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Everything posted by trst

  1. I don't think getting the absolutely worst odds possible is really indication that there's a fault with it. As for the rest of the system if anything it's too easy/quick to get Kuva weapons. Between everything from their mechanics getting nerfed, having some RNG removed, Oull being added, and how little overall progression it takes to start getting them.
  2. Personally I feel like a lot of his issues would be resolved if his status chance wasn't awful and un-moddable. Since we've received multiple mods/mechanics that benefit from status effects and multiple have been reworked. Scream would be a lot better if he could apply multiple stacks per second thus you'd only need to have it cast for a second or two and get the DOT/Armor stripping/Crit buff on a crowd of enemies instead of his fixed 1 proc/s. Or Effigy being able to apply those effects to an entire room instead of being a turret that doesn't do much but mediocre damage and unimpactful CC. As for the things brought up here, Vex Armor would be pretty broken if it was a toggle considering how much armor and damage it grants. It's also not really fair to compare it to Roar when that's the only damage buff that applies like Faction mods. While Elemental Ward would make more sense as a toggle but then consider that having a toggle means Chroma no longer benefits from energy regen with it active.
  3. As far as connection issues go those are exacerbated, or can only happen due to, having a poor connection quality. There's also specific issues mostly present on last-gen console users where if their host is on a faster machine (new-gen/half decent PC) you can get hard locked if someone brings you into a mission while you're still loading your Orbiter. Which is less of a network/connection issue and more so an obsolete hardware issue. As for the other things mentioned: hosts don't have any "power" because they don't need it in this game. The average mission is too short for kicking to be a concern while this player base would abuse the Hek out of such a feature. And Conclave got dedicated servers because a fair connection environment is crucial to a PvP environment where it makes no difference for PvE.
  4. As I understand this isn't a "non-PC" issue but an outdated console hardware issue. The spawn rate issues aren't present on the PS5 and Series X and is only a problem with the PS4, Xbone, and Switch. So if you have gripes with the system it should be properly directed at least. Really though it's an issue that DE will need to deal with sooner or later. The game launched on those consoles without the ability to properly run the game and have only encountered more issues as the game has evolved. Eventually DE will have to make a version of the game exclusive to those versions (like they tried to do with the Switch), disable crossplay/co-op/hosting entirely, and/or drop support for those consoles.
  5. Rivens already serve their purpose and really don't need changes. As for adding the missing faction damages I can only imagine that going over very poorly with players complaining that it's diluting the pool of effects they want to roll. Also there's no reason to make Warframe Rivens as, unlike weapons, they're intended to be viable at all levels. Plus frames already have access to two Arcane slots without needing adaptors, the Shard system, and are guaranteed to get upgraded variants (Primes) eventually.
  6. The purpose of survival is to kill as many enemies as possible to maintain life support. While in Railjack it's possible for some players to never encounter enemies, thus the drop rate is both higher and Reactant is shared across players. These are two entirely different situations. And no, the issue really is players. Even with low spawn rates all anyone needs to do is wait for Corrupted enemies. Players killing non-corrupted enemies or doing other things to hinder spawn rates are intentionally hindering the mission.
  7. As always wait for enemies to get corrupted before killing them especially in situations where the spawn rate is lower.
  8. Minus Incarnons the Cinta is the only real grind in Duviri, plus that content is still relatively "new". And even then Duviri was already made easier with the addition of Decrees that buff guns. While Citrine released with a pity system. Also most things already have a pity system of sorts via trade. Which applies to the Aoelak for instance as one could turn their Zariman standing into Arcanes to sell/trade for parts.
  9. The same thing applies to every actively updated game especially live service/"mmo" ones. Also while I can't personally relate as my breaks have only measured in the months (while still keeping up with updates) I don't see how there's a grind issue. Nearly every past grind has already been made easier either directly or through other systems/powercreep. Plus anyone who's slightly knowledgeable about the game should know or know how to figure out the best/easiest ways to finish grinds.
  10. Either one weapon I'm actually using throughout the entire mission with everything else either there for the ride or being ranked up passively. Or one weapon I'm testing a build on, one weapon that can carry the mission, and one that's just there or is being ranked. There's just never any reason, outside of PT, to bother with multiple weapons in a mission aside from personal preference. Even priming weapons are entirely superfluous as they're just more effort for more overkill damage.
