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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Yup. It's crazy we don't have this for weapons and frames. (Just in case you don't know, you can -kind of- use Loadouts a workaround for this to an extent. Unlike individual weapons and frames, loadouts can be marked as favorites and sorted that way.) Whenever somebody brings this topic up, I also have to mention the same thing for Void Relics. Please, sweet DE, let me favorite relics...
  2. Since DE sees Sim enemy level as a reward for earning MR, I guess they don't want to enable a shortcut around that. Not that I care. I think it's silly to have Sim enemy levels tied to MR at all.
  3. The wiki says Dizzying not only works in Incarnon, but applies to the ricochets. Which makes me glad I've got the augment. Latron Double Tap might actually be the only remaining exception that doesn't work, as it was singled out for review. A surprising number of these weapons have augments. Besides the ones already mentioned, Miter, Ack & Brunt, Furis, Zylok, Burston, Paris, Skana, Kunai, Furax...am I missing any?
  4. They really need to bring back augments regularly. Like every other NW would be reasonable. An even more egregious one is Efficient Beams for the Convectrix, which has been unavailable for going on 4 years.
  5. I don't see a lot of hope, but some. It totally is the kind of thing I can imagine them revisiting. Re-revisiting in this case. I bet there are people at DE that feel this part of the login reward system still has room for improvement. The problem though with Warframe is that any specific feature, even really screwy ones, is way more likely to remain the same than get changed. The studio is extremely busy with producing new content and keeping an old, extremely complex game running. FWIW I don't think anything but insignificant upgrades, novelties, cosmetics, and consumables should be locked behind login days
  6. Enemy Overguard doesn't make them status immune though. They're immune to Impact's stagger, and Radiation's confuse, and the CC components of Heat and Electricity. Blast's accuracy debuff I've been meaning to test, but I haven't gotten to. But everything else works, even if they aren't applicable while Overguard is up. (i.e., pre-existing Viral, Corrosive, and Magnetic procs will work fine the instant it's gone.) Toxin and Slash ticks don't bypass enemy Overguard or Kullervo's. It's sounding pretty similar. Do you know for a fact that Kullervo can get rad-proc'd or suffer more than 4 stacks of cold while Overguard is up? Yeah, a moderate amount of iframes is one of the things I was thinking too. But the gate and the higher cap seem like they might be enough to me. Obviously I can't say that for sure yet.
  7. I have almost zero problem with DE selling these. Except... ...I'm a little concerned less incentive to improve the Circuit may lead to a ******** Circuit than we'd have otherwise.
  8. Legend has it, it can still be found in dark, out of the way places, and lurking where you least expect it.
  9. It's got some potential as a primer for heavy attacks for other frames. Not just the combo generation, but traditional status priming. I do wish it was a bit better at status application though.
  10. It always defaults to a prime version if you have one. Haven't done that, but barring a bug it should work. If you're sure you'll forever be uninterested in spending forma on the prime. The prime does have very tiny advantages over the base version. One of those being an extra dash polarity if that makes the prospect more palatable.
  11. I get why they removed it. Bugs get fixed. (Eventually. Mostly... Ok, often.) But I wish somebody with decision making power had looked at the situation and said, "You know what, let's disable it for now if necessary, but touch it up and make it usable. Because this looks fun." I'm sort of hoping this did happen behind the scenes. But in that hypothetical case they're probably saving it for a different weapon or ability.
  12. ZOMG I didn't even know Endura Prime, Kestrel Prime, and Dual Zoren Prime existed! Must farm immediately! (Akzani, Fusilai, Dual Ether, Bolto meh.) More seriously, I've never seen any base weapon that actually has a direct advanced variant in my selections. (With the exception of Hek, which was bugged early on and fixed.) So that's some weird stuff.
  13. Not into it myself, but Dera seems like an extremely plausible candidate for some Incarnon love, being old and little used. But it wasn't on the most recent leaked list, if there's anything to that. I think there's a good chance eventually, as long as DE sticks with the Incarnon system.
  14. They don't. Or at least they weren't doing so in the Simulacrum as of a couple of days ago. Overguard was unaffected, health was. (Presumably shields too, but I didn't look at that.) The one exception I found was the Ancient Disrupter Aura.
