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Chroma needs a rework


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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Raging_Storm8853 said:

Dont sortve agree with your idea of his 1 a bit instead of stunning let it be

-Damaging enemies will restore a portion of chroma's health

That self healing would make him way more useful and durable then

nice Idea will add to the post! ^^

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7 hours ago, Thaylien said:

Then, my friend, you missed what they told us all at the time; both calculations were doing something they didn't want them to do. No single defense ability, outside of the literal invincibility casts (all of which have heavy drawbacks and limitations), creates more than a set value of damage reduction, and thus no more than a certain amount of EHP. Combined with the other abilities, yeah, sure, Chroma could get his survivability back. But the reason they changed Vex wasn't just the damage, it was also the survivability. Chroma is not, and was not, supposed to get that much armour from Vex, and that's the way it's going to stay for the forseeable future.

It's not a question of 'oh, just tweak the equation back' when the equation was wrong, according to DE, and should never have been that way.

But, good news, there are three other abilities that Chroma has that can be buffed to make up for this. Instead of being ridiculously damage-spongy, you could actually make him a contributing member of a team. With area denial, self and team buffs, enemy debuffs, and actual versatility in his kit instead of being nothing more than a way to bypass the usual weapon limitations.

And old Chroma vex armor didn't have drawbacks? having to take dmg to become tanky and strong? Losing buffs and having to cast again? (RIP if you had no shields when your buffs dropped and no 1000p Arcanes to save you)

You can't compare Chroma tankiness, why?

Because his tankiness comes solely from armor. Armor's effectiveness gets reduced by certain dmg types like puncture, toxin, or straight up ignored by slash dmg procs. 

A frame like Nidus is tanky from hp regen, resurrection, and DMG Reduction. This is important to note because dmg reduction skills are not weakened by any dmg types.

Ferrite armor (Our WF armor type) has 50% weakness to puncture.

This translates to enemies with puncture dmg, (Pretty much majority of the corpus) completely shredding through armor tanks due to the fact their dmg type straight up ignores 50% of our armor while also gaining a 50% increased dmg to us.



"It's important to note that type modifiers against armor work in two ways here: they mitigate a percentage of the target's armor, and increase the damage dealt in the same way as a type modifier against the hitpoints would do. Practically speaking, this means that Corrosive b Corrosive damage is only reduced by 25% of a target's whole Ferrite Armor and the base damage is increased by +75%." 

Vex armor calculations were fine, the problem arose when they double/triple dipped on dual elemental combos:





Edited by Dragazer
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vor 19 Stunden schrieb Dark_Chroma:

It wasn't a bug since his release it was know he had a high dmg multiplication and even bosses with heal gates have been oneshoted. DE just wasn't happy that their new content had Ben onshoted that easily. Otherwise they would have changed his maths before PoE got released

the bug was that the dmg got quadrupled with elemental combos. that the dmg was multiplied was intentional - but the bug that resulted was not. instead of DE fixing the bug they changed the overall formula - which was allready extremely lazy back then. 

i got to say i got used to chromas "fix" and i actually think that vex armor is in a great balanced state atm. but the fact remains that his 1 and 4 are useless and his 2 is only usefull with fire element. 


chroma needs a tiny rework to balance out all elements but he is overall too popular to receive one. 

i mean he is called an elemental master but the only element he is good at is fire. he cant be called an elemental master if his poison, electric and ice abilities are horrible

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55 minutes ago, DeadlyCreation said:

the bug was that the dmg got quadrupled with elemental combos. that the dmg was multiplied was intentional - but the bug that resulted was not. instead of DE fixing the bug they changed the overall formula - which was allready extremely lazy back then. 

i got to say i got used to chromas "fix" and i actually think that vex armor is in a great balanced state atm. but the fact remains that his 1 and 4 are useless and his 2 is only usefull with fire element. 


chroma needs a tiny rework to balance out all elements but he is overall too popular to receive one. 

i mean he is called an elemental master but the only element he is good at is fire. he cant be called an elemental master if his poison, electric and ice abilities are horrible

Ooooooo yesssss, but I think that if we spam for a rework at least we will receive it. 

Wanna do it? 

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54 minutes ago, Crousere said:

Chroma is so bad that it makes Revenant look good

Revenant's actually not half bad.  He just has some quirky anti-synergies that are sorta dumb.

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4 hours ago, Dragazer said:

And old Chroma vex armor didn't have drawbacks?

