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Everything posted by BiancaRoughfin

  1. Will only be satisfied the day DE makes an enemy with a death sequence as dramatic as this: :V
  2. They used to be like this but hitting the enemy you wanted was quite hard in a crowded environment and enemies didnt just stand there waving for you to hit them so DE gave the Teslas wheels so they will seek out enemies if they dont directly hit. I agree, Tether Coils should release enemies affected by Bastille/Vortex so they can target an enemy that isnt already affected by some form of crowd control. I dont know why DE kept this, it was bad before his rework, it didnt change any bit. There was another trap which caused enemies to get knocked down, it would have been much more useful than Vector Pads... I think it should be either Heat+Impact or Radiation+Impact and do massive contribution to the Mercy Kill gauge. Blast used to be much better, it would both deal damage in a small AoE and knockdown both the Primary target and enemies within the AoE effect. Was great for Crowd controlling when combined with Electric. A Zenistar with Blast+Electric was a big NopeZone generator back in the day. <3
  3. They always disappeared. Usually the body remains on the floor for a few seconds before vanishing, depending on the weapon or ability that kills the enemy, they are vaporized instantly.
  4. **Hears Banshee shrieking from the back of her Throat.**
  5. Swazdo-Lah! Been doing the daily 5 Steel Path missions to accumulate Essences for when Umbral Forma pops up. The 5 guaranteed Steel Essences are good but its better when the Acolytes show up for the party. Sadly, its not always the case, in most missions they dont get the chance to spawn or spawn just as the group is extracting given the pace of the game. I would like to kindly ask if it would be possible to tie their spawn to the mission progress in Non-Endless missions? Examples: Sabotage - Starts the spawning process just after the console is hacked to expose the core If none of the reactor coolants are destroyed. Capture - Starts the spawning process as the Capture target is being taken. Exterminate/Crossfire - Starts the spawning process once 50~75% of the required enemies are killed. Rescue - Starts the spawning process once the Jail room has been breached. Mobile Defense - Starts the spawning process once the Second Console is hacked (Since some missions only have 2). Spy - Starts the Spawning process once two of the Terminals have been successfully Hacked with no Alarms having been triggered. Thoughts?
  6. Swazdo-Lah! As the title says, its been over two years since i complained about this and it still hasnt been fixed. Zephyr's Airburst creates a Vortex at the point of impact that sucks enemies in for a short duration, Nullifiers are imune to it until their bubbles pop, howerver if there is an Active Vortex and the Nullifier's Bubble pops, it gets sucked into the Vortex and they behave as if they have a new bubble active, making them and other enemies caught in the vortex unkillable until enough damage is done to pop this bugged bubble or the Nullifier within the bubble is killed with a Melee attack. Last post i made about this some players said it was a Ragdoll issue but its not, if no Nullifier is sucked into the vortex i am able to kill all the enemies caught in it with ease, if the Nullifier gets sucked into it even after popping the bubble, they become unkillable.
  7. Honestly, never had problems with her claws, sure your FOV is not at minimal?
  8. Some people login with their E-mail and not their in-game alias,i am one. Still its better to have the e-mail associated to your game account up to date.
  9. Changing E-mail isnt considered account transaction/transferring, its a necessary feature tho i would suggest sending a ticket about it before changing e-mail just so DE is aware of it and doesnt get suspicious. I can think of dozens of reasons someone would want to change their game e-mail, one being to center all gaming/personal informations into a single account, another would be for safety and other would be maybe to dissociate their name from something old, an example, i have two e-mails, one is from early 2000s when i used to play Counter Striker with friends, that was 23 years ago and i dont refer my self by the name on that e-mail anymore.
  10. Sounds nice, perhaps Orbs of 50~100 Shield but instead of regenerating instantly it would regenerate the shield at a rate of 10/s and stack, so grabbing 2 orbs would restore 20/s. Any enemy could have a chance to drop them tho Shielded enemies would have a higher chance to drop them on death and finishers/mercy kills would guarantee a drop.
  11. Early Lunch for Konzo! If there was some faction we could trade our organic pets and eggs for rep, kinda like we can for Fortuna Moas and we could purchase pet cosmetics with said rep, would be great.
  12. Unlikely DE will touch it again given how long its been since it got implemented. Dont remember when i got it and if i got from Prime Access or Twitch Prime but i got it already knowing what i was getting.
  13. Are you on a PC or Notebook? PC Keyboard usually has 2 ENTER keys, one being mid right and the other on the far right on the Numpad, Notebooks usually only have one. Dont remember if its possible to change chat keybinds on the menus.
  14. Which weapon? Just curious. TennoGen are non-refundable as the money from their sale is split between Steam, Digital Extremes and their original creators.
  15. I dont see an actual utility for this, it would be useful if the Aura detached from the player so you could control it around kinda like Zephyr's Tornados but having its range shift with the camera would be problematic, every time you had to aim on a moving enemy the area would either decrease or increase depending on the enemie's movement. I would rather an Augment that allowed the player to HOLD the button and cause the Gloom's aura to detach from the player and remain where in place wile also reducing the energy consumption wile detached.
  16. Which we all know by now its BS. I have a Grineer Squirt gun skin for my Rifles, im immersing my enemies in bullets and making them all wet with it. And with next update we are getting a Fish shoulder armor with Sevagoth`s Deluxe.
  17. Yes but only once Crossplay actually becomes a thing and theres no confirmed ETA for it yet. Also, regarding account merge, i brought it up cus i assumed they have a PC account too.
  18. If you bought the Plat for XBox then its only going to be on your XBox account. Cross Save isnt implemented yet so you will only be able to enjoy your plat on the Console. We also have no idea yet if DE plans on allowing for account merging.
  19. Its been asked for countless times, even i have made a topic years ago asking for an In-game auction house to make trades faster/safer but its something DE will never make, especially with the issues of Black Platinum as DE doesnt want any responsibility over player's trades even tho schit happens in their game.
  20. Overdue both Stats Wise and model wise. A lot of the old Primes need an update.
  21. Where exactly does the game crash? Loading into Game? Login Screen? Loading Mission? If your Peripherals with RGB effects, some of their programs interact with the game, changing color or blinking in certain moments and especially during loadscreens. These can cause issues at time so its best turning off this interaction.
  22. I know how you feel, i miss Old Fortuna so much... That new Redish color makes my eyes tired. I really hope these maps get another update in time which would normalize them at least closer to how they looked before.
  23. Most game have hazards in mission that both bypass defenses and do a percentage of the player's Health as damage independent of gear/level. Warframe was long overdue for this to become a feature as Barrels posed no threat either to the player or enemies around them. Until the last Update they were as their damage was insignificant. I dont see it that way, there are still many ways to avoid the damage done by barrels. Usually when i enter a room full of crates and an explosive barrel, i quickly enter my Operator, shoot my Amp's Alt Fire which deals damage in Area and before the projectile hits i already pop back into my warframe. Since the Operator and Warframe count as different entities, the explosions dont affect my Warframe. Its not a bug, Barrels got tuned up on the last update. They deal significantly more damage.
  24. Its a powerful weapon, has to be MR locked, TennoCon was an exception because it was a gift and they didnt have any real idea of how it would perform back then. No it wasnt, as it was gifted, it bypasses any MR requirements.
  25. Iv been dreaming with Attica Prime for years and an Incarnon Adapter since they became a thing. Just hope DE doesnt ruin the Prime and Incarnon forms.
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