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The Fastest way to get around in the Plains.



I'm wondering what would be the fastest way to travel in the plains (not just for the purposes of mining, i mean the actual fastest in a race) aside from blinking with the Itzal

1)Razorwing Blitz Titania
2)Speed Volt
3)Speed Nezha
6)Normal Archwing flight

Has anyone tested this? or knows a youtube video maybe?

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16 answers to this question

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without using itzal blink, a 300%+ duration zephyr beat everything else .. nova is close behind, 

if u don t use abilty , nezha with a lube build is the fastest .

volt isn t as fast as a nezha, but u have more control over it , the same can be say with zephyr / nova against titania . 

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yea, would also say zephyr since she wont run out of energy fast which nova will. by that time zephyr is already at the end of the map. razorwing blitz titania eats energy quite well too and even then the speed might not be a challenge for zephyr. not tested so this is just a guess but im pretty sure zephyr will beat them all if its not a shorter distance where nova can insta teleport.

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I use a speed volt build and I have a decent time on the plains, but I know that my zephyr could clear the map way faster. I haven’t tested anything simply because I use volt for mining and wisp runs plus he is fashonframed as The Flash. I’ve tried nova and I’m never pleased with the wormhole method. But in all cases warframe, to each their own.

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nothing is faster than Nova because nothing is faster than Teleporting. Teleporting is infinite Meters per Second.

Speedrun.com has a "Nova allowed" and "Nova not allowed" category split for a reason. if Nova is allowed, that's the only thing you can use. if Nova isn't,a lot of the other fast choices are very close to each other and so people can be creative.


Nezha and Volt aren't in the competition, Sprinting is too slow(though Nezha might have a chance if you spam Chakrams' Teleporting)
similarly, neither are Saryn or Khora.
Hydroid Rhino and Excalibur is hard to say, i don't have any data for those.


there's another high ranking contender not mentioned here - spacekid Dashing whence one has the Focus Passives(Dash Speed/Distance and Spacekid Energy Pool/Regen - not to mention that in theory if there's a lot of Enemies around you can fuel up super quick since Dashing into Enemies gives Energy). this works with any Warframe so anyone can be pretty fast.

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Blitzwing's weakness is how energy hungry it is. a 224/249 blitz will typically beat everything but a proper racing Nova or a blink Itzal- so long as she uses the climb/dive booster instead of a normal move. I used to claim she goes super-sonic, but I did a bit of testing on that and actually she doesn't- but she did get to quite the appreciable fraction.

And more importantly, since she can now ditch into the ground to stop without killing herself (previously you had to circle), she has something very important Zephyr doesn't have- the ability to stop nearly on a dime.


Soooo....  Blink Itzal > Nova >>> Blitz Titania > Zephyr > Hyperion Thrusters Archwing >>> All other speed boost stuff.

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