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Warframe and it's Community


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As videos like the one below continue to grow, it becomes apparent that we need to start really taking in to account the points being made. We are all part of the problem in one way or the other (yes you even if you want to deny it). I wouldn't call myself a vet, though whatever the technical definition is I do not know, but I've got enough time under my belt that I feel like I'm seeing things that make me have some interesting conversations about the game. 

I want to see Warframe thrive, I really do. I want this game to grow and I feel like it has the potential to really take off to another level that would allow the developers to grow their team as well to meet our needs. But where is the want in that? Where is the drive for that? In it's simplest form, it's out with the old and in with the new, but the old has been forgotten about and you can't forget where you came from. Do you want the community's input or don't you? What do we as a community want? How can we be critical of the game when we can't even keep our opinions straight between topics?

So community, what say you? Do you think that Warframe/DE are doing us (the players) a disservice? Do you think our community is partially to blame for this? Is there a way for DE to fix this problem so older content and new content can exist together? I open this up for friendly discussions or simply to get your feelings off your chest. Don't shame or flame. Be constructive in what you have to say. You never know if it might make a difference.

I removed the embedded video to avoid this idea that somehow I want views on the video (even though it isn't mine). The video is context to what I'm speaking of. If you care for that context, click this long drawn out link. If not, then don't.


Edited by Zyneris
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I clicked the video and gave it a dislike, because this is a forum. If you want to talk about something, just write a post about it. Don't make me watch a video. This just looks like you want the video to get more views, and that's just cheap.
So please, tell me what you want to talk about. If you can't even be bothered to write what's bothering you, then why would your concerns even have any point?

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I'm sad that you didn't read my text 😞 Seeing how I didn't make the video, I wrote my thoughts above it. That's WHY they are above it. The video is context to what I'm talking about it.

Let me quote myself to help you out:

9 minutes ago, Zyneris said:

As videos like the one below continue to grow, it becomes apparent that we need to start really taking in to account the points being made. We are all part of the problem in one way or the other (yes you even if you want to deny it). I wouldn't call myself a vet, though whatever the technical definition is I do not know, but I've got enough time under my belt that I feel like I'm seeing things that make me have some interesting conversations about the game. 

I want to see Warframe thrive, I really do. I want this game to grow and I feel like it has the potential to really take off to another level that would allow the developers to grow their team as well to meet our needs. But where is the want in that? Where is the drive for that? In it's simplest form, it's out with the old and in with the new, but the old has been forgotten about and you can't forget where you came from. Do you want the community's input or don't you? What do we as a community want? How can we be critical of the game when we can't even keep our opinions straight between topics?

So community, what say you? I open this up for friendly discussions or simply to get your feelings off your chest. Don't shame or flame. Be constructive in what you have to say. You never know if it might make a difference.



There ya go! That's how I feel in regards to big glaring issues that are related to Warframe, DE, and it's community. Maybe my 'what say you' is confusing. I'll rewrite that to be more straight forward. I'm simply wondering what people are thinking. How are people feeling when it comes to Warframe, DE, and it's community because its clear our youtube partners (the ones who are wearing the Partner tag) are seeing issues. 

Agree, disagree, chocolate cake, buttercup. How you respond to this is up to you, but don't waste a post on "You didn't give me a question this topic isn't a topic".

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Let me start with ...

Bug = literally unplayable 

Old bug = f my eternal everlasting life

Blah blah blah balance blah blah

Something something powercreep something something

Now on to the meat.

I feel like with what they have in store for the game regarding potential for total upgrade to general play via the railjack and all it brings with it, is definitely a big show of their love and devotion to this game and their desire to continually grow and sometimes improve what we already have. 

The only thing more than streamlining the entire game to fit within that scope, is to simply devote a good year to solid clan and alliance expansion, involvement, and QOL. 



and pk 3.0 including for operators 

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2 minutes ago, Zyneris said:

Let me quote myself to help you out:

There ya go! That's how I feel in regards to big glaring issues that are related to Warframe, DE, and it's community. Maybe my 'what say you' is confusing. I'll rewrite that to be more straight forward. I'm simply wondering what people are thinking. How are people feeling when it comes to Warframe, DE, and it's community because its clear our youtube partners (the ones who are wearing the Partner tag) are seeing issues. 

I have to ask again, what exactly are you talking about?
If you are using a video for context, then you are making me watch the video. Just write the context in your post.
What I take from your post is, that you think DE doesn't consider player's feedback. Yeah... that's straight up wrong. Just because DE doesn't use every idea from every random out there doesn't mean, DE isn't reading feedback.

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2 minutes ago, Zyneris said:

Do you want the community's input or don't you? What do we as a community want? How can we be critical of the game when we can't even keep our opinions straight between topics?

If we're discussing in good faith, if you want to give feedback the developers will take, write a post in the appropriate feedback forum and follow the guidelines here.

I am not trying to be rude. I'm not going to pretend I can completely tell what's going on at DE's studio with how they take feedback, but there's a reason things are they way they are.

I have a link I kept from way back when I played Spiral Knights that's relevant to this discussion. If you or any other readers have the spine to PM me I'll share it.

