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Everything posted by (PSN)slightconfuzzled

  1. We have a lot of Platinum. We can just barter a trade with the Tenno, offer them an absorbent amount of Plat, too much for any sane Tenno to refuse, and we buy their Prime Sure Footed mod. We won't have to abide by future rules about not being able to trade it. Then we just watch the Tenno continually stagger themselves over and over, with their own AOE weapons, neutralising their threat. That or we just hook them up to the current Internet, buy them some games on Steam. Have you see Frame Fighter? Happy Zephyr? Lets be real, the games they have access to suck, give them a real fighting game, a game with romance options, RPG's, anime, etc and they'll probably join our side, and give us access to their tech, which lets us reverse engineer it, and lead us on the path to becoming a glorious golden empire. We'd be so powerful, we'd even actually start to be too powerful and greedy, and take our long loves and wealth across the galaxy for granted... We may even start body modifications and making clones slaves and sending sentient AI's to other galaxies to terraform them so... wait a minute...
  2. Ehhh you can try contacting Support. I'd be a bit hesitant personally, because unless the word was explicitly a racial slur itself, it may not actually carry the negative connotation some can infer. Like in some cultures, there is a fruit that in that specific region/culture is what some people refer to themselves as, because there are a lot of the three that creates them around. So its a self designation term, and a term of endearment. In some other cultures elsewhere, that same fruit and term is actually a slur, some people use to insult or cause offence. However its also again, the name of a fruit and tree, and pops up in the english language a lot, so unless the actual context is someone using it in a racially charged negative way, the word in itself is not likely to be censored or banned. Its context dependant. "CEO of Racism" isn't as innocent necessarily, but could be a joke, could be ironic, could be a lot of things other than an explicit endorsement of racism. Hence.
  3. Its not my favourite mode, but I still like them. Seems like I am a minority in that regard though maybe. Also I am not sure the Community likes Disruption... I mean I do, its actually my fav mode, but its pretty contentious and polarising, based on comments and feedback I see. Also is this about Circuit. Since I actually really like the Defence there. That the Circuit switches mission types, I think is important to its design, and especially having a fail state mission. Even if I ain't feeling like doing a Defence, since its just in a rotation, its more bearable. I do get the negative sentiment though. I always find players different perspectives on such matters interesting though, because often my enjoyment of a mode type, can be contingent by other factors. I don't have very strong negative feelings towards any single mode, but some are also enhanced positively depending on what Warframes, weapons or challenge exists. Like I even like Defection.
  4. Eh, unless I am missing something, I very strongly disagree with such a change or suggestion. Like personally, I don't want a "compensation free variant" and a couple of "Forma/Reactors", I want the skin I paid for, for the Warframe I wanted. I wouldn't really find Prisma variants appealing either, just on their own, let alone removing a feature, to make it an inferior feature, in my eyes. I also can't imagine it would be very popular either. Like I have some of my own niche ideas that would suit be well, but I also know they wouldn't likely be that popular with the actual Warframe player base.
  5. Welcome back! Sounds like Garuda. Who also now has a Prime. Congratulations, you were away so long, that the Warframes that were new when you left, now have Prime versions! Yes, a lot. Yes, but there have been a few changes, like a Focus rework, the ability to put another Arcane on Amps, and some other changes, that mean people can do more Eidolons even faster. Many people still do them, many people still avoid them. I can't say how popular it is overall though. Based on Rubico Primes annual usage stats that DE releases, fairly popular. Based on Arcane Energise's general Trade value, not overwhelmingly popular. They exist, but got some nice small quality of life features, assuming you like Rivens. I think there has been at least one increase to the capacity of Rivens. I think the limit is 180. Also, you can have Veiled and Unveiled Rivens now. If they are Unveiled they don't take a spot in your Riven capacity. There is also some manual input in terms of disposition. Generally, but there are many other ways to achieve the same goals, depending on what those goals are. Still pretty popular activity for levelling fast though. Yes. Mileage may vary. Assuming you mean Railjack. It got several changes, some more significant than others. You can get an AI crew if you want, and they are pretty decent. Some of the additions made the whole thing smoother for some, fun for others, some still don't like it at all. There are new Corpus missions in Railjack, but its contentious. Some feel like Railjack just became a taxi and less of its own presence. Some might like that though. Yes but also now his friends, as in the Acolytes, in Steel Path (which you may have been around for, I can't remember the exact date, for that.. 2019?!?) They released a Nidus Prime. He is great, was pretty popular as far as money for DE and Prime Access, apparently (according to them in a Dev Stream). All the Warframes you mentioned are doing generally great, except maybe Inaros and Limbo. The game introduced