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Everything posted by Birdframe_Prime

  1. It's probably legacy from the others. You see, when DE created Archwings, they accidentally set up the trailers and introduction to make it seem like we would play the way Sharkwing currently plays; you'd go into a mission and there would be sections that you would jump out into space, fly around, and then come back. The original Fomorian event was a bit of a letdown because DE made it look like there would be a ground-battle portion of it, similar to how we work with the more recent Railjack missions. So DE worked hard for the community to plug in the system to the main game (because they were, to be clear, completely separate systems of movement and physics). In the process of that, they accidentally created Titania. A Warframe that could use Archwing in the regular missions, because she would shrink to 0.25x regular size. And DE had to do it again when they brought in the Plains of Eidolon, where they had to basically invent a new form of Archwing that would allow players to fly around in that open landscape. As a result, DE probably thought we were going to get the same again when they brought in K-drives. Where players would want K-drives everywhere. Annnnnd they decided to skip the first step of arduously programming in the K-drives so they'd work in regular missions, that was going to be too hard, it would result in needing to rework all the tile sets. To try and test the process, though, they created Yareli. A warframe that used a K-drive in missions. That would give them the testing bed for what tile sets would need to be changed, what problems K-drive would have in the worlds, and all that it would sacrifice (if anything needed to be) was the performance of one warframe, not the months of time to fix all the tile sets only to find that players didn't even use the option. I feel that the poor performance and release of Yareli is actually to blame for the process not going through. By creating Yareli and finding out all the problems that she has, as a single Warframe that's designed around using a K-Drive, they've seen that the K-drive system itself needs an overhaul. From mods to mechanics to what we can even do while riding one. Until DE actually take the time to do a 2.0 on K-drives in the first place... it's really unlikely that they're going to fully un-jank Merulina. And that's only likely to happen if DE decide to do the right thing, like they did before, and actually make tiles that are designed for K-drive usage in the missions, then we'll see every frame able to use them, and then we'll see that Merulina benefits immensely. Yareli may even be the go-to frame on those missions because of the improvements that Merulina gets from the process.
  2. In terms of mechanics, it's a subtle difference, but an important one. Hitscan is simple to understand, you point, click and if your cross-hair is over the enemy it hits them. Each instance of damage is distinct and can calculate multishot as if it was a second bullet fired at the same time (which is what makes multi-shot powerful on single-shot weapons, but weird on pellet weapons). Beams, however, generate a semi-physical projected object, which detects and contacts the enemy hitbox. If you use something like the Furis Incarnon, which generates a cone-of-effect, this means that one instance of ammunition usage can contact multiple enemies. The same with something like the Tenet Cycron and Kuva Nukor, where if they contact an enemy hitbox, they chain on with the same instance of ammo usage. There is, apparently, some hidden tech to this with beams in that, if they have punch-through, a ragdoll on enemies (such as the Lifted status, or a CC like Vauban's Vortex, Zephyr's Airburst, Yareli's Riptide and so on) can actually cause a beam weapon to contact multiple hitboxes on the same enemy, such as arms, torso and head, vastly increasing the damage dealt as it registers all of them as separate hits for damage. But that's inconsistent, as far as I've seen. This is also why the Multishot bonus isn't the same on beams, because the game won't generate a second object of effect, like a cone, it'll just calculate the damage dealt as a multiple of the original, such as a 2x bonus to damage after Crit calculations have been done for the base and a 2x Status chance after the total calculation for the base, which is why the damage per tick can seem so high with beams compared to hitscan. (This is especially good on weapons that exploit the Heat Inherit function.) For some weapons, like the Synapse, this doesn't seem to have much of a difference between it and a hitscan weapon. For others, like the Ignis Wraith, this can have a large difference.
  3. I understand the frustration. There is, however, an essential problem that K-drives have, and always have had: They aren't Archwings. The fact that you get an Archwing in the same locations as K-Drives, is a genuine flaw of how DE released the different updates and parts of the game, and it can't be helped. The issue being that, not only are Archwings superior for travelling long distances, they are also fully equipped with their own Abilities, your own modding and your own Primary and Secondary weapons. They do not need Syndicate standing to increase, and have their own dedicated modes to play on that can help with levelling and acquiring mods. K-drives have none of these advantages, and are genuinely disappointing by comparison. The quality-of-life improvements would help. However. K-drive needs some fundamental lift in functionality, at base, before they even start to become relevant. Hell, the simple reason why Yareli's Merulina doesn't use K-drive mods is because there's only one that would even do anything for in-mission Warframe game play, and even then it's an optional one. They don't do anything. That's why nobody cares.
