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Chat Moderation Changes and Additions!


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I mean, while this does seem to be a step in the right direction, you're not addressing the two biggest problems the chat system has right now.

1. An automated system kicks people for using non-offensive words.
2. Moderators with behavior deserving of permanent bans are still moderators. 

These concerns have already been stated in this thread, just as they have been brought up countless times over the last year or so. At some point will player feedback actually be taken into account? 

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The Chat Suspension notification is badly implemented.

Firstly, it uses white text instead of say purple text so it can easily be lost with other chat messages.
Secondly, it fails to tell you why.
Thirdly, it fails to tell for how long.

I'm not saying I shouldn't be suspended but rather the notifier is just really bad. Someone can easily be suspended from chat and never know why, thus failing to prevent them from repeating the action.

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On 2018-12-22 at 8:19 AM, Voltage said:

There is a point where apologies mean nothing, and I think we are beyond that. Clearly these moderators expressed that they have a lack of respect for rules and the well being of others that aren't themselves. Termination is not only the easiest solution, but the correct one.

Very good point.

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On 2018-12-23 at 8:41 PM, o_pogode said:

can you add some report button on moderators?

Reporting moderators clearly hasn't changed anything besides their IGN. This issue has been ongoing for years and there is quite an extensive amount of evidence involving poor behavior. I'm still baffled these players still have their positions.

Partners have been removed for exploiting the game, yet moderators have kept their accolades for exploiting the playerbase and their power as a moderator. Nothing checks out here. There is no consistency in terms of rules and punishment whatsoever. It would be nice to see that change.

We all make mistakes when it comes to recruiting. I am an officer/moderator in my clan and I have made regrettable mistakes when recruiting players. The people who are respected are the ones that make the hard decisions when it comes to handling these people. Obviously a community moderator position is much different than a clan member, but at its core, you represent a community, and if you can't act appropriately, there should be consequences.

The large amount of distaste from this playerbase is because nothing is being done. Changing usernames is the wrong direction from what needs to happen.

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On 2018-12-19 at 2:56 AM, Cleesus said:

No chat mods have been removed, the professional chat mods are in addition to the volunteer chat mods.

So wait... waitwaitwait. Ahahahaha.

Those mods in question that have been a problem for YEARS are still mods and you don't plan on doing anything about that? And yet you expect people to trust WF's moderator staff and to follow their decisions... why exactly?

This is the outcome people predicted, why people didn't think that anything of substance would change, why people doubted Bear right from the start even though he's a kinda well known community-guy. This [excrement] gets swept under the rug, AGAIN, moderators who have clearly acted out of line, against the community and solely to stroke their egos SEVERAL TIMES are still moderators. Because apparently they weren't made aware that their behavior was unacceptable, never had even the most basic rules to follow, never got a stern talking to - even though for TWO EFFIN' YEARS this has been an issue that popped up every few months.

You expect us to swallow that because they didn't technically break any rules, as there apparently weren't any, they cannot be removed. Even though - AGAIN - this has been a problem for TWO YEARS and DE assured us several times they'd look into it.


You expect the community to accept that? You think there wont be anymore issues in the future? And if there are issues in the future you expect the community to trust that those mods will be dealt with properly, this time, FOR SURE PINKYSWEAR? Why?

Why do you think those "problematic individuals" can be trusted with moderating powers? This is a joke. Yay we finally got some rules for mods and some accountability - the bare minimum. It's a joke, these people should not be trusted with policing the community ever again, they had their chance. Chances, plural. This... this is somehow exactly what I was expecting (though I was hoping otherwise) and it's still like a slap in the face. It's a joke, they need to go.

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15 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

I do think that removing purpletext from Mods is a huge mistake. What purpose does that even serve? It's like taking badges and uniforms away from cops. How is a new player supposed to know that a chat mod actually is a chat mod?

That's the point entirely. Undercover cops don't wear uniforms when they're about to make a bust so that the people they're busting don't hide the goods. Same with the chat mods. If you're an angel in front of people you know are going to ban you and then go off behind them and be an absolute turd when they log out, is their presence really making a difference? It's far more helpful for people to not know who's a mod so they're always on their best behavior.

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On 2018-12-19 at 12:12 AM, [DE]Bear said:

We have posted an official Warframe Volunteers webpage that details our volunteer teams here: https://www.warframe.com/community/volunteers. Included is the “Chat Moderator Code of Conduct” that provides a synopsis of their responsibilities, the rules that govern Chat Moderator conduct[...]