shield gating a bit ago, which can help a lot of Warframes survive. Whilst Inaros has an absurd about of health tanking ability, a lot more enemies were introduced, with more powerful attacks and abilities. Innaros lack of shield, means, that for some? He can be a bit squishy, ironically. Or at least prone to being one shot or killed, here and there in more difficult content. I still think a very skilled Inaros, who is aware of such issues, can use other means to avoid death, like Rolling Guard or mobility, but basically there are a lot more Warframes that can survive very well, arguably a lot easier, so Inaros being the "Warframe that can not be killed" isn't as special or unique anymore. Similarly, some of those powerful enemies (enemy Eximus got a rework), can bypass some of Limbos abilities. I don't know much about Limbo, so you'd have to ask someone who does know, but yeah. That being said, again, like Inaros, still see and hear from Limbo players who still enjoy him, so. If you like them, you like them. Yes. Maybe? Question mark? More broadly. There are a lot of new Warframes for you to acquire , if you care about that. New Primes. There are also Liches (Grineer), and Sisters (of Parvos (Corpus)), which are antagonist like enemies, that have powerful weapons. If you like the idea of slightly harder content, and getting more powerful weapons... you might like this. Then there is Steel Path, which is even harder, there are a few reasons to play this version. Many just like it because its harder and normal mode was getting to easy with all the new tools we were getting over time. There are quite a few new story quests, if you like that, most notably the New War, which is probably the longest, but a few small story quests here and there, like the Zariman. Which is also kind of like a new hub, with new game modes and tile sets. Also have a new Open World, in Deimos. Then we finally got Duviri, which you may have caught rumours of, when you did play. Which would take like a whole small essay to cover as far as what it added. Basically there is a lot for you to do, if you want to do it. If that sounds overwhelming though, just start slow and do what sounds most fun and the other stuff will probably come back naturally. Welcome back again and good luck!
  6. Its okay, its not so personal. Most people are just addressing an idea, and sharing their own thoughts and opinions on that, as opposed to trying to change your mind personally. Often OP is just the conversation starter, and such threads take on a life of their own. You could always edit the OP to suggest you changed your mind though too, if that matters to you. Or ask a Mod to lock the thread, but eh, I personally think the former is better than the latter, even if thread creators change their mind, thread still exists to let others voice their views and opinions, including thread creators if they have additional thoughts and opinions. So just good for discussion (unless people start making personal attacks.). Take care!
  7. I would say its most like a shotgun. Granted a really accurate, long range shotgun, thats hitscan. Its multishot is really ramped up, its a bit similar to the Boltor Incarnon. Its a bit contentious for some though, as its got lower Crit Chance stats than normal Soma or incarnon Soma's base form. Hope that helps.
  8. I find it really satisfying when you come across a random group that has great team synergy and kindness towards each other. Like if someone is struggling but team helps out, or we all get pushed to stay a bit longer even if things are getting tough, because our team work/communication is that good. Really find Mag and Magnetise and certain weapons really satisfying. Like the Stropha, Exergis, Nataruk, so on. Not only can the sound design be great, with some very meaty popping, echos and vibrations, when enemies die, or explode, get headshot within the bubble, but everything dies, and you also get a lot of colourful projectiles spinning inside, that pulse and explode when the Magnetise ends, which can break a lot of boxes/crates as well as kill new enemies. My new fav combo is with Paris Incarnon. Also really find Nidus satisfying for a similar reason. His first ability also makes a meaty stomp sound when you use it against those in Larvae. Then having a shotgun and hitting the centre of flesh? Very satisfying. Getting headshots with the Daikyu, or other bows, in general. My fav is just the Daikye because it takes a bit longer to draw, so feels like you need more skill, plus anything you hit in the heat with a full draw is going to die. Getting the perfect shot with Nataruk as well. For someone reason Cinta doesn't feel as satisfying (still fun though). One shotting an Archon feels great, likewise one shotting Sisters or Kuva LIches. Getting so good at Eidolons or Profit Taker, you find it kind of relaxing and chill. Having random players ask you for your builds, because you are using an off meta Warframe or weapon, but carrying the team, just because you have toiled away with practice and theory and testing to come up with really good synergies with off meta picks, that combine to be really effective, albeit lesser known. Then getting to share that knowledge with people who actually seem genuinely interested and wanting to do some of their own off meta picking testing. Then finally, on daily login, seeing your free boosters starting to get longer and longer. Like at first its a few hours, but then eventually you get to days. Granted, by the stage you usually have no need for boosters, but can be great around big updates. Oh, one last thing, when your Smeeta Buffs at the right time, and you get like 64 Steel Essence in one go. Likewise its Crit buff giving Red Crits to non Crit weapons.
