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Everything posted by (PSN)slightconfuzzled

  1. Not if you stick to your reps everyday. Well most days, rest days are important too. Then you'll always be prime shr...
  2. I don't think Spectres are the reason, however I understand why people bring up Spectres, in regards to this bug. Like if I had to speculate, with acknowledged little relative experience or knowledge with video gaming coding and the background spaghetti of Warframe, I'd hazard to say its more an issue with "entities" interacting with each other. So for example, that could be Warframes and Spectres, yes. Could also mean Warframes and Drifters/Operators, Warframes and On Call Crew, Warframes that have abilities that create close enough approximations to any of the prior, like say Wukong. Could even be Warframes and K-Drives. The reason why Spectres can be interesting, is because it can be easy to replicate this bug, and temporarily "fix" it. So maybe to some that provides insight to the larger problem. Like some say this is an old bug, and it might be, for myself personally it started happening a lot more in the past year. Well, one change within that time span, was the changes to certain powers and interactions. Changes like Wukong Clone and Spectres etc requiring ammo for their weapons and being able to pick up ammo, but also changes like Operators/Drifters sharing their energy pools with Warframes (instead of taking them exclusively for themselves), so could be any one of these changes or a combination of them that is creating issues. In the Undercroft, a Warframe and Drifter/Operator is still an interaction that may cause the issue, hence... That being said, there is likely other stuff going on, for example, if you summon a Spectre elsewhere, the bug can temporary be fixed. There may be other makeshift causes and temp solutions around pick ups, who/what is picking up what, reloading, shared ammo/energy and so on. Either way, its a super annoying bug that should be something addressed and solved, "just don't use the thing" isn't a good solution to an error, as I am sure most people would agree. "Joining missions with a full set of Stalker weapons and the Dread Incarnon evolution “Coup de Grace” crashes the game (workaround in the meantime: use a different weapon or a different evolution)." Hmm, so it was a ruse all along? Stalker sabotaging his weapons to somehow get one over on the Tenno? Devious! Especially the bit with Coup De Grace. Talk about hiding in plain sight.
  3. Eh, can be a tricky and contentious issue. Like I am personally generally pro rework. Except the term rework itself can depend a bit, like a few months ago, did Mag, Excalibur and Volt get reworks? Or did they just get adjustments and small buffs? Well Grendel, was that a rework? Was Zephyr a rework? Mostly rhetorical, in the sense, that different people have different answers. Do you need to change whole abilities, introduce new abilities, make substantial changes, for it to be consider a rework? Alternatively are we okay with small buffs and adjustments? Like personally, I think a few of the Warframes mention are fine, but could do with some small buffs, quality of life adjustments and so on. Well in that sense, some of them have been buffed a bit in recent years, just nit huge reworks. Like Frost benefitted from the armour changes (easier to armour strip), and cold status got a small buff too. In 2021 Nyx got some small buffs, but most people didn't really consider that a rework, the same way other Warframes in the past have been reworked. Then you have motivations for reworks? Viability? Popularity? Balance? Accessibility? Comfort? Combination of factors? Viability is tricky, because when is this a matter of player effort, skill, time investment and practice? Many players who have put in time, and practice can excel with many of the Warframes mentioned. For example, I think Ash is really strong in Steel Path, including Disruption, one of the harder modes. I thought Nyx was a bad Warframe... until I actually started getting better at the game in knowledge and skill, then I started considering her top tier. That being said, I wouldn't be opposed to Ash getting some small convenience buffs, adjustments, I just don't think he needs a huge rework. Nyx? Despite my personal feelings/thoughts, well she has a really low usage rate, (which is still probably a few thousand people who play her), but she is one of, if not the least popular Warframes overall. So potentially a decent candidate for a rework. Then personally, I think Hydroid struggles a lot, as far as potential and effectiveness against enemies, and I don't really find him that fun. He also isn't too popular. So, to myself, he is the best candidate for a rework, since I think he has a cool interesting theme and "deserves" better synergy, abilities and effectiveness. I keep on saying "personally" a lot though, because I think its important to acknowledge our own biases and preferences. I am very flexible, I don't main a Warframe. I am constantly swapping between my favourite Warframes. How many favourites do I