  4. Please check the instructions and try again. This is a Thread, you were not supposed to start a Thread. (Also: Forum Bingo)
  5. I get consistent host by starting missions from my Railjack instead of the Dojo or the Navigation. I've almost never hosted when starting from Navigation, and it's really inconsistent from the Dojo.
  6. Good luck. As long as you don't do it here, where we have to see it. DE have stated a lot of things over time, and every single example you're going to bring up of them 'changing their minds' has been after they said that they're 'not looking into it' or 'it's currently not on the table for discussion'. Basically where the concept has been asked of them enough times to require them to give an acknowledgement of it, but they've got no plans on it. Later on, when they do something about it, it's also usually not in the way players asked for. For example, the Dedicated Augment Slot that keeps getting asked for. DE did something about it. They said 'no' and then, because the player base did have a small point in the argument that said 'when we use Augments we lose stats that are important to hit thresholds in the build, like total armour strip or the actual damage reduction cap', DE implemented Archon Shards. Now you can drop a mod in favour of an Augment and still make up some of the stats with Shards, and a few other things that players want (like casting speed) to get the results while also getting the advantage of the Augment. Then, when players still kept asking for the Dedicated Augment slot, not understanding what DE had done, they re-iterated the 'no' as recently as last October. So we're not getting a Dedicated Augment slot, not because DE said 'no', but because they actively did something else while saying 'no'. Every time they've made a statement about something where they have then literally implemented and reinforced, and updated, and improved, their own thing that's the opposite direction of what the community asked for, that statement has stayed. The 'reasons against' any kind of internal Trading system that allows for players to not go into the same instanced, monitored and verified server connection and trade player to player are the following: DE have consistently forced players to do that and have said they're going to keep forcing players to do that. They gave all the explanations for why they do that, and have made multiple fixes and improvements towards forcing players to do that, have re-written policy on what they will and won't enforce when players do that, and have even made consistent and 'permanent' (until 2035) bans of players based on them improperly using that system too, meaning that any changes to that system will result in them needing to review their bans. It's not a matter of just 'DE have said'. It's a matter of 'DE has said and done things to back up what they've said' for an entire 10 years.
  7. Yeah, keep beating. I'm sure you'll turn that dirt horse into mud horse sooner. Until DE themselves say otherwise, which they might, asking for this doesn't help. If DE have said they want the opposite of what you want, as in they don't want a place where you can view any kind of trading market or system that resembles one, and they instead want to enforce player-to-player direct, monitored and verified trades, then repeating the topic just makes them more stubborn about it.
  8. I'm fairly sure that bait is supposed to be either controversial or funny...
  9. Topic is always contextual for that. This one is clearly an oversight, where you can activate primary arcane effects without actually using the primary... And I know how many people like it.
  10. Please don't draw attention to inconsistencies like this. The likely situation is that other elemental arcanes are supposed to only be activated by the specific weapons they're on, and drawing attention to the fact that they aren't doing what they say they should be (and are activated by effects proc'd in other ways) will likely get the Arcanes nerfed back into what DE wrote on the box.
  11. DE have already made their statements on an in-game market. They don't want one. They want players to trade player-to-player in a live and monitored setting so that they can verify the trades. The external website is fan made and while DE allow transparency on their data so that the site can access it, they do not actively endorse it, and in no way want to bring it into the game. Dead horse is dead. People kept beating it. Dead horse is dust. People kept beating it. Dust horse is dirt. People still keep beating. See you guys for another thread on this in another few days.
  12. Why isn't Inaros, especially when they've announced a rework for the next update? Why isn't Zephyr? Or Banshee? Mirage? Mag? Octavia? Ash? Limbo? Could it be... perhaps... That the announced Resurgence list only goes up to February 15th and they could announce more for the next one soon? I mean, it's a distinct possibility.