  9. Yeah, thats a good way pf wording it. Atomos Incarnon is also pretty versatile in that respect as well, with high level Grineer, you can use the beam form to do a lot of status, and then use Incarnon to finish them off, or I use it when the Acolyte shows up. Against Infested though? The Incarnon is great at killing large groups. You don't really need slash ticks or anything. I have really liked the Lex Incarnon and the Vasto Incarnon, a lot, but I also like how different they are from each other, and how each can have strengths/weaknesses and different kinds of flexibility. Thats a great additional point too, am hoping when they resume hotfixes they iron out some bugs/clarify certain issues. I know there is a Dev stream at the end of the week too, they might talk about Echos of Duviri.
  10. Contentious subject eh? Also I think I get OP's framing, if you are disappointed with something, you can want others to avoid that too, out of empathy or sympathy, but yeah, sometimes you want to be considerate with phrasing, since not everyones expectations or disappointment/satisfaction will be the same, so phrasing can draw unintended authoritarian vibes. So I plan on getting all Incarnon weapons, I am already satisfied with the idea and concept already, and I already have a few I consider very powerful/over tuned. I also don't only play just for the meta or power of a weapon, so most of my first picks tend to be based on curiosity. Like I expected the Burston to be good, because it sounds similar to what they did with Braton, I waited last week to hear about the Miter and Torid, and decided to go with the Torid despite liking the Miter more, because Torid sounded more unique. Basically I already knew I was going to get the Soma Incarnon regardless of anything else. Personally, I usually go off feel of weapons, before I start experimenting and introducing maths, and trying to minmax. In this regard, I totally understand why many people are disappointed, underwhelmed and frustrated. I felt that as well, weapon just felt off and the evolution paths didn't really seem to help either. Thing is, I felt the same way about the Atomos Incarnon, and also noticed that a few others felt that way too. However, the Atomos Incarnon has grown on me a lot, and its now one of my favourite Incarnon weapons. I also think the Atomos Incarnon is just really effective/powerful. With the Resource Booster weekend, I was taking into a lot of endurance Steel Path missions, whilst testing out other Primary weapons/melee, and the Incarnon Atomos was very effective against all factions, even a few hours in, and the Incarnon form could still make quick work of Acolytes. Basically, I know that my initial impressions/gut reaction may not always be accurate, and sometimes you have to try and switch up the builds/mods etc or sometimes the weapon has a sort of theme or idea behind it. For example? Some Incarnon weapons, seem designed where you would constantly switch between the forms, some seem weighed towards one form more than the other, some seem to have forms that serve different functions, like single target vs groups of enemies, and other various combinations between those elements or variables. Also can get a bit tricky, because some forms are different enough, where you have to consider which you want to build for too. At this moment, I am still in the testing and experimenting phase. I am still a bit underwhelmed and disappointed, but admit that was because I built expectations for the weapon. I also have no issue in admitting that I would personally want the Soma Incarnon to be, or at least feel, as powerful as the Miter Incarnon, and the Latron Incarnon, and the Burston Incarnon (which may be difficult, given those are more AOE orientated). I want to emphasis on the feel part, because I also remember being underwhelmed by the Felarx, until I started to build it for one form, and how Galvanised Savvy works with it. Maybe secretly the Soma Incarnon is busted, and some video in 2 days will come out and change everyones mind on it, because of some secret interaction or hidden stat. Right now, I do consider the weapon "powerful". With a Galvanised scope, Deadhead, and Arcane Avenger build, I took into Steel Path Kuva Survival, both modes were great. I was mostly building to try make the Incarnon form feel better and more effective, since A. Already used the regular Soma mode a lot, the Incarnon form also has a bigger amount of charge than most other weapons. I think its intended to be used as much of not more than the regular form, in contrast to Felarx and Atomos, where I think the normal mode has more usage and effectiveness for most Warframe enemies you usually run into more frequently. So like obviously the normal Soma form, doesn't need all that extra Crit Chance help, but the Incarnon form's Crit (chance) and Status... however... the multishot and the damage (and Crit Damage)...as well as the magazine/charge... So I tried my best to increase Crit Chance to a lot. I think it did... fine. Like it was adequate, I didn't struggle for life support, I was playing solo. It did feel a bit slow on some enemies, that I knew if I was using other Incarnons, would mean they would be dead... Though, the charge also lasted a lot longer than I anticipated as well. Also, it did decently against the Acolyte too, probably since status doesn't matter as much and the other stats being good for Acolyte. Two other observations I made. When my Smeeta