have? Like 30... so I don't really like Hydroid? Well I have like 30 favs and thats just favs, I often play like most Warframes. I have met players who do main Warframes, and play them near exclusively, and so there are many many Hydroid, Frost, Yarelli, Loki, Nyx, Inaros players out there, who pretty much only play those Warframes. All their time, Platinum, Tennogen, effort, is around that Warframe, and they make them work in hard difficulties regardless. Should the game... change a Warframe, that I don't really think or care about that much, just because I think they are a bit weak and uninteresting, even though, even if they did get reworked, I still might not care? Especially when I already play like 30 different Warframes? Even though that Warframe, may have a small, but very dedicated fanbase already? So I am always mindful of that. Now I mean, there are probably a lot of Hydroid fans that would like him to be buffed, so generally, I also tend to prefer small buffs and minor reworks (and we have gotten a few of those in the past few years more than big reworks). I do like the Grendel changes, but a decent amount of Grendel mains weren't as happy, and I thought their issues were valid, even if I now enjoy Grendel way more. Also this argument has been around, ever since Wisp, Gauss, Protea were new (and likely way before then too). Citrine is one of my fav Warframes. I really liked the Zephyr rework, great Warframe made better, I used her a bunch since, I try to use Grendel more too. I'm a minority though, a lot of Warframe players don't care. I wouldn't want to sacrifice Wisp, Gauss, Citrine and other "new" Warframes, for reworks, that most others don't even care about. Then you have players who just want reworks on a whim, because they personally don't use a Warframe, and don't really consider other aspects. Aspects DE would have to consider, and take time and resources. So even though I am pro rework... eh, makes sense its more convenient to focus general efforts on new stuff generally.
  4. Yeah thats not cool on those people, I am sorry you had experiences like that. Those people generally lack self awareness, because they don't realise if such attitudes like theirs are prevalent, it increases the chances they won't get to pick in the future either. Basically its short sighted on their part. Hopefully with time, such attitudes get filtered out though, or DE implements a better system to mitigate such attitudes. Hope you have better luck with team mates!
  5. Relatable. Fortunately this has only happened to me twice in over 50 PUGS. Still frustrating. Though in one of those instances, I politely informed the people and politely asked them to be a bit more patient, and they didn't actually know thats what happens. The other time, I did the same, and they didn't reply. So maybe they didn't know, or maybe they did. I don't know. I still wished DE had a bit more foresight as well, and or implements a change eventually. Some people may just not know/realise, and some people may know... and be selfish/impatient, but that still hurts random runs with PUBS too. Basically I like when DE "kiddie proofs" such systems (like having a Ready Option available, or we choose in cave then get entered into a match or some other better refined solution).
  6. On one hand I agree, I would like Sorties to get some sort of update/refresh, especially rewards. On the other hand, DE often reports Sortie content being some of the most popular, consistently played content. Ayatan Sculptures also are a source of Endo and potentially Plat too. Now for some of us, we don't need a lot of Endo anymore, but a lot of newer and mid game players do. Personally I myself don't even really care about the rewards, but I still enjoy Sorties for the modifiers, and PUBs/Community, as its almost always full squad and I find that nice (as opposed to some modes in the game, which are basically solo even if public is turned on). You also have to be careful about rhetoric about whats acceptable or unacceptable. For example, if DE doubled the price of PA, but halved the content you receive... well to me, that would be unacceptable. As in I would probably stop playing the game. If you say the Sortie reward is unacceptable, but continue playing the game... Thats a type of implicit acceptance. Not an agreement, you can be critical of something, think it needs changing, like a lot of people self included would like a refresh/better loot, but also think the current is "fine" or "meh", and or there are other places within the game that need more attention. Likewise, listening to players. Which players? Player base doesn't always agree about everything exactly. If DE has data that says Sorties are popular, then its player perception that may be the issue. Could just be that you have progressed beyond the point of Sorties having value to you, personally, which is okay. Same. Sucks, if you/we want daily content like a sortie that you would like to be more personally rewarding, and wanting more makes sense, just a different vibe from "I am going to speak on behalf of everyone, change this now, its unacceptable".