  13. I'm a little worried about this, so I genuinely have to point out that all frames are Steel Path viable. Killing with Abilities is not necessary when they can, instead, set up for easy kills with weapons instead. A lot of people seem to place such a high precedence on frames that have the specific option to kill higher level enemies with abilities alone, and that's weird to me when we literally have frames that are designed to support weapons instead of directly killing with abilities. That said, you make statements like this: When that's just not using your abilities correctly. While Excal's 1 is comparatively low damage, and that does cap out, he is more than capable of scaling his damage by using his 2 and 3 to augment his 4 well into multi-hour Steel Path usage. Basic Shield Gating and Radial Blind are more than enough to survive Steel Path, too, we have seen multiple demonstrations from streamers over the last couple of years. Caliban isn't supposed to kill enemies with his abilities. He's supposed to use them to survive and then strip enemy defenses so that weapon damage can scale well beyond what it should. You can melt level-cap enemies with Caliban using just his 3 to survive and his 4 to take enemies back to bare Health and shoot them. People don't use him because he's a bad overall frame. It's true. But saying that he's so weak, and all of the others like Oberon (a frame with quadratic scaling damage when you Augment his 4), Trinity (with a Primer able to one-shot level-cap Index enemies), Yareli (currently able to combo with weapons to nuke fully armoured enemies on Steel Path), Ash (a frame that uses melee boosts and Primers to just Bleed Steel Path Grineer to an extreme degree) and Loki (Loki, of all frames, a genuine god of the Circuit right now with his Irradiating Disarm and Invisibility)... Saying that is not realising the actual problem with this game's Power Fantasy style of gameplay: Any and every frame can survive Steel Path. Easily. The enemy is stupid, the only thing that scales is damage, and damage can be ignored by most frames, if not completely mitigated by them, because of mechanics like Shield Gating, Overguard, Radiation CC, Cleansing, straight up Invulnerability options, and (when all else fails) just killing them before they can shoot at you. Never expect any Warframe to kill higher level enemies with just their abilities, never expect them to survive higher level enemies with just their abilities. Combining casts, weapons, primer effects and others is the actual scaling method for damage, and utilising multiple stacked survival functions is the way to survive against infinite damage.
  14. It always surprises me when people miss the Updates, or don't click on things they see to check if they do anything...
  15. There was, for a long time, a fan-driven game mode called Drift Frame. The goal was to go into a Capture and do it as a Versus mode. Points for getting the Capture, points for reaching the Extraction first. It's notable that there are a few frames that are used for this. In actual tile sets, with corners, geometry that can trap you, and randomised areas, it's actually very much a coin toss between frames like Wukong, Gauss, Volt, Zephyr and Titania. Wukong, with his Cloud Walker, is definitely on par with Titania for pathing, at least, but a bad frame racer will still lose to a Zephyr, Volt or Gauss. In open world, Titania has the fastest straight-line movement, no competition. Much like the Batman argument, though, there is one faster: Wisp can teleport from one end of the Plains/Vallis to the other as long as a single Mote Well is there. Wisp with preparation outraces Titania, but Titania wins every other time. However... there is a frame that was literally banned from the Drift Frame competition... Nova. Warp is instantaneous movement to the limit of your Range, pin-point accurate, and efficiency allows you to spam it. Nova can outrace the mission loading limitations, she can reach the next tile before it's functionally loaded in. Drift frame didn't continue on to some of the more recent frames, so we haven't seen Kullervo or Voruna. And Mirage with Parkour Velocity Archon Shards is really, really fast too.
  16. Uhhhh.... First comment on this thread from me. And yeah. That was, you know, the point of my comments? That if all you want is those functions on Merulina, then buff Merulina. If you want to fix K-drive and make it worth using in tile sets in the first place, then do that, then allow those mods on Merulina. Order of operations is important here.
  17. Okay, for what purpose? You want the mods, but we've literally just pointed out how two of the three functions you want from the mods are either already on there in some form, or useless compared to basic gun and ability play. And the one thing that the mods can do that isn't on there already could just be buffed onto Merulina. What is the actual point of any of the other mods on Merulina? Yeah, thematically, a K-drive should be able to use K-drive mods. But when all but one function of those mods is the equivalent of a wet, cold teabag to a coffee lover, what would be the point? K-drive mods, and K-drive itself, would need a lot more functionality before I would be on your side. If there was a point for modding Merulina with K-drive mods, I'd agree with you. But if all you want is to have that one, specific function? Or even the useless, low-damage mods? Just buff Merulina instead. It's a far simpler change, with no effort, and less risk of doing something like... I don't know... putting the bonus jump height mod on her, and then sticking Yareli's head to the ceiling for three seconds at a time because that's how the jump height mod works when you're under a ceiling. To be clear: If K-drive mods were good, I would say yeah. Since all but three are not good, I say nah.