Did Chroma get, let's see... forced into melee only mode, with full energy drain that ramped up over time, and gain an additional condition that if he ran out of energy or the ability ended while there were enemies within a set radius of him, he then received a percent-based amount of damage based on how much he'd tanked so far?

Did he get a conditional situation where if he was not taking damage from enemies, he couldn't damage them either?

No, Chroma had drawbacks because, and here's the kicker, it doesn't just do Damage Reduction, it does Damage Buffing too. With those two functions on the same ability, it's self limited by having to take damage to deal or reduce damage.

Frames with actual invulnerability casts have very limiting drawbacks that often prevent an aspect of gameplay, forcing them into particular modes, or only making their invulnerability very, very conditional.

6 hours ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

And at least half of those appointed are not tank Ahahahahah. And then DE also said that they do not want damage reductions above 95%.

And you have mis-read that comment completely. I said this: 'No single defense ability'

You want to talk about Mesa's ability? Sure, it's capped at 95%. You want to put on an Arcane? That's not an ability, that's a gear item with its own conditions.

There is no single ability in the game that isn't an invulnerability cast, that provides more than the capped level of Damage Reduction.

Every damage mitigation cast has its limitations, and it's only by combining abilities, gear, allied abilities and everything else we're capable of doing that a Warframe can reach a full level of survivability.

For example, if you had a Trinity running with your Chroma, granting him 75% damage reduction from Blessing, then give him a Splinter Storm from Gara for another 90% on top of that, his 95% damage reduction from his own ability is then padded out so that he can achieve 99.875% Damage Reduction. But it has to be with a team, with other players buffing him as much as he can buff himself.

All frames can do this, and their self-buffing capabilities are consistent across all of them, with the exception of those few weird ones. Turbulence, for example, is closer to Loki's Disarm than it is to a tanking ability, just turning off Ranged damage and still being vulnerable to AoE, Auras and Melee, but she doesn't have the advantage of Invisibility to truly take advantage of it.

But I'll say it again, DE has made it clear that 'tanking' as a concept in Warframe isn't the desired outcome of their abilities, for true survivability frames need Crowd Control. There are only two truly useful states for an enemy to be in; dead, or completely unable to damage you. If they cannot move or shoot you, then the enemy is useless. 

5 hours ago, Dragazer said:

Because his tankiness comes solely from armor. Armor's effectiveness gets reduced by certain dmg types like puncture, toxin, or straight up ignored by slash dmg procs. 

And this is just... look; it's a damage reduction. Toxin and Puncture deal bonus damage to the Ferrite Armour, the substance, that all warframes have, the same as they do to enemies. What this means is that the Damage Reduction value of Armour, when you factor in the bonus damage these abilities do to the substance, is the same as if they were hit by anything else at an equivalently large value.

Toxin deals 25% extra damage to Ferrite, so 100 damage becomes 125. Armour of 95% Damage Reduction means you reduce 125 Damage to 6.25. The exact same function as if you'd been hit by 125 Damage from any other source. The Toxin proc's Poison damage over time is then 50% of that 6.25 damage instead of 50% of the original 100.

And Bleed procs are the greatest 'over-estimated' function in Warframe. If you're hit with one, it's going to be 35% of the damage dealt after calculations, so if you get hit with 100 damage, but it's Slash damage, not Puncture, then Ferrite Armour takes 15% less damage from it, meaning your Bleed proc you receive is based off 85 total damage that is then reduced by the armour value. If it's 95% damage reduction from your Armour, then you're being dealt a total damage of 4.25 damage, and the Slash is proc'ing Bleed for 1.48 damage per second.

This is exactly the same situation that frames like Mesa find themselves in, because they reduce 95% of the damage dealt to them, and it also has the calculations against the frame's base materials, and status procs in exactly the same way.

Just... stop it both of you.

All I've been saying this entire time is that, for now, DE have set Vex Armour to exactly where they want it to be. I'm not giving you my opinion, I'm reporting on exactly what they've said.

But when they did that, we rightly saw that all the other abilities are objectively rubbish. In my opinion, Chroma does need the rework.

What he needs, though, is not more survivability through tanking, because it doesn't actually work in Warframe. Even frames that have mechanics like Iron Skin, if in trouble, get that ability stripped off them in exactly the same time it took to cast it and let it charge up.