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Just now, IntheCoconut said:

I imagine a lot of their attention is devoted to finishing the Switch version of the game, so I guess I am just hoping that this is the reason there have been so few fixes and content drops.

Fortuna, actually; but probably some of that too.

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Wow... um... i disagree with basically... everything lol.

I think you need to stop playing for awhile man.

Weapons and frames might not be balanced, but some youtubers like Layzar put up builds that mention dozens of weapons that can kill 115-120 mobs.

Mods? Tank builds? Support builds? Max range Saryn? Balanced Equinox? Duration/Strength Mirage? My Umbral Khora would also like a word with you.

Adding to much? Really? Part of the reason WF has grown so much is the fact that it is willing to try things. I heard it mentioned once as "aggressively ambitious". That is NOT a bad thing.

Community? Is best... and... WORST?!

Ok, this game isn't perfect, and the community isn't perfect either... but worst? REALLY? Do you PLAY anything else?

I play a lot of games... from Warcraft to Fortnite to ESO. This community is incredible on most levels. I've SEEN toxic communities. Go play League of Legends for five minutes and come back to talk.


It really, really sounds like you are burned out hideously man. I understand that, i really do. I put 13 years of my life into WoW and barely play it now. I've only put about 400 hours into WF so i'm apparently barely more than a newb right now but this place is still a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of the things out there.

I wish you luck in whatever you try... but really man.. try a different game for awhile. Come back in a few months after Fortuna drops and maybe Railjack is up with the next big thing on the horizon and see the game with some fresh eyes. I think you need a break.

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1 minute ago, IntheCoconut said:

I could certainly be wrong, but I imagine Fortuna would have been out a while ago if it weren't for the Switch release.

PanicButton studio is making the switch release. DE is tweaking things as Panic suggests to them, but no that's not eating DE time extensively.

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why is it that all Warframe YouTubers seem to have a voice that fits into one of two catgories? you've got ones like LifeofRio who just sound like generic milennials and make me want to shove sandpaper in my ears, or ones like this guy who sounds like he's two Linkin Park songs away from cutting his wrists. seriously, it seems there's like no middle ground and I find both types hard to endure, hence why I avoid Youtubers. even text to speech sounds better. anyway, to my point:

warframe has problems, we know. the Devs know too. but they've been spending god knows how long trying to get Fortuna ready and also working on porting the ENTIRE game (all 23 updates and the THOUSANDS of fixes amongst them) to Nintendo Switch. I imagine the poor Canadian sods are being stretched pretty thin, so you can maybe see why they haven't gotten around to fixing other bugs yet? and before somebody starts with the "oh, just get more staff" card, Staff need to be interviewed, then if they get the job, guess what? they need to be paid. I'm sure that as a business if DE could afford to hire more staff and give them wages they would likely have already done that, but they haven't, so we can safely assume that they have a massive workload and nobody else to help them other than the people already in-house.

just wait. the mainline update is not that far out now, and then it's onto Fortuna. we literally went through all this before before Tennocon 2017 when they revealed the Plains. before then it was a drought as well, then the update dropped and Warframe's player base exploded in size. same thing is happening here. posting someone else's video in GD about how warframe has problems is not as productive as say, oh, I don't know, maybe heading over to #feedback and giving some suggestions there on how to improve warframe? at the very least you get to learn why some of the more requested ideas might not work the way you think they will. IMO, if you have something to say, say it. don't have Youtubers fighting your battles for you.

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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1 minute ago, Lewtenant said:

PanicButton studio is making the switch release. DE is tweaking things as Panic suggests to them, but no that's not eating DE time extensively.

Ah, I wasn't aware. I'm kind of bummed now, I was hoping the lack of content was just because they were spread thin at the moment. I know ports take time and resources. Just look at Monster Hunter World. From console to PC, it took 8 months, and from what I've read the port is a mess even after all that time. And that's coming from a pretty big studio. But I guess if someone else is doing the port then I'm even more hyped for Fortuna, since that means most of their focus is on that.

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The delay with fortuna is primarily cause DE bit off so much with this update. Way bigger map, new style of boss fight, 2 more factions, a new weapon system (kit guns), the new rescue system, new moa companions, while also revamping the original plains bounty experience to not require returns. 

This has been split with the gas city tile rework, melee 3.0, conceptualizing railjack, etc.

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Drama gets clicks. 


Time and Time again, MMO and ftp statistics prove new stuff brings in more people and buisness. So they juggle old stuff (low priority) with new stuff (high priority) that's how it's always been no matter what the vocal minority end user demands out of a company. Then the one year they focus more on reballancing, not enough of the right old stuff! Or, not enough little new stuff all the time! No one is happy, ever.

Then there is design by committee. DE should listen to the community! sure. About how much the community loves or hates DE ideas. Not the community calling the shots. Sure they can like a players idea, but does not mean all ideas are valid. When there are too many cooks in the kitchen all you get is a mess. And when too many people have product input, it comes from aesthetics and self serving opinions ending up with lots of features, no soul and no target audience. 

