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Players fishing/mining during Bounties


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This has been on my mind for quite a while after having returned to Warframe 2 months ago. I'm very fond of this Community, it's welcoming and friendly, and if somebody new or returning takes longer to complete missions that's fine. I don't want to interrupt their learning process or call them out on it, except maybe helping out here and there. If they don't want to bother or can't afford crafting Archwing Launchers that's fine too, I don't blame you. It adds a minute or two to complete the mission, but nothing that would upset people, really.

The one thing I absolutely cannot stand, however, is something I've encountered in roughly 80% of Bounty Missions as of late. It's always 1, and occasionally 2 players, just fishing and mining away, while the rest of the group completes Bounties for them. When trying to interact with them they either ignore, and sometimes defend their behavior ('for some reason fish don't spawn when I'm solo'), they never ask if they may fish while we do Bounties, they never come to participate in Bounties upon asking, and never do they go to extraction. Objectives without a timer take longer to complete, Sentinels take more fire and always get destroyed so I get less resources, adding the minute of waiting for the extraction timer to run out. Happened thrice that we were defending an objective as 2 people, the other two were doing whatever, and we failed the objective because we couldn't clear enemies fast enough. Excusable if a player is simply not able, infuriating when they just want to leech off of fellow players. If it happened every now and then, sure, I can live with that, but right now it is the norm to have at least one person do whatever they please, while having the others do the work for him. Either you suck it up and complete it, or you quit the mission and start again, only to get another player leeching. I tried recruiting chat, nope, the host has gone fishing. And there is no way to avoid it. That's just how Bounties are at the moment, at least in the ones I have been in, in the past 2-3 weeks. There is no way to punish them, no way to kick them off the group, they get the full reward off of Bounties, don't get removed from the group for participating in objectives. It annoys the living hell outta me.

I just needed to vent. 😐

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You know, for the amount of times I've seen people complain about this on the forums, I've never run into it once. Perhaps that's just because I'm endgame enough that I can solo a T5 bounty without even trying, so I don't pay attention to it, but I can't remember ever seeing anyone fish during a bounty. Mining the odd gem, maybe, but I don't have an issue with that as long as they aren't on the other side of the map.

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Yeah, it sucks. But then again every now and then I've leeched too. The 'most peaceful' solution for this would be that everyone get what they fish/mine. But then again I don't see DE doing that anytime soon. A kickvote option is very toxic and abusable, so hopefully they never implement this either. The most balanced solution may be that they just don't get the bounty reward if they stray too far from it.

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5 minutes ago, Lokime said:

Yeah, it sucks. But then again every now and then I've leeched too. The 'most peaceful' solution for this would be that everyone get what they fish/mine. But then again I don't see DE doing that anytime soon. A kickvote option is very toxic and abusable, so hopefully they never implement this either. The most balanced solution may be that they just don't get the bounty reward if they stray too far from it.

Agree with you. I have a great dislike of kicking players, because of the abusable component. Especially low mastery players would suffer greatly from it. Introducing kicking of players in groups would hurt Warframe significantly more than improving. I wonder how it would work out that if players stray too far from it they wouldn't get rewards. A Zephyr/Archwing Launcher use can rush ahead and complete some objectives before those on foot can even catch up.


10 minutes ago, oldversions said:

You know, for the amount of times I've seen people complain about this on the forums, I've never run into it once. Perhaps that's just because I'm endgame enough that I can solo a T5 bounty without even trying, so I don't pay attention to it, but I can't remember ever seeing anyone fish during a bounty. Mining the odd gem, maybe, but I don't have an issue with that as long as they aren't on the other side of the map.

I've never ran into it, or seen it, until about 3 weeks ago. Then suddenly it picked up significantly. I do generally 5 Bounties a day for Standing, and in 3-4 of those I get some guy sitting at a lake fishing. If I take weaponry/warframes that can deal with large groups of enemies no problem, I'm fine, but that's not always the case. The most annoying are like finding caches killing a certain amount of Grineer etc, because less people = more time involved. Quickly mining something I encourage, especially when someone in the group plays Mesa for instance.
In the end though it is the unpunishable selfish act in by itself I detest.


11 minutes ago, (XB1)Skippy575 said:

I wonder, what would happen if mine cutter and fishing spear were disabled during the active bounty? It could potentially deter people from doing those activities, but I don't know if that would be a viable option.

I don't think that'd be a great solution, at least disabling mining equipment I wouldn't welcome. There is however no real reason to enable fishing during Bounties, since it is a very time consuming activity that is generally not doable on the fly while completing Bounties. It would kind of hurt the immersion generally.

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You can always report them, just google "warframe report player" and you get a link. That is not acceptable behavior. When you come to a bounty you know damn well where you're coming to and what you ought to do. And if you really dont, ask. A lot of players are actually ready to help.

I'm not fond of reporting players but it seems to be the most effective solution to combat this, in addition to leaving the bounty when you encounter someone like that. I can confirm that at least two months ago it was a pretty common problem on the europe side on T5 bounties. These days I just solo them or do them with clanmates, which works better, not that I do much bounties anymore anyhow.

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Just now, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

That’s why I’ve said that there should be like a timer based on distance from one stage to the next and if a player doesn’t make it then it counts as AFK. It would take some calculating to do but it could work. Inexperienced players will fail missions unless they learn so the bounties shouldn’t be any different.