  7. Nice to hear! I look forward to grabbing it (only reason I delayed getting it and the Miter is because I already know I will probably like them. Gives me something nice to look forward to). Speaking of the future though, think I will go for the Skana and Kunai on the first rotation of repeat offerings. I like the sound of the Lato, will leave that for the last week. (Well unless they add some more by that point, but I am not sure they will have.).
  8. It does yeah (if you need conformation?), I know more about it, the Paris than the Dread currently, I believe there are some differences, like on certain PIS values, difference in status (and Disposition if thats something someone is interested in).
  9. I mean that could be interesting, but I almost feel like it would be just a bit too superficial. Well, unless they added a bit more to it, just Narmer enemies in the same nodes, ehhh. To put it another way, I would rather then just wait and give us the Tau system as far as a shiny new star chart to re-experience again. I do like Narmer enemies and some potential ideas you could throw in, but I would prefer it more as a Node maybe? Like maybe something to do with the Archons, throw in the a new node similar to Kuva Fortress, so those that want to fight more Narmer enemies outside of Bounties or Archon hunts can. Am open to being wrong though if they unveiled it with another new or interesting additions. I just always found the Narmer enemies underwhelming on their own. Like just throwing a few golden metal bits... that... well.. this is Warframe...
  10. I swerved myself and went for the Despair and Hate. Despair is fun, I was expecting something like the Kunai, but its different enough. I actually like the normal form is competitive enough/decent. Hate is fun, but am glad they are looking into the knock down effect. Can see myself creating a light attack, heavy and mixed build. As for the weapons I didn't choose, I already know I will like the Dread. I already really like the Paris. They sound similar, I do wish they were a bit different in Incarnon form. Like maybe Dread could get less range, but home slightly, or have some sort of multi hit, where it hits an enemy, arcs back and hits again. Zylok I really like the idea of its Incarnon, but it seems heavily bugged, so I assume they are going to give it fixes. Sibear seems alright.
  11. Possibly, but like others have pointed out, this seems like more of a subjective you issue. Which, you know, is valid as far as an individual personal opinion, I even know a few other Warframe players that would agree with you, but not sure that some of your points (and some of theirs mind you) are that compelling or as compelling as you may think they are. Can Mesa have a pretty static playstyle, thats passive and less engaging than others? Yes, I think so too generally given her abilities and how you can build her. Issue is, you don't have to play her passively and there are a lot of Warframes that can achieve similar, depending on other variables. Like on a Defence? Against lower level enemies? There are lots of Warframes, that can press one button and wipe out entire waves of enemies without doing much. Some of them, get less effective with enemy scaling/difficulty. Some, you can get the same result, but it may not be about just pressing one button. Like against low level enemies, Frost can wipe out enemies with one cast of Avalanche. Harder enemies? You can't do that, but you can armour strip them, stay on Defence point, be safe within your bubble, and kill unarmored enemies easy peasy with an AOE weapon. Also a pretty static, non engaging way to play, and yet... You could argue its more engaging, because you have to use weapons, but thats just Frost. Warframe wise, you can have Xaku, Ash, Saryn, Equinox, Gara, Octavia and many many others. Many that actually scale better than Mesa, and can be as passive. Like some of them might require a bit more, like with Gara, you have to male the glass wall before you break it, but its still an easy low effort way to play and get success. Though with all of them, and Mesa, you also don't have to play that way. Can play Mesa on Disruption, use her 4 on adds to find keys faster, but you'll have to be jumping around and moving around a lot, from Conduits to Conduits, searching for Demos and killing Demos. Against tougher Disruption Demo enemies her Regulators fall off quite a bit, so you'd probably be better off using your weapons. It may also be an experience issue as well. Certain Warframes can seem OP until you practice or get used to others. May also depend on the content you play. Again with enemy scaling. Baruuk for example seemed to increase in popularity when Steel Path came out, because he scales really well against those enemies. It took me a long time to realise how powerful Octavia could be... because I struggled with letting enemies get close to her Mallet... I kept on wanting to kill them, weird, I know. Then also when