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Crafting requirement bit too extreme ?


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Few things to note:

  • Most of her materials are based on the new mining materials
  • Marquise Thyst blueprint requires rank 4 SU
  • debt-bond rewards appears to be bounty reward afaik. You get x2 per chance reward. And to proceed from the first rank of the standing you need about 13x debt-bond of tier 1 

While I understand some of the resource and the sake of playing the game more. Isn't the requirement for marquise thyst is a bit too extreme ? Majority of players who usually prioritize on getting warframe first won't expect this. Maybe that's just me ? Any thoughts for the rest of players who grind frames rather than plat buy ?


My take: I'd rather use those materials for fortuna stuff rather than crafting warframe alas, I am going to get it with plat.

Edited by loner-hero
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Absolutely too steep of a requirement. Even moreso if a newer player decides they wanna play Garuda. It'll take.. what? Few weeks at least for lower mastery ranks due to daily cap? This would be totally fine if it wasn't time-gated, but that another matter entirely.

Though to be fair, I never grinded for Gara, so maybe she's similar. Either way, definitely refine it to requiring /at most/ rank 3 SU. That's a few days for a mid-MR person, maybe a week or a little more for a newer player.

This isn't taking into consideration the issue that is wanting to touch literally anything if you're wanting Garuda sooner. Because you'll need to burn some of the standing to access new tools / bait (for fishing), and anything you need for capturing critters.

Worst-case scenario, get up to rank 3 and burn a ton of platinum for 3 Marquise Thyst from the vendor himself, should it come up in rotation.

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2 hours ago, loner-hero said:
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Few things to note:

  • Most of her materials are based on the new mining materials
  • Marquise Thyst blueprint requires rank 4 SU
  • debt-bond rewards appears to be bounty reward afaik. You get x2 per chance reward. And to proceed from the first rank of the standing you need about 13x debt-bond of tier 1 

While I understand some of the resource and the sake of playing the game more. Isn't the requirement for marquise thyst is a bit too extreme ? Majority of players who usually prioritize on getting warframe first won't expect this. Maybe that's just me ? Any thoughts for the rest of players who grind frames rather than plat buy ?

Just buy her with plat like everyone else lol .

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Debt bonds can be bought from Ticker.  Definitely agree the other costs are a bit too high.  Especially the rank 4 gem requirement which is terrible.  Low MRs are basically locked out of getting her any time soon because they need their limited standing for so much other stuff as well.


Edit: Just did some quick math.  The blueprints for the materials cost nearly 30k standing on their own.  Might be able to save a few thousand depending on what you can choose as levelling up rewards but still, that is a hefty amount for low to mid tier MRs when combined with the need for rank 4 as well.

Edited by bward141989
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Yup, the crafting requirements are too high for sure. I'm pretty disappointed by it, honestly. I was hoping to have her building in a few hours but it seems like that won't be the case. I totally don't mind farming materials for her, but almost EVERYTHING she needs requires blueprints bought with standing. So for a lot of people there is absolutely NO WAY to get her building day one without spending plat. 

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When i saw the Requirement and figured out how to get her, i hated myself for not having enoughh Platinum to buy her because her requirement is ridiculous. There’s 3 Gems i could farm already but the rest of it is Rank 3 and Rank 4 Gems while the Toroid drops as a rare Resource. Even Gara didn’t required as high of a rank to build as Garuda. Gara can get built below Rank 4 or maybe 5.

Edited by VPrime96
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I have farmed every warframe in the game (ivara i love you my rng nemesis) and i feel like it is perfectly fine too have higher req for garuda. Now there is another good reason to get your mr up and not stay at mr 18 forever. And for me personally its one of the most rewarding expierences in the game when i finally achieved victory and can set my eyes on a new warframe in my arsenal.

And lets be honest, if you really want garuda that bad and you dont have enough plat for the entire frame you can buy the materials req from s1 that grinds the game hard for a few plat, what is even possible for low mr players that do their sortie and sell their anasas.

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4 hours ago, Toffeeqt said:

NO WAY to get her building day one

Is that a bad thing? Not everything should be obtainable on day ONE. If you play a week I think you will have her. But after seeing it I will buy garuda with plat. I hate to grind that... thats the reason why I am MR17 and still dont have gara... (I miss systems but I hate to run that low level mission over and over again :P)

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Personally I don't think they're "too extreme" with regards to raw crafting materials. 

What I do think is a little overboard is that they require T2(?) refining from the new faction. So it's more the hard time gating that is the point of contention. It's just one of those bad feelings where no matter what you do or how hard you grind, you literally can't do anything to make it go faster because it's pure sit & wait. That is compounded by the fact that for a lot of people she is the "new shiny" that is all they want to play with.  