Chroma needs functionality, he needs actual versatility. He needs things that are mechanically capable of stopping enemies from doing things, that can buff his team consistently, that can buff himself in different ways consistently, that can debuff enemies in some way... anything like that.

Chroma was a one-ability frame. He needs to be better than that, and crying over Vex Armour isn't helping that happen.

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Spectral scream: I feel what your trying with this but I feel the stun if out of place on this ability and keeping the ignis like breath doesn't seem fun. It would be more fun and effective if they increase the damage enough for it to do some heavy burst damage and give it more aoe potential and turned it into an elemental projectile like when you use the afterburn augment. 

Elemental ward: It would be nice the range was increased for the elemental aura effects too so that if you had electricity damage on the enemies within 50 meters were stunned and took a bit of damage or if you had fire or toxin damage they would obtain those procs and dot ticks. The rest you said sounds good.

Vex armor: could like you said already and get a bit of a percentage buff to bring it up to par with of other frames that have abilities to increase defense stats.

Effigy: While I love the idea of dragon mode we all know it not going to happen but if I was to suggest changes to your idea is lets not make him fly because more than likely it will be a dragon version of archwing just not miniature like titania's. It should also allow melee too there is no reason why it shouldn't and why lock out melee weapons from this ability. 

Passive: I like but some people in another thread said it could potentially be over powered if combined with hunter adrenaline or rage.

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14 hours ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

I am not sure what you mean by "not list much else". I'll refer to my first post in this thread though I suppose with all the moderator merging I can understand missing it. It even has a link to my Chroma rework post where I go through a lot of things.

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Why should I "focus" on "downsides" that may not exist? That is like focusing on your odds of getting cancer when you get older because you went outside and got exposed to any number of things when you were younger. You can certainly take note of some the ones you know will show up (like adding more button presses; I just want to note that I never hid that issue)... but "cooldowns on swapping"? You are making that up because you have no way of knowing without it being implemented. "The Wards being diluted/nerfed because he can access to all of them" is also common argument even though it is misleading. Unless he can have Heat and Cold Ward on at the same time (currently he can't even stack with other Chromas) there is no reason to change the stats for the worse. He can access them but he can't use them together; and to use another means he has to give up the last. Besides it is DE's choice whether things get buffed or nerfed, not a universal mandate that is automatically upheld. That all said, its not like you focus on the downsides of your own ideas.

No, No, No. All of this has nothing to do with 'should swapping be enabled' and is completely independent of that issue. I am going to bold everything that could be done to Chroma and still add a swapping mechanism. With a special note to your first answer "allow players to choose what color triggers what element in arsenal" where this technically is already the case and they could still do it with a swap to decide which element you load into a mission with.

I just want you to take note that its all bold. When was this ever an either/or discussion? Because I certainly was never in favor of getting a swap and saying "done". I mean I have technically already agreed with some of the things you listed except months ago.

next time pay atention to what i am quoting and commenting. i was both quoting you comment of acting like i should know what kind of person or that your friends would actually laugh me out of what ever. 

and my other part of my comment was listing the very thing you asked for me to ask about when i said there are other things that would be better to be done FIRST before considering adding a dang elemental swapping ability.

also a note. if you haddn't been paying attention the moderators have been combining all of these chroma threads and been craming all of us into one thread. this thread at first was about suggesting a good build suggestion that didn't involve that elemental swapping. yet now this thread has gone to hell in a hey basket because those mods and shoved us all in one thread thus causing this thread to be become this disjointedness mess of a thread where we are clashing at each other and our ideas.

honestly i have gotten to the point i don't care if there's a dam elemental swapping ability. but i don't want it to be part of the main kit to enforce the need of swapping elements. as i want a dragon themed frame to be more feel more fluid and not have swapping elements being another necessity i need to worry about when playing him. i already have to worry about vex armor and its crippling need for strength and duration to the point the range and efficiency are completely useless compared to the need for strength and duration. so tell me why they  need to put an element swapping ability into the kit when the elemental swapping spectral screams damage and range is terrible as well as elemental ward range buffs and damage is also weak, and effigy takes a truckton of energy to keep up. so even with elemental swapping and just a few tweaks it still will not make him a "status beast" and i don't want his abilities to just support his weapons even more. 

i don't care if it is in an augment i just don't want it part of the main kit, we already have vex armor being the current thing to focus on. why would we need to worry about proc'ing as many statuses as possible when it is just more simple to have a kit that is more active and fluid enough to make those hours feel like minutes. plus those eidolons don't get status proc's so why should we focus making chroma's kit being more about status procs when eidolons dont get status proc'ed, and when DE makes any other boss or mobs that ignore status effects? 

plus since there is no status 2.5 or 3.0 or what ever there isn't a heavy need for status outside of running endless missions till they get to the higher levels and then heat, cold, electricity, and toxin becomes useless and people focus more on viral, corosive, and slash procs to get the jobs done. 

 and then there is melee 3.0 that coming and is sure to effect several mods you will never know how crit and status builds will turn out. and the new meta might end up being tide to this heavy strike mechanic.

status outside of slash, viral, and corrosive is in a pretty bad spot.