Crit buff activated? The weapon felt incredible, and like a dream. I mean... you know, a lot of weapons do obviously, when they get red crit numbers, I am always willing to admit, that I will personally take a small DPS loss, if those numbers are white, as a sacrifice for more orange and red crits. Regardless, the way this weapon is, all that Crit Chance, made the weapon feel amazing and seem way way more effective and on par with some of the other Incarnon weapons (the more powerful ones), potentially more powerful, but I am not good enough with Warframe maths to say, and Smeeta Crit buff is hard variable to control for testing. Made me wonder if combined with the larger charge/magazine of the Incarnon for, if the Hata-Satya was intended to be used with this weapon, since it would probably work really well given its stats. I am also yet to try with any fire rate buffs, which looking at some of the comments in this thread, could be a good call. I usually like using Primed Shred, but with one of the Evolutions being punch through, I actually removed Primed Shred, maybe that was a mistake. Personally, I do think I would enjoy the Soma Incarnon a lot more, if the Crit Chance and status were higher in the Incarnon form, either by its stats, or via the evolution options. Even if it took a small hit elsewhere. Basically anything that should bring it up to par to the other Incarnon weapons. Not that I need all weapons, to be as powerful as them, but I think you can make arguments on the nostalgia, legacy, and historic importance. This is DE after all, the Zariman is a dark Sector reference. The whole incarnon system basically seems like a love letter to a lot of weapons that used to be the meta or really popular/strong in the past. That being said, I don't feel as negatively about all this as some others. I think its strong, I can see myself using it. Will probably be crazy strong on Harrow or Citrine... I still want to test it on some Kuva Liches, Archons etc I wouldn't be opposed to buffs either, if DE decided to make adjustments. Maybe I just need to test it more or look for advice on builds from others. Could always be an issue with my modding (my biggest issue so far is trying to find a build that works well for both forms).
  11. Well one aspect to consider, is that generally speaking, DE isn't a singular entity and neither are we the players. For example, I have met way more players who are against the idea of increased range in Warframe and against power creep, than DE. Then within DE, there are likely different ideas and views about what can be done with such aspects of the game, but less preference based and more centered around the game balance/state and potential ramifications. Also since they a professional business, you won't necessarily be privy to such internal disputes, like you would fans on a forum. They'd also present a better united front. Basically its not really just DE being concerned with such potential power issues, but fans as well, which complicates things, because hypothetically if all fans/potential wanted a billion plus increase in range with shards or Arcanes, and such a scenario would result in bug money at DE, then as silly as a billion percent increase in range would be, it would be done. Except obviously most fans don't want that, and even the small small minority that might, wouldn't be offset by breaking the game for the rest. Also, DE does have to consider a lot more variables, than a player and there preference. Like they do have to consider the meta players and players who play to try min/max and will try to use the most broken builds. There are quite a few Warframes that would dramatically increase in power because of range buffs. Equinox, Saryn, Lavos, Protea, Xaku off the top of my head. A lot more if you are just considering non Steel Path missions. Range can be deceptive state to consider, because you are also dealing with volume. Bit like how the AOE increasing Primed Mods were a bit broken, because its not just a strength increase in one direction, but multiple. As someone who often tests out Invigorations frequently, usually its the range increases that are the most broken/significant generally. Duration on certain Warframes, but even then, they are usually more about offsetting other issues or being a comfort, like having to recast less etc
  12. I am not opposed to it. I mean generally I usually like getting new Arcanes, but I would still rather get an actual pet rework, as I think.. well there is a lot going on there. Personally, when I think of the current best ways to keep pets alive, its a combination of Linked Mods and Pack Leader. The issue though, is not all Warframes survive via high stats around health, armour, etc and not all builds are melee focused. So a rework that potentially introduced more ways for pets to survive, playing off different builds could be nice. Like around certain actions or playstyles, that would trigger effects in companions, like increased health regen, a type of adaptation, giving them a Cold or Heat aura to protect them from melee enemies. Specifics here don't matter right now, but basically just give people more options to work for survivability. Oh and then there are quite a few powers/abilities that should be applied to companions but don't. I think should. Unless they have, I am thinking like Revenant and Citrine, (where as Wisp and Trinity can), so I think making more Warframes buffs/healing etc should be applicable.
