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Everything posted by (PSN)slightconfuzzled

  1. I reckon they should throw one whip like weapon into it, with evolutions which hark back to spin to win. Not in a way which is just broken or too OP, but in a way where for a few seconds people can relive old glory days, before they have to build back up the conditions of the buffs. Could be interesting if Incarnons could give a little bit of insight and nostalgia to the past. Plus give newer players insight too, if they are curious. With evolutions and weapon specific buffs/changes, you can balance stuff in a way as to not make an entire category of weapon too broken. Like giving as a really fast speedy Heavy Great Sword Incarnon could be fun too! Lots of candidates, Gram, Galatine, War, Zenistar as mentioned above,
  2. So I am curious what y'all thinking of grabbing tomorrow? We have the Dread, Despair, Hate, Zylok and Sibear to pick from. I know I am definitely getting Dread, since after shotguns, bows are my fav. If I have options from shotguns or bows and any other weapons, I'll take the shotgun or bow. So this week thats Dread. Zylok, I do like, but ehhh... Its interesting, but always preferred Sybaris which is kinda like a Primary version (well more accurate to say Zylok is like its lil cousin) or as far as Duplex weapons, Tigris family. I was formerly going to go for Despair, and I still might, just because I am interested in its Incarnon form... but I have only gotten one melee so far, and the Hate actually looks like its coming with two interesting gimmicks as well as better stats overall, and it could be a great Light attack and Heavy attack weapon. Sibear is also interesting just because could go with a few other cold themed weapons and Warframes, but ehh.
  3. Ohhh ammo pick ups and other sort of resources clinging to you right? Yep yep, I know what you are talking about, thats a old reoccurring bug issue unfortunately. I really hope they can fix that, it can be very annoying. Weird question? Were you using a Spectre? If so, I actually know a temporary work around/fix for that bug, but only if you were using a Spectre beforehand. Glad you got your next Evolution. Hope you have fun with the weapon. Its pretty strong build for Crit and Heat.
  4. Hello. So my first advice, would be to take it slow. All of it. I would also say, try out Revenant. Revenant has Mesmer skin, its really powerful right now. If you are familiar with Wukong and Valkyr, you will probably be fine with Revenant, as they all have one button press abilities, which can make you tanky. Revenants is Mesmer Skin, its Square on PSN. Basically makes you invincible/invulnerable. Build wise, you just need strength for that ability. Then just so some solo missions. Capture, maybe Exterminate. Take it slow, try to have fun, enjoy the OP Incarnon weapons etc. After a while, certain things may start to click, as you get more familiar with them. Like you might find Grineer a bit more tanky. Though relatively straight forward (no power draining, no Nullifiers). Corpus you might find more annoying, since they have Nullifiers... so even though people generally say Corpus are weak, you might find then annoying. Infested may also be weak, but they may also be annoying too, with energy drain... Either way, try to get used to it. Once you feel relaxed and familiar, start exploring the environment. If you can start to multi task? As in be aware of enemies, but feel fine and safe exploring, by using your movement abilities? Like bullet jumping, and rolling and getting around faster? Well you are practicing your Parkour and movement abilities. You won't really have to worry about dying too much, if you are Revenant, just try not take that for granted, try to jump around and roll and kill enemies before they can shoot you. Still take it slow, but hopefully, enough practice, will mean, your subconscious should be picking up bits and pieces and incorporating it, into how you play. It might take a while, but eventually some of those skills, you can then apply to other Warframes. When I first tried Steel Path, I tried using Rhino. I died a lot lol, but now I can do it with every Warframe. I don't consider myself good, just my knowledge improved, slowly, but surely. Also finally? Eh, not the biggest deal if you can't. Brains can be weird, and sometimes not much can be done. I can struggle to be concise, my brain is always telling me new and possibly better ways to say something that might communicate better, "Maybe they didn't understand what you said, maybe add 3 more sentences that are slightly different, but different enough, maybe that will work? I am sure that won't just sound redundant or add unnecessary extra words?!?!" Good luck either way, and most importantly try to have fun too!