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Dear Chroma main players.
Chroma needs a new "rework" that absolutely reinforces him, because as it is now it's not good.
There is no reason why someone should prefer him to other warframes, the characteristics that made him such have been weakened to the pointlessness, now it is already so much if we survive with Chroma.
I would like to ask DE to grant a new rework, not only of his third skill (the one that needs it most for me) but also of all the others.
If you also want a rework of chroma of any kind, resistance as before, damage as before without the double dipping damage, a new first skill, a fourth skill different or anything else, then you can do a post for Chroma on the forum, if you're not agree then don't do anything , do not come to write absurd things, if you do not care, just avoid ... Thanks

It seems like a revolution ahahah.

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1 hour ago, Thaylien said:

Did Chroma get, let's see... forced into melee only mode, with full energy drain that ramped up over time, and gain an additional condition that if he ran out of energy or the ability ended while there were enemies within a set radius of him, he then received a percent-based amount of damage based on how much he'd tanked so far?

Did he get a conditional situation where if he was not taking damage from enemies, he couldn't damage them either?

No, Chroma had drawbacks because, and here's the kicker, it doesn't just do Damage Reduction, it does Damage Buffing too. With those two functions on the same ability, it's self limited by having to take damage to deal or reduce damage.

Frames with actual invulnerability casts have very limiting drawbacks that often prevent an aspect of gameplay, forcing them into particular modes, or only making their invulnerability very, very conditional.

And you have mis-read that comment completely. I said this: 'No single defense ability'

You want to talk about Mesa's ability? Sure, it's capped at 95%. You want to put on an Arcane? That's not an ability, that's a gear item with its own conditions.

There is no single ability in the game that isn't an invulnerability cast, that provides more than the capped level of Damage Reduction.

Every damage mitigation cast has its limitations, and it's only by combining abilities, gear, allied abilities and everything else we're capable of doing that a Warframe can reach a full level of survivability.

For example, if you had a Trinity running with your Chroma, granting him 75% damage reduction from Blessing, then give him a Splinter Storm from Gara for another 90% on top of that, his 95% damage reduction from his own ability is then padded out so that he can achieve 99.875% Damage Reduction. But it has to be with a team, with other players buffing him as much as he can buff himself.

All frames can do this, and their self-buffing capabilities are consistent across all of them, with the exception of those few weird ones. Turbulence, for example, is closer to Loki's Disarm than it is to a tanking ability, just turning off Ranged damage and still being vulnerable to AoE, Auras and Melee, but she doesn't have the advantage of Invisibility to truly take advantage of it.

But I'll say it again, DE has made it clear that 'tanking' as a concept in Warframe isn't the desired outcome of their abilities, for true survivability frames need Crowd Control. There are only two truly useful states for an enemy to be in; dead, or completely unable to damage you. If they cannot move or shoot you, then the enemy is useless. 

And this is just... look; it's a damage reduction. Toxin and Puncture deal bonus damage to the Ferrite Armour, the substance, that all warframes have, the same as they do to enemies. What this means is that the Damage Reduction value of Armour, when you factor in the bonus damage these abilities do to the substance, is the same as if they were hit by anything else at an equivalently large value.

Toxin deals 25% extra damage to Ferrite, so 100 damage becomes 125. Armour of 95% Damage Reduction means you reduce 125 Damage to 6.25. The exact same function as if you'd been hit by 125 Damage from any other source. The Toxin proc's Poison damage over time is then 50% of that 6.25 damage instead of 50% of the original 100.