considering the Devs, well some people get into this mindset that understand Dev intent absolutely, and thus if Devs (the hivemind) do something for some reason, then they have to, they really have to do something for some else because its "the same" and definitely not a random person online with an issue they want addressed. This often happens with other nerfs in the game, well they nerfed this thing, I personally care about, so the Devs HAVE TO NERF this thing I dislike... for "fairness and consistency", and often its not sincere, or equivalent, and importantly t doesn't have to be framed that way ether, maybe the other thing, has a strong case to be nerfed sure. Just a lot of people like to play the "gotcha game" online. To be clear, I am not saying that is happening here, and maybe one day Mesa will be changed/nerfed, but you also want to be careful with comparisons and sincerity. Sometimes when I hear how other people play the game, I think... "well yeah, that does sound boring. Good thing I don't play that Warframe that way at all" but also, some Warframes just have that as a playstyle. That many do find fun. I don't really enjoy Octavia at all personally, never thought about forcing her on myself because she can be effective though. I'm not trying to change her to accommodate my preferred style. Literally like 40 other Warframes I can get that from.
  12. Well i can't check right now, but i am pretty sure I have gotten way more than just two shots of the Incarnon. I just can't remember the exact amount. To echo the other reply, do you fill the meter all the way up before triggering the Incarnon form? Just a quick look at a random Youtube video showcasing the weapon, they get around 20 charges. As far as I a aware, there are no ways to increase Incarnon form for any weapon. (Well there was one way, but it was a bug that got fixed).
  13. I'm not talking personally, I'm talking in regards to different players preferences and playstyles. Like have you ever played with a Khora, Vauban or Frost on certain defence maps, that trap enemies in awkward spots with their set ups? Your own set up not being tasked with addressing such issues for whatever reasons. You ask them questions, and find out they are just playing that way because people told them "its good for this" but they aren't really engaged or enjoying it, so don't really understand how to make the build work?
  14. Ehh, I think you will get varied answers, and you have already, because it can depend a little on your playstyle and expectations. Like people doing full squad pubs, focusing more on completions will rack up Pathos Clamps relatively fast. People doing longer solo runs, where they are taking the scenic route, collecting resources, stopping to play a lot of Komi and Shawzin, and fishing, and sightseeing etc will acquire them much much slower. Some people may be inbetween as well. There also isn't really one right playstyle either, just some may be more efficient. For example, resources wise? The plants and materials you need to make for things? I probably never have to worry about getting more with how much I currently have. In contrast, I can't spare many Pathos Clamps to buy anything at Acrithis, mostly because I like having enough for Incarnons, and I still need two of the new melee weapons, so am trying to save them for that.. Thats definitely because I like to stay a little longer in Duviri, exploring, finding all its secrets, lore fragments (not using a map or guide yet), at least most of the time. Have done a few fast bare minimum runs too. If I did more of the latter, I think the grind for them isn't so bad, but if all my sessions were longer/slow... So I think its relative to that, but also a bit subjective too. Arguably with comparisons to other parts of the game, there is less time variance. Also its not just a matter of going fast but personal enjoyment. I think generally though also, once people no longer need Pathos Clamps for the 4 melee weapons and spending them less on Incarnon Adapters, then people will start to have a bit more of them to spend more at their leisure/discretion, so the grind may not feel so bad for them at that stage (for those potentially frustrated). Which may seem a bit obvious to say, but mirrors much of the game.
  15. Agreed. Thats a pretty good option, my main point was mostly about player freedom, and not being restricted by mechanics/limitations. On certain maps, enemies in Strangledome can be harder to hit with some conventional weapons. Kuva Ogris isn't one of them, it can actually help out a lot, but now we are just adding more potential limitations to a players arsenal. They might have a different primary they prefer or needs to level or anything else like that. To put it another way, you get more farming done, if you don't burn out and get bored of the game, if you can enjoy the game with some of the more optimal farming set ups, thats convenient, but also okay to mix that up with what you enjoy. Cheers!