  5. Don't purchase it, not worth it, its just an easy way to do the challenge without having to try and Prime the enemies with your Primary or Melee. You run the risk of killing them that way. Even if you stop firing the weapon or holding back on the melee, then you also run the risk of the status going away. Oh, also maybe try a Capture or Exterminate? That way you can just focus on the challenge without any extra stuff getting in your way. Even go solo, since maybe other allies are interfering. That way, if your current strategy isn't working, you can be quick and reconfigure your build or strategy. I am very very much aware. You earlier mentioned that the It likely/probably mentions that, because its a fast and simple way to get 4 statuses (via her 3, if that wasn't evident) on an enemy without having to shoot it. Its just a known synergy between Citrines abilities. With a lot of range, you can hit far more enemies with your Pocket Prisma sand unless you are otherwise using an AOE weapon. So you can constantly be primed, debuffing and light CCing whole mobs of enemies. Its also not very strong, so you shouldn't have the risk of the weapon actually killing full health Steel Path enemies with it, like you might just by shooting weapons at them. So, if you are hitting an enemy affected by Citrines 3, with the Atomos, you should be hitting the challenge yes... but hypothetically, if your Magnetic doesn't have enough weighting, which it shouldn't, Heat should, your Atomos may be killing the enemy before it adds that proc. Since Citrine is also already applying Heat, its not like you are adding 6 statuses, since your Heat overlaps, so if your Magnetic isn't proccing then... So you could try and record your gameplay, because if you are hitting 5 statuses when it dies, then yeah, thats buggy. Its also why. recommended Encumber, because it ensures additional random procs. Weird blobs on Citrine though? It wasn't the Nox or something? Maybe the last Hotfix did make it buggy. Also you don't need to reduce the strength of Citrine. The turret isn't that powerful, not against Steel Path enemies. Also technically you might have it harder than a lot of people, because the Atomos was bugged... to be weaker. A lot of its raw damage from one Evolution wasn't applying. Hence you have to be careful not to kill too fast with raw damage before enough statuses are on it at time of death.
  6. Which is a shame, I think. I am more of a guns person, myself, In fact my fav melee are actually Gunblades so... Though I know there are a lot of Warframe players that like melee a whole lot more, so i wish they could be getting more fun toys too. Some melee do seem interesting, but after I got Bo Incarnon, I... yeah. I might get Hate Incarnon though, it looks like it gets some interesting gimmicks. Also I get what you are saying and where you are coming from. I have actually been using a lot of the Incarnon weapons normal forms and all seem adequate/competent enough to do Steel Path, just at base. Some even seem to excel with the base form. For the record, am talking about Braton, Paris, Torid, Boltor, Lex as being decent in normal form, but of course much stronger in Incarnon form. I actually use to use some of these weapons in Steel Path before all this. You could build them to be decent, but the normal forms perform much much better now. Atomos and Vasto I find base forms really good for Steel Path. The Incarnons are good, but more niche and for specific circumstance (well with Vasto, you can alternate a lot as well). Soma is more complicated. I would also be weary of trying to make the normal base mode, too different and strong independently, because then you run the risk of peoples builds struggling to cater to both. On some weapons, they are strong enough, its not so bad if you run a beam mod and an AOE mod, but eh... You also run into the Felarx issue, where most people I know, and hear from, mostly just use base form. Which makes it unique, but I wouldn't want that to be the standard.
  7. Here is my advice. Use either Citrine, or Lavos. Do you have Secondary Encumber? Use that as well. The enemies need to have 4 different statuses when they die. Issues you may have though? Your weapons elemental weighting, and killing enemies too fast. This is why I would recommend Steel Path too. Citrine and Lavos are great because, you can put statuses on enemies, that you don't usually build or Mod for, Also, it won't likely kill them outright immediately. So enemies should be primed with elements like Cold, Heat, Electric, Toxin. Or Gas, Toxin, Magnetic, Electricity etc Atomos is already a strong status weapon, so having Encumber on it, is great, because you'll also get random other elements added. If the wiki says to use Citrines 1, its because thats how you get your Prismatic Gem to actually target and inflict status on those enemies. It doesn't just automatically target such enemies. Though, it also does that if you shoot them, but generally Ctrines 1 won't kill Steel Path enemies outright by itself, so you can dose them with elements then shoot and kill with just the Atomos. So basically make sure your 3 is up, thats more important. Also the game is subjective. I understand frustration, but I also done this challenge in less than 20 seconds without having to change my build. The game doesn't always work, but this challenge isn't buggy as far as I am aware. It might just be a knowledge issue. Which also, I mean I get, the challenge itself is a bit funky. I happen to just play a lot of Citrine and Lavos and like Secondary Encumber, and have extensive knowledge of status, so yeah, I won't disagree that haven't to jump though hoops could be frustrating/annoying.