From the volunteer's section:


Digital Extremes staff carefully select each Chat Moderator from the Warframe player community. We look for a history of positive contributions to the community and a spotless Warframe account history.

How is a player who openly made a topic named "really dissapointed" victimizing him/herself and stating to be really hurt by the community's attitude towards certain topics to the point of feeling physically bad, considered "a player with a positive history of positive contributions to the community" and gets to a power position when that thread itself shows that the player in question holds a personal grudge against the rest of the playerbase?

How is it that, even tough the new rules talk about the history of volunteers being a requirement to become moderators, the problematic mods still get to keep their powers despite their deeply documented history of negative contributions to the community? 

I know it has been pointed before, but as it currently stands, these measures are nothing but empty words being tossed around for damage control and that's it.

PS: The thread is still there and can easily be found through the search function. i'm not gonna link it (at least not now nor here) because of obvious reasons. 

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If the community cannot invest their trust in fellow moderators, then there clearly IS a problem that NEEDS to be addressed at some point. Seeing as to how some debacles have been handled, I'd suggest carefully analyzing the situation as well as our feedback, then acting upon this problem with stalwart conviction, while also preparing to face whatever consequences lie ahead of the path chosen. But I've no time to rant on a soapbox, I just simply won't use Region Chat. What's the reason to use it when Clan Chat is a safe haven for sarcasm & satire?

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On 2018-12-30 at 2:11 PM, (NSW)Kromatia said:

That's the point entirely. Undercover cops don't wear uniforms when they're about to make a bust so that the people they're busting don't hide the goods. Same with the chat mods. If you're an angel in front of people you know are going to ban you and then go off behind them and be an absolute turd when they log out, is their presence really making a difference? It's far more helpful for people to not know who's a mod so they're always on their best behavior.

This is complete nonsense... Comparing a drug bust to banning bad words is crazy. Chat Mods have to give out warnings, and they do. If the warning is in purple, the people know to take it seriously. If it's not, then it just gets drowned out by all the other messages. Chat mods aren't supposed to be a secret police. Moderation rules should be readily available, and warnings should be highly visible. To argue otherwise is ridiculous. 

" If you're an angel in front of people you know are going to ban you and then go off behind them and be an absolute turd when they log out"
Well there should always be a chat mod online. Also, everybody who's played the game for a while already knows who all the chat mods are and know when they're on or offline anyway, so your whole point falls hilariously flat. 

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Here we are at the end of the first week of 2019 and what has been done?


  • A lot of talk in the beginning, not much soon after.
  • One moderator's name has been changed.
  • The other one whose name implies to others they are an employee is still unchanged.
  • No list available that shows all active in-game moderators, unlike how there's one for forum moderators (which STILL needs updating)
  • Moderators who run afoul of this line in the 'Moderator CoC' are still active.
    • With piles of evidence already detailing their negative behavior that even runs counter to common decency.
    • Will also repeat that if these individuals truly cared about the community, DE, or Warframe, they would resign of their own accord to help restore trust.
  • An unknown third-party was brought in and nothing has been shown of their past works to help instill confidence.
  • A poorly made automated bot is still in effect that still bans over mundane words.
  • Forum Staff who don't feel the need to take responsibility for their actions and say if they deleted any posts within a topic.
    • Specifics on "why" don't need to be said publicly, just that the action was performed. This would allow affected users to contact that individual for questions if need be, and thus being able to fulfill their side of the Community Guidelines.



After a reply on a Support Ticket recently, had an idea that would be great to implement:

  • Use [M] to denote in-game moderators.

Would solve the issue of the other moderator's name and also be a quick identifier for everyone. If it was handled that anyone with the Moderator Flag checked for their account would then be given that [M], it could then be setup to only show in region and relay chats. Think similarly to how Twitch Chat mods are shown.

This way, moderators that aren't mods for clans that they are in would not be given that [M] and can be in them normally.


This system could then be further expanded later on to allow Warlords and other ranked individuals of clans to also be given markers within their clan / alliance chats.



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46 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

I get what you're saying, but we're literally only 3 days into 2019 haha


Very true, lol.

I honestly intend the post to be more of "this is still an issue" (with some areas that would be good to see addressed) and hopefully prompt some discussion by the staff now that everyone is getting back into their routines.

