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Should I Get Revenant?



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Just now, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Would you like a primer from someone who's used him to determine their niche?

not like i believe the reviews, but its unfair that they heavily judge things and make other people see them differently without playing them, like me i want to play it for myself really.

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1 minute ago, The_Challenger1 said:

Well i haven't really looked into him much and didn't know if he was worth it really. Considering many reviews seem to crap on him.

He's weird and his kit feels like it's not 100% sure of what it wants to be to doing. Like, he never feels weak by any stretch (and isn't by any means) but I've also never played a frame that was so good at crushing its way through missions while leaving me asking myself "What the hell am I supposed to be doing?"

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Try him out. He's pretty cool. He's getting some negative reviews right now and struggling to find a place in the game, but the devs are working on solutions to this as we speak.

If your question is "buy him with plat?", I guess it depends how much your plat is worth to you. I would say no, since he's not impossible to farm.

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55 minutes ago, The_Challenger1 said:

not like i believe the reviews, but its unfair that they heavily judge things and make other people see them differently without playing them, like me i want to play it for myself really.

It's completely fair for them to judge a frame how they feel they play. They're just expressing their opinions. How reviews affect your view of the frame is your problem.. it's not fair or unfair how you let reviews determine thoughts on a thing you haven't tried out for yourself. If you want to play it for yourself to see how you like it, do it and don't let reviews sway you. Just be prepared that they may actually be accurate descriptions of the frame's performance.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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Hmm, Is he worth spending plat on? No, just grind it out over time. Maybe you'll enjoy him. He's a totally useable warframe, but nothing to write home about. A little underwhelming actually. I played it a little bit then went right back to my other frames because his abilities just aren't very good.

1 only ever gets any use in solo play

2 wears off too fast in any kind of content that you'd actually need the protection for and leads to serious energy drain if you try to maintain it.

3 has a super long cast animation that makes it awfully clunky to use, plus it is very energy hungry. You can mod for casting speed but well, that's a mod slot.

4 just got its energy cost nerfed which makes it pretty energy hungry too.


TBH, an Amprex is more effective than that entire warframe.

Edited by Erytroxylin
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He's a cool dude I haven't personally tried him but here's what I know from what I've heard plus interactions with them

  • When people see him in hydron they cheer free exp so he's one of the best hydron frames but of course
  • he also boasts a lot of shield so he can do some of that hardcore tanking
  • he can wreck enemies in closed in tilesets like the hydron one and preforms in open spaces well like poe
  • he creates argro and damage pillars (which your mr 8 saryn kills every time or they act like enemies so you have to kill them before progressing to the next wave but hopefully it'll get patched
  • he can steal health *cough* use natural talent if you don't want to die *cough*

The reason people don't like him is because his first 3 abilites kind of suck and when they saw the 4th ability nerf he was put in the trash bucket. Fortunately you don't have to spend the entire mission in a dance and you can stop it to pick up energy!

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I think you might be looking for a more nuanced answer than "Revenant is Trash", right?

Yes, I think you should craft him. He's relatively easy to craft and worse case scenario you get Mastery points and throw him away.

As to whether he is any good, the truth is that is up to personal preference. I see the hate he gets in the forums but as for myself and other Tenno I see actually using him in game he actually has a nice synergistic kit. The only thing I don't like is the energy cost and casting time on his 3rd ability. I might also add that his kit is not as straightforward as it seems so my initial impression of him was that he was weak but now I realize he is a good all-around frame who consistently delivers on a variety of mission types.

But if you consider anything less than Elite Sanctuary Onslaught set and forget instant nuking abilities trash, then yeah he's trash.

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He's fun if you completely ignore his 1st ability, in its current state unless you go solo there's no reason to use it. Both because your thrall is dead before you finish casting and because that pillar is in a place where everything is already dead.

Basically keep 2 active, cast 3 if in a clutch and if there are a lot of enemies press 4 to wipe the room.

A big problem, considering that his kit should revolve around his 1st ability, main reason why he feels like half a frame.

Fun, but if you are looking for effectiveness he won't be wining any contests.

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Il y a 12 heures, TheGrimCorsair a dit :

He's weird and his kit feels like it's not 100% sure of what it wants to be to doing. Like, he never feels weak by any stretch (and isn't by any means) but I've also never played a frame that was so good at crushing its way through missions while leaving me asking myself "What the hell am I supposed to be doing?"

I fully agree. It's like the frame itself doesn't really know what his skills are supposed to be. 

That said he's really fun, his 4th is really satisfying, and ghosting through the map with his 3rd is fun. 

His Enthrall mechanic is criminally bad tho. 

All in all I'm leaning towards definitely worth it. He also looks #*!%ing amazing. And his armour set is the real deal. 