  16. I mean, I agree with you. On a personal level. That being said, nothing wrong with people venting or airing frustrations or annoyance either. People are different about these things, and thats okay. Like personally? Host migration errors are pretty annoying to myself. I'd rather opt to stay in a lot of Circuit missions, because some hosts want to leave after the first round. Not really worth the risk though, so I have to leave as well. Currently. Bunch of Incarnon weapons have issues, some more than others. I also know eventually stuff will be sorted/improved, but thats just me. Mind you, its not like everything was going to be fixed in the next Hotfix anyway. Next Hotfix would still also have people mentioning a bunch of bugs, new bugs, old bugs, Adjustments so on. Personally I would find it fruitless to add on too much venting style frustrations. Its not like its going to reach DE, get them to pause on creating new stuff, fix a few bugs, prioritise the hotfix, and then have different people complain/vent, but hey, Forums often exist to just let peoples voices be heard. In a weird way, could also be a good thing, could suggest the update is in the front half of June and not on, like the last day of June.
  17. Much thanks for the answer and details. I was initially hoping that maybe it was just a ground issue, that could be mitigated by just aiming higher (which would still be a bit of a hassle), but that doesn't sound like it helps much either from what you have sad. Thankfully as you have probably already seen, DE will be looking into this and sounds like they will be changing it, per DE Marcus post above. Once again, cheers!
  18. I mean, there will always be a meta. What tends to be a bit more subjective is peoples exact criteria for what the meta is. Since there can be some overlap and deviation from different peoples definition, criteria and understanding of the meta. Then you can introduce even more nuance and subjectivity, but adding or subtracting qualifiers or variables. Like say what are the meta options? Meta alternatives? Like in some peoples criteria of the meta, the best/highest results in optimal conditions can be the meta, in others, consistency and performance in multiple conditions is the meta. With the latter you might not reach the heights of the former, but if you get far more consistent and better results, it can be better in many contexts. Its a bit why say Rubico Prime is generally considered to be the or a meta choice for Eidolons. There are alternatives, extremely skilled players can make a lot of different options work, newer players may find other option easier, but its just generally consistent and efficient regardless of all of that. Now we are going through a huge meta shake up, and thats something I personally really enjoy and like. Its been a long while since we got a meta shake up of this magnitude. My favourite thing though? There is a lot of sideways movement as well, as far as different scenarios and situations. Like some of the new Incarnons aren't going to be the best new secondary, but they are going to be fun alternative contenders, trading in raw powers with subjectively/arguably more fun, if you prefer those types of weapons. Like Paris Incarnon isn't the new best weapon in the game, but its a pretty strong and fun bow than can do a lot more harder content more efficiently now. Vasto Incarnon may not be Laetum or Lex Incarnon, but its a really fun way to destroy Acolytes. This has also always generally existed, just people would have to put more qualifiers in. Like in the past, what was the meta? AOE launchers. Okay but what if I like shotguns? Well there is the Felarx, Cedo, Kuva Hek, Tenet Arca Plasma, and then you proceed to list down strengths/weakness, where one might be stronger than another etc Now, its like a whole bunch of new toys just got dropped into the playground, but eventually once everyone gets access to all of them, do enough tests, check numbers etc some will rise to the top as far as the meta. Like if I had to guess based on hear say and demonstrations, player feedback, Latron, and Torid and maybe Miter seem like that would "win" the "numbers race" as far as Primary. Lex Incarnon for Secondary? I do like some of those weapons, but my personal favs have been Paris, Atomos and Boltor. I really really hope we get an Incarnon Tigris though. Just generally a few more Incarnon shotguns would be nice.
  19. More of a curiosity, since I don't have the weapon yet, but I did see a video of this happening, lots of staggers from a person using this weapon. Does this still stagger if y you are aiming at a level or upwards of enemies? The video I watched, the person had their centre pf screen at the ground, so their projectiles were hitting the ground then detonating, but... hypothetically, if your cursor/centre screen was either level or raised towards a higher angle, I am curious if it still staggers you? I can imagine it being frustrating regardless, but yeah, just curious.
