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It's time for me to turn off Warframe and live my life.


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4 hours ago, Space0ddity said:

I didn't come to this game unaware of how grindy it is. I didn't know what was going on but I had a damn good time of it and I don't regret it.

But after 2 years of waiting for it to happen, it never did. Warframe never went on to be popular among my IRL friends and peers, never achieved more than labor of love, and never relented from it's extreme grindwalls.

And this orb heist update was the straw that broke the camel's back. Nothing in this update can be experienced until you grind through at least 20 hours of vallis bounties. Nothing.

I'm not here to take a second job.

I can't play a game so insecure of itself, that the only way it thinks it can stay alive is by dangling a fancy gun behind countless hours of grind in the hopes players stick around. Nor can I justify it to my friends or peers or accept myself for reccomending it to them.

I don't want to be disappointed in my most played game. I can't justify a game where ivara levels of grindwall block absolutely everything, and where the community is so shallow that they complain about noggles of all the things in the world.

See ya later, spaceninja. 

I'll be back at least a half year from now, or whenever DE starts being self-assured. If this game's devs are as godly as we think they are, I hope one day they can remove these massive grindwalls and buff droprates from 0.01% averages to 10%.

Because if things were that sweet, I probably would never have made this post.


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2 years for mr11, do you only have like 30 min to play on the weekends or something? cause if thats the case then warframe or pretty much any FTP MMO type game is the wrong kinda game for you to be playing. Otherwise taking 2 years to get there is your fault for not actually progressing, try new frames and new weapons dont listen to people who tell you whats best get out there and find stuff. DE hasnt made this game super approachable from the start but after two years of play not knowing how the game works after is your fault and your fault alone.

Not that im trying to convince you to stay, warframe clearly isnt your game. Now that youve gotten the attention you so clearly wanted you can go now.


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I wish you well in your future endeavors.

Hopefully one day you'll come back. I find that leaving (taking a break) is extremely healthy. I played other RPGs and when I came back to Warframe I had a brand new appreciation for it.

Even then, I never let WF become my life. I play quite casually. Yet I've accomplished so much.

Take a break, enjoy yourself.

I'm confused how it took you 2 years to hit MR11. I went from MR 2 to MR 24 in 1 year, and my friends who just started are already nearly MR 11. I feel you may have done something wrong my friend.

Anyways, be safe in your travels.


I admit...the Orb fight part irks me...

If DE were to make this fight like what the vocal members of these forums & Reddit want...then wouldn't that same vocal group have farmed everything & now be begging DE for "Challenge" & "something to work towards".

I mean...they keep giving folks what they ask for; yet those same folks hate them for it.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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6 hours ago, Space0ddity said:

I can't even introduce my best friend to the game because I can't figure out a way for him to progress at any reasonable rate.

It took me 2 years to get to MR11.

i mean, im sorry to say this but if it took you that long to get to mr11 when it was your main focus(and you say it like thats the case), the problem is with you, not with the game. it took me less than half of that to reach the max mr of the time (which was around 18 back then i think) and i did not even nolife the game. 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)DShinShoryuken said:


This has shown me the sad side of players replying. 

Some people suffer from addiction to this game. They just MIGHT need to read someone is quitting to get the nerve to pull themselves away for a while. 

The fact that someone is making a post means they have something to say. You might see it as uncooth or not worth it as you have seen many before hand....does not mean someone else has seen one like this. Stop looking from just your perspective and think maybe.....just maybe....this is someones first time seeing they have issues with the game and want to leave but they stay because they check up on people that have only this as their interaction with others. Not everyone is capable of going into the real world. 

I met a guy who was in an accident and had to recover. Used Warframe to speak with friends til he healed up. 


To those with the snide remarks and all that jazz....thanks for the replies. Now get back to your regularly scheduled narcissistic tirade on some internet post about some issue you have NO idea about as you canno relate to others.


You see, thing is it's forum about the game, not personal issues. It's not first topic in last couple of days which brings up personal things (previous topics were taken care of mods so you won't see them) and it's no wonder that OPs receives some backlash - people come here to talk about game, this is what this forum is made for. Not to talk about your own things which you would post on FB or IG to get some likes and shares for attention and to get high on satisfaction of people commenting how bad and sorry they feel for you. This is place where people come to talk about the game and that's it. Plus it's even posted in general discussion, not even in off topic section so people come and talk about it.

If you quit - fine, talk about it with your clan, friends, playing buddies, there is no point in going and announcing it in public with stating your own issues about the game and shutting off the door. What do you expect for people to do? Cry for him? We don't even know this guy.

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7 hours ago, Space0ddity said:

where the community is so shallow that they complain about noggles of all the things in the world.

but can you really blame them? Try to start some serious topic about be it grind, balance, reworks, just ANYTHING not related to fluff and the blind white ninjas will flock en-masse to bash you or use your thread as upvoting farm with sneerish comments (lol, actually that's what happend here, no surprises). Or you'll get "DE said no X years ago", or what will happen either way: DE won't bother to even listen.


Not long ago I talked with some dude in forum that DE ignores our feedback and he went on with "it's fine they ignore the feedback"... Like, what kind of conversation you can do after such comment?

Imo DE isn't scared or insecure. It's the problem of them living in enclosed enviroment where anything they do gets tons of blind praise and they get this feeling thay can't do no wrong. What's more their lead content designer is way too focused to push with his idea of open world content that doesn't mesh well with the rest of the game or needs few times more attention than what it got.

Edited by deothor
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