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Everything posted by (PSN)slightconfuzzled

  1. I can't really think of one. Not to try to convince you otherwise, just i view Airburst and Tornado as purposefully different, with some similarities, sure, but ehh. One costs 100 Energy and is big on DPS potential, and longer CC. The other can have more utility, costs far less energy, especially if you do it whilst in the air, can drag new enemies to your tornados, which is great synergy, and it also works on boxes, and can be a decent box breaker/good for collecting loot everywhere. As it also bypasses walls, objects etc (so if you are in a tileset with walls, doors etc that have crates, Airburst will help out greatly as far as getting loot. Especially with its much lower energy cost, letting you spam it and usually getting energy back in return, since it can hit so many crates/boxes. Also has a great augment, Airburst Rounds, but can also be better for melee builds (brings them to one place on the ground). Maybe Roar? Except Tornado is so good, you don't really need more DPS. Her 3 is great for Survival. She can kill enemies so fast, you shouldn't run out of energy. Spectrosiphon would ironically work better with the 2, as you can better control and pull enemies into that ring directly. Maybe one of the other Energy efficient powers?
  2. Its when you put a picture of De La Soul in a really ornate picture frame.
  3. Warframe wise, have found quite a lot pretty strong. The Decree system can often really enhance particular Warframe's strengths to the zenith. I agree with Baruuk for example, as there are a lot of melee and ability Decrees which can increase your effectiveness. For similar reasons have found Mesa, pretty potent, especially with some of the Decrees you can stack. Certain Status based Warframes become terribly powerful with the Double Status damage, and Status spreading Decrees, on top of stuff like inflicting status equals health recovery. Lavos, Citrine, Voruna for example. Even Frost, one of my usually least enjoyed Warframes, can become beastly, because on top of armour strip, there are some Decrees that basically buff damage by a lot, to enemies affected by Cold. There are still a few Warframes I am yet to experience in the Circuit. Am curious as to how Mirage, Loki, may perform.
  4. Ocucor is going to be getting an interesting Augment from the Nightwave soon too, if you weren't aware. "Sentient Velocity: Each target eliminated refills 20% of Ocucor magazine. Increase Status Chance and Critical Chance by 60% for each Tendrils active. Augment statistics listed at Max Mod Rank" Could be interesting. Convectrix Augment was called Efficient Beams, "Only consumes ammo when dealing damage. +150% Status Chance." its pretty good, in two respects. First, you avoid the issue with the ramping up mechanic of beams, you could just more liberally hold down the trigger and sweep across clusters of enemies, without having to worry about conserving ammo. Secondly, its already pretty high status and its slash weighted. Enhancing that further is pretty great. You go viral heat and try to build for high damage, and you can also CC enemies with those statuses and watch them bleed out in big groups. Tougher enemies like Eximus also get shredded. The only issue though, is that it was a Nightwave season 2 reward that hasn't reappeared since. So that kind of sucks. I hope they bring it back in future NW rewards (or offerings). Hehe, not sure if intentional pun or not but nice! (Glaxion being a cold weapon and all = cool)
  5. Yeah that sounds like a great idea for a Tigris Incarnon. Out of all the weapons I mentioned, this is the one I would personally want the most, with the Tenet Exergis a close second. The holy trinity of Warframe shotguns, along side the Kuva Hek. Covering Tenno, Grineer and Corpus factions. I just think its proper that Tigris be meta in Warframe.
  6. I mean... I don't think we need them, but I too would like more. I'm personally a big fan of upgrades and variants. That being said, eh, I also think we should be generally a bit discriminating. If we try to make every weapon special, having over 400 weapons... ehhh. I think some weapons should be better than others (in my opinion, and view, especially the more interesting and unique weapons), also... if each weapon is constantly improved to match others... creates a vicious power creeping cycle and loop... Like, I am personally not against the power aspect of the game, but if try to make every gun the meta, it'd actually hurt some of the more interesting unique guns, for the sake of just power... A little discretion can go a long way in this regard, whilst still upgrading/buffing some weapons. With that spirit, here are my personal wish list picks. Tenet Exergis. Tenet Convectrix, Tenet Opticor. Tenet Supra. Tenet Staticor. Tenet Lenz. Tenet Velocitus. Kuva Sobek, Kuva Ripkas, Kuva Gorgon, Kuva Stug. Amprex Vandal, Ambassador Vandal Aeolak Wraith. Acrid Wraith. Knux Wraith. Prisma Stropha. Prisma Arca Titron, Prisma Ohma. Incarnon Tigris. Incarnon Sybaris. Incarnon Daikyu, Incarnon Snipetron. Incarnon Fusilai. Incarnon Talons. Incarnon Galatine. Incarnon Attica. Infested Lich variants of... Phage, Zymos, Arum Spinosa, Catabolyst, Embolist, Hema, Hirudo, Synapse, Pox, Paracyst.
