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How would you rate Fortuna part 2?


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Its pretty bad.. worse then eidolons 

The cooldown on the arch guns makes no sense.. taking it out already makes you stand still for an eternity while everything else kills you.

If you manage to live, then you will get knocked around like a ping pong ball.. 
The unskipable cut scenes are bad.

The cycling resistance is not good. Yes  you can change it with operator amp but in public mode, everyone trying to change it to their own damage type. 

If you manage to take out the Orb Mother, then your rewards are next to nothing. 

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A combination of bad design choices and ideas. A total let down to the point of making me think of dropping the game entirely.

Pros: None that I can think of. 
- Forcing the use arch-guns, which are worse than standard weapons. And because literally no one cared for them and the few mods, some of these don't even appear in market websites.
- The final battle is another copy paste that alienates most of the warframes and weapons in the game. Again with Rhino, Chroma etc. Yey..so much fun not having a choice and doing the same thing over and over again.

- Disguised invulnerability phases for the boss battle. 

- New warframe locked behind the brutal Solaris standing and toroid farming, which is awful because of how battles in Orb Vallis unfolds.

- "Reworked" frames.....if you can even call them a rework. Just some random ideas with barely any thought put behind them thrown together, hoping for the best.

- Even the new Syandana is a complete let down. You look at it displayed in the market and it shows an awesome design. Then you buy it and realize it stays closed 99% of the time, appearing as a boring lifeless box.

Edited by Anthraxicus
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From a modeling and art stand point a 2 out of 10. So many new models clip or have mesh issues from the new operator hair to armor for your kubrow. Don't get me started on the fact the Tennogen skins don't work with Mesa Prime and are messed up even for regular Mesa. Game play design wise I haven't done anything with the Orb Mother, but once again it appears from what I have seen another fight where there will be a meta of frames to take such as Chroma, Rhino and Trinity. Thought they would move away from trying to have a meta, but that doesn't appear to be the case. As a 3D modeler and texture artist myself seeing all the model clipping is showing that none of these went through a quality check. I hope they fix them as it just shows a lack of a desire to release quality items to the player base.

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Honestly its worst than of the Plains of Eidolon launch.


I loved the story cutscenes and how it builds up to the fight.


Then the fight is just a cluster #*!% of constant dying then of whether or not you shoudl throw away your archgun to damage to shield due to the fact that your weapons does more damage than a fully moded potatoed arch gun cause of the stupid 10 minute timer.

Edited by TheFinalEpic
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5 hours ago, _JustSomeone_ said:

Why lots of people saying its bad cause you need old mate?



Because of this. 

"Even low level players  can at least get their toe in the water" "it's not going to be completely locked out for new players" - DE Scott (the games design director if you can't see his title)


I'd say I personally don't care since im MR 26/old mate. But I want DE to make the new player experience good so they don't get turned off by content locks before they even get to Jupiter. 

Edited by Fire2box
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2 hours ago, limernest said:

"Fortuna part 2 will fix everything guys!" the DEfenders like to scream. Hah, fat chance

A bit better then the ones who think Warframe deserves zero criticism because it's free to play. But it's been stuff like this and DE hyping up underwhelming content (Baro 100th visit anyone? Can anyone remember what he brought?) that makes me just wait until it comes out to even feel joy at the moment. 

the good news is Mesa is out, banshee is vaulted so all is good in plat making world. DE clearly has stuff to fix/overhaul and i'm near 100% confident they will. but if they don't, I might not even bother with this update. 

Edited by Fire2box
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Did everything solo. The actual content for Fortuna part 2 (only pointing towards Vox Solaris and Profit-Taker fights) overall felt short. Could just be me completing all the heist missions in a couple hours, but it definitely just hit a "play the content again" which I expected, but didn't expect it to be so soon.

Profit-Taker fight definitely is fun, but having some variations would be exciting, keeping you on your feet. The fight feels very one-directional where you know what will happen next. I already built a loadout with many different damage types for soloing.

Mandatory cut-scene after the first time just wastes time, though I can expect DE to fix that reasonably soon.

First-day post-(1st Orb) fight, it felt short, but fun. My impressions may be better when I experiment with the new arcanes and mods.

Edited by DeathshotSE
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7 hours ago, FoxyKabam said:

ignoring the bugs while DE fixes them, how would you rate this update? on a scale of whatever to whatever.

Whats good about it and whats bad?


well, a 6/10 for it on my opinion, despite not being able to access Fortuna's main stuff because i have to do the quest (which is difficult, since my computer hardly keeps up).

Honestly, the balances are fine for me. Archwing guns got buffed, they made Staticor's bullets go more faster (and even though they rebalanced the uncharged shot area of effect, they gave the ability to equip Fulmination to that weapon).

Baruuk himself looks promising, even though i don't get why people wants DE to nerf him. And the Simulacrum has an improved background, which gives some different lights.

It's also good that they gave love to the Simulor series and the gunblade weaponry, by respectively buffing them and giving a prime variant. It makes me hope if more of those weapons can be gunblades.

But hey, that's just my opinion.

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1/10 Artificial difficulty forcing you to use a garbage archwing gun, just let us use our weapons DE! Can't skip cinematics, public puts you into orb mother missions that are completed by the time you join so back to cinematic with no loot, terrible grind for new systems 2 mins mission 2 mins waiting for dialogue to finish. I have never bashed DE before but this patch is just awful.

Did you know Little Duck has a card game to get to?

Edited by Moraiel
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I was really let down with the archwing gun. I've thought about heavy weapons and how they would work for a long time, and they teased them maybe taking up multiple weapon slots during a devstream some time ago. I was really excited for that. Instead, we get a 10 minute cooldown on a weapon I don't feel the need to take out. Nevermind the 10 seconds of animation wait time to take it out of the gear wheel. 

The orb mother fight was "fun" once. If it wasn't for the millions of copy pasted jump-slamming enemies it might actually have promise.

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well... took me 32 minutes to solo the orb mother because of all the gating involved and invulnerability stuff (if you do not happen to have literally every element equipped)
constant knockdowns making it unfun
the rewards are not worth it

VS rewards...i might be wrong, but at a first glance they are meh and the stuff you need to level up the standing levels barely drops from the bounties 
in total i would say


loooong cooldown on arch gun is really annoying in the orb mother fight
tbh.... i think one can tell that it were not experienced gamers who designed this..this is the result of devs having an idea that looks and sounds good on paper but plays poorly

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worst update of a year ... bad decisions, billions of toroid farming... grinding part 2 of Vox quests for new circuits for million times, not ballanced fight with orb (mobs)  looks klike testers already celebrating Chistmas and nobody realy cares... dissapointed

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I find the new heist extremely time-consuming while being very low on rewards. One reward per all the stages of each part of the heist? That's bad. I was also kind of hoping that the Profit-Taker would drop far more things at once, like several toroids (of random type) like Eidolons/Vomvalysts drop "ingredients" of grinding the level-up process for the Quills (not to mention arcanes themselves).

There is way too much grinding involved, imo. I think there is a trend of increased grinding in the game in general, just as there is a trend of increased platinum prices to buy the newer warframes from the market. I might just have to get Baruuk this way as I do have the platinum, but I would have preferred if there was a less grindy way through the game.

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5 minutes ago, PurrrningBoop said:


Untill DE collects all the necessary feedback and ties the loose ends, I'd rather follow your advice.

It's sound logic when it comes to online games, let alone DE.

Though i also tend to buy the frames they've released this year because i always figure they're going to bork something up.

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