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Everything posted by (PSN)Shaun-T-Wilson

  1. you still need to wait, they're going to use the founders as a test first, before rolling it out to others
  2. Theres a augment for the first ability (it makes a clone spector) that does encourage swapping if you into form swapping as a tactic.
  3. for merging, its likely it use your state main account as base then look at the account weapons/frames (that was merged) then credit the MR points for the weapons//frames the main account havent got yet. You will not gain any extra MR but you will likely get the MR points (so you will still need to do the tests, they willnt allow any skipping MR tests you havent done)
  4. it was probably mention already but there was a 2 week notice that nightwave was ending and you had to spend your credits. a new nightwave will start in a week or so.
  5. Dont forget her 4th can create energy orbs without killing enemies
  6. have you tried lowering you ping for more stable connection - your issue doesnt sound like a spec issue but a network one
  7. I believe they did mention that it willnt work with glaives quite early on in one of their streams. I believe its working as intended.
  8. if you watched the minimum amount of time then you normally have 24hrs to claim it. They will assume that you are actually watching and not playing the system by going afk.
  9. OP, They stated that they have to equalise products between platform in order to do cross play.
  10. its normal, spawn limits do vary on each platform.
  11. OP are you sure you are referring to Warframe, you dont get inbox messages when you level up (as far as i can remember) and I dont believe you exchange "codes" ingame as well. So We are a bit confused to what you are referring to? But as mentioned above the ingame warframe inbox, cannt be restored by DE - support
  12. Or would you like a bugfix for something minor that effects less than 1% of the playerbase or would you like more content. bugs or qol like OPs tend to get sorted as part of a larger deep look. eg should DE look at reworking helmeth abilities.
  13. Dojo remodelling is in order, my clan had to remove redundant room to makes space. removing rooms only takes 2hrs
  14. To be clear items in your "gear" shouldnt effect your frame by passively equipping them "by design" - the exception is the dragon keys that are meant for opening Deimos vaults (at cost of a warframe stat penalty).
  15. the use of the dragon key was unintended exploit of shield gating, Dragon keys were design to penalise warframes. DE fixed that exploit by adding a cost to boosting shield gating via max lowering shields. By rights DE did need to transfer the exploit to a mod and just added the added penalty to the dragon key (penalty is lowering max shields reduces gating duration)
  16. its a anti laundry policy, DE can track bad plat traded between players. unfortunately scammers and trollers do abuse the trust between players - remember is not advised to gift buy/sell between strangers as bad plat is often involved.
  17. It goes kaboom (aoe) and gives you resource buff based on syndicate
  18. As above Cross save have not arrived yet, currently it cross play. Live Testing of cross save is due by the end of year though
  19. they usually teleport if they become far away from players, if they are close in an extermination and you are in stealth they head to your extraction point if it close by.(since you need to get there to leave)
  20. to be clear the picture confirms he passed the MR5 test right, and hes currently MR5 right. so wheres the bug now? (or is that what your post stating)
  21. OP rewrote his original post which he claimed he did the MR6 test then he disconnected, then when he relogged in he was MR5 and had to wait 24hr to retest.
  22. For added details did you disconnect on the loading screen after you did the MR6 test(which you passed) before arriving at the orbiter. When reporting bugs the devils in the detail.
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