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TennoBaum WishList repository


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Happy tennobum maggots!! :grineer:

its sad that I’m not going to be the host of this year but don’t worry I will find ways to fumigate you! Hahahahaha!!! 

Anyway if someone wants to gift me something a forma would be nice 

till next year insects.... 



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The only thing I'm really wanting is an: Emotion Module: Sensitive (50P) for my Moa pet. Of course the gift of Forma is always nice too.

What did I do to deserve this... the only thing I can think of that might be game related is that I went out of my way to make an Umbra Equinox build (which was fun).

Edited by (XB1)RAG is NAROK
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I know I already said of what i would like but here's the story I gave out free plat for whoever pm me first earned some more plat gave it to a new player plus some free prime items for the user to sell one of the items one was a vauban prime chassis it felt good just to help other's it made me happy and the other player's happy I also gave someone a trinity prime set for free what I would like 

Mag Pneuma Skin 

Nezha Empyrean Skin

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Merry TennoBaum,

My TennoBaum wishlist is:



or random cosmetic 

Story Time: Earlier I helped my sister make lunch in order to reduce the stress of our mother.

She was so surprised and happy that she was knocked out instead of having to cook.

It was a great feeling and sight to see her relax.

This kept my faith in the saying, "Even the little things count"😁

I wish the best for you all and your loved ones

And once again Merry TennoBaum!!!!!!!!!

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I'd gladly accept any and all gifts!!  Formas, Slots, anything, and everything!!
I'm still new, so I don't really have an stories for in-game!  I get to have a Christmas this year though!  With my roommates family, but still, it counts!!

🎁  #WeAllGiftTogether  🎁

Thank you for any and all gifts!!  I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!!

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🎄Hey guys/gals. Merry Christmas and Happy Tennobaum to all!🎄


Platform: Xbox One

Gamertag: Robbo m8

I am very grateful if I receive any of these items! :


Nezha Empyrean Collection

Excalibur Ronin Skin

Frost Harka Bundle

Ember Vermillion Collection

Gara Silica Helmet

Hyekka Gene Masking Kit

Octavia Diva Skin

Vauban Citadel Collection

Edited by (XB1)Robbo m8
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Merry Tennobaum everyone!

My wishlist

Garuda Collection (Or just Garuda, I'm not picky)

Nidus Phryke Collection (Or just the skin, again, not picky.)

Smelter Armor Bundle

Umbra Operator Collection or Sacrifice Collection

For you to have a good day


And now for my good deed!

My dad recently got divorced from my mother, and he hasn't taken it too well, so I've been helping him out around the house just to make his life the slightest bit easier. Every bit counts!


Merry Tennobaum once more, and happy gifting!

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Ah, so this is where I go to beg politely request gifts.

Specifically gifts of slots and Forma. Warframe or Riven slots preferred as I'm lowest on those, but I'll take anything really. So if you wanna gift me slots and/or Forma, Xbox Gamertag is Paladin Rook. And thanks in advance if you choose to do so.

And what did I do to deserve these wondrous gifts? Nothing. I just really need slots and don't have the time during the holidays to go through trade chat. So this is worth a shot, right?

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Santenno Claus, is that you? 
This year I would really really really like a Salix Solstice Syandana because I have been good aaaaall year. I even helped someone farm for things!

Pleeeeeeeease santennooooo? Okay bye




P.S. the forums are in french for me help ♥

EDIT: Request fulfilled thank you!!!!!!


Edited by Divine_Rose
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Hello everyone.

To be blunt, I don't deserve much more than a lump of coal this year. I haven't really done anything for other people other than I guess, being there for them, making sure they know that if they need to talk about something or if they need some other type of help I'm equipped to deal with, I'm ready. Now, that being said, most of my time this year has gone towards myself. I've not been much of a happy person as of the few recent years, and I thought I'd focus on my own well being for now, because I think the problem is within myself. So what I've been doing is being outdoors more, mostly wandering around nature, losing some pounds of weight here and there in the process since I'm overweight. And it's certainly helped myself more than it's helped others.

Maybe it's that people don't expect me to at all be extroverted that they don't want to ask me for help, and that's true, I've never been much of that at all. I've lived by myself for around 12 years now, and I don't see people on a daily basis. I wouldn't say I'm on uncle Scrooge level yet, but I don't want to reach that pit. So I feel a bit hesitant wishing for things in this thread.

So instead I'm just going to wish you all a merry christmas, and a happy new year, and to a few of you all, I might send a little something during the following days.

Take care now!

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Well, this year has been a roller coaster for me. Had to give up my job because commuting got way too expensive, had a hard time finding another one and decided screw it, I'm gonna start streaming so I don't lose my mind. Well I ended up getting affiliate about a month ago, found that I'm a lot happier than I was 6 months ago and even got a couple job interviews lined up for places actually in the same town I live in. So, I guess everything is looking good in the end for me. 

Now, this is Tennobaum, not my shameless self plug and not-so-humble brag and it's the season. Maybe someone can help me finish my warframe collection: I'm only missing Nezha, who I had to sell the first time around because I didn't have a lot of slots. If not that, potatoes of all kinds are always welcome. And those lovely ship decorations.