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I am always confused by these questions and threads...should I "x"? Or is "x" good? Well do you have it in game yet? What else would you be doing? And why are you asking strangers to dictate how you spend your in game time? Try it for yourself, see if you enjoy it. If you don't open a few spy vaults for the mastery, put it away and play with something else. 

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Well... his abilities have a solid foundation, but could use some work. 

His 1 could empower targets, and the explosion/pillar could do damage based on how much damage the thralls actually inflict. This would make it seem less like a Nyx's Chaos/Nekros' Shadows of the Dead mash-up. Also, more thralls please - it's called a "horde," not a "small group" - because Nyx is the only huge AoE "everyone attacks everyone else" frame. I'm not even talking 30-40 thralls, 10-15 will do fine. Also, maybe you channel energy into 1 to prematurely detonate all thralls - or you could stop channeling before they explode to give them a huge movement speed/damage boost at the cost of exploding much, much sooner. And if the explosions inflicted electricity, followed by cold afterwards, then you could have a really amazing CC skill.

His 2 could serve as "adaptive armor," similar to the Battalyst/Conculyst Sentients (which he's based on). This would end up looking a bit like Chroma's Vex Armor, but without the attribute sharing (only Revenant gets the stat changes). Also, if you could channel more energy into Mesmer Skin (like Inaros' Scarab Swarm) then you could increase the amount of armor/eHP available (or maybe energy channelled = dmg reduction, up to a certain %). If no, you could have his 2 "remember" the damage types it was hit with (# of dmg types = # of charges), then re-castable to create an energy explosion that inflicts all enemies in range with the "stored" stat ailments (not even damage, just guaranteed stat procs).

If his 3 did guaranteed Rad procs/"cleansed" enemies of shields/stripped enemies of a % of armor then it would definitely be more practical. Heck, if it put you in "Ghost Mode" (simlar to Vombulysts) instead of being a Vombulyst dash, then you could just, I dunno, WALK through enemies to deal extra damage/enthrall them/drain their hp & shields.

And his 4... well. I had hoped his 4 would be like the Battalyst/Conculyst spinning orb of deth, but... yeah. It's capability is still pretty good as-is though.


Overall, Revenant is a good frame, but he doesn't yet live up to the potential of the Sentients, who are badass enough to f*** up the Orokin, ballsy enough to turn the Stalker into a pet, dangerous enough to attack and nearly destroy a Cephalon, and powerful enough to plow through Corrupted armies without even worrying, just to get to you and ruin your Lua farming session.

Edited by (PS4)Susano7798
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I feel like a weird one because I think his kit just needs some number changes and he'll be great.  By "kit" I also mean "warframe base stats."


His passive would be better with lower shields and more health.  I know devs don't want it proccing too often, but having more than double the base shield over health is a bit excessive to prevent that.  Maybe switching him to 300 shields, 600 health (health lowered to help account for the extra EHP from armor)?


His 1 I actually rather like.  It's a strong CC skill, keeping up to 7 enemies from harming your team for quite a long duration.  I don't care what amounts of damage they're dealing, as that's irrelevant.  I care that those three heavy gunners aren't attacking me. It's not creating an army for you, it's a long duration CC that then provides food for your other skills.


His 2 either needs more charges or a faster cast speed.  Or to be recastable/rechargable.  Any of these three would make it good.


His 3 is...weird.  The fact its range scales with duration instead of, well, range, is bizarre and it also scales oddly.  With just a bit of duration (40%), it goes from maybe moving you 10 feet to taking you clear across the Defense room.  Again, cast time is an issue with this, but otherwise, the skill works decently.  Reducing the energy cost so it's more feasible to cast during Danse Macabre would also be a good change.

Edited by Reverse830
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Revenant is quite OK. His abilitie are hit and miss but ,hey, I love my Nekros even if I just use his 3 and 4 (the stats are good and these abilities are fun).

His 1 is IMHO better than Nyx' 1 because waves end, even with enemies under your thrall. Also thralled enemies can be killed if you want and leave a small but nice AOE.

His 2 is meh. The best part is, that it let's you cast 1 for free. His 3 is pretty bad, now clue how this can be salvaged.

His 4 is kinda like Mesa's without aiming, but with moving around and collecting energy by the way. Can be kinda fun. With a lot of duration and efficincy you can dance around hydron all night. Don't forget to bring a Squad-DJ (Octavia) and Disco Lights (Mirage) along 🙂

Plus: He's easy to farm (on each Bounty within 8-12 Minutes you have 2-3 chances to get the part you need, compare that to sommething like Harrow, where you need to play like 20 minutes just to have 1 chance for the missing part). So If you have a free slot: Give him a shot.

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