  8. Well, I disagree with one of your premise, even if I think I get where you are coming from and what you mean. The bit I disagree with, is the "original intention" of the weapon. I don't necessarily view it as just being able to use the charged up mode. I mean, this may be more of an emphasis for some weapons, but even those, there can be other intentions, that may even take priority. Like for one, you could say they are all gimmick weapons, altered weapon variants with extra features. Such weapons can be good for player engagement, which I believe is something DE generally favours. I think fans often favour such weapons too. Warframe has unique weapons, its a great selling point. It doesn't just have shotguns... it has shotguns like the Cedo, which launches spinning status disks/glaives. Kuva Hek has 4 barrels that can be shot at once, Corinth has an explosive alt fire. Epitaph does stuff, Nukor chain linked. Like in recent years, a lot of the most popular and best weapons, tended to be a bit unusual compared to "normal" weapons. Thats not to say that some normal weapons weren't great or popular... Some are popular for being classic/sentimental favs etc. Incidentally, many of those classic favs, are the ones chosen for these Incarnon revamps. So I could see an argument in that, the intent with the second gen, is to breath new life and freshness into some of these old fan favs and classics, and give them more general power and to give them gimmicks. Also, many of the classic forms are just pure upgrades now. So you can use them effectively just as normal, (like the Felarx as well, but even the Laetum and Phenmor normal modes were quite good and steel Path capable). Some, I even think are more balanced around using the default mode more... and using the Incarnon form, for more niche situations. Like, I think the Atomos Incarnon and Vasto Incarnon, work better in normal form... for most enemies and situations in Warframe. Then the Incarnon form, is great for dealing with single target priority enemies, like Acolytes, certain Eximus, etc I do think there is a seperate argument that could be made about "identity" though thats more subjective. Like I know some people who believed that the Burston Incarnon was actually meant for the Soma Incarnon and vice versa. Just because its more powerful? Since Soma isn't a "shotgun"? Well eh, Burston isn't either, nor was the Boltor, I don't think they swapped the modes. Which, is independent of wanting the Soma Incarnon buffed... which I do personally agree with... I did also think Atomos Incarnon was... odd. Beam weapon turning into an AOE launcher? Eh, but I have actually come to enjoy that weapon a lot. Now that I view it as a DPS Epitaph of sorts. I do like beams more, and the normal mode is very very strong. Then the Incarnon mode is fun and effective against certain enemies that the beam isn't. Essentially most Incarnons I have experienced, the normal forms are decently powered up enough. Though I do feel like melee overall, have been a bit under utilised. Though, I haven't got hands on all of them, and the Hate looks interesting. I think as vague and nebulous a concept as it is, fun and engagement from players has more intent, (whether that mean engagement in direct gameplay with the guns, and having to aim/get headshots or build combo, or from players grinding Circuit, both).
  9. I mean with this kindness, but it sort of sounds like you are burning yourself out on the game? Maybe a break would be better? I think with Warframe? If you plan on playing it a lot, which is to an individuals discretion as to why, but if you do plan on playing it for a lot, in a relatively short period if time, I do think you have to be aware and smart about how you do it. For example, if you can only, only do solo runs for Relics? Thats... going to be painful. Relic system and RNG was basically designed to be better for groups. The more organised and communicative the better (for example whole team running Rad Relics). Also... if you can open Relics at the same time as earning Relics... as well as Void Traces (so even better with Boosters...), that can give you more efficiency in whatever you are trying to do. Except how do you get enough Plat to run a Booster? Well, from the Prime Parts you get doing above... but which comes first? Well yeah, thats the thing, such systems are intended to loop into each other... If you are solo, running normal Relics and not selling Prime parts, and doing missions which mean your Relics will run out faster than you can replace them... Unless you have exceptionally rare good luck, will be an exercise in futility. Also to be clear, a lot of the time, I play solo, I don't really like selling stuff (but I can and do occasionally), but also, I manage my expectations, and I view Warframe as more of a long term thing, so don't need to rush. I also enjoy playing with Warframes, and weapons, so even if I don't get a reward, I still enjoy myself. Basically I try to play smart. I also take a lot of breaks, inbetween updates. I am just speaking of myself though, all of us will be a little different in preference and circumstance, so we all often have to try and make sure we are still having fun etc and being smart with how and why we play. Take care OP!
  10. In my experience, Mesa Peacemakers do not work unfortunately. They do not lock on. Styanax's 4 however does work, I believe its because you can aim it. Generally in my experiences, abilities you can aim, should work, and those that don't, as in having some sort of targeting, do not know how to target the weak point. So if I had to guess, Ivara Navigator should/maybe, Ash Shuriken should/maybe. I can't say for certain for those, but I do for Styanax.