My friend was telling me that he figures it will take a solid week before he has the standing/blueprints to even be able to hope to start crafting her component pieces. Where as I theoretically could have had her baking probably some time today IF it hasn't been for the T2(?) gem resources which will probably take me a couple days to get to as well. 


Theoretically I could just buy her and my friend probably could as well since they got the mythical 75% off just yesterday so I'm sure they're probably flush with Plat ATM. Thing is in a grind game part of the fun is well...... the grind. Thing is a lot of Garuda (thank you DE for keeping that name it was awesome 😄 ) isn't grind it's just twiddling your thumbs waiting for the daily faction cap to reset~. Plus it gets dangerously close to me feeling like DE is trying to bully me into the cash shop which I have never felt about any of DEs decisions thus far. Again part of that is probably stemming from the fact that I think I literally have every other Warframe Mastered so I really want to play Garuda and there's literally nothing I can do short of buying her to make that happen because of the wait walls.

I think they're just trying to make sure people at the bleeding edge don't just complete stuff like her in one day, I just wish they'd done it in a way that "felt" better instead of throwing up layers of hard wait wall. The only real "saving grace" in this instance is that this is one of those "it only works once" things. Since theoretically in a week or two I'll be at max rep anyhow so if they add something else with higher tier resource requirements I'll probably already have a stockpile or at the VERY LEAST the capacity to go out to grind/gather and be able to process those materials without hitting another set of "feel bad" wait walls. . 

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^ I can't agree more regarding the fact that Gaurda is about having patience to wait for the reset rather than grinding off till you actually get it like gara.

Thinking about it again, It just appears that adapting recent approach of crafting warframes is really rough coming from us who played warframe all of those years having resource ready no matter what weapons and warframes that we used to craft.

I was honestly okay till I saw  Marquise Thyst tier.

Edited by loner-hero
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its 141k rep to get to 4 and then 4k for ama( if not availible at lvl up) then 8 for zodian and finally 12k for thyst...+ 2,5 for the drill to be able to get thyst thats 167,5k rep.....at mr 25 thats still

7 days of rep farming....- 1 if you can get stuff from lvlup

for a low mr this is too much....all other frames you can brute force farm if need be 

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Well it's pretty much a reward for progressing through the faction. I honestly can't see anything wrong with it. Some frames are harder to get than others, that's just how it is. Why does everything have to be done so quick?

This is still NOTHING compared to the grind behind amps in PoE, where you had to progress through two factions at the same time, farm all the rare stuff from mining and fishing, and fight Eidolons with sticks. So it could be worse. MUCH worse. 

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1 hour ago, SirTobe said:

This is still NOTHING compared to the grind behind amps in PoE, 

You know we have that to come right...the last levels aren't unlocked yet.


I kind of agree with the OP on the requirements and it's not just garuda, the new weapons in dojo are time gated too. 

I can see why DE have done what they have, they're trying to 'encourage' us to buy it with plat instead but from a personal standpoint when a company is clearly trying to get you to 'buy something' (the whole lot comes to 960 plat...) it actually puts me off buying it (and I have plenty of plat to buy it).  I'm more inclined to buy plat to support DE if they aren't trying to 'force' me into using it via excessive grinds etc, it wouldn't be half as bad if Venus carried over at least some of the resources from PoE. 

Edited by LSG501
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9 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

Is that a bad thing? Not everything should be obtainable on day ONE. If you play a week I think you will have her. But after seeing it I will buy garuda with plat. I hate to grind that... thats the reason why I am MR17 and still dont have gara... (I miss systems but I hate to run that low level mission over and over again :P)

Yeah, I think it is. 

There are lots of systems in this game that prevent you from getting things done just from putting in effort. There are a LOT of soft gates that make it disappointing when you're trying to work towards something you want. 

For example, the crafting costs for Garuda. You need to grind up your standing with SU, which is fine. But you also need standing to buy the items you need. If you're a low MR player that gate can make a difference in whether you can even play that frame or not. Not everyone can or wants to use plat when the option to craft for free is right there. Personally, I'd MUCH rather use my plat on slots/cosmetics than frames. 

I don't mind grinding (I played KMMOs ffs), but having a gate on how much I can grind makes me just not want to do it. I'd just farm fish/ore for a day and then log in, dump it into standing, and log off again because what else can I do? 

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garuda having parts that cost stuff, that you can only get at rank 4 with the Solaris is absolutely ridiculous, especially with the way standing works the grind shouldn't be this bad, to get gara you only need to be offworlder(rank 1) this is too much garuda is way too grindy to get.