  7. Ehhh, I mean I agree a little and disagree a little, but I think its more fun to talk about in general. Like I personally really like beam weapons. Very cool and fun weapons. First off, I am not opposed to buffs or suggestions to improve them. I am of the general opinion, that the more interesting and unique the weapon, the more viable it should be. I think that beam weapons should have a solid corner of Warframe (and some do, like I think the Phantasma is pretty popular, but I still remember when it was a sleep powerhouse that many people overlooked). That also being said, I think a lot of them are still pretty strong, especially depending on the context. I still play a lot of them regularly, in Steel Path. Some may struggle a little in some situations, also I do have to acknowledge I have a few Rivens for some, but I think all at the least, handle Kuva Lich/Sisters of Parvos and Sorties really well. Also some are just better for single target, others groups, some against Grineer, some Infested, some have AOE lite elements, I sort of like that variety. There are a few more not mentioned, like the original Flux Rifle (which at one point had the strongest Primary Riven disposition, presumably it was that unpopular, but I found it was pretty decent). Ignis Wraith is also a messy beam, but it stands out from most of them in terms of overall popularity, probably because its punch through and AOE cone aspect. I also personally think Quanta Vandal is very underrated and just generally cool. Convectrix, I think is a monster of a weapon, almost as underrated as compared to when Phantasma vanilla was a while ago, granted, I think its clunkier to use, and thats a reason it might not ever be used more. The biggest issue I see for a lot of beam weapons in Warframe, is the "ramp up" mechanic many have. It can be a bit finnicky and annoying. I use to think something was wrong with my game, because enemies would always take a bit to die, even if they were really weak, and I thought my build was very good. Turns out they just needed to "ramp up", and often people just want the enemy in front of them to be dead, as soon as they press fire. Like often even projectile weapons would kill enemies faster. I wouldn't necessarily get rid of that mechanic either, but I think thats why some beam weapons can feel deceptively weak. Again, the Convectrix for example, with its slash weighting and status stats, very powerful. Feels way better with its Nightwave Augment which rarely shows up, (IIRC only once?) I think it costs like a few hundred Plat to buy, because of that rarity. The ability to hold down fire and not expend any ammo, unless it hits an enemy? Greatly improves the usability and quality of life of that weapon, as well as just makes it even stronger. Without it though? Like... Here's the other aspect with these weapons? Warframe being the game that it is, I think, or hope, eventually we get a few variants/upgraded versions. Then those variants can iron out some of the issues they may currently have. Like most of the weapons oP listed as "good" have really good variants, except the Phage. I am personally hoping eventually we get Infested Lich versions of the Phage, Synapse, Catabolyst. Am hoping we might get a Tenet Amprex, Tenet Convectrix (not that I think it needs it, but would be quite fun). Could be interesting if we got a Glaxion Incarnon potentially too. Also did you mean the Paracyst? I am not sure I would consider that a beam weapon, its burst fire primary. The Alt Fire is like a scorpion style harpoon. Maybe you meant Embolist or Catabolyst? Nothing major though, just curiosity. Oh anyway, I feel like some of the suggestions and some others could apply to variant/upgraded versions. Like maybe the Tenet Convectrix could come with its Augment already build into the weapon. Plus you would get a Progenitor element bonus, (Heat would be great, as on most beam weapons), some improved stats, like higher Crit and with all the extra modding options now available, not needing the augment, or an Elemental mod... would be a pretty crazy weapon. Maybe Incarnon Glaxion could turn into a cone AOE like the Ignis Wraith, but with better stats. I imagine we'll def get one of the Infested Beam weapons, upgraded with Infested Liches, there are so many...