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'm an old Warframe Player. Closed Beta old with few Hiatus's. Throughout the latter half of that time, I've put many hours into Chatframe; simply answering questions within Region when I don't have a current goal to work towards. I've learned both the easy and hard way many of the bot-triggering phrases/terms and attempt to avoid them when I can. I am overall positive within Region and typically take anything that could be construed as an argument in any terms to PMs rather than cluttering the Region chat, thus providing a poor impression of the good Warframe community to new players. I aim to pay it forward similar to those who helped me along in my Loki-starter days on Mercury did. It's something I intend to do for many in future by answering questions, assisting when asked, and not playing the game for them while showing them the path to their goals. It is hard to do this when I get suspended in Region Chat.

I'd like to abide by Region Chats rules, continue assisting new players, conversing with old ones, and avoid terms/topics you'd rather I did not use, but I find that hard to do when I get Days of Suspension without notice of what portion of my message offended the bot. I understand the lack of warnings, even if I disagree with the notion. You're trying to moderate an international game with realistic amount of human chat supervision. Being told "This is not an appropriate topic" while removing the message in question before I can review it and banning my ability to assist or converse with players in the means I prefer (as Relays still exist but are not where players typically go to ask questions) locks me out of my ability to positively influence the game and its community without knowing how to stop the punishment from occuuring again. 


I understand that I triggered some bot-moderator parameters. I understand the reasons for such bots to exist. I'd like to know what the parameters are so I can avoid the topics in question and continue assisting the game. I'd like to recieve a warning, as even my near 6 years with the game I still trip new items that I didn't know were disallowed in Region. I know Moderation is a topic currently under works and I hope these thoughts make it to whomevers ears it may concern. 

Addition: It occured to me after posting, even the suspension itself lacks transparency. It simply notes your access has been suspended without an inkling to the length of the suspension. I'd like to know if it were a day, 3 days, or a week; though I'd prefer no suspension if it were an option.

TL;DR: Transparency. Warnings. Please and Thank You

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I recently touched on this topic and was advised to send my request here.

"Greetings! I apologize for raising this topic, but I can`t ignore it.

I play on the Russian server and am very depressed by the amount of aggression in the chat. Constant CAPS, insults, sexism, recruiting and trading in the usual chat... On the Russian server there is a very strong problem with the moderators, mainly due to the fact that they are not in the game as often as we would like. Most likely they simply do not have enough free time. I would really like to help you with toxic players and therefore I ask: is there now an opportunity to become a chat moderator or recommend someone to the moderators?

Sorry for my English 😄"
I almost forgot!  More thanks to [DE]Andrew and NoLife for your help and feedback. 
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17 минут назад, Limarra сказал:

I recently touched on this topic and was advised to send my request here.

"Greetings! I apologize for raising this topic, but I can`t ignore it.

I play on the Russian server and am very depressed by the amount of aggression in the chat. Constant CAPS, insults, sexism, recruiting and trading in the usual chat... On the Russian server there is a very strong problem with the moderators, mainly due to the fact that they are not in the game as often as we would like. Most likely they simply do not have enough free time. I would really like to help you with toxic players and therefore I ask: is there now an opportunity to become a chat moderator or recommend someone to the moderators?

Sorry for my English 😄"

Da, on the Russian server it would not hurt to add moderators ... As I already said: Russia has 11 time zones, and only 9 chat moderators 😄

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How it could be improved:

-Clarify what players can and cannot say so we don't accidentally ban ourselves from chat.

-Give one-time warnings whenever we type in something that shouldn't be said so we don't say it.

-Ban only from channel we triggered the system in, not the entire game's chat system.

-Reduce ban times, I've asked around and apparently, this is going to last for up to 2 weeks and I'm just not going to play the game the entire time if that's the case because I can't do anything besides alerts and quests since I can't coordinate with my team.

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В 10.01.2019 в 22:19, Limarra сказал:

I recently touched on this topic and was advised to send my request here.

"Greetings! I apologize for raising this topic, but I can`t ignore it.

I play on the Russian server and am very depressed by the amount of aggression in the chat. Constant CAPS, insults, sexism, recruiting and trading in the usual chat... On the Russian server there is a very strong problem with the moderators, mainly due to the fact that they are not in the game as often as we would like. Most likely they simply do not have enough free time. I would really like to help you with toxic players and therefore I ask: is there now an opportunity to become a chat moderator or recommend someone to the moderators?

Sorry for my English 😄"

I almost forgot!  More thanks to [DE]Andrew and NoLife for your help and feedback. 

Okay, I take my words back. I sat in a Russian chat for two days and seemed to be able to change something. I managed to make some players kinder and now they do not break the rules of the chat. I just had to ask politely. What a pity that this does not work with all players. And what a pity that the chat bot works so badly on the Russian server.

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