  11. I view it as an inherently subjective thing, left best to personal discretion. If you don't really like Warframe from the start, for whatever reason why wait until you reach MR30? Rhetorical. I stop playing even if I am a little bored. Why? Well, I know if I take a break and wait a few weeks, I won't be bored, or burnt out. Though what if you don't find the game boring, but just don't have time for it? Or rather play something else? Also valid reasons to stop. Warframe closing its server, isn't really a choice you make, or necessarily good or bad. It is an ending point though, regardless.
  12. Thank you as always for the Overview Mako. Good luck next week with results! As for the Devstream, I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it. Only topic I really wanted them to cover, was possibly mentioning new Incarnons, but they teased it decently enough. I think Wisp Prime looks great, not really big on the Helmet, but in my situation, thats almost good, since I already struggle choosing between 4 of her existing Tennogen Helmets/Other Helmets. I also wasn't a fan of original Wisp helmet, and this does seem like a Primed version of that, so kind of makes sense. Have big hype for Fulmin Prime, and Gunsen Prime is a nice surprise! Am glad they addressed Soma Incarnon, that it is getting looked at, hopefully that means a buff, plus Hata Satya working too (I do like that mod, but I generally also like the idea of the Soma Incarnon being great without it too). Kullervo looks and sounds interesting. His island and all that I also am interested in. Just visually it looks interesting. Sort of slightly more intrigued by his gun though. I mean its a shotgun so... Getting to see Gauss Deluxe and Acceltra skins ingame, is great. I liked the stylisation in the concept art, but more practically, can be envision the skin and how I might want to customise it much better now. People sort of wondered about the head being too small, but I think in game version looks fine. New Static Portals and getting Arcanes from them sound great. Have been enjoying the Circuit, so their acquirement wasn't too bad, but if I enjoyed the Circuit less, I could see how frustrating the premise of actually acquiring them could be/feel. Also, great way to get to play with builds complimented by certain Decrees. Often by the time I get to the Orowrym, I am feeling like some post Wrym Undercroft could be fun but... Now, can play with the Static Portals. Am interested how difficult they will be though. I've never actually failed a Duviri run before, outside bugs. Will be interesting if so many Eximus on the Steel Path version, may make a Defence stage a risk. The new Preview for Circuit is nice. Can maybe mod certain weapons or Warframes a bit better before tackling. Overall I thought it was a good Devstream. Hope Megan is okay! I think I missed if a reason was given, just that she couldn't.
  13. All good, thank you for clarifying! Cheers! I am still relatively new to Baruuk (I dabbled here and there, but waited for his Prime version to really invest Forma into), but been using him a lot in the Circuit.
  14. I actually think Lull is the least synergistic ability. Not that I think it needs changing because of that though. More incentive to have different builds for different reasons. That being said... Am I mistaken of what you mean by this? Or just mistaken in general? I thought it was Elude that doubled the range of Desolate Hands?
  15. Oh yeah, good point. It might have been that, totally. My memory of that particular moment is vague, I just remember the people in stream seeing a different Spiral, but then one of the Devs clarifying it was more of a behind the scenes tool, but then they talked about other Spirals ideas, and also threw in a maybe as far as possibility to be an actual Spiral. Personally I would be down for more Mood Spirals, especially as far as the lore around Duviri and what it suggests and could mean. Even with the next update we are seeing some pretty significant sizeable new "islands" added, characters too. Maybe we could also potentially get some Seasonal/Holiday Easter Eggs as well. Can you imagine the Love/Seduction Spiral happening on Valentines Day with a Love Orowrym and enemy aggression turned off.
  16. I might be totally wrong and totally forgetting the details and way off base, so disclaimer, disclaimer! However... didn't Despair Spiral appear in one of the prior streams, and they explained that its more of a Dev tool state, they use as a sort of default state? Just so they have access to all the different islands for example (like if you are doing bug fixs, or working on content, having whole islands only appear in certain moods, would be tough, so they have a default state mood, for work reasons). Again, I could be way off and just imagined above. I just vaguely recall people asking about it in an earlier stream, and something like that being the explanation, plus they talked about how there use to be a few more Spiral themes, that they ended up merging or cutting for various reasons. Not to say we couldn't get it at some point eventually.