  8. I haven't done this challenge, so this may not apply, but with some of the other Incarnon weapons that needed a certain amount of headshots, etc multishot was usually a factor as well. As in if the weapon required you to hit a certain mark (like say 10 headshots without reloading) but the gun only say.. had 9 shots in the magazine? It would still be possible, because multishot may help you out. Plus as already mentioned, Dual Toxocyst does have Wild Frenzy buff. Another trick that may or may not work... but Nidus usually has a easy time with getting Incarnon headshots. If you use your Parasitic Link on an enemy (one that can be CCed), they'll take no damage, be stationary and still, standing up, letting you get easy headshots, without them dying. May also apply with Xaku and Gaze, I can't remember. Good luck!
  9. Depends where you are progression wise. The first time I was near the end of a NW, I checked to see what equipment would need Nitain, and make sure I had enough to cover for it. Since new stuff occasionally also uses Nitain, I also had a small surplus. Its been a long them since I needed Nitain to make anything (got everything), oh and there are some nice Alt helmuts in there. So now I mostly spend it on Catalysts or Reactors, spare Aura Mods, etc depending on how I have. Like if I only have 20 Creds I'll just get more Nitain. Or even just keep the NW currency for commemorative reasons.
  10. They seem pretty popular so it seems likely. I think they may have even implied it somewhere, as I see a few people make reference to something of the sort, but I was half asleep in the last Devstream and haven't been searching out such info. I also understand why some are pessimistic or cynical, but eh, Kuva weapons and Tenet weapons have been added here and there, and we know Infested Liches will come in a bit. Incarnon weapons themselves we just introduced last year with Angels of Zariman. So whilst Zaws and Kitguns (I'd add Archguns) may feel "abandoned", its worth noting that not all systems have been neglected. Its also worth noting that Angels of Zariman was when Reb started the process of getting comfy with her new position, and we did have a change in positions of the Devs, new higher positions etc So in this sense, may be reason to be more hopeful for attention on some of these newer systems.
  11. Infested versions of Lichs and Sisters is all but guaranteed, fortunately. Just not this year unfortunately. The Devs have addressed this. I also like your idea, I had a similar idea, and have mentioned it a few times. I would like Infested Liches to evolve and adapt as they get higher in levels. As in visually mutating to adapt to how you injure, hunt them etc. Like they can grow massive mutated lobster hands, or get thick scar tissues, etc sort of like if you combine Infested with Resi Evil Tyrants etc. Then also I think their "Thralls" could be Juggernauts that are similar to Sister Hounds. Meaning they are also varied in appearance to reflect their Lich and elements. Plus when you eventually defeat the Lich you get to have or customise your own Juggernaut too, lol. Plus the weapons themselves, would be cool to be a mix of Incarnon and Lich weapons, that "Evolve", sort of like how Nidus evolves too (visually and stats wise). Either way, whatever they do, will eventually be coming.
  12. Answers have already been given, but I personally found Citrine and the Secondary Encumber Arcane was great. Though, incidentally that was set up I was already running, and I didn't even check the Evolution requirements and unlocked it within a minute. Also, does help to make sure the enemies are actually tough enough too, so they don't die too fast. So if thats an issue then make sure to try Steel Path (they will still die fast, but slow enough to unlock the Evolution). Good luck either way.
  13. Also just remembered that they could reinvigorate a few Archguns this was as well. They have been so neglected, but if we had one or two that could be Incarnon, that could be interesting and breath life back into them (though some Galvanised Mods or Arcanes would be nice too).
  14. Yes thats partially accurate, but its a bit muddled. They even temporarily remove the Snieptron IIRC from the game, but they re-added it. The Lanka and Snieptron do share the same visual model, but they behave differently. DE also arguably loosened up their restrictions over such things somewhat (well energy and railgun tech based are also a bit vague).
