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Fed up with Sayrn being so stupid OP


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Like seriously if a Saryn player is in a mission type like defense, you may as well go afk. There's no fun in watching corpses explode and not doing any of the killing yourself. Its boring.

Its not just defense, any mission, oh look its Saryn. Might as well kiss any kills and just watch and wait till end of mission.

There is no other frame atm that can do such wholesale slaughter.

No, I'm not a Saryn main btw, she doesn't suit my playstyle. But you know dialling back her abilities to bring them in line with all the other frames would be nice.

Its either that or insta kick anyone playing as saryn from the games I'm in. No fun for anyone.

Come on DE sort it out.

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19 minutes ago, Mattakadeimos said:

Like seriously if a Saryn player is in a mission type like defense, you may as well go afk. There's no fun in watching corpses explode and not doing any of the killing yourself. Its boring.

Then stop watching corpses die and refusing to do anything because you see the name "Saryn" in your squad. Go out and kill some. Trust me, it works. You only have to want it.

16 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Insta-gibbing rooms of level 100 or lower enemies is something that many frames can do with a single push of a button or a few simple button combos.

That implies she "insta-gibs" a room full of level 100s. But she doesn't. She simply applies DoT for so long, till enemies die. And if nobody shoots them then well, guess you can say she gibs the room...

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DE once hear the voice of the people with Ember, with aim to stop Ember from killing low level alerts, and she is still preatty good at exacly that. And other than that it is hard to tell what she is good at, so  I would not trust annyone asking "nerf others".

I hope there will be no rapid movments. At least wait for Fortuna/Railjack. Now ESO is overfocused, but bounties are less spores friendly. And neither are bosses/eidelons.

It would be nice to see some buffs for Wukong, Titania, Vauban, Nyx, Atlas. Maybe some quality of life with Mag (more synergy) and Ember (less garbage). There is a case with Nezha, who was a very odd frame (weak Rhino) but after change is different Rhino. So Saryn popularity may be driven by limited content (ESO) and other Ember having identity crisis. (It is dps it is buff it is cc it is melee...).

One thing which could happen with Saryn is to change max spores damage to something different than 100k. Tha bad part is that 100k is independent to our abillity power, so we can run 100% abillity power, and still reach 100k (more often 3k) And smash all other mods like overextend, steel fiber, rage, Molten Regeneration and son on.

So my suggestion is to add/change max single spore damage to be 200 corrosive * Abillity power per spore. Note that you can have easy 3 spores on target. If you compare it with other auras, aoe, dots it is more or less what other frames do. Saryn has the gimmick that you need to spread it, recast, and it has wind up time (enemies may be dead before it reach any sensible value) or they may kill you before that. DE could also pick some other value than 200. Maybe 100 or 500, whatever seems balanced.

With that the initial decay of 20% could be removed, to reward more carring about our desease.

If Saryn ends to emberfied, Toxic lash could have values rised tolike 50%/100% since that is self only buff, so could be be good.

Miasma Range could be cut a little to eithr 15m or 18m. Since 20m is very generous, especially since Saryn cut go deep (armouir and molt). And it is already stunning, so it do not need so much range.

And that is it, you do not need to do reworks. Just small cut to values.

After that... if you like Volt prepare for Onslaught of nerf community, you will be next.


Edited by felixsylvaris
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30 minutes ago, (PS4)Kamranos said:

I agree 100%

Some Try-hands only care about kill count, while I actually play to have fun. Saryn takes away all fun for me.

So, you're saying that some people only care about kills but you just want to have fun. But they take all your fun away by killing all the stuff. That literally means that your definition of fun is, getting kills. So who is caring about kills only, again?

You contradicted yourself there...

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Soo...i leveled my Atlas the other day. 0-30 in a single Onslaught was the plan so i went to wave 20.

There was this Saryn in my squad that's been keeping me company till the end even when everyone else left. Awesome player. Everything was spored constantly and he only died like once.


We scored 50:50 in both kills and damage.

That awesome Saryn and my Atlas who had like 4 mods equipped.


vor 44 Minuten schrieb Mattakadeimos:

just watch and wait till end of mission


This may indeed be the issue here.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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vor 30 Minuten schrieb Mattakadeimos:

Like seriously if a Saryn player is in a mission type like defense, you may as well go afk. There's no fun in watching corpses explode and not doing any of the killing yourself. Its boring.

Its not just defense, any mission, oh look its Saryn. Might as well kiss any kills and just watch and wait till end of mission.

There is no other frame atm that can do such wholesale slaughter.