  17. Ah, well it can depend a little. Like there are differences, in how their powers work, and loot in general, as far as which resource might you be going for, so on. Personally, I tend to value fun/enjoyment a lot, so I personally prefer Khora more, because I find her more fun, especially in higher level content. I like to put up two cages, at two choke points and run back and forth nuking them with my whip. However I would say Nekros may be the better looter in a lot of cases, and if you don't have fun whip clawing cages, then... Could also be better if you are in a team, that will kill enemies in ways you can't control or anticipate. Which do you have more fun with OP? Between the two, you'll like still get a lot of resources regardless. The Wikia pages have more indepth info and nuance about the abilities, but it probably won't be too massive a gap.
  18. I never really held expectations or exact estimates for Warframes heights, thought I can see why it would be interesting for some. That being said, if I were trying to figure it out, I'd try and have multiple samples to measure compare, and my goals would be to pick a flat even surface. Like a Dojo room floor, uneven surfaces can cause issues with standing, elevation, posture. Likewise angles, perspective can create deception, illusion, even if only slight or small. Would try to pick a good consistent stance too. Like Harrows Noble stance might be good, since the stance emphasis a straight back, straight legs, very upright. Measure from back of heels to back tip of skull. Take into account horns, hair, and other decorations. Decide what you want to allow/disallow. Maybe have to account that different Helmets can have different sizes... also the technicalities of well.. the nature of Warframes. Also I have heard different complaints around the Protokol skins, some being too small etc but complaints can vary in nature. Also consider proportions, which may not be consistent across Warframes. Basically there are multiple variables to account for.
  19. Hmm, yeah I think something should be done. I am generally against weapons that are gated in multiple ways, pure RNG being one, certain time limitations being another. I wouldn't necessary agree adding them to the Market by themselves though. My preferred solution would be some sort of RNG mitigation, that stacks. So not the actual number, but lets say you have beat the Stalker "200" times, the game will just give you Despair if you don't have it. I know there are some other games that can keep track of such things, I wouldn't imagine its too difficult, Warframe even does this with Archons for example. I think its roughly around 38 - 40 attempts for most people to expect to get Despair, but some really unlucky people... well can go years and 300 plus Stalker kills with nothing. At least with such a system, you can have bad luck, but you know its possible and a certainty at a certain number threshold. You still have to kill bosses, or buy beacons or do your best to entice and fight Stalker etc but you don't have to worry about extraordinary bad fortune either.
  20. Agree a little, disagree a little. Host migration bugs are the worst, Often out of players control, and even some players can unintentionally, or even intentionally screw over others. Had one Host that decided to stay... until the literal last second, and then leave. The other three players, we got bugged, and lost our rewards. If the Host had to leave, sure, thats fine, we probably would have extracted as well, just choose to leave, so we know, and have warning. So we can leave too, or risk the Host migration. That being said, these are clearly bugs, we know DE at least wants to try and fix them. Ideally they could be faster, but ideally a lot of things would happen. Fully agree either way. Hmm, maybe. A part of me thinks that the RNG is what makes the mode. We also already do get options/choices, its not completely RNG. Too much choice in such a game mode could destroy its challenge/difficulty. I acknowledge people have different ideas and perceptions of fun, priority, challenge, and so on. I just think a curated list would add more unnecessary complications and issues. Like hypothetically, if a majority of players only used curated weapons, then a lot of design and intent behind the mode arguably disappears. You might as well just make the mode ESO. Now, questioning and disagreeing with the intent and design behind the mode, and what it wants to do, sure, thats also fine, just at some point the discussion becomes about what is feasible/practical. Like I have friends who just don't like farming/grind games, can't really do much to change that, but its fine to question/critique, just... its more of an abstract/game wide conversation. Likewise, contentious, I acknowledge and understand some of the issues and complaints. To myself though? If Defence is next and you don't think you can handle it? Sign for you to extract. If you want to risk it? Then risk it. Also solo? Well then its just understanding and knowing your own limitations. Maybe the mode isn't designed so you push it to Round 20. If you get back luck with RNG and Decrees and don't feel confident and like you might loss progress? Leave. In a group? Risks involved, you might feel like prior example, but you might want to Communicate with the rest of the team. Or observe them, use your game knowledge to make a decision. Some of my builds I had, had potential, but knew I needed certain Decrees to make work, at least as far as to be super optimal. I knew my team mates could "carry" till then though. Sometimes its vice versa. Like i know the Banshee with an Attica might not be able to output as much DPS as the Saryn with an Arca Plasma. Its fine. Communicate with your team, "Yo, I think we should leave, unless any of you guys think otherwise?" or "Defence might be tough, but my build is set up for it, we can do it". Basically you have to think about it and not just blindly click "Next". Players have control here, they decide to risk or not. (Bugs notwithstanding) People have different ideas of what end game means, and what it wants from players. So end game to me, in Warframe, is largely subjective. Game going, these weapons suck, but you are a end game player right? Well use your knowledge of synergy, weapons weaknesses, and strengths, enemy behaviour, movement, and somehow make it work. We'll even throw in a sweetener for you, with Decrees. Which may actually made the mode easier for you... Who knows, its RNG, your experience will change around a bit, try and adapt each time. That sounds decently end game (not the be all to end all of end game, but decent).