  11. It's definitely not stronger than Viral Slash in general but there are use cases for the combo. In particular it's a great option for status priming and there are other ways to get Viral statuses floating around. Topaz Shards were fixed for being objectively broken. The potential of nearly 400% flat crit chance (plus it wasn't even intended to be flat) and literal invulnerability on some frames/any build with a companion built for it are just broken, not variety.
  12. If you merged accounts then there's no difference, you'll just have access to your platform exclusives while playing on said platform. If you linked accounts then the content on the one's linked to your main was deleted and replaced with your main account.
  13. They're neither rare nor require plat to acquire. Reactors and Catalysts can be gotten in mass for free from Nightwave and the Prime parts they ask are always parts in rotation (they get replaced with different items the same patch the current sacrifice is vaulted). While everything else they ask for are basic resources and/or are from the content they're associated with.
  14. I'm saying it's good for getting shields back to full after gating wears off plus using shield recharge delay (which should reduce the time before shields start regenerating "naturally") should let you start restoring shields with the Shard sooner. And that might even be able to occur during shield gate itself if the timer is long enough with low recharge delay or it could just be paired with something like Rolling Guard letting you just bounce back and forth between invulnerabilities. And really if the change makes the shard niche then that seems to be the whole point of the hybrid shards. Their effects aren't things most players will be naturally using but are things you can build around for their effects in new ways. Like even if you find using things like Brief Respite or Augur mods better it doesn't mean others can't forgo those effects and make a build around Topaz Shards instead, it's all just more varied ways to build. On release it was adding flat crit chance like Arcane Avenger. DE quickly fixed it to work like modded crit chance as DE didn't intend for the flat version to release. So no it wasn't a nerf but a fix. And just like the shield regen effect it's not a surprise that this got changes as well. The crit chance setup was adding nearly 400% flat crit chance to secondaries which is something no sane player should have expected to be intended/remain as is.
  15. Just like the crit chance change this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone with how casually exploitable the shield regen was. As is it's still usable for any build that can trigger a lot of blast procs just now for the purpose to getting shields back up as soon as possible instead of it being outright invulnerability. Plus it also gives more value to recharge delay which should decrease the CD on the Shard. All in all just like the other hybrid shards it's another niche option that opens up more build possibilities.
  16. And AOE gives players the choice to remove all other choices from the three other players in the squad. Every "suggestion" you've provided also works for those utilizing AOE which ruins any point you've been trying to make here. No, the actual choices are: "play the meta and get forcibly carried anyways if someone is being more meta than you", "play solo if you want to use anything else", or "hope you only get players who're looking to get carried/putting in less effort then you are". And as I pointed out earlier this issue extends beyond regular AOE weapons. WF is a complete mess that killed co-op through powercreep then continued to beat its corpse into dust.
  17. I don't see any problem with how they function. They exist to provide some secondary bonus either giving you some utility or in buffing the weapon you do plan on using. Like it doesn't matter if anyone uses the Daikyu at all as someone can equip it with nothing but it's amalgam (and set bonus mods) if they plan on using only their Nikana in a mission. Or the Furax one can be used just to function as an extra fire rate mod on a secondary you plan on primarily using. The only ones that're outliers is Organ Shatter and Shotgun Barrage. Organ Shatter double buffs one weapon type and is great for saving a mod slot on heavy attack builds. While Shotgun Barrage is bad since reviving in general might as well not be a game mechanic.
  18. They already proposed a system that'd let you do just that to any frame but it got scraped.
  19. AOE or no AOE WF still has the issue of the game not being remotely balanced for a full squad. Even if everyone only had single target weapons it then becomes down to who has the better nuke abilities. And removing those abilities it then becomes who lands their grouping ability and shoots first. That said I support DE adding the other AOE nerfs that were discussed when AOE ammo was being addressed. Things like removing self stagger immunity from (Primed) Sure Footed and adding self damage back in. Both of those would curb mindless AOE spam to some extent but the core issue would remain.