No, I'm not a Saryn main btw, she doesn't suit my playstyle. But you know dialling back her abilities to bring them in line with all the other frames would be nice.

Its either that or insta kick anyone playing as saryn from the games I'm in. No fun for anyone.

Come on DE sort it out.

and again someone complains without actually knowing the frame. great, this is how things get nerfed for no reason.

being unable to compete might also be the player, not the frame, did u ever consider that ?

extreme example: u stand half afk and let others do everything. afterwards u make a screenshot and rant u were unable to perform well because the other players used waaaay too broken frames und they require a nerf. fair ? i dont think so.

vor 6 Minuten schrieb (PS4)CoolD2108:

Soo...i leveled my Atlas the other day. 0-30 in a single Onslaught was the plan so i went to wave 20.

There was this Saryn in my squad that's been keeping me company till the end even when everyone else left. Awesome player. Everything was spored constantly and he only died like once.


We scored 50:50 in both kills and damage.

That awesome Saryn and my Atlas who had like 4 mods equipped.



This may indeed be the issue here.

ive outdmged saryn with melee only valkyr in ESO. saryn really is not the issue but prolly the easiest victim to blame rn.

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2 hours ago, Mattakadeimos said:

There is no other frame atm that can do such wholesale slaughter.


You might be new.

Any warframe i use ends up like that, other players barely do anything and this often reveals what kind of players they are, if they follow the main objective, if they care enough to try to do more, if they simply afk and so on.

Some players have a future, others do not.

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2 hours ago, Mattakadeimos said:

Like seriously if a Saryn player is in a mission type like defense, you may as well go afk. There's no fun in watching corpses explode and not doing any of the killing yourself. Its boring.

Its not just defense, any mission, oh look its Saryn. Might as well kiss any kills and just watch and wait till end of mission.

There is no other frame atm that can do such wholesale slaughter.

No, I'm not a Saryn main btw, she doesn't suit my playstyle. But you know dialling back her abilities to bring them in line with all the other frames would be nice.

Its either that or insta kick anyone playing as saryn from the games I'm in. No fun for anyone.

Come on DE sort it out.

She is in a good place at the moment. She is like nidus, and I believe skills that scale, and depend on skill which she does. Her damage depends on how much you use her 1 coupled with her other abilities. She has to use them in rotation to be useful. I believe its fine, shes supposed to be armor, damaged focused. She is in a good spot now. No need to take away her ability to scale. Gracious, it is still bad how older frames can't catch up with the game in terms of their abilities.

This also sounds like a equality of outcome among players in general. " Do not kill too much guys even if you are built to do so" is very limiting to other players and warframes in general. Some warframes are focused on CC not damage. There are some focused on utility and damage others are not. It does seem to be you could be new at this game, or not but I will not assume. 

Most frames can do good damage if your formad the mess out of them. I can assure you my 8 formad Banshee will kill everything better than Saryn.

Edited by BloodArmoredApostle
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14 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

You might be new.

Any warframe i use ends up like that, other players barely do anything and this often reveals what kind of players they are, if they follow the main objective, if they care enough to try to do more, if they simply afk and so on.

Some players have a future, others do not.


1 minute ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

Eventually DE will nerf Miasma to LoS and all the Saryn players will disappear.

All it would make me is try even harder to steal all the "fun" to prove how nonsensy this change is 😉


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Would you believe that after her Rework, I went and joined public games with my Zephyr, with the Funnel Cloud build I'd been using for the previous couple of years, no change from before, just to see if she still annoyed people. Do you know what happened?

I had a slew of players saying 'oh, I guess Zephyr's OP now, I should probably pick her up' or 'come on, this needs a nerf'. It didn't, it still doesn't, but they were saying it.

Because I was using her Funnel clouds for wide area Status and exploiting the heck out of how fun closed environments are for this build. And I, knowing the game, knowing missions, having better target acquisition, and generally having played a particular frame for four years, was able to score 70-80% of the damage on everything up to Sortie level, as long as I put the effort in. Whether that team included Novas, Saryns or even this one really, really enthusiastic Nidus, who didn't get that I was just driving my funnels to wherever he was using Larva to get free CC ^^

I killed a sortie-level Kela with Funnel Clouds and a set of Akjagara. And it's not because I found an over-powered ability (even though the Simulacrum pathing is like a school of piranhas, it doesn't actually do that in the main game) or because I had really good builds for my weird choice of weapons, it's because I know how to play and I know how to mechanically get the best out of a frame that other people don't often see the best part of.