  15. I've thought about this since the last thread a bit more, and here are my ideas. First, I think at a certain point, that could easy slot in new weapons into the weekly rotation, at some point, once the cycle has repeated a few times (meaning some people will already have all the Adapters, even if they have used them on multiple variations). Tigris: I'd really like to see the Tigris family get an Incarnon. I always thought it was interesting they used the Tigris Prime in the Duviri teaser. Also its still a decent weapon, but it used to be the king of shotguns and the meta. How I perceive the current second Gen Incarnons, is about old powerful weapons, outdated, reliving their glory days. So Tigris fits that completely. Like whatever the change, if Tigris Prime was the new best Shotgun in the game, I think that would be dope. Side note, Sobek could be considered, but I would rather we eventually get a Kuva Sobek. Sybaris: I think Sybaris is a really interesting weapon, that has fallen by the wayside a bit. Due to its nature, as well as its stats, and the competition around it and the game its in. I think anything that would breath life into it could be really interesting. Talons: Likewise, one of the more interesting weapons, bit niche, could be interesting to see an Incarnon form in. I think we have enough weapons that are super powerful, might be more fun to making some of the more interesting weapons, more "viable". Gunsen: I sometimes forget that the Gunsen was the first Warfan that we got in 2017. Could be a really interesting pick to get Incarnon treatment. Attica: I always like the feel and sound of this gun, so having an enhanced version. Plus some of the other bowguns have gotten Prime versions, so Attica having a boost this way could be nice. Snipetron: We don't have any Incarnon Snipers, so I would like to see one. Veidt: Its a cool sounding weapon, that could be fun. Boar: Don't have enough Incarnon shotguns. Daikyu: I am just really curious to see how this would work and function. We will have a few Incarnon bows, but... Daikyu, is like... I would hope they maintain the longer charge, but also add in some sort new aspect to that. Side note, Opticor could be fun, but kind of like the Sobek, I would rather see a Tenet Opticor.
  16. Atomos: Bit disappointed in it, but mostly because I personally like beam weapons much more than AOE in general. So its Incarnon form is... eh. Still enjoy the weapon and the overall stat buffs make a weapon I already like, more effective, and that I do like. If I had a Warframe themed Genie, than I would have rather this been a Kuva Atomos, with the Incarnon being the Alt Fire that you charge a little (a bit like the Phantasma, main fire is a beam, and the alt fire is an AOE you charge). Also kind of view it like an inverse Epitaph. It may not scale the best, but I can imagine it would provide multiple functions. Like its Incarnon can kill base Steel Path enemies easy, its normal version is still a great primer. Torid: Speaking of AOE and beams... I like it. I wish the beam was a bit more impressive and interesting visually and we had a better skin for it. Its effective though, and I like we have an Incarnon that can trigger from direct hits (now I can use it with Nidus Larvae better). Can see myself using it a lot this upcoming weekend. Miter: Looks and sounds great from second hand info. Despite being the weapon I was probably anticipating the most, I decided to not get it this week, because I kind of dog the idea of building anticipation for it. This weeks choices were tough. Dual Toxocyst: Likewise, sounds fun and unique, and great. Dual Ichor: Have heard nothing of it yet, other than those thoughts in this thread.
  17. I think there too many unknown variables (well either unknown, or I just don't know them) to tell, but also, there are a lot of variables to account for, and they may be certain thresholds, for some of those variables that involve aspects of RNG, and you also have to consider peoples subjective personal preferences. Like lets say comparing an individuals preference, one who has hard favourites and hard dislikes, vs someone who just mildly likes everything. Also, I am just generally skeptical of people who make certain claims/hard claims about values or subjects I can't see how/why they can be confident about, or only use personal experience as evidence (especially situations with variables in the hundreds/RNG). For myself, I also consider myself in a relatively small group of players. Like even being on a Forum dedicated to the game, is already a smallish minority, people who play longer than Steel Path for an hour is probably a minority as well (I don't have hard data here, but some educated guesses based on what DE occasionally reveals, talks about). I personally really like experimenting and testing different synergies in Warframe. So even when I come across a weapon or Warframe I don't like, or enjoy, I hold on to them, invest in them, and wonder to myself, what can I do to enjoy those things. Like I find that fun. There are still things I dislike, like... never really managed to make myself enjoy Hydroid unless its with certain weapons. In which case I am mostly just enjoying those weapons. In Circuit though, I would probably prefer the Hydroid I have visually modified and invested in, than a loaner Hydroid. So as far as myself versus another player, who more actively dislikes certain Warframes and they just can't won't play them (ditto for weapons) well... Thats an important distinction. Also like... DE can't give you something you don't own... if you own everything. Which I do as far as Warframes, and am close to as far as weapons (well for the purpose of Circuit RNG, since I do sell non Primes, when I get Primes, ditto Tenet/Kuva weapons. I can actually count on my hands which weapons I don't have, because I mostly sold them for funny reasons. For example I sold the Burston Prime because I felt it was so lacklustre. So I laughed the other day when I got regular Burston in the Circuit. So I am usually getting one weapon I don't own, but for me, it just means that I keep getting the new melee weapons frequently. I also do want to want to get a Burston Prime again, just because Incarnon reasons. Also again obviously, I know that this isn't reflective or representative of most players. Regardless I do agree with OP's end conclusion either way. Unless selling off those things was something you may have already been considering or wanting to do anyway. Which it sounds like it was/is for some players.
