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Chroma Prime Trailer


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So I saw this post by @Dragonzzilla, he posted it on Jan 26, and it looks like a good concept. What do you guys think? Will he have a prime trailer, and what will it look like?

Also, props to @Dragonzzilla, I did not make this concept: 


[Scene opens with Corpus scavenging the ruins of Lua, sifting through the rubble to find artifacts. Earth is visible in the sky.]

Ballas: "When we mastered the world, we lost touch with our heritage, our humility. We have forgotten what the world is like outside of our walls and influence. Wild and vibrant colors, unbridled emotions, untamed nature."

[Sentients show up and begin slaughtering the Corpus.]

"Our hubris spawned our greatest enemy: machines that learn and adapt and overcome. They subvert our technologies and sciences, turning them against us. Our sophistication will not avail us. We must unlearn what we have learned, and return to our roots."

[The last surviving Corpus take cover, but look up to see something hovering above them all.]

"We must revert to our natural and primal state. If we cannot use weapons or armies, then what we truly need is a monster."

[Suddenly, a dark shape crashes into the ground behind the Sentients. The shape rises from the dust, revealing to be Chroma Prime.]

"A beast that dwells in the primitive depths of our mind."

[Chroma proceeds to fight the Sentients, and the Corpus fear for their lives.]

"An image that haunted our ancestors."

[Chroma empowers himself with Elemental Ward, glowing with fire.]

"An elemental force, something beyond mere men."

[The last Sentient injuries Chroma and knocks him to the ground Chroma growls and begins to light up with energy.]

"Raw, untamed fury."

[Chroma turns and unleashes his breath weapon, utterly destroying the Sentient. The Corpus peek up from cover to the sight of Chroma unfurling wings of energy and roaring skyward.]

"For your consideration: Chroma."

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while I respect that some people want to hold out hope, the evidence is clear that DE has abandoned Prime trailers. they wanted to do one for every prime, and even revisit the older ones, which was... ambitious, to say the least. DE has now realized that between making trailers for the older primes as well as having to develop one for each new prime would mean the trailer team having to work around the clock constantly, thinking of ideas for the trailers, animating them, voicing them (I'm sure Ballas' voice actor wants to do other stuff besides warframe) and then going over the whole thing with a fine-toothed comb so that it looks worthy for reveal.. unless DE seriously expanded the trailer team (which means paying more people's wages, because artists won't work for free), this would be an impossible workload. 

we are now down 5 trailers (Hydroid, Mirage, Zephyr, Limbo and now Chroma), and this number will only increase as the months and years go by, so I'm just waiting for DE to put the final nail in the coffin and just outright admit it in a Devstream; there won't be any more prime trailers because it's takes up too much time. time that could be spent making trailers for upcoming expansions and cinematic quests, which are arguably more important for generating hype for warframe. there's also not much point making trailers for old primes that most people already have anyway, so another reason to assume this idea has been scrapped.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

We are now down 5 trailers (Hydroid, Mirage, Zephyr, Limbo and now Chroma),

Four trailers. We are behind by four. Mirage got her trailer on time no less. Hydroids trailer is supposedly finished and has been for some time just needs sound added to it. Seems like there is miscommunication going on behind the scenes as Rebecca and Steve weren't even aware it was finished and awaiting final details.

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We have Mirage trailer or am i in another universe where the things I have seen have not happened here? Annoying trick of reality.

As for the trailer, it could be a good one....but I would prefer to have Chroma voice speaking about taming that which we all have inside us, waiting to burst forth and tear what we detest, treasure what we adore. Been too long since we have gotten any info more about the Chroma quest. I may have to go redo that one....if it is redoable. 

Trailers may take some time but they are worth viewing. I will hang my hope up on DE that others will come and they will be glorious. 


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Trailers was a mistake. And the one DE could not see coming. By that, I mean what started as a promo experiment for saryn p access quickly was considered a norm by the community and expected as "given". 

There is a proverb "give an inch and they'll take a mile" this might be something that characterizes WF player base more and more as the years go by.

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I think it's pretty clear at this point DE can't keep up with cinematic prime trailers, either we go back to the old prime trailers (and maybe keep the dialogue as some in-game thing) or we're probably just not going to see them anymore. 

That said DE is definitely not borrowing from player scripts to make their prime trailers, they are fully capable of making their own, and they do so amazingly. 

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2 hours ago, xcenic said:

everytime people ask for a useless trailer of one prime frame i will kill a puppy.

Give me playable content, no fetish content 

What did lady parts ever do to you to give you such animosity to them? Puppies need love not kill.

It is strange...we get the intro video for the Frames, Trailers for the Prime, and no matter what... complaints one way or another. I just like watching them to see what interjections of lore will be added. Valks still gave the biggest. 

More trailers is never a bad idea....unless this guy kills puppies....

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I am honestly fine with no trailer whatsoever.  They take people away from development and I would rather see new stuff instead of a trailer that I may watch just once or twice.  That is hundreds of man hours that could be used for something that we can take advantage of in game.  I for one would like to see all of the corpus tilesets finally transition to something new.  They are redoing Jupiter before the ship tilesets... JUPITER.  The corpus tilesets are the oldest ones in the game.  They need to be given some love. 

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