  13. Yeah these new Incarnon weapons are... taking a lot of Forma. Catalysts too. I keep like 90% of all weapons, but even I had to make another Burston Prime, and Bronco Prime. Oh and that probably wasn't me, (have only been playing in premade and solo), but yeah, the charges thing can be a little annoying, its why I was mostly saving it. Usability wise, you may actually prefer the Atomos Incarnon. As its new base form (which also gets a boost to it stats, outside Incarnon form) is pretty powerful and you can kill lots of enemies that way. I actually use the Atomos Incarnon base form more than the evolved state. Though that is good for killing Acolytes too. Good luck!
  14. Really depends on your situation. Like for myself, I already had the weapons, and would be doing the SP Circuit anyway, its not really a grind at all. Then as far as effectiveness, well it depends what level of enemies you are consistently preferring to face, and also your builds and set up. Like how are you building your Lex Incarnon? I have really good Rivens for all my kitguns, but, lots of situations where lex Incarnon should pull ahead. Though again, can depend on the other variables, like enemy levels, faction, your build, etc. Yesterday I did an hour long SP Survival against Grineer, but I mostly just used the Lex to one shot Acolytes when they appeared. I was also Nidus, so I could group enemies, which was great to use with the Lex, as it increases its effectiveness. It scaled really well, a lot of Eximus would die from 1 hit and bleed out. The Atomos reception has been a bit polarising, but its a very different weapon from Lex, and most of the negativity around Atomos is because its incarnon form is very different to its normal form. It switches from a beam weapon that changes, to an AOE weapon. Both are pretty strong though, both can kill base Steel Path enemies pretty easy/effectively. I haven't done any personal maths, but some people consider it a mash up between the Kuva Nukor and Sporelacer (though if you have a Riven for the latter, don't necessarily go in thinking Atomos will be stronger in that mode only). I don't know anything about Dual Ichor sorry.
  15. 1. Do you have/own those weapons, as in have them in your Inventory/. 2. Are they equipped when you visit Cavalero? I'm not actually sure that you need to have them equipped mind you. I'd guess you probably don't because if I recall, it would give me multiple offers to evolve with certain weapons that have variants. 3. Also yes, people have those Incarnon forms of those weapons, you don't need to wait, once you unlock them, they should be available, granted you have them.
  16. Some of these are really interesting, but they also may be a bit niche. Personally, I'd just like the ability to customise your Liches/Sisters appearances. I think they teased or implied that at some point, the ability to customise them, switch or change armours, colours, so on. Sort of like how you can Crew Members. Maybe with each Lich/Sister your hunt/experience, you unlock more customisation choices, that way you can also be encouraged to get more Liches, as that would unlock further/extra customisations, and those that sell rarer Liches or Hunt them also get benefits (since you'd be adding to your Lich/Sister customisations).
  17. Not all of them are guaranteed spawns, well except one, at Archarbor. There are a lot of them though, as far as potential locations and what you should experience in a run, so... once you start to have a sense of where they are, you can check them faster and then move on. So as another user mentioned, practice and experience help a lot, because once you know a few locations, you check them, and leave as soon as you know its not there. They will be highlighted when you use your uh Guiding Hand ability? On PSN its Square by default. The Owl puzzle box has a distinctive shape that will glow blue and you can see it through geometry when you use that ability. Will also have a glowing pillar effect as well. So that helps too. Once you have seen a few, it gets way easy ti check back later again. Good luck!
  18. Hmm maybe. I am not personally opposed. Generally I am really a fan of options that allow people to be more efficient, met multiple objectives (like see Steel Path Relic missions). That also being said, also have to consider some other important factors. Like granted I haven't done a lot of Arbitrations since crossplay was implemented, but unless it was Survival, I didn't see a lot of other people doing them. Though that was possibly a location, region, time and platform issue, maybe. Certain modes, may just be not as popular either obviously, especially with permadeath aspects, possible game failure coming hard and fast (like say Defence VIP dying fast after 40 mins ended that run, VS 40 min Survival, if just one player is alive, its fine, plus Warframes are usually harder to kill than Defence VIP). So thats just normal Arbitrations, but now Steel Path versions? Like I am sure Steel Path Arbitration Survival will still see popularity, but ehhh.... still splitting the player base potentially too. Less popular modes, may be split even further. I don't have any personal insights into the numbers, but its something DE may factor in. Like if there are a lot of numbers and participation, its less and issue splitting players from each other. Like, Relic Cracking is really important to the game, for players. I don't imagine adding a Steel Path version had too many negative effects, overall, just more options. Like potentially, some newer or weaker players may not have potentially less help from stronger players and some of those stronger players may have rarer Relics etc but there are just so many people generally cracking Relics...