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On 2018-11-09 at 9:01 AM, loner-hero said:
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Few things to note:

  • Most of her materials are based on the new mining materials
  • Marquise Thyst blueprint requires rank 4 SU
  • debt-bond rewards appears to be bounty reward afaik. You get x2 per chance reward. And to proceed from the first rank of the standing you need about 13x debt-bond of tier 1 

While I understand some of the resource and the sake of playing the game more. Isn't the requirement for marquise thyst is a bit too extreme ? Majority of players who usually prioritize on getting warframe first won't expect this. Maybe that's just me ? Any thoughts for the rest of players who grind frames rather than plat buy ?


My take: I'd rather use those materials for fortuna stuff rather than crafting warframe alas, I am going to get it with plat.

As a veteran, I don't find these requirements extreme given that while you grind standing for SU, you are also unlocking multiple other things along the way. It is not as if Garuda is the only thing you are getting by ranking up SU, you are also getting access to a whole plethora of other things such as Kitgun parts, more parts for MOA you wanted to craft as well as Baits for more advanced servofishes.

One other thing, mining has been improved, so the gem requirements has not been that bad. Depending on the vein you may be getting nearly 2-3x worth the original mining loot, and this is a big help since you are dealing with RNG.

Oh, and here is an unrelated but still relevant tip: You can get mining/fishing parts by breaking open crates in Fortuna. While the ore count dropped from crates are few, the fish parts you are getting are well worth your time alone breaking these crates. I've once done a bounty 4 in public breaking all the crates along the way, and I got 7 fish parts in total. If you are a player who prefers killing and completing missions and bounties, this is a great way to farm mining/fishing parts while you progress through the syndicate.

Edited by NaoEthelia
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2 hours ago, NaoEthelia said:

As a veteran, I don't find these requirements extreme given that while you grind standing for SU, you are also unlocking multiple other things along the way. It is not as if Garuda is the only thing you are getting by ranking up SU, you are also getting access to a whole plethora of other things such as Kitgun parts, more parts for MOA you wanted to craft as well as Baits for more advanced servofishes.

One other thing, mining has been improved, so the gem requirements has not been that bad. Depending on the vein you may be getting nearly 2-3x worth the original mining loot, and this is a big help since you are dealing with RNG.

Oh, and here is an unrelated but still relevant tip: You can get mining/fishing parts by breaking open crates in Fortuna. While the ore count dropped from crates are few, the fish parts you are getting are well worth your time alone breaking these crates. I've once done a bounty 4 in public breaking all the crates along the way, and I got 7 fish parts in total. If you are a player who prefers killing and completing missions and bounties, this is a great way to farm mining/fishing parts while you progress through the syndicate.

i Agreed.Personaly id increase the requrements to craft them since you get everything in time and the materials are easy to come by.As i always say to some of my clan mates,stop complaining and get sht done.Even if DE cuts the materials in half you will still need to farm for them so go on and enjoy the game.

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1 hour ago, Nephalem said:

i Agreed.Personaly id increase the requrements to craft them since you get everything in time and the materials are easy to come by.As i always say to some of my clan mates,stop complaining and get sht done.Even if DE cuts the materials in half you will still need to farm for them so go on and enjoy the game.

The material amount isn't an issue. The level of the materials is. No one's really got that much room to complain about the toroids past a bit of grinding, and all the minerals are just obtainable within maybe an hour or two, RNG permitting. The point the warframe is, even at max MR, locked behind over a week of waiting unless you rush parts / buy her with plat, is the reason people are annoyed.

If it was /just/ a farm for the items, and you weren't stuck only being able to wait each day, unable to progress any further, it wouldn't really be an issue for the vast majority, I can assure you.


EDIT: For the record, I'm referring to the point that the materials can all be obtained easily, but the blueprints, which you need to make the refined minerals, are locked behind standing. A /lot/ of standing.

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On ‎2018‎-‎11‎-‎09 at 12:27 PM, LSG501 said:

You know we have that to come right...the last levels aren't unlocked yet.


I kind of agree with the OP on the requirements and it's not just garuda, the new weapons in dojo are time gated too. 

I can see why DE have done what they have, they're trying to 'encourage' us to buy it with plat instead but from a personal standpoint when a company is clearly trying to get you to 'buy something' (the whole lot comes to 960 plat...) it actually puts me off buying it (and I have plenty of plat to buy it).  I'm more inclined to buy plat to support DE if they aren't trying to 'force' me into using it via excessive grinds etc, it wouldn't be half as bad if Venus carried over at least some of the resources from PoE. 

I agree, I also buy plat from the store and tennogen from time to time to support the devs but this time around it really feels like they are pushing you to outright buy it with plat which in turn make me really not want to buy it. So, I will wait it out even though I have more that enough plat to spare. She is also not that great of a frame imo that would make me want to get my hands on her right now.

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