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Everything posted by 0_The_F00l

  1. Yeah it is a bit of an off putting ... gesture? decision? I wouldn't mind paying something for cosmetics, but nope , not this.
  2. i am really looking forward to this , Hopefully my "ARRR!" loadout will not just be a means to tell pirate jokes going forward.
  3. What do you mean? They look pretty close in my opinion. I in my formal attire with stylised hair look very different from me at home in my underwear which looks very different from me in my casual wear. Also , GOLDEN CAT NOW!
  4. i am very much looking forward to it , cause if you didnt see the actual demo the "hayden tenno" part was not too different from core gameplay and was a small part of it , just a different skin, i dont expect it to be too different from what we know and not for a prolonged period, I am curious how that will translate for other frames as we only saw Excalibur/Arthur (the naming is so subtle). Really curious of what loid can tell us too.
  5. Tennnocon better have some seeds , cause i am tired of seeing thee pots in the rotation and nothing to put in them.
  6. It really depends on how you play him , If you play lethargically with less movement you will get shot very fast cause his rally ability also draws a lot more aggro. Fortunately you also get shields per kill , so you can technically keep the shield gate effect on nearly indefinitely if you can get kills going , and with one ability that removes all defense and another that deals decent slash procs while you regen your energy it really should not be that difficult. Even one augur mod will keep you pumping well enough. Again , this is assuming you are not just face rolling and actually getting kills.
  7. It really isn't difficult if you have enough damage and enough enemy density. I recommend the sanctuary onslaught , it will usually be done in one round.
  8. I believe there are multiple tenno in a single universe - the actual operators that controlled the various frames before the fall of the orokin. But there is one "avatar of the void" , that makes key decisions and drives the story forward. The one that is part of all the quests. You are the avatar , but you can be anyone , you can be everyone. And everyone is the avatar at one point or the other and everyone faces the consequences of the choices of the avatar but each avatar is also slightly different.
  9. Interesting , maybe there will be a more consistent way to get stalker going forward.
  10. Its to do with doors , maybe they will introduce an option to allow players to call upon the power of wally , the near godlike being for a task not possible by one single being. To open friendship doors. Jokes aside i expect there to be something that starts in deimos , expands into the void (either single quest or regular mission) has very very basic overlap with railjacks reliquary drive. And comes up with some new lore completely irrelevant to any exposition done in the past cause "eternalism" and so everything is happening and its all true.
  11. They are categorised as concepts , but there is no reason to think they cannot mean more than that. People /other things can be named after concepts and depending on context their meaning can change too. But DE being DE , they will likely just throw out any past references and just do whatever they feel like in the moment and say they are fruits or something.
  12. Cause she doesn't really need augments - but that's not quite a good excuse i admit , there are other equally powerful frames that have also gotten augments and weaker frames that have no augments at all. Her abilities are all a little broken to be honest but her "active waiting" playstyle can get boring. What i wouldn't mind personally is for her amp to be mobile as an option.
  13. I used to play it pretty often when it came out .... Then again I tend to play the latest update the most anyway same with the circuit and duviri. I kinda lost interest when they made it into a glorified taxi with oversimplification of the "avionics". I have maybe done 3 railjack missions in the last year. I really was hoping for some more additions to it but i guess DE doesn't care enough.
  14. The game is already screwed up plenty. I dont think DE only uses hammers - i think DE uses whatever is the newest shiny they get their hands on. Then they forget about it and move on.
  15. I ... Have not really though of this. Maybe something about companions. I have little hope for an actual balance pass , but little is better than nothing. And some soul frame updates.
  16. Slash procs are the most effective at killing pretty much anything in the game cause it has the nasty benefit of simply ignoring the most prevalent means that enemies have to reduce damage, that is armour. And hunter munitions triggers on another thing that has some special properties of its own - critical damage. Irrespective of the actual weapon having any slash weightage. So you pair the two together and you have a recipe for game breaking damage output. It definitely added more punch to weapons that were ignored before when hunter munitions was released , but it made other weapons obsolete as well. Overall I think its ok , but i also think it's time slash got some changes.
  17. I don't have a main per se , but i do have a few favourites. Atlas - I wanna rock , Gauss - Don't stop me now (this is so on point) Nidus - Some kind of monster , Garuda - Bleeding me ,
  18. This ... This is exactly what frost needed (well not really as there are other things ) to make him really rounded out in today's playstyles and game loadouts. This makes me really happy. Also interested to see how the incarnons feel now.
  19. It's in circuit if you take the default loadout. But yeah , as I said , it is outdated in today's game and I wouldn't mind an upgrade. But the upgrade needs to be good enough to replace my other aura mods too else the upgrade will be pointless. The most common aura mods I have are growing power , steel charge and corrosive projection. With very specific use cases for Swift momentum and rejuvenation , I understand brief respite is also popular amongst those that prefer shieldgating playstyles but I dont use it that often. So the buff needs to be good enough to replace the above at least and also be competitive enough with other energy mods/arcanes/focus for me to modify my playstyle around it.
  20. It is rather ... Outdated at this point true, But it is acquired pretty early in the game and you can only have one aura at a time but you can stack it in a group. I wouldn't say no to an upgrade , but it's an ok mod. I also don't see it replacing other auras unless the buff is significant.
  21. Hmm , sounds more like a personal problem. While I can understand what OP wants they do have choice of solo , recruit and invite only option. There is no need to bend over backward for personal preferences.
  22. Honestly , my frames are already in a place of perfect tuning for me. And the few that are not quite there rarely ever allign with my mood of wanting to play them and the game deciding to have the right invigorations on them. And thanks to the circuit being my recent most played more the point is moot most of the time anyway.
  23. Or any frame with rebuild shields or a means to gain shields faster than spending them. I know of many that fit that criteria and whatever applies to hijack would also apply here , it's not really a problem if a frame excels at specific things in any specific missions in my opinion. We already have nekros as the meta as it doubles your power cells so something as an backup wouldn't hurt. So ... Convert excavation to survival with more steps ? Which as you highlight also has similar problems.
  24. Solo excavations can indeed get dicey , the spawn alogrithm sometimes doesn't spawn any carriers for minutes at a time. It's just made worse if you don't have a loadout that can kill really fast. I prefer a "let it work with shields" mechanics like we have for hijack missions , we can have it such that it only works if it is out of power.
  25. Probably in a vestigial sense. The vital nourishment they need for sustenance is probably injected through the various cybernetics like an IV.
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