Harsh but kinda true. Perhaps a very long timer for the easy Bounties, getting shorter the more difficult the Bounty is.

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While I don't fish in between bounties, I do hunt and gather.  Often players dash between objectives as fast as they can to get them done.  But for me, if I see resources on the way I'm grabbing them.   Blue only for mining though, not bothering with red.  If I pass by water, I'm checking for wisps.   Been grumped at before and will likely get grumped at again in the future.   But, to bad, not changing how I play.  Want to speed run, form a squad.  

Now, for players not doing anything but fishing, if there are those players ill abort and start over depending on my mood.

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Just 'Leave Squad'.

Or put back in, the mechanic where if one tenno is "out of range", the bounty fails. Or just carry the stupid / afk, / leecher / thickhead. Otherwise, just /ignore them, if enough players do that, they will suffer the consequences. Eventually. Like maybe next year.

Basically grin and bear it. Or Leave. But don't quit nor abandon. That affects your permanent stats.


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Take screenshots and ask the players to stop leeching. Sometimes they incriminate themselves and that’s even better for the screenshots. Submit a report to DE on their zendesk site and attach the screenshots. There is an option for leeching/afk. The more people in the squad you can get to report them, the better. 

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Simple solution: complete the sub-quest you're on, then go fish with them. Take advantage of their bait and don't do any bounties either. Cheese them back.

Either that or just abort - if they're really lucky they'll reconnect and keep their fish, but 9 times out of 10 that will lose them everything thanks the incredibly poor host migration.

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14 hours ago, KronosCifer said:

Harsh but kinda true. Perhaps a very long timer for the easy Bounties, getting shorter the more difficult the Bounty is.

Except that the harder bounties have larger travel times and are more likely to have more advanced players zipping across the map to get stuff started ASAP and leaving folks behind in the dust. 

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Maybe this is the awnser of how fun Bounty missions are...10% of action,90% of running.Someone would rather leech for bounty rewards and kill his time by fishing and mining rather than get engaged in those boring,same all-same all missions.I don't approve such behavior but I do understand it to some point.And after all...I like when people leech.I can do any mission on my own and higher number of enemies that show up because of full squad makes it more interesting.

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16 hours ago, KronosCifer said:

I don't think that'd be a great solution, at least disabling mining equipment I wouldn't welcome. There is however no real reason to enable fishing during Bounties, since it is a very time consuming activity that is generally not doable on the fly while completing Bounties. It would kind of hurt the immersion generally.

For solo play I'd ask that nothing is disabled; I'll happily do a bounty then fish and mine on my own waiting for the incursions as their level is set by the bounty just done for better rewards.

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16 hours ago, KronosCifer said:

I don't think that'd be a great solution, at least disabling mining equipment I wouldn't welcome. There is however no real reason to enable fishing during Bounties, since it is a very time consuming activity that is generally not doable on the fly while completing Bounties. It would kind of hurt the immersion generally.

Actually me and a few clanmates sometimes run bounties together, and usually only one of us does the bounties while others fish, mine or look for wisps. And I bet we're not the only ones doing this so yeah it would hurt us. But yeah then again we could all just fish, but that's not good either if only one of us has resource boosters which is often the case.

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One way to alleviate this kind of thing is to make it so you only get the rewards if you are within a certain radius of the objective with the exception being Archwing and Capture Mission Segments. It’s much easier to reward players for their involvement on the Plains because of the number of consecutive mission objectives whereas typical missions across the StarChart only involve one or two actual objectives to be complete before extracting. 

The are multiple ways of providing and not providing rewards based on player participation that would nip this problem or any potential AFK problem in the proverbial bud, but they have yet to be implemented. Whether this is due to negligence or the overall lack of working capacity at DE has yet to be determined. 

I surmise it has more to do with DE wanting to provide a great video game experience to all of their players, regardless of play style. Still, it is a problem, and one that should be addressed NOW rather than later when POE ver. 2, codename “Fortuna” is released. 

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I often play limbo when I go into the plains . I feel your pain. One time, all 3 players went off to fish. 

When I see people doing other things besides the bounties, I intentionally fail the mission so they waste their time.

Do what I do and protect the capture target with banish so they can get away. Pick up the module for the defense console and never turn it in.

Nonstop banish the assassination target and let the timer run out.

As Mirage, you can sleight of hand the caches and make them unable to be interacted with. Let the time run out .

Until DE adds a minimum requisite participation and distance penelty for AFK fishers and miners ...

Edited by Xaxma
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1 hour ago, Xaxma said:

Do what I do and protect the capture target with banish so they can get away. Pick up the module for the defense console and never turn it in.

Nonstop banish the assassination target and let the timer run out.

As Mirage, you can sleight of hand the caches and make them unable to be interacted with. Let the time run out .

Until DE adds a minimum requisite participation and distance penelty for AFK fishers and miners ...

So... What you just described is not the same as simply choosing not to complete the missions. You just said that you intentionally do things to keep anyone from completing the missions. 

Honestly players exhibiting that sort of behaviour is worse, in my opinion, than the leechers in the first place. 

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55 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

So... What you just described is not the same as simply choosing not to complete the missions. You just said that you intentionally do things to keep anyone from completing the missions. 

Honestly players exhibiting that sort of behaviour is worse, in my opinion, than the leechers in the first place. 

Plus... if someone was so inclined, they could actually report you for griefing... oof!

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