And Bleed procs are the greatest 'over-estimated' function in Warframe. If you're hit with one, it's going to be 35% of the damage dealt after calculations, so if you get hit with 100 damage, but it's Slash damage, not Puncture, then Ferrite Armour takes 15% less damage from it, meaning your Bleed proc you receive is based off 85 total damage that is then reduced by the armour value. If it's 95% damage reduction from your Armour, then you're being dealt a total damage of 4.25 damage, and the Slash is proc'ing Bleed for 1.48 damage per second.

This is exactly the same situation that frames like Mesa find themselves in, because they reduce 95% of the damage dealt to them, and it also has the calculations against the frame's base materials, and status procs in exactly the same way.

Just... stop it both of you.

All I've been saying this entire time is that, for now, DE have set Vex Armour to exactly where they want it to be. I'm not giving you my opinion, I'm reporting on exactly what they've said.

But when they did that, we rightly saw that all the other abilities are objectively rubbish. In my opinion, Chroma does need the rework.

What he needs, though, is not more survivability through tanking, because it doesn't actually work in Warframe. Even frames that have mechanics like Iron Skin, if in trouble, get that ability stripped off them in exactly the same time it took to cast it and let it charge up.

Chroma needs functionality, he needs actual versatility. He needs things that are mechanically capable of stopping enemies from doing things, that can buff his team consistently, that can buff himself in different ways consistently, that can debuff enemies in some way... anything like that.

Chroma was a one-ability frame. He needs to be better than that, and crying over Vex Armour isn't helping that happen.

Loving you more and more 

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18 hours ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

to grant a new rework, not only of his third skill

...do you want to mess up my Vexie, Vexie?

Because in my opinion the only abilities that are in need of reworking are Spectral Scream and Effigy.

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this topic will be removed soon , the mods dont joke around when it come to DE bottom line , otherwise

i 100% support this , they used to stall on reworking frames until they released them along a prime assess and deluxe skins but now ..

they're not even bothering , and if we take this slap to the face ,then expect more slaps soon .

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10 minutes ago, Yatazanami said:

they're not even bothering , and if we take this slap to the face ,then expect more slaps soon .

Are you serious? Is Chroma really THAT BAD?

There are more important reworks than Chroma. People like you should calm down and actually look at other warframes.

Edited by Kialandi
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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Thaylien:

Did Chroma get, let's see... forced into melee only mode, with full energy drain that ramped up over time, and gain an additional condition that if he ran out of energy or the ability ended while there were enemies within a set radius of him, he then received a percent-based amount of damage based on how much he'd tanked so far?

Did he get a conditional situation where if he was not taking damage from enemies, he couldn't damage them either?

No, Chroma had drawbacks because, and here's the kicker, it doesn't just do Damage Reduction, it does Damage Buffing too. With those two functions on the same ability, it's self limited by having to take damage to deal or reduce damage.

Frames with actual invulnerability casts have very limiting drawbacks that often prevent an aspect of gameplay, forcing them into particular modes, or only making their invulnerability very, very conditional.

And you have mis-read that comment completely. I said this: 'No single defense ability'

You want to talk about Mesa's ability? Sure, it's capped at 95%. You want to put on an Arcane? That's not an ability, that's a gear item with its own conditions.

There is no single ability in the game that isn't an invulnerability cast, that provides more than the capped level of Damage Reduction.

Every damage mitigation cast has its limitations, and it's only by combining abilities, gear, allied abilities and everything else we're capable of doing that a Warframe can reach a full level of survivability.

For example, if you had a Trinity running with your Chroma, granting him 75% damage reduction from Blessing, then give him a Splinter Storm from Gara for another 90% on top of that, his 95% damage reduction from his own ability is then padded out so that he can achieve 99.875% Damage Reduction. But it has to be with a team, with other players buffing him as much as he can buff himself.

All frames can do this, and their self-buffing capabilities are consistent across all of them, with the exception of those few weird ones. Turbulence, for example, is closer to Loki's Disarm than it is to a tanking ability, just turning off Ranged damage and still being vulnerable to AoE, Auras and Melee, but she doesn't have the advantage of Invisibility to truly take advantage of it.

But I'll say it again, DE has made it clear that 'tanking' as a concept in Warframe isn't the desired outcome of their abilities, for true survivability frames need Crowd Control. There are only two truly useful states for an enemy to be in; dead, or completely unable to damage you. If they cannot move or shoot you, then the enemy is useless. 

And this is just... look; it's a damage reduction. Toxin and Puncture deal bonus damage to the Ferrite Armour, the substance, that all warframes have, the same as they do to enemies. What this means is that the Damage Reduction value of Armour, when you factor in the bonus damage these abilities do to the substance, is the same as if they were hit by anything else at an equivalently large value.