  20. Changing a Clan logo/name requires manual verification so nobody is putting questionable images into the game. Adding an upfront cost (which you already can farm for free anyways) is there to add incentive to not push the boundaries of what DE will and won't allow in-game. As for Regal Aya regular Aya is already farmable and already is the free option for getting the Relics currently in the Resurgence rotation. While Regal itself is only for buying those Prime pre-build and the Prime/Exclusive Accessories, things which were always paid only features.
  21. Saying energy might as well not exist is very disingenuous as reaching that point does require progression and investing some parts of your build into energy management. Energy should not exist for a player who's running Energize with Dispensary via Helminth, someone running Amber Shards for Orb Effectiveness plus DethCube's Energy Generator, running a health tank setup with Hunter Adrenalin, Efficiency mods plus Energy Nexus, etc etc. As all of these setups have made various sacrifices in their builds to reach the point of not worrying about energy. And even if switching to a cooldown based system with all these effects moved towards that there ought be the same situation with that as we have now where down time might as well not exist. As again you'd be making multiple parts of your build invested into that one purpose and having the option to build how you want is a very important cornerstone of Warframe. Personally I'd say that if there's an issue here it's with certain abilities having infinite uptime and certain spam abilities being problematic. Things Revenant being able to have infinite invulnerability or Thermal Sunder builds in general being too strong should get looked at. But targeting problematic aspects like these can be done without changing entire systems across the game.
  22. If players can "accidentally" make a Lich they'll definitely accidentally skip dialogue they didn't want to. This community simply can't be trusted with such a feature plus DE doesn't put story and dialogue in the game for nothing.
  23. No, not really. Nightwave is so painfully lenient now you'd have to literally not play the game at all to not make progress in it. Plus the catchup system means you could ignore NW for most of the season then spend a few sessions grinding it out to completion when/if one did feel like playing it. And yeah there's plenty to miss but you're not missing anything by lacking those. Nothing requires making use of Archon Shards or Incarnons. They're luxury items that let you make some different builds, squeeze out an extra mod slot on something, and give you some more weapon diversity. And none of that is required anywhere in the game. Also if someone did want to engage in those systems they're at no loss by having ignored them until that point other than needing to engage in the grind they chose not to do previously. Yes I'm aware of that, what I'm saying is that it's very likely that we'll see DE reuse them more as a reward for future content. And just like all previous "high value" rewards they'll become easier to get down the line. So skipping out on some/all of them now won't matter when we'll eventually see yet more ways to farm them. If players are struggling with time gates and limited content then sorry but WF has never been the game for them. It's something that has always simply been part of the game and players who don't like that need to either accept and learn how to manage it (literally just don't do the content) or move on. Also it really doesn't take much time to "finish" an update. The only things that actually take a long time would be finishing all the Arcanes that get thrown at us which is an absurd task considering how most of them range from niche to practically worthless. And as is players constantly run out of things to do given the up and down nature of player activity. And as for retention itself weekly content is there to encourage regular player activity instead of the one-and-done nature of all other updates keeping attentions for a week or so. Since retention and regular engagement are some of the most important factors for a live service game to maintain it's no surprise for DE to be trying to solve that. As for what'd be worse than weeklies be glad DE didn't take methods other games utilize with things like actual grinds (WF's are nothing compared to similar games), maintenance systems (resource sinks, forced regular engagement to progress, mandatory grinds, etc), or actual FOMO (things like gear/upgrades that'll never return after their first run).
  24. You can still do exactly that and ignore the weekly content as you're not missing out on anything by skipping them entirely. And if you're for some reason concerned about Shard FOMO it's almost inevitable that there'll only be more sources of it in the future. Just do them whenever you feel like it. Also you can only expect more weekly/daily content going forward (or maybe DE will mix it up with monthly content next). As it's the best choice DE could be making for dealing with the player retention issues WF has always had. The alternatives would result in far bigger problems than some FOMO.
  25. But Eternalism didn't scramble anything? Everything outside of New War/Duviri have been completely straightforward and are entirely unaffected by anything relating to Eternalism (even Whispers may have nothing to do with it). While New War is the only thing really utilizing it which even then is also straightforward if you understand how they're using Eternalism. And Duviri is in more of a prequel state while the Eternalism bits primarily come up with the quest, the Undercroft, and the secondary lore.
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