  19. They are still spooking around Orbiters here and there, I am not sure about a frequency change or anything though. I have seen them about twice in the last month or so. Though, given how much I play the game, thats not too frequent. Maybe. Though the other day I invited a friend to my Orbiter and experienced a glitch where I got stuck in the wall (via the doors opening and closing at a weird time), and so I got direct first hand experience of being a In The Wall person. Nothing but sympathy for the Man in the Wall, its not easy.
  20. Yeah I agree OP, the other day the freaking fun police around here tried to get me to leave after I $%&^^ ^$%$% &^%^ my pants, but what the %%$^$% its my pants and the chimpanzee is my emotional support animal, so what if I ^%^$^ and &%&^$% my pants, and I know several people, friends you might say, of that particular ethnicity and nationality, so when I started talking about how the ^%^$%$ and colluding with the ^%^*^$^ to destroy the world economy, I was only ^%^$% kidding around. Oh but apparently the fun police had to ruin the fun for everyone, and we can't say or do those things anymore. Anyway with the Stalker, we literally just got the chance to play him. The Devs have teased us, that more Stalker content/plans will be at Tennocon. Stuff takes time, you know, making a game, plots, voice lines, turning abstract ideas, into actual gameplay and game stuff takes time. Why couldn't Warframe have put all the stuff from 2023, back in the game back in 2013? Are they anti fun? Well... no, a lot of that stuff wouldn't have made sense, plot, story and character wise, plus it would have been logistically/technically difficult with the resources they had. So they probably just want to tease and extend like the typically always do, plus actually have to work on it and get stuff ready. You could ask a million "why don't they just" questions, but often there are reasons.
  21. Thats why you have to play Harrow, so you can increase your fire rate, so all that sticky white stuff is ejected far far away, and you don't get any on yourself, only other consenting enemies, and as an extra added benefit, you can make them critical hits. Alternatively you can try Magnetise, which uses the bodies centripetal forces, to force it away towards a centre mass, also away from you, though the option is there to forward roll into the cluster of enemies, as some people also like to get in on the action themselves. There is a Japanese word for this, but I forget it exactly.
  22. Not being DE, that is hard for me to answer, but I imagine there are a few variables, that have degrees of nuance, rather than one particular overriding concise intent. Those variables can also be shifting and fluctuating, and regardless of that, fans or those interested in those intentions and execution of intent, will also often misinterpret, believe, or claim something else instead. Like I think one general variable, they consider, is popularity and uniformity, which OP mentions. I think as one basic and oversimplification of a variable, is that they prefer healthy competition, which I also think a general broad player base does as well. Over monopolisation in a given category. I think they prefer more active, engaged play styles, again, over generalisation, over more passive AFK potential styles. They probably have degrees of data that they attempt to implement as well, having a meta shake up now and then is also probably beneficial for business, as I imagine despite what individuals may say, also coincides with (again over generalisation) many fans desires. Just, its more complicated and nuanced. Like I don't think we are going to see a giant nerf wave soon, unless possibly, if it counts, the possibility some Rivens for some Incarnons may be reduced/nerfed, maybe. Via increased usage/popularity. Though they also may not, because in a weird way, there are so many of these new Incarnons that are so powerful, its not like all people are rushing to a single one, as of yet, lots of talk about them in Forums and by content creators, but may not reflect the larger majority. Also, even the very way you unlock them, is via Circuit... a mode, which sort of actually makes powerful weapons a bit less at the forefront, because of the RNG element/aspect. That itself can mitigate certain types of attempts at efficiency, (team of 4 Kuva Zarr players doing a 4 hour Survival), whist also giving people the nice feeling, when they roll such powerful weapons, whilst also incentivising making as much of your arsenal strong. Like there is a lot to such things.
  23. Incarnon weapons are so strong and popular, that they don't really need to worry about a powerful AOE bow becoming overly dominant, is my guess.
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