Toxin deals 25% extra damage to Ferrite, so 100 damage becomes 125. Armour of 95% Damage Reduction means you reduce 125 Damage to 6.25. The exact same function as if you'd been hit by 125 Damage from any other source. The Toxin proc's Poison damage over time is then 50% of that 6.25 damage instead of 50% of the original 100.

And Bleed procs are the greatest 'over-estimated' function in Warframe. If you're hit with one, it's going to be 35% of the damage dealt after calculations, so if you get hit with 100 damage, but it's Slash damage, not Puncture, then Ferrite Armour takes 15% less damage from it, meaning your Bleed proc you receive is based off 85 total damage that is then reduced by the armour value. If it's 95% damage reduction from your Armour, then you're being dealt a total damage of 4.25 damage, and the Slash is proc'ing Bleed for 1.48 damage per second.

This is exactly the same situation that frames like Mesa find themselves in, because they reduce 95% of the damage dealt to them, and it also has the calculations against the frame's base materials, and status procs in exactly the same way.

Just... stop it both of you.

All I've been saying this entire time is that, for now, DE have set Vex Armour to exactly where they want it to be. I'm not giving you my opinion, I'm reporting on exactly what they've said.

But when they did that, we rightly saw that all the other abilities are objectively rubbish. In my opinion, Chroma does need the rework.

What he needs, though, is not more survivability through tanking, because it doesn't actually work in Warframe. Even frames that have mechanics like Iron Skin, if in trouble, get that ability stripped off them in exactly the same time it took to cast it and let it charge up.

Chroma needs functionality, he needs actual versatility. He needs things that are mechanically capable of stopping enemies from doing things, that can buff his team consistently, that can buff himself in different ways consistently, that can debuff enemies in some way... anything like that.

Chroma was a one-ability frame. He needs to be better than that, and crying over Vex Armour isn't helping that happen.

exaclty my thought. imo chroma needed a rework even before the fix. but his broken ability kit was overshadowed by the old vex armor. now that his vex armor is perfect everybody cries out loud.. but the true problem is that 3 out of his 4 abilities are barely usefull. i even consider elemental ward bad - DE needs to revamp those elements. only fire is okay atm

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

Dear Chroma main players.
.... you can do a post for Chroma on the FEEDBACK forum...


Oh, and... Please%20take-a-number.jpg?t=15374010218 ... and wait for your turn.

3 minutes ago, Yatazanami said:

this topic will be removed soon , the mods dont joke around when it come to DE bottom line , otherwise

i 100% support this , they used to stall on reworking frames until they released them along a prime assess and deluxe skins but now ..

they're not even bothering , and if we take this slap to the face ,then expect more slaps soon .

Or maybe we just got too spoiled to always think that.

How do you teach some manners to spoiled kids? Yes, slaps in the face, in the bottom, "mental slaps" even.

Surely, maybe i'm just tired of these threads..

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14 minutes ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

I would like to ask DE to grant a new rework, not only of his third skill (the one that needs it most for me) but also of all the others.

I think some players (Like you) need to do more research on Chroma`s History to learn that the Skill was BROKEN since he was launched, it had the WRONG formula and it was making him very Overpowered. What [DE] did was FIX said formula so it would work as intended.

Now, i dont see where he is Useless, i am a Zephyr Main but already Formed my Chroma Prime yesterday and wile doing so noticed how even without his 3rd Ability active he was already soaking up a lot of Shots wile taking very little damage and with it active, enemies were hitting me for 1 damage.

So, considering that, if you who says your a Chroma Main is still having difficulty playing with him, its not because hes weak, its just because you either dont know how to forma him correctly or you dont know how to play him.

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16 minutes ago, Yatazanami said:

this topic will be removed soon , the mods dont joke around when it come to DE bottom line , otherwise

i 100% support this , they used to stall on reworking frames until they released them along a prime assess and deluxe skins but now ..

they're not even bothering , and if we take this slap to the face ,then expect more slaps soon .

Or could it be that your not acting in a way that is conjunctive to the forum.

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Does Chroma need a rework? Yes, yes he does. Is it "ZOMG, he needs it naows"? No, there are other frames in much dire need of a rework.

Also gotta love people wanting his 3 to be unbugged. Right now only his 1/4 need touching up.

Edited by LupisV0lk
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