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Anyone else miss Draco for leveling up stuff?

(XBOX)The Neko Otaku

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43 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Funny, I could have sworn I was playing the game. Press W my character moves. Click the mouse, he shoots. 1-4 activates my powers.

Draco was notorious for people power leveling while afk. That is what I was referring to. You didn't go afk, good for you. Plenty of people did. Draco was toxic and it was infecting the community. You can ignore the negative things about Draco all you like. Doesn't mean they were not there.

Edited by (XB1)Eminem2420
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39 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

I like endurance Fissure runs.  Go long enough and you get boosters.

you only need one relic to get the affinity booster 

28 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

This! Doing elite onslaught for leveling weapons/companions can be insane fast! Sometimes only takes 1-4 waves to max something depending on the team that's carrying me! And regular onslaught for leveling warframes with ease!

so that is why no one goes past wave 4! I want focus and you get more the further you go (that and free rads).  I wish people would stop that I level on hydron so that I am not inconveniencing others (on hydron it is expected but I level stuff with frames that can handle it/weapons that can)


Edited by spirit_of_76
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8 minutes ago, (XB1)Eminem2420 said:

Draco was notorious for people power leveling while afk. That is what I was referring to. You didn't go afk, good for you. Plenty of people did. Draco was toxic and it was infecting the community. You can ignore the negative things about Draco all you like. Doesn't mean they were not there.

How was it any more toxic than it is now? People still breeze through enemies in order to rack up XP. Except that leechers won't be as frowned upon now as they were before considering draco was lots harder than hydron/stöfler or whatever you spend your time leveling now.

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41 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

you only need one relic to get the affinity booster 

so that is why no one goes past wave 4! I want focus and you get more the further you go (that and free rads).  I wish people would stop that I level on hydron so that I am not inconveniencing others (on hydron it is expected but I level stuff with frames that can handle it/weapons that can)


Recruiting chat is a thing, don't use public if you really are expecting a good team to do what you want. Simple as that.

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I can’t tell you how many times I miss that map, that tileset. Everyone here is complaining about the leeching or reminiscing about the XP farm, I miss it for the absolute thrill of the spawns that happened there. The layout of the map was small but the Grineer spawn rate was insanely high, trumping even a good tileset on SO/ESO. You had 5-6 possible spawn locations with 10-15 Grineer in each spot swarming in with a high likelihood of Heavy Gunners and Bombards showing up AT THE SAME TIME.

I absolutely, absolutely! miss playing on Draco. Players had a high chance to die if they weren’t prepared. Zone Delta was always the first spot that the enemy would go after, then Charlie, Beta, and almost never at Alpha. The sheer Chaos at Draco was the stuff of dreams, I really miss cutting down that much Grineer.

At least there is some hope, that very same tileset can be an Interception in Arbitrations, but it’s been reworked to the point that there are more entry ways for spawns to appear making for a slightly less dense experience when it comes to enemies swarming in. Still, old Draco was really fun back then. So much love.

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Loot caves never disappear, they just move. The efficiency of Draco is still possible elsewhere in the starchart. Loot caves will always be a problem DE combats as time goes on. A major part of Warframe is gear acquisition and upgrades. Upgrading gear requires you to level it. You use leveled gear to participate in higher level stuff with proper builds and increase your Mastery Rank and have more missions available. I don't see how there is a problem with missing the node, and the argument of "I want to actually play the game" does not check out as a major portion of "playing the game" is leveling.

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I loved the Draco map and wish there was a high level defense mission there, couldn't care less about the speed leveling aspect.

I really miss being low MR and struggling to even survive the first 5 waves, this game is the most fun when it's frustratingly hard.

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2 hours ago, Walkampf said:

Draco and Hydon can burn in hell.

Leveling there is and always has been mind numbingly boring.

Arbitrations and Onslaught are much more fun.

I legitimately enjoyed Draco, I'd just join randoms and have a good time mowing stuff down. Hydron and Akkad aren't fun, I try to steer clear unless I have a booster and want to stick a bunch of forma on something.

ESO is a garbage mission type and it's hopeless when randoms start leaving after 4 waves and you lose because the countdown doesn't stop during a host migration, I've pretty much written it off. ESO isn't much more efficient than Hydron, and you can't use it to level frames...

I haven't found Arbitrations fun, they're just long...didn't seem that great for leveling stuff either, especially if you're stuck there for an hour anyway... 

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How long do you think it's going to take for the Warframe forums community to start crying about dedicated Sanctuary Onslaught affinity/focus farms?  

Obviously, in Draco the general team composition was a DPS (Excalibur, Nezha, Banshee, Saryn, Mag, or Volt essentially), an EV Trin, and 2 leeches carrying Corrosive Projection (And sometimes being semi-useful: look at Frost, Ember, Volt, or Saryn with 1st ability augments).  