  15. Lots of things are possible. I did look at it briefly though, and seems to me it's reaching out to about 15-16m. Without a cascade causing multiple damage instances it's a very weak effect at that range, but that's what I'd expect from the wiki description. And the explosion has issues punching through bodies, but again, that's talked about in the wiki. Sorry, I just haven't used the weapon enough to say more than that.
  16. Two exceptions to this I've found so far: Enemy Overguard is affected by the Disruptor aura DR. Hopefully a bug. (It might apply to Tenno Overguard too, but I haven't tried that yet.) Tenno Overguard is affected by rolling. Hopefully not a bug, as I think rolling for damage reduction is a fun mechanic with an opportunity cost and it's a little silly to take away some of its value for the hp pool And one thing I wish was an exception but isn't: weapon blocking. Again, fun mechanic. I've tested armor, adaptation, in-air DR, Ancient Healer aura from both enemies and specters, Guardian aura on enemies. None of the team effects yet, like Warding Halo. Rolling Guard also protects Overguard, but hopefully invulnerability is being considered as a different thing. Anyway, I hope yall are looking at boosting the cap on Kullervo's Overguard. And/or giving him some more survivability elsewhere, whether through CC or iframes or whatever. IMO he probably doesn't need massive adjustments.
  17. I haven't seen any examples of clear headshots not building any charge. It's always been a minimum of one per headshot in each of my tests. But on some weapons like Strun, one charge is almost invisible. What I am seeing is weapons only getting one charge or less than than the full multishot total if the target is killed. Any multishot can do this, it doesn't need to be innate. And since any sane build uses multi, it affects all Incarnon weapons.
  18. Anybody used it on Nyx yet? That's the first thought that came to my mind. (Well first synergistic thought. First actual thought was Banshee...because my first thought is always Banshee. :P )
  19. It should be easier to charge up against higher level enemies. Multishot hits are resolved consecutively, and once one kills the target, the rest usually won't count for headshots. I don't know if that's all of the problem. I haven't built the Incarnon yet (low on clamps) but I'm pretty familiar with Bronco and yeah, its shots spread out fast. Getting as close as possible should help, as well as the accuracy perk, Targeting Subsystem, and Reflex Draw/Twitch. As far as my feedback goes, not having used the weapon yet, 42 Bronco headshot hits for just 20 Incarnon shots seems very poor.
  20. I prefer the Synoid version, based largely on it being faster and how much I personally dislike slow attack speed hammers. Besides the scanning, it's also got an amusing heavy attack kills produce temporary specter gimmick which regular Heliocor doesn't. I've been revisiting it lately with Kallervo, and it looks pretty promising...for a hammer.
  21. Does this include Circuit points? Can it include Circuit points? I can't communicate what an enormous relief this would be as long as faulty host migrations exist there. As it stands, when the host leaves, everybody leaves...if they get the chance. If the host loses their connection or pulls a last second gotcha at the continue screen, they're probably screwed. Whenever I play Circuit, and I'm not the host, I'm anxious that any progress we make is going to just disappear. (Not that my connection is infallible, I just know I'm not going to ditch intentionally without letting everybody know in advance.) If it were just a matter of screwing up and failing the objective, I wouldn't care. But host migration failures and a few soft locks are killing the fun of this game mode for me.
  22. Are you making the kills while sliding? Apparently there's a bug in the description now. Sliding is required, though IIRC any kills while sliding count, not just Boltor kills.
  23. They multiply combo generation too. I think there are a few exceptions. Stanceless uses Reaping Spiral's forward combo for all four of its basic combo. The math checks out. I've got a question for you about this though... I don't have Incarnon Hate build yet, but on Nami Solo's variant of that condition with the same language, it requires a force equip, i.e., hold down 'f', so no instant swapping to ranged weapons. Is quick melee enough to benefit from that perk on the Hate? Watching your video I do see one definite difference. On Nami Solo I have to have at least one ranged weapon slotted or the perk doesn't do anything.
  24. Oh, I mean Devastating Attrition wasn't applying its 21x damage for clients. Basically off topic.
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