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You're all so focused on "content drought," blah blah blah...


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13 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

Maybe you should think about that.

Maybe you should think on the fact that I'm obviously not offended given nothing you said applies to me, I'm rationally explaining to you why your thread is utterly meaningless and really shouldn't have been posted in the first place.

But, as expected, you fall back to a cliche "well, you're just triggered" type of response because you really have no argument.

You aren't the good guy spreading positivity and sending people a good message, you made the thread to attack people.

2 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

I was hoping to make at least one other person step back and think... "You know what? This guy's right.

By insulting them?

Image result for hysterical laughter gif

Oh please. The same people you're directing the thread towards are the ones you're insulting. You aren't going to convince anyone like that.

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2 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

The answer to your question is - SILLY ME - that I was hoping to make at least one other person step back and think... "You know what? This guy's right. I give DE a lot of crap, but the bottom line is that this game is free to play, has entertained me for WAY more hours than probably ANY $60 game I've ever bought, I would and DO recommend this game to other people, and even though I'm burned out right now, I could see myself coming back in 6 months for another round of burning out."

Everything you've said could be condensed to "it's free so stop complaining". But consider the following: is it really that hard at the very least to add some gimmicky weapon reskin to Baro every now and then?

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vor 1 Minute schrieb 4thBro:

The answer to your question is - SILLY ME - that I was hoping to make at least one other person step back and think... "You know what? This guy's right. I give DE a lot of crap, but the bottom line is that this game is free to play, has entertained me for WAY more hours than probably ANY $60 game I've ever bought, I would and DO recommend this game to other people, and even though I'm burned out right now, I could see myself coming back in 6 months for another round of burning out."


But instead, all I got is a bunch of people calling me out on "meta complaint," being offended for rhetorically calling them an A.D.D. child, and telling me my thread was pointless simply because I said the words, "I can't stop you," because apparently they wanna be told that I can stop them.

u complain about people's legit opinion and are borderline insulting them for their point of view. what do u expect ? no calling, no matter how u justify it, has ever proven a point in a quality statement other than dragging it down even if some points are legit. sure, there are other games and ive said that myself that i prefer a fleshed out update and content drought over rushed things and its not like there arent other things to do whilst waiting, if someone finds him/herself being bored in warframe right now, but its always a matter of how u express it. if u think ur points justify any way of expression then dont be surprised bout reactions. right before the update its a bit pointless to discuss this though so that point also still stands ~

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9 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

The answer to your question is - SILLY ME - that I was hoping to make at least one other person step back and think... "You know what? This guy's right. I give DE a lot of crap, but the bottom line is that this game is free to play, has entertained me for WAY more hours than probably ANY $60 game I've ever bought, I would and DO recommend this game to other people, and even though I'm burned out right now, I could see myself coming back in 6 months for another round of burning out."


But instead, all I got is a bunch of people calling me out on "meta complaint," being offended for rhetorically calling them an A.D.D. child, and telling me my thread was pointless simply because I said the words, "I can't stop you," because apparently they wanna be told that I can stop them.

We had nearly a year to think and reflect there dude. We experienced it first hand and we still stuck with the game despite the glaring issue.

The last thing we need is someone thinking he/she knows ourselves better than we do, cause you don't evidently. Drop the condescending high-and-mighty act, get off your high horse.


So what if the game is f2p? It's been that way for half a decade now and the issue have never been this apparent. THAT's the key thing that you seem to be missing, and I'm not even gonna delve into the whole "whales" who keeps this game alive either cause end of the day every other individual's criticism can be as valid as theirs when it holds substance. Other MMOs that are dying pumps out more consistent substantial updates than WF does this year, and it's disconcerting given how relatively great DE's record has been up till this point.


And no... the thread is pointless cause Fortuna release is literally just teased a day or so back..... i.e. the "biggest mainline update" is about to drop and the content drought phase' payoff is within our reach. How you link this thread's pointlessness to people finding your haughty attitude to be misplaced is just from your ego at best there dude.

Edited by Tsardova
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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Sajochi:

Weren't you the person asking why your threads get locked or removed? Because it's pretty obvious you haven't read the guidelines or flat out refuse to follow them in the first place.


i can see this one getting locked too. its not really extreme but his OP is still borderline so...dont know this person but im somewhat not surprised to read the things u stated~

vor 3 Minuten schrieb Tsardova:

Drop the condescending high-and-mighty act, get off your high horse.

not the 1st time this week i wanted to tell exactly that to someone but for the sake of not discussing pointlessly i didnt. agree, totally.

Edited by Xydeth
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26 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

Either way they're Dammed if they do, dammed if they don't. It makes me so angry when the vast majority here can't seem to fathom that, instead they blindly follow their youtuber like a good little herd animal.