  18. Some great thoughts, thank for your input. I agree with a lot of them. Zariman is one of my favs. One of my biggest wishes, is for them to add Relic Cracking to its modes. I agree with you over Overguard. Veilbreaker isn't my favourite. Its not my worst, but yeah, I understand where you are coming from with your criticisms, and expect it would be one of the less popular updates. I think when New War Kahl section was praised a lot, they struggled to integrate what (most?) people liked about it, into a regular mode. I personally like Archons, but I get why many people are split, dislike it etc. I also think it sort of makes sense how/why not liking Lich stuff could also make you less positive on Duviri. Where as I really like Lich stuff, and a part of that is because it means new weapon testing and experiments, which is also why I am really enjoying the Incarnon system. Anyway thank you again, I like hearing peoples preferences in context (talking about positives and negatives at the same time).
  19. I personally still enjoy games from yesterday year. Games like Vagrant Story, Okami, Castlevania, games that are far outpaced graphically. Graphics don't exist in a vacuum for myself. Currently Warframe looks great to myself, and I think it'll probably look decent in a few years as well. I think its graphical evolution thus far has been impressive. (Duviri landscape in my view is incredible). I still play older Dark Souls games now and then too, and think they look great, even whilst newer versions/sequels, spiritual successors etc look incredible compared to them, eh. Though we may have different definitions or ideas as to what constitutes as "honest effort:, which is okay.
  20. Thanks, in my country I am actually the 7th most popular comedian, in the Northern region. Enough about my sex life though, what about how that new Zelda game that makes all Souls games look like David Cage games? Incredible.
  21. That Horizon update pales compared to Minecraft or Elden Ring. I am not that impressed. If we want to really be objective with our perspective, then we should really make sure that perspective, also has perspective.
  22. Just out of curiosity OP (or anyone else that seems this and wishes to chip in), what are some of the updates from Warframe you consider really really good (as in the best) and what are those you consider the worst? Also I mean that sincerely as in I am only curious, wouldn't judge your views or anything. We all have different preferences and standards. For full transparency, I only started playing Warframe a lot in 2020. I played it and was aware of it before then, but I was very very casual, didn't play new updates, had very little knowledge. Its hard to judge updates when you play them years later, where stuff is added, removed, improved. Plus even where I was as a player. Like originally I hated Disruption, and Gas City tilesets, but now those are some of my fav Warframe things, along with Wisp and Fulmin. So in hindsight, The Jovian Conchord aka Update 25 is one of my favourite Updates. I also really like Kuva Liches and Railjack... now... but I wasn't here for Old Blood or Empyrean, elements of those have been refined, improved and changed a lot since then, and I hear a lot from others they were quite rough. So would I have enjoyed those updates at Launch (including a few weeks of Hot fixes as opposed to updates months and years later?). It would be a bit hard for me gauge where they rank on my list of ranked updates. The Updates I have experienced? Well I was still catching up on the game when Update 28 came out (Deadlock Protocol), it has things i really like, Protea, some weapons, but ehhh... I don't hate it, but it isn't one of my favourite updates. I mean some updates are a bit smaller than others. Again hard to gauge, looks like there were a lot of QOL updates, I may just be ignorant of too. My personal fav updates, tend to add a lot of new replayable content. I really liked Angels of Zariman for example. New game modes, new interesting enemies (Void Angels), new tile sets that are fun to explore, and also some new interesting weapons (Incarnons). I do also like good story quest updates, like the New War, but eh, everything else about that update was a bit... underwhelming for me. Which I do understood too, since most of the attention and effort was to make sure the story quest was good, but what to do after? Narmar Bounties that were just Cetus Bounties? To get Isoplast... for Caliban? So as a whole Update? Ehh... For myself personally, Duviri is thus one of the best updates overall (just speaking to my own preferences). just the size of the Update itself is impressive. We got a significantly long story quest, with great voice