Same ol drama. Just spun this time to say it's our fault for not being a cohesive mob for specific ideas. Lord.

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2 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

Just spun this time to say it's our fault for not being a cohesive mob for specific ideas.

The youtuber gripe is that the community is DEviding and each person is saying different stuff. We're what 38 million people now? Duh people are gonna gripe about different stuff.

DE needs to lock their priorities down early. DE showed off railjack definitely too soon. Should not have been this year because they'll be demoing more of it next year at Tennocon. Seems too big to finish before then. They deferred the Sacrifice heavily and Steve said then that the team was working on too many things at once.

Now we see that sounds on kit gun aren't even on the dev build yet meanwhile the sound crew was recording back in December for fortuna sound effects. The gas city tile rework is also well along in parallel with Fortuna, but that update is still not priority.

The dev team seems to be procrastinating on each release with the next, and it's slowing down the release schedule and release quality. Youtubers are blaming that on us because we say we want these new things and these old things. Tough toenails honey cause all the players are at different stages of their playtime and each person is going to provide feedback with their own unique gameplay experience. Learn to manage it and improve.

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My problem with the "the community is the problem" takes is that no community is ever going to be a cohesive uniform voice. 

It's up to the developer to decide which dissenting opinion they decide to embrace. Hopefully it's one that is both good for the game and aligns well with the developers own goals/views but at the same time one that doesn't become a complete echo chamber. 

It's not exactly easy

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1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

I have to ask again, what exactly are you talking about?
If you are using a video for context, then you are making me watch the video. Just write the context in your post.
What I take from your post is, that you think DE doesn't consider player's feedback. Yeah... that's straight up wrong. Just because DE doesn't use every idea from every random out there doesn't mean, DE isn't reading feedback.

I agree with this. Plus DE are should not, and should never take all feedback and use it because some feed back is just straight up stupid. It's how that cool game, the culling I think, died out. They listened to ALL feedback which in turn destroyed the game. 

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52 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

you've got ones like LifeofRio who just sound like generic milennials and make me want to shove sandpaper in my ears, or ones like this guy who sounds like he's two Linkin Park songs away from cutting his wrists.

I loled at this. Perfectly accurate 😂😂👌

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11 minutes ago, Arniox said:

What are you actually talking about.... I can't watch the video, on data, but your description gives no hint what so ever to what the fu¢k you're on about 

I watched the video and I still don't understand. Basically this guy was saying that the community needs to decide on 1 thing to push to the devs cause they have been met with conflicting views which is creating DElays. I think.

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53 minutes ago, Lewtenant said:

The delay with fortuna is primarily cause DE bit off so much with this update. Way bigger map, new style of boss fight, 2 more factions, a new weapon system (kit guns), the new rescue system, new moa companions, while also revamping the original plains bounty experience to not require returns. 

This has been split with the gas city tile rework, melee 3.0, conceptualizing railjack, etc.

Exactly. There is an INSANE amount of stuff going on. Plus Scott and the other guy are working on writing up, and conceptualizing the new war. Plus, it's almost certain that DE are already working on, or conceptualizing the next world. 

PLUS, Scott said a couple of devstream ago that on top of gora, there's also 3 other new frames being built and tested. 


So... Let's all calm down and let DE work. They have Soooo much content in the works so just relax. 

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I'm skeptical about the future.We all say Fortuna's gonna be huge and all but we can't be sure until it drops.If it comes to be another POE(5 bounties doing the same thing, tedious mining etc), personally i'll be disappointed.It's already delayed and along with it Railjack got delayed and as it seems the New War also.After it hits, they're gonna work for the next "open world" so another year of drought prob, so the question is:will Fortuna have what it takes to keep us until then?POE didn't but it was ok for a starting point.

They are trying to change Warframe to open world, which i'm fine with but can it be done and in time?The problem is there wasn't any foundation for open world from the start and we end up with big tilesets without life so in the end we get another "planet" without separating it into sectors.

Will they take a break after this and focus on the huge lore, quests, new mechanics and content that has been revealed in the past before they drop another world?Or it's gonna be like 1 year waiting for 1 month's worth of content?

Unless Warframe is the next WoW and comes to last for years, my fear is that it will end unfinished at some point.

Edited by DeathDweller
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I really fail to see what the problem is here, seems to me it's more in the minds of people than based in reality. I log in every day and I have something to do in this game. But that's just me. If you don't find anything worthwhile, well, move on. Play something else and come back when the next big update drops. This is the way things work with lots of online games similar to WF: people play a long time and come back whenever they feel like it; there's no better example than WoW which is in a run like this for over a decade, with surges in player-base every time Blizzard releases a new expansion.

Also, what's with the generalization of "community" and giving it the appearance of being one single mind? There are dozens of thousands of people playing WF every day, and millions that have played it in total. What exactly is the term "community" trying to describe here? Some, a minority probably, post in the forums. Some follow youtube/switch content. Some just play the game and don't mingle with others outside of it. Judging from the forums (I don't watch WF youtube videos), there is a variety of opinions in lots of topics. So, what's this "community" hivemind?

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