Saryn is a little easier to get the best out of, but you still have to actually put the effort in to get the best out of her. Spores are self-limiting if you don't do anything with them, dying out as soon as they've eaten the nearest victims, and resetting your counter quickly enough. Without the high spawn rates of things like Sanctuary Onslaught or the Kuva Survival, she does tend to lose pace and have to re-build it quite a bit.

If somebody is playing Saryn well? Sure, they'll top damage and kill everything.

If you play your frame well? That 'top' damage will be a much smaller margin.

Heck, I have a screenshot somewhere of a bow-only sortie defense, where my weapon is a Mk-1 Paris, that I over-forma'd and found a Riven for, took a Jet Stream Zephyr (before her rework, where the only good ability she really had was Turbulence and the Jet Stream Augment, and yes I know I've got a thing for Zephyr, she was a terrible frame and I loved her for it) so that my bow was more of a sniper, and I killed as many enemies, and hit as many headshots, as an Ivara player with her Artemis Bow and Concentrated Arrow giving her AoE. And I was hundreds of kills ahead of the next nearest player in that squad.

If you know how this game works, if you play this game to your best extent, then screw 'OP' frames.

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Sure saryn can hold herself but she does need some help at times.


This is why I suggest an idea for you. Do something other than killing *cough* support *cough*. Honestly, not all of the game is about it killing. It's about being a helpful teammate.


Oh wait you want to still be a nuker? Well there are many who do the job of nuking. Like Mesa, Equinox, and more. 

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Well once DE has nerfed every warframe because low ranked players playing low ranked missions won’t stop whining, then the forum will be blown up with posts about buffing the warframes or weakening the enemies, then players will go back to whining that a killframe is outkilling or outdamaging a support/tank frame. If you want to “play for fun” then play solo. Or make a “play for fun” squad. Don’t tell everybody else that are trying to get the job done to stop.

People farming for relics, resources, focus, affinity, etc. are gonna use a warframe that can and will kill everything as quickly as possible. I use a roaring rhino with decent range to buff any killframe while not leaving myself completely useless or hanging in a corner. 

I don’t have a problem with killframe users. They help me level my polarized warframes & weapons. I usually buff them to help them kill more faster. And even if I’m using a whole new warframe. I don’t just sit around waiting. A lot of you people be exaggerating how powerful these warframes are. I’ve gone maxed damage with second highest possible range with a trinity beside me and still don’t instakill level 100+. Stop exaggerating.

Stop comparing a trinity to an inaros to a vauban to an equinox. They have different roles so obviously one will have an advantage over the other depending on the mission and/or level. How about you level up your Saryn and use her? Or your ember. Or your volt. Or your equinox. How about you actually put in the effort to get better and play with the elites than telling DE to bring the elites down to your low level.

Tired of all this lazy whining. A friend of mine probably has like 5x the amount of kills as me even though I’m a few months ahead of logins. And that is because I help him kill. Not whine about who is killing how much.

Maybe DE should apply a Kill Assist in the list of accomplishments so that any buffs or damage they do apply will also be noticed. And obviously the percentage of who did the most Kill Assists so that a nova won’t be considered equal to a rhino. My rhino nearly triples damage while nova only doubles it. BUT, put both together with a SARYN and everything dies instantly. 

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41 minutes ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:


the problem is the game is too easy. id love it if DE allowed me to chose which place i go to open relics rather than forcing me into low lvl planet to open lith or meso.

enemies should be much tougher (more aggressive) than they are now when you have a full squad and they aren't. some frames power is still allowing them to solo while in a full squad and thats what needs to change. a damage modifier decrease should be placed on amount of members in a squad meaning you deal more damage as there are less members but deal less damage as there are more. it will move people into you know.... actually functioning as a squad.

Edit: Vermintide 2 and killing floor 2 are some of the best examples of coop team play that are horde games.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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9 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

So, you're saying that some people only care about kills but you just want to have fun. But they take all your fun away by killing all the stuff. That literally means that your definition of fun is, getting kills. So who is caring about kills only, again?

You contradicted yourself there...

The only contradiction comes from your assumption. I have fun working in a team. Together to defeat the enemy. I am prefectly happy play a pure support role, if I have a purpose. Don’t assume to know what I call fun. Only a try-hard sees “getting kills” as the only means of fun. 

My fun comes from helping new players understand the game, working as a proper team and finding new and inventive ways to complete missions other single ability spamming. 

Do yourself and everyone a favor and don’t assume you understand other players definitions of fun, because all you come off sounding like is a clueless try-hard. 

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