Edit: To the generous Tenno that gave me the gallium decorations (soap), thank you. I used it to give my Mag Prime a good polish and would love to show you but imgur is being difficult lately. Thank you.

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well, all i really need is plat for frame slots and weapon slots (seem to be crafting way faster than i can level weapons and frames before selling them off)

well, i dont really have any fun or interesting stories. but if being nice qualifies for this list. then i guess i could share a rather personal story.

so basically, in a nutshell, i saved my friends life. she suffers from horrible depression, like really bad, and one day i was having a little chat to her parents on facebook. now because they knew of how bad her depression was, they would often ask me to pop over and check up on her. one day i come over, i hear nothing, normally id here her tv playing, but that wasnt even turned on. i call her name, nothing, so i got worried and ran to every room to find her. got to her bedroom.. she had sliced her arms up, blood all over the floor. i did what i could to reduce the bleeding, then called the hospital. luckily shes ok now, and i still check on her. also sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar issues, this still upsets me to this day.

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I hope everyone has a happy and jolly Tennobaum!!

I didn't really do anything to really deserve gifts, but I'm proud of me, because I took the ASVAB and scored above average! I also enlisted in the Air Force as an aerospace medic!! I just need to get myself fit for bootcamp and hopefully I make it in!! I've never really been one to grab a bull by the horns, but I did this time, and honestly: I think we all need to face scary things from time to time, and I wanna let you guys know that its fine to be afraid of them! You just need to know that you can do it! ❤️ !


if my buds see this, all I really want is literally any slot, any color palette, any syandana, any armor piece, or any orbiter decoration. Random stuff 🙂 


Have a merry Tennobaum everyone, you're a wonderful community of people and you all deserve some great times this holiday season!! 

Edited by (PS4)butter_scotch321
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Ok, I’ll bite.  But the catch is that the request is not for me...it’s for my 13 year old daughter.  She’s super smart and super athletic. 

She’s only MR5.  If someone gifted her Garuda, she’d go out of her mind ;).  

I already bought her Christmas presents, and I’m testing the legendary community goodwill.

Naturegirl06 on PS4


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My story... I'm a single dad who's been raising my daughter on my own since she was 4.

Wish list:

Mods -

     Health Conversion

     Primed Flow

     Growing Power

Xbox GT: Dredd1973


Happy holidays to all 🙂


EDIT - apparently it has to be from the market so mods can't be gifted, so, uh, use your imagination 😜

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Merry Tennobaum everyone! So I've been on Warframe since... eh... Pretty much 5 years, almost 6, and, I still enjoy the game that far. (which is... rare.) And I know that I will enjoy the game for more! 

My wishlist is, hem, well, formas, and articulas (those things are awesome, I just love them.)

Happy holidays 😄

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2 hours ago, LittleN00dle said:

Uh. Hey I need to save $6000 for school so I'm not fixing to spend any money on the game but I've been farming for prime parts and selling like crazy I only got 100 plat and I'll buy a noggle or two for someone if needed. or even warframe slots for them.

I mainly just want affinity, credit, resource boosters. AND WARFRAME/WEAPON SLOTS 

I also really like;

 Tennogen skin for called Equinox Divisa Skin

or just any lil noggle is cute


As for the good thing I've done this year and for the past 10 years. my mother is disabled. and I cook, clean, and help around the house including making dinner for my family and my little brother.


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ign: ItzJax

A story... well I'm terrible at those but I do have a real tale to tell. As someone who spends their time playing games all day, everyday, I'm not exactly healthy at all... but a few weeks ago I did make an effort to go out with some friends, walked around the city, bought some things, it was fun and quite healthy, course it was also tiring and extremely exhausting as I am way out of shape...

My wish-list for this Merry TennoBaum Christmas:

formas and weapon/warframe slots 😄 with over 40 things in my foundry and no space, any at all will be greatly appreciated

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Happy Tennobaum! ❤️ This is my first year taking part.

My whislist includes: Oxylus and Mesa Noble animation set.

I don´t really have a story to share, but I will make up for it by sending some stuff to some fellow Tennos. Changed my mind, I will be sending out stuff tonight already. Keep the list going! 

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Hey there fellow tennos and happy holidays!

Last year I've missed the warframe christmas event sadly but this year I'll be around for sure!

To deserve the following wishes I've done a lot for the community this year such as handing out some prime and mod sets for low mastery players also sending now and then a few formas and catalysts to people in dire need of those.

I'd like to ask some kind souls this years if you could spare a couple of boosters of any kind (except the ressource drop chance booster of course)

or maybe some sweet forma bundles or riven slots for my never ending collection

I'd also love to get a twin gremlins riven but I assume that doesn't count in here does it haha🙂

I would also accept relic packages if you are kind enough to spend some platinum for a fellow tenno.

We all lift together remember 😉 

Have some great holidays everyone and will see you around in Fortuna !

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Happy tennobaum to all !

If you want to be extra generous (and awesome), I wish for the Sacrifice Collection or Loki deluxe pack. If you want to be regular generous (but still awesome) some decorations for the orbiter (you can check my ingame whishlist) would be great (so I can look at them and think of you <3)

May Rngesus smile on you all !

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