  21. Yeah I would sort of appreciate this too. Hell, even if once you reach 180, the price of Riven Slots starts to cost more. Like I don't know enough about server storage and expenses to say how much of a cost adding more Riven Slots is, and to my understanding its not as simple or as inexpensive as say, players having unlimited(?) weapon slots. So if the cost has to be incentivised, with a cost elsewhere... Its not something I desperately need, but would be nice. For myself personally, I do use a lot of weapons frequently. Actually Rivens are why I use a lot of generic weapons, because I try to make silly or fun builds, taking advantage of how the positive and negative stats work. There are a few Rivens I do hoard/not use, but usually its because I think a variant version might come and be interesting. Like I don't really like AOE launchers, because they usually felt a bit overpowered and without interesting limitations, but the Torid wasn't either to me, but... I thought one day they might make an Infested Lich Torid. So I kept it. Now the Torid is Incarnon, and it turns into a beam weapon! One of my fav types, so even though its also a bit overtuned... feels great. Though a part of me considers that might also be why they haven't expanded capacity either. Consider how many people have probably sold or transmuted or gotten rid of Latron, Braton, Paris, Burston, Miter, Lex, Vasto, Skana, etc Rivens? Probably a decent amount, but now prices for those are way higher, so more Plat is being exchanged. More so, than if people could easily just hang on to such Rivens. I mean, not me, like I mentioned, I actually tend to keep my Rivens for "weak" weapons, but I acknowledge I am not most players. So potentially the idea of players discarding Rivens one year, but then grinding/purchasing to get Plat to help them get Rivens, in a cycle of sorts... (New Incarnons get added? Infested Liches?), well that could be more profitable.
  22. I can see what you are saying. Though. also think that consumers should be smarter and wiser over such systems as well. Emphasis on as well, I think its important to question and consider such systems too, frequently and diligently. To players/consumers though and not getting carried away with hype/illusions. As in don't spend exorbitant amounts of what can be roughly converted and exchanged for a real life currency, or even time, if you think you'll end up disappointed. Don't buy into others hype, don't get too carried away with your own. If a person does want to engage with such systems, they should know and be aware of risks, and have a sort of personal guideline that they follow.
  23. I want both and I won't compromise!! I want my cake, and to eat it too, otherwise, is it really my cake? A lot of my fav Warframes are in the new category, a lot in the old. The very last, Citrine is one of my most used already, maybe the next Warframe release could be too. I like new stuff, I like old stuff fixed and refined. Some may be able to choose or prioritise one, but I myself can not.
  24. "PLUS, it’s time to reveal the next Prime Warframe - who could it be??" Hmmmn. Hmmmn. Let me see, Can give team wide buffs, that can be defensive or offensive. A lot of the time the community talks about how thick they are. I mean, its hard not to, they are very very round and curvy in all the right places. They have really good Tennogen skins. They have gone up in usage statistics, but they aren't the most popular... Not to sound weird, but they have an alluring mouth... Has to be Grendel Prime right? As far as questions that weren't asked for, but feel like tradition to ask anyway? I love the new Incarnons we have! Can we get more info on possible additions to the rotations? They have breathed fresh air into some weapons, that for many had classic or sentimental value. Could we get more love for shotguns? Any plans to adjust any stats? I really like the Circuit, for a few reasons. Sometimes its actually a bit nice to not try to figure out what I want to do exactly, and have to try and solve the issue of synergy between limited choices to play in rotating game modes. Like its an endless mode, but the objective is constantly changing too, which can be refreshing. One small minor issue, at least to myself, but could it be possible that such an idea could be extended to somewhere else? Like a different tileset? Am mostly think long term, I like the Circuit tile set a lot, but some variety would be nice. Thank you for bringing back the Saturn Six Armour Set!
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