  18. Baro is there for a specific amount of time, it starts Friday and finishes Sunday based on the actual date change over. Depending on your time zone, he leaves before Sunday is finished, or anywhere up to midnight on Sunday if you're in the right time zone. This is to prevent him being there Monday for other time zones.
  19. Yeah... Quick Escape is already part of Merulina. It's a couple of seconds shorter, but it's already there and charges up Merulina like Iron Skin or Warding Halo. She also gets a second of invulnerability on dismount. Juice would make the whole thing more powerful, especially combo with Inertia Dampeners, but... seriously? When you can have energy regen from your Focus or even just from the combo of her 4 and Emergence Dissipate, or have farmed the last event/Loid for Energise, or any of the options we have for energy regen? On top of that, requiring a player to stop using their gun and do K-drive tricks while indoors, which I've tested out and is incredibly janky, often resulting in needing to Operator out of it or Unstuck... And Cold Arrival, only 400 Cold Damage with no Status? That's absolutely useless. Especially when Yareli's 1 (modded with even normal Strength) does that on the first tick while also applying damage vulnerability. I am shocked at your inclusion of it. What's next? Look, just buff Merulina to have a Juice function and you don't need to put mods on the thing. None of the other mods would help her outside of the Orb Vallis. You came up with one good combo, one function she already has, and you can be forgiven for the other one... once... Just buff Merulina to have that one function you want, and you don't have to worry about having 8 mod slots and only wanting 2 mods on there.
  20. Understandable. The problem with this is that what I'm saying does seem to be arbitrary. I'm not claiming I know, just reporting patterns and the most likely thought process when creating the function. DE have made statements on things like Teleports before now, and they carry through to this. So I'm not so much dismissive of the criticism, but dismissive of DE's attitude towards changing something when it's so similar to things that they've changed or failed to change in the past. It's important to see when criticism is wasting your own time, especially when it comes to Devs that are as opinionated as these ones.
  21. I understood it from the start, and I specifically stated that I'm okay with there being a rebalance of that if DE decides on it. What I don't understand is you trying to devolve this argument when you can't argue the actual point. Cherry picking the one thing in my comment that you think you can argue and then pretending you win when you ignore the explanation doesn't change the points made, nor does it make you seem like you're taking the conversation seriously anymore.
  22. Cetus has the easiest and most broad access to Fishing. Which is akin to the Token system on Mars. You go fish, you get an excess, you trade them in for the variant spears and bait, then you fish the rare fish and... that's literally it. You get the whole month's worth of Standing in one fishing trip and never go out onto the Plains unless you have a Nightwave task. DE are aware of this, and know that even the new MR1 players that go into Cetus for the required quest can get this information from a player that's done it before, or from any other source, many are able to figure it out on their own, too. The problem then is that people who struggle with the grind want an easier one, but DE are aware that they accidentally created a complete bypass of the grind that players have access to from the moment they pick up a fishing spear.
  23. Too late. We had variable stats on Warframes back before the current modding system. DE removed that when they introduced the current modding specifically so that they could balance and test all new and old Abilities with each other without there being a risk of some god-roll giving them more than the tested Duration, Range, Strength and so on. The policy, as stated, is that two players, walking into the mission with the same frame and same modding, perform exactly the same. So, no, getting a riven that can have different stats compared to another player is almost certainly not going to be an option.
  24. Redline is charged by your Battery being above 80%, it is charged over a duration that is variable. The duration is slowest when the battery is at 81% and fastest when the Battery is at 100%. Take it another way, if you do nothing, the Redline doesn't charge at all. It never reaches 100%. So Redline does not charge with Duration. Redline is limited by Duration. If you do not move, or cast Cold Sunder, you never reach 100% and so yes, movement charges Redline, because movement keeps the battery above 80%. All of this is specified in the Wiki, you genuinely just haven't understood it correctly.
  25. I live in a small Orbiter. There's such a thing as too many.
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