acting, music, cinematic scenes (not as large as New War, but still sizeable), but we also got a new open world as well... thats very visually interesting, with new activities and past times (not necessarily as large as other open worlds), but there are great incentives to keep returning as well, with the cycles, and characters, and rewards. Not only that but we are getting a meta shake up, with our weapons too, a bit like Tenet Sisters/Kuva LIch updates... like yeah Incarnons aren't new weapons, but they basically are, they are shaking the meta, people are excited and talking about them a lot. Then we also got a new mode Circuit, plus the decree system, plus a bunch of other things. Like for me, there are only a few new enemies, but they are meaningfully different, whether in Drifter mode or Circuit mode. Like how many new enemies are usually added with updates? Angels added like a few Thrax and Void Angels? Our new Dax inspired enemies are decent additions, I prefer them to Narmar enemies. We also got the Orowyrm as well. Personal preferences and all, but Duviri seems way more lively than other open worlds, because it has plenty more neutral life. You see a lot more animals, they don't run from you, a lot more neutral NPC's hanging out talking, some of your quests involve protecting people. Its not just enemies here and there trying to kill you. They also have themes going on, lots of other things I won't go into. Again, not trying to claim its factually the most lively open world, just for myself personally. When I consider the scope of everything added, eh, I think DE over delivered. I just think that some people find certain content polarising, which is totally valid and fair. For myself I definitely put it above Call of Tempestarii (which also in a way came with Sisters of Parvos, depending on how we are grouping Updates, 30 vs 30.5), I put it above Heart of Deimos, Deadlock Protocol. New War was great but all that was basically a story quest. Veilbreaker was aight. Think I even Duviri more than Angels of Zariman. I think with time, more people are going to look back favourably on this update. Often when things don't go exactly as we personally expect? We can be a little dour. Personally it never bothers me if people hate the Updates I like, or they like the updates I dislike, but I am always curious what updates they do consider "better" and why.
  23. In my humble opinion, unless you are planning on staying a few hours in Steel Path Endurance (or maybe plan on doing some Steel Path Disruption), you really don't need to get too specific with factions, at least as far as say Bane mods. Also, understanding certain elements and how they can effectively deal damage against the enemies you might be fighting. Like sure, Toxin is really great against Corpus, because it can bypass a lot of their shields, but they can still die pretty fast with a lot of Viral and other element set ups. Infested can be weak to Heat, Gas, Slash, but really they are easy to deal with. In those situations, you'd probably be better off just thinking about something else. Like a small magazine, single shot, slow weapon that does a lot of big damage? May be less effective than a weapon that does less damage, but fires faster, bigger magazine, small AOE, or big AOE, or is like a melee weapon, just because whilst they are weaker, there are more of them. Some of the tankier types of enemies also are the type that are weak to Rad damage too, so its like ehhh. Basically there is a reason why Viral/Slash, Viral/Heat, Corrosive/Heat/Slash, are all pretty popular elements. They can be pretty convenient for players. You can however do some pretty fun and interesting things with Electric and Gas and Cold, but at that stage its about applying the understanding and creativity you have, around the system, to create certain synergy. Like Zephyr's Tornados and a Gas Nataruk is a pretty simple combo.
  24. As far as Primary Arcanes, yeah Merciless is one of the best. I'd say that best thing about it though is that it can activate without some of the limitations that Deadhead has, in regards to DOTs. That being said, there are still a lot of circumstance and weapons where Deadhead is superior. Then for Secondary? There is a lot more competition, like Cascadia Flare for example, plus a few others depending on what you are trying to achieve. We also have some new Arcanes which I haven't tested yet, which may further chip into Primary Merciless, at least for certain shotguns and certain bows.
  25. All good, and ah, makes sense, I was just wondering he might start to enjoy Warframe and then start to want to keep more things, lol. You should be good to go. Take care!
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