But Xxx_weedman42069_xxX is never wrong

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Ok, im putting a stop to this right now, this has gone better then i expected 😄

I honestly thought it would be too obvious because i literally announced this in another topic..


vor 1 Stunde schrieb Starfreak911:

When you have a title like you do and nothing but a link in your "discussion", do you expect anyone to view it as anything other than pointless clickbait?

Thats what working best in these forums.

I could make the 100th topic about why i want Anasa removed from Sortie / more kuva / an auction house with lots of ranting and a stupid headline,

or i could do a well designed post about spots in tilesets that could need some changes with screenshots and explanations.


Which one is gonna get more attention, and which one should get more attention?

Ill go create an "i want anasa from kuvasurvival while setting up an auction house in there, and here is why Warframe will die if they will not do that!!!!" now 🙂



This was the perfect example how complete trash posting gets the most attention in these forums,

it even triggered another person enough to make another topic about it which got even more answers then this one although it was completly pointless xD

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1 hour ago, Artek94 said:

I mean its not like we dont have a reason to not like content drought. For newcomers / mid-game players there's still stuff to do. For veterans who have every weapon maxed out, every quest completed and every syndicate maxed... Not so much. We have almost nothing to do, and what's left is just generic grind of credits / endo / focus / kuva (usually corelated to opportunistic nature of getting daily login booster).

Content drought causes the game to "fall asleep" because players just move on to play something else only logging in for that daily reward and maybe do a sortie.
Constant stream of content is what keeps warframe alive, that's just a fact. And even developers aknowledge the CD. 
Fortuna is simply a gigantic project that cant be released until its done 100% and it probably slows down any side-content like tenno reinforcements, etc.

So... There's that. That's just how things are.

If you (proverbial “you”) have everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) completed, content-wise, then I probably can’t fathom your time/money-sink on a daily basis.

Often the caveat (that gets generalized to bolster said argument and conveniently ommited) is:  

I’ve got everything done that interests me.”

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb 4thBro:



This was an answer to my post i guess because i was literally the first person for weeks posting the words "content drought" in this forum,

and 10 minutes later we got another topic which is just completly pointless. Thx for proving my point @4thBro that this forum goes crazy about completly unimportant stuff that simply should be ignored at some point so the important topics can get the attention they deserve. I simply created my Topic because of this post i made to see if i was right:


vor 2 Stunden schrieb Starfreak911:

When you have a title like you do and nothing but a link in your "discussion", do you expect anyone to view it as anything other than pointless clickbait?

Thats what working best in these forums.

I could make the 100th topic about why i want Anasa removed from Sortie / more kuva / an auction house with lots of ranting and a stupid headline,

or i could do a well designed post about spots in tilesets that could need some changes with screenshots and explanations.


Which one is gonna get more attention, and which one should get more attention?

Ill go create an "i want anasa from kuvasurvival while setting up an auction house in there, and here is why Warframe will die if they will not do that!!!!" now 🙂



And although you thought you had good intentions, you proved what i was saying with your title: "You are all so focused on content drought..." which is clickbait and misleading and simply forcing people to answer just in the same way as my headline did because it wants to trigger them. GG. No one was focused on Content drought anymore since mainline update, only 1 person made a troll post.


So have fun debating about nothing here but keep it mind this whole topic exists because of a joke 😀


Edited by DreisterDino
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1 hour ago, 4thBro said:

Just look at the story missions we've been getting, at a SLOW pace might I add. But they sure have been fantastic, have they not

they were decend compared to other Games. But not worth the months long wait.


1 hour ago, 4thBro said:

I prefer my game companies to do something at their own pace, when they feel inspiration & passion for it

I prefer regular new content

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seems to be one train wreck after another here recently. hopefully after Fortuna is released, and the bugs are squashed, DE can consider taking a step back. they should receive less backlash and drop in player count as everyone will be in Fortuna, and the best time to start fixing old stuff is when everybody is distracted grinding for new stuff (plus Solaris Rep is gonna literally take weeks of hitting the cap in order to reach that max rank, like it did with the Ostrons). I reckon it'll be the best opportunity to start reworking a few frames, and revisiting older content, I just hope DE consider taking it.

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The main problem with the "content draught" complaints is that many of the players saying it will not be happy with Fortuna either way. They have their own little vision of what the game/content should be, so when they bulldozer through Fortuna in a few days they will make new "depraperderp content draught" threads and complaints again. They will never be happy with what they get.

5 minutes ago, Tsardova said:

So what if the game is f2p? It's been that way for half a decade now and the issue have never been this apparent. THAT's the key thing that you seem to be missing. Other MMOs that are dying pumps out more consistent substantial updates than WF does this year, and it's disconcerting given how relatively great DE's record has been up till this point.

Not really if you look at what we've gotten this year so far. And "pumping" out content isnt the same as producing quality content. This is also not an MMO, so you should probably compare it more to the likes of D3, Grim Dawn, PoE and such.

We've had plenty of actual content updates this year, but people arent happy eitherway.

