buyer pays 6p and 1p goes to DE). You as a buyer ,now that you have access to so many players selling so many things , can simply choose the cheapest option for yourself. The seller can , most likely, spend time farming for things to more than make up for the tax value that he would have spent waiting for trades to happen or getting a good nights sleep. The buyer can buy whatever he needs irrespective of a player being online , and DE gets a steady plat sink on every trade no matter its value so it justifies its existence. In the current state If you are looking to buy a 500p riven of a particular stat you need a lot of things to be just right , 1) you and seller need to be both online , 2) you need to be aware that seller is online and selling the item , 3) you need to send the seller a message and hope they haven't actually sold the item already 4) The seller must not have used up his trades for the day 5) If there is also another seller that also is selling the exact same thing for 400p but you never know about it you potentially may be wasting 100p. So don't look at it as a standalone instance of one guy selling to another guy , its a whole marketplace with a lot of choice and visibility. As to the point of credits, Credits are at this moment pretty close to worthless , they dont do more than exist as a number - 10 credits might as well be the same as 10000 credits. So any tax based on credits is equally worthless. If i have to use a real life analogy you Might as well use rocks in real life transactions , cause 10 rocks may be more than 1 but they are still not worth much and nobody would accept that as payment.
  9. You mind elaborating on why you think so ? Are you saying players don't want to spend platinum to speed things up or make things more convenient ?
  10. If it is not very clear , the AH i am envisioning will only allow plat "purchases" you cannot barter or trade for other items. So credits would not be a means to gauging it and the easy access of credit just makes it pointless anyway.. It would also be an additional service , not a replacement to the current trading. Those that do not wish to pay tax would be free to stay glued to their screens and those that would rather have a life can pay the tax put their items up for sale and come back to the game to be greeted by their sales. I assume you haven't read my responses where i already elaborated on this.
  11. Depends on the context , But for a single frame it's how well the various abilities work with each other to make a wholesome kit.
  12. Don't worry, this is temporary , once you gain enough arcanes for your favourite weapons it becomes manageable , though it does become a bit of a chicken and egg story. Besides why exactly do you want to complete the steel path chart ?
  13. What a nonsensical query , it's for the convenience of selling things when away from your system or already engaged in an activity that you pay the tax. Your words sound like that of a person that doesn't understand the value of time. You also do realise that plat disappears if you buy in game items or perform trades right ? And platinum exists exactly for convenience (and fashion ). The difference is that part of it now goes back to DE creating an effective sink. And I am not forcing you or anyone to exclusively engage with this. Direct P2P trades can still exist if you don't wish to pay the tax, as that can be done without use of platinum. The auction house is for those that can't be glued to their screens 24/7 and would like to offload their items in the downtime. There cannot be negative plat as part of the trade , it's part of the maths, buyer sees the final price , he can't buy the item if he has less than sufficient plat. But if you mean negative plat due to credit card reversals, that issue exists even today but with AH there can be a better tracking if it , and if DE wants they can put in additional checks against accounts making purchases. You say that as if it doesn't already happen. None of what you said is against AH specifically and are just issues with trading premium currency in general. And again , thanks to the tax even if you do that there will always be a bit of a platinum being sunk which encourages more purchases as inflation goes down.
  14. I am on the Asia server -_- This behaviour that you showed does indeed exist , but it is not as often as a wukong with bramma was in the past. It is also usually limited to missions with static objectives , and becomes less effective the longer the mission goes. That's why I do not see it in steel path as often.
  15. Fortunately this S#&$ doesn't find its way to steel path too often. I totally expect changes to either thermal sunder or bloodletting because of exactly this spam behaviour.
  16. We are talking of things that happen in game. The real life currency is not too relevant. We already have a conversion of real life currency to in game currency in the form of platinum. So the taxation only needs to happen on platinum. I have a certain set of rules considered to make things relatively easy to understand. 1) The Auction/trade house will be accessible to everyone , but the ones selling will have to have slots similar to weapon/ frame / Riven slots. You start with 5 and you can add more if you want. The ones buying can just buy things outright by browsing. The sellers can put as many items on "auction" as many they have slots. 2) The seller can set the price but there is a minimum tax of 1p or 10% of sale price (rounded up) whichever is higher. So they can sell things for whatever if someone is willing to buy it. The system will show the buyer how much is applicable tax and what will be final price. 3) Buyer sees the price with the tax when they browse. So the tax for buying something for 5p is 1p.
  17. They may have said it , but I don't think there are any plans .
  18. That's probably some time away. But looking at trends , it will likely be for her least used ability , and that's her 4 in my opinion. Let's see , holds enemies in place and adds crit , could probably pair with her 3 and create smaller "resonant crystals" at half power.
  19. Not sure I like the idea of ignoring shield gates, as much as i dislike the shield gate abuse , it helps many frames be more survivable than they were in the past. What i wouldn't mind is a function that increases or decreases the shield gate duration based on shields depleted as well as max shields and overshields. Like base time is 0.3 seconds minimum , every 150 shields (max shields) adds 0.1 second to the duration , Getting to shield gate from overshields adds another 0.3 seconds (no matter what the value of the overshields is) , So if for example your frame has 500 max shields and currently you are at 600 overshields , and you get damaged for 900 damage , you get , 0.3 + (500/150)x0.1 + 0.3 = 0.933 seconds. That's reasonable I think.
  20. I always support requests for auction houses. The slightly regulated kind with taxes.
  21. Relics mostly , and it doubles up as some easy plat for those looking to trade for what you can get for them ( got easy 300p this week from the recent augment additions)
  22. The standing / reputation cap increases with rankups. Be sure to squeeze out all you can from the various factions.
  23. The faction Reputations. Can see it next to the navigation console.
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