Now we have Sanctuary onslaught. WAY more affinity, WAY more focus, and even a tighter meta: realistically, the only viable DPS are Volt and Saryn. EV Trin is still playable, you just have to not use your 2 more than 3-4 times every 10 seconds. And CP leeches are just as useful as before.

I'm calling it now- less than 5-6 months from now, everybody will be complaining about "SE dedicated farm" recruitment messages.

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15 minutes ago, PossiblyMG said:

about dedicated Sanctuary Onslaught affinity/focus farms?

Shh..... God People be quiet, how about you all stop telling noobs where all the loot caves are and you let them find out for them selves.

The problem with Napster wasn't that you were downloading metallic, it's that you told everyone and their mother you could download metallic on Napster and then everyone started using it.

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What I miss was unlimited affinity share radius. You could play pretty much your choice of endless mission and get decent XP. Now you are pretty much required to play defense or ESO and pray for a series of tiny maps. Vazarin helps but you will still get garbage XP from missions like survival (still my favorite mission type :(), even after 30 minutes against high level enemies.

Also I preferred the mobile defense mission that used the same tileset as Draco, as that let you play in little chunks rather than committing to 4+ rounds of interception, but still had a crazy spawnrate.

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1 hour ago, PossiblyMG said:

How long do you think it's going to take for the Warframe forums community to start crying about dedicated Sanctuary Onslaught affinity/focus farms?  

Obviously, in Draco the general team composition was a DPS (Excalibur, Nezha, Banshee, Saryn, Mag, or Volt essentially), an EV Trin, and 2 leeches carrying Corrosive Projection (And sometimes being semi-useful: look at Frost, Ember, Volt, or Saryn with 1st ability augments).  

Now we have Sanctuary onslaught. WAY more affinity, WAY more focus, and even a tighter meta: realistically, the only viable DPS are Volt and Saryn. EV Trin is still playable, you just have to not use your 2 more than 3-4 times every 10 seconds. And CP leeches are just as useful as before.

I'm calling it now- less than 5-6 months from now, everybody will be complaining about "SE dedicated farm" recruitment messages.

I don't think this will happen because there are some many decent alternatives to ESO for leveling, whereas Draco was so much better than everything else that personally it felt like a complete waste of time to level stuff anywhere else. I remember I could equip one unranked weapon and have it fully ranked in three or so rounds, without an affinitiy booster. And it was easy! I could play Ember, jump into a game with some randos, turn WoF on, and flip and jump around the map, get 25%+ of the damage and kills, and level stuff passively. Any noob could do that.

I don't doubt that an optimal ESO group makes more XP than a Draco group but as long as people don't feel they are compelled to play ESO (and as long as DE's stat tracking shows diversity in the types of missions people are playing), ESO will be fine.

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2 hours ago, ArbitUHM said:

I don't think this will happen because there are some many decent alternatives to ESO for leveling, whereas Draco was so much better than everything else that personally it felt like a complete waste of time to level stuff anywhere else. I remember I could equip one unranked weapon and have it fully ranked in three or so rounds, without an affinitiy booster. And it was easy! I could play Ember, jump into a game with some randos, turn WoF on, and flip and jump around the map, get 25%+ of the damage and kills, and level stuff passively. Any noob could do that.

I don't doubt that an optimal ESO group makes more XP than a Draco group but as long as people don't feel they are compelled to play ESO (and as long as DE's stat tracking shows diversity in the types of missions people are playing), ESO will be fine.

Which is exactly why both Ember and Draco were changed

Edited by (XB1)Thy Divinity
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7 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

lol no.  Hydron and Draco babies are part of the reason we see so many ridiculous 'vote kick option' and 'high MR means nothing' threads as is.  

You're right.

A REAL man levels his new weapons by replaying through the planets in sequential order.


... ... ...


What a ridiculous notion.

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3 hours ago, Dabnician said:

Shh..... God People be quiet, how about you all stop telling noobs where all the loot caves are and you let them find out for them selves.

The problem with Napster wasn't that you were downloading metallic, it's that you told everyone and their mother you could download metallic on Napster and then everyone started using it.

Another ridiculous notion.


What, you wanna hoard all valuable information to yourself??? People like you literally put a tourniquet on community growth. Meanwhile, I'm sure you've benefited from plenty of information you didn't figure out your own self, huh?


I should stop reading posts in here. They're just triggering me. And from a game with such a supposed "great community"...

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I miss ODD having climb-able pillars, infested having no ranged attacks, and my Penta having 520 max ammo.

Get yourself a Vauban, a Penta and 3 random players in recruit chat and then go 30 waves max all your gear, and enjoy Chat-frame. It was so stupidly easy that it was actually relaxing and enjoyable in a different way than most of Warframe's other missions. I used to run ODD every Friday to relax before the weekend and played other missions during the week.

Good times.

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