ESO and Arbitrations are just two content additions we have to look at along with several Frames and weapons in the mix aswell, plus two story pieces. All of that is actual content. If we had just gotten a bunch of skins and no new things to play with then I'd agree that yes we havent gotten much over the year, but that simply isnt the case. During this year we've also had several frame reworks and a major update to ranged weapons.

I also think people are forgetting that several projects are in the works at DE and has been during the development of Fortuna, so the steps between bigger future updates might very well be smaller.


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1 hour ago, 4thBro said:

And that's how mediocre content comes about. A company feels pressured, because you little A.D.D. children gotta have a shiny new thing to sink a week into before you find a newer shiny new thing.


I prefer my game companies to do something at their own pace, when they feel inspiration & passion for it.


You want forced content with no real meaning? Not to use the cliche, but go play League of Legends.

I come to Warframe because everything they've done has been done with a true vision. Just look at the story missions we've been getting, at a SLOW pace might I add. But they sure have been fantastic, have they not?


That's what I want.


But if you still wanna pressure for "content content content"... ... ... I can't stop you.



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vor 10 Minuten schrieb DeMonkey:

Called it.

At least one person had a clue^^

Sry to the other guys, but you can act like nothing happened in this thread that was created because of mine 😛



Im gonna predict that in that thread, although i made a post there aswell that this topic only exists because of a joke, it will go on and on until its get closed by moderators.

Most guys will simly read the OP and feel the need to say something without reading a few answers ^^

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44 minutes ago, Tsardova said:

Your opinion is pretty much logical fallacy at best there dude; there's nothing wrong with some constructive criticism, especially when the devs themselves admitted to it.

Except the majority of criticism (that I've seen) is far from constructive. Its mainly multiple whine threads on the same limited number of topics (1) content drought (2) bugs (3) why can't WF be more like [insert other game name here]

Constructive feedback should be left in the Feedback section of the forum, but instead what I've seen are mostly rambling, ill-thought out complaints in this section. Some good ones too, to be sure, but mostly rubbish.

As we know from the dev streams DE are aware of most of the main issues and will deal with them when they can. Making dozens of near-identical complaint threads in a part of the forum the devs rarely, if ever, read is hardly constructive.

Perfect example of how idiotic the player base can be (and fully justifying OP's mild insults IMO) is the fact we've got people making complaint threads about Fortuna (before anyone's even played it) and STILL complaining about "content drought" when we're literally days away from release.

I think OP's "children with ADD" description was pretty accurate.


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9 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

The main problem with the "content draught" complaints is that many of the players saying it will not be happy with Fortuna either way. They have their own little vision of what the game/content should be, so when they bulldozer through Fortuna in a few days they will make new "depraperderp content draught" threads and complaints again. They will never be happy with what they get.

Not really if you look at what we've gotten this year so far. And "pumping" out content isnt the same as producing quality content. This is also not an MMO, so you should probably compare it more to the likes of D3, Grim Dawn, PoE and such.

We've had plenty of actual content updates this year, but people arent happy eitherway.

ESO and Arbitrations are just two content additions we have to look at along with several Frames and weapons in the mix aswell, plus two story pieces. All of that is actual content. If we had just gotten a bunch of skins and no new things to play with then I'd agree that yes we havent gotten much over the year, but that simply isnt the case. During this year we've also had several frame reworks and a major update to ranged weapons.

I also think people are forgetting that several projects are in the works at DE and has been during the development of Fortuna, so the steps between bigger future updates might very well be smaller.


Dude, do a double take on second dream for a sec. Did it cause a huge stall on other contents? Nope, and that's the key thing that TC seem to miss. DE got their priority too much on Fortuna that whatever content we got that they trickled down doesn't hold up to the past iterations be it in quantity or quality. 


Even if this game isn't an mmo; the games you listed are plagued with similar issue with WF and both have similar drop in concurrent player on steam charts. Granted it excludes players with base client instead of steam but the trend is there. Game devs are looking at a (way) bigger picture that they seemingly forgone the playerbase that stuck with them through the years of when the game slowly climbed to its peak.


People aren't happy cause.... these content are half-baked? I.e. "Pumping out content isn't the same as producing quality content." like you said?... Whole point of people saying content drought is to make DE realize their agenda management is shaky this year, with additions being substandard compared to last year.


All of the things you listed are actual content sure but does it hold up like previous year's both in quantity and quality? To the point that DE Steve admitted it himself even? We didn't have an apparent content drought when they worked on PoE and they shoulda, woulda, woulda learned how to work on Fortuna better without jeopardizing their main workflow yet here we are. And as you said, pushing out content doesn't directly translate to quality content, and that's why people are being so vocal about the issue. 



All that said though, again, Fortuna is finally within reach and this thread is as pointless as it can be. We can only hope DE learned from this year's practice and manage their agenda better on the next ones.


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