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So... today's a server upgrade... I wonder why...


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the fact that its the last challenge of the arg and the server update is today its most likely that fortuna will drop sometime this week, today is a no go as it wouldnt be wise to plan a big update and not leave headroom for issues that could come up. they will also want as much time as possible to make sure its the best it can be before they release it so most likely it wont be dropped until later on in the week

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I would have expected today as well, but i dont will go fully iron sighted on it beeing today.

Still, i will just wait until its released if its today or another, if its released its released im not sitting in front the computer the entire time looking out for it to be released. Im happy if its there, but im patiently enouth to wait. And like some here said, if they got more time that means less bugs, which means more satisfaction for all of us then it beeing rushed

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chalk up your hands and drink your protein shakes Tenno, you're all about to lift TOGETHER!!

all I'm gonna say is good luck out in the wilderness, and if you encounter any bugs (and you will, it's day 1 of an open world), TELL DE! the sooner you tell the devs (in a constructive manner ofc), the sooner they can get fixed and the sooner all of us will Grofit. oh, and don't eat the yellow snow.

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7 hours ago, rand0mname said:

No. I expect it at 7th or 8th of November.

Would love to be proven wrong.

i will say the 9 , because you know someone likes to release update on Friday and do extra work / let us wait for the monday for the fix

because let's be honest , we will have a S#&$tons of hotfix soon

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2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

chalk up your hands and drink your protein shakes Tenno, you're all about to lift TOGETHER!!

all I'm gonna say is good luck out in the wilderness, and if you encounter any bugs (and you will, it's day 1 of an open world), TELL DE! the sooner you tell the devs (in a constructive manner ofc), the sooner they can get fixed and the sooner all of us will Grofit. oh, and don't eat the yellow snow.

Or brown snow either. :wink:


And yes, don't be all like, "ZOMG DE YOU SCREWED UP BIG TIME!!!111"

Take a few deep breaths, if necessary, then report the problem (IN THE BUGS SECTION - NOT HERE) as accurately as you can. 


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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1 hour ago, Loza03 said:

They don't work on Saturdays. So no released on Saturdays.

And since they don't work on Saturday, it won't be released Friday either, because in case of bugs no one would be there to patch stuff (it happened that they had stuff ready but only released it the following week due to that, last time was for onslaught iirc)

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36 minutes ago, Meri_ said:

And since they don't work on Saturday, it won't be released Friday either, because in case of bugs no one would be there to patch stuff (it happened that they had stuff ready but only released it the following week due to that, last time was for onslaught iirc)

Actually, last time was Chimera. Literally the last named update we got.

I do hope this isn't a harbinger of things to come...

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