  20. Depends, on some Warframe I use a lot and are very familiar with, I can notice significant changes. Some Warframe I don't play around a lot with, so maybe wouldn't notice. Thing is, how much you notice, will generally be relative to how much you understand whats going on, diminishing returns, play style preferences, etc With Warframes themselves, without shards there is a lot of variation in how people can and do create builds. There is a lot to account for.
  21. So most of the time it has happened to me, has usually involved using Operator a fair bit or Spectres in longer Endurance missions. Which is annoying, because the bug can disable your ability to interact with lockers, life support etc. Sometimes I'll throw down a Spectre in Steel Path Kuva Survival if it will help the Kuva Harvester from being destroyed. Often the bug seemed to happen more then, however weirdly, throwing another Spectre out (the Tenno Spectres, like the Vapor type) would make the bug cease working. At least temporarily, since I my initial idea was that the bug was caused by some weird interactions with well, interactions between different in game entities (so say Operator and Warframe, or say Warframe and Spectre). This is why I am not sure if this may help you, if you weren't using a Spectre at the time, (or On Call Crew Member), since the fix is just redeploying it, causing a temporary fix. Oh, if you weren't aware, the new Nightwave will have a bunch of Forma. Granted, will take a few weeks, and probably won't be enough, but still. I know you like heads up over Forma.
  22. I bow to your wit, even though its left me only with misery. Your scything puns will only lead to angst, and to try and think of more to match, will leave me with mania. as surely as daggers have points. Consider this a shadow debt I must pay at some later date. Oh yeah Epitaph is a good call. I kind of want to steal your idea and make my own frosty load out now hah. The other day I actually made a whole lot of base Warframes I had sold, (I had accumulated enough free Warframe capacity slots over the years, I can't see myself running out of space, and I have enough resources and blue prints, that its easy to remake them. Purely just so I have more build and fashion configs for each Warframe.)
  23. Leyzar is great in general for weapons. I am actually pretty new to H3dsh0t's channel. It got recommended to me the other day, and at first I thought it was weird that a Youtuber got early access to any Incarnon weapons at all. After all a lot bigger channels, and content creators haven't as far as I am aware, so I was like... Is this legit? Is this more data mining or click bait? Then I realised that he had been doing Warframe content for a long long time. Longer than I have played the game, almost since the beginning. So it was actually kind of sweet that DE decided to let them test out the Incarnon versions of those weapons, since he was one of the first to do guides for them, way way back. Even though the channel is relatively small (which in another way I think is a shame), DE still remembers and gave him that early access. In general, I don't actually watch too much Warframe content actively, but I acknowledge and appreciate the various content creators that help others, make good content, etc
  24. Yeah, thats a compelling reason. I have started to warm up to Frost more in the past months. Would still like to see him get some buffs/changes, but started to enjoy him a bit more. Using him in the Circuit has been fun. The do X damage to Cold enemies, and Heal X on inflicting status, combined with his armour strip, has made him a decent pick! Plus there are a few other cold weapons around to compete the theme, especially with Primsa Lenz out, and its forced Cold Proc, plus Glaxion etc I'll stop... cold right there. I'd go to War over your puns, but then I'd be Breaking a promise. I don't want no Smoke though. Zylok could be a lot of fun, will likely be my second week pick, along with the other Stalker weapon I don't choose this time.
  25. Good way to think. If you don't mind spoilers, there was a Youtuber by the name of H3dsh0t who got to preview and show what the Dread Incarnon and Hate Incarnon can do. He is a smaller channel, but has been making Warframe content since 2014. His video is pretty neat, since its sort of a celebration of 10 years of Warframe too, and how far the Dread and Hate have come in that time. Its actually the video that got me more interested in getting the Hate instead (before that was definitely going to be Despair). Either way, the Stalker weapons are going to be my first and second choice, just because that Evolution with all three sounds wicked awesome.
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