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Warframe 2019 (your hopes?)

(XBOX)EternalDrk Mako

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Just now, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

I want to see improved movement animations, because the running/sprinting/walking animations and many of the older animations in general are bad compared to more recent animation work. They're also subpar when compared to other games in the industry.

I also want to see some QoL improvements to older tilesets like The Derelict, as well as a rework of tileset skyboxes. 

that is a a good one 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

just a quick community discussion topic, whats your hopes or what do you want to see in warframe in 2019? 

so far railjack is scheduled for 2019 as is new war I think 



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im hoping more umbra variants arrive to help combat the sentient in the new war 

maybe more sentient and infested themed weapon 


1.  Volt Umbra (purely personal).

2.  A fully fleshed out Warframe concept from art design to powers that the community helps shape (inner artist).

3.  A legitimate cinematic sequel to The Second Dream that recaptures the MAGIC and delivers unto us an entirely new Tau Solar System!

Bonus:  I’d love to discover that the Sentient Homeworld is a peaceful Eden that we must choose to protect, destroy, or perhaps do nothing.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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More special events on Fortuna and Plains like Plague Star that give us a chance to earn the rare gems and fish without grinding minigames.  

More clan based events like a couple years ago for Ignis Wraith and Supra Vandal.  Right now there's no incentive to be in an active clan.

Less events like Ghouls that give us nothing after the first play through but are continuously popping up.

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I want to see mission types expanded and revisited, specifically exterminate, capture, and mobile defense. They give so little compared to other modes it makes them hardly worth playing.

I want to see syndicate standing daily limits get removed because the only people that it effects are the diehard people who really want to dive in.

I'm excited for melee to get changed because I'd be happy to see other weapon types be good.

I'd like to see archwing get expanded with more missions and nodes

I'd like to see the starchart get expanded with more planets or mission nodes that are much higher level.


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I personally would like to have some server and bug fixes for the next year. 

- More fan concept frames (especially old ones) beign made.

- Melee 3.0 and damage 3.0 finished well.

- Mod system revisit and the old unused or just endo maker mods beign reworked into something useful.

- Pet system fixes and more type of companions.

- Kingpin system

- Dark sector rework

- Ability to swim

- Earth open world expanding to the size of Vallis also filled with more animal and plant life

- Rework and add more faces for npcs, also npc customization and addition for dojo.

- New melee weapon categories like : spears, axes, maces, more sword and shield. 

- Minigames and pvp fixes.

That's mine it is your turn now.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

well, I'm a great believer in tempering one's expectations, but I still would like the following:

- no more fake Lotus: at he end of the New War, I'd like either regular Lotus back or Ordis as a replacement, depending on how that quest ends and what happens to Natah. not a fan of glitchy lotus, and if I'm gonna hear the same lines over and over, I want them to be said by the proper Lotus.

- for the New War to live up to at least some of the hype and blow our minds like The Second Dream did, and to tie up loose ends as much as it will likley ask new questions.

- for Railjack to not just be a larger and clunkier version of Archwing, and hopefully for Railjack to bring a new Archwing flight system that doesn't feel nauseating.

- for basically any updates to only improve and add to the game, rather than take away from it.


I'd want Helminth, The Man in the Wall or Tyl Regor as a replacement for the Lotus.

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I'm personally hoping that they hire an actual writer to work out all the kinks in the Lore, such as certain Prime frames as well as some other Lore snafus. Also, complete reworks to the following frames:

1. Oberon(Is still pretty much just a discount Trinity. Paladin theme needs to go, badly)

2. Vauban(Needs to either be made a proper Engineer, or ditch the theme entirely to work with the Sapper theme)

3. Chroma(Needs more Dragonframe)

4. Frost/Volt/Ember(Whats the difference again? Oh yeah, one ability, aesthetics, and some stats)

Edited by Kerberos-3
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Melee 3.0 so I can finally sell all the melee weapons I'm hoarding just in case they become decent. 

A direction to umbra frames other than releasing a 3rd version of things I've already farmed, potatoed and formad twice. 

A 21st century trading interface .. or at least integration of warframe.market functionality into the game client. 

A couple more cat DNA alerts. 


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I believe cinematics are a huge cause of content drought.  They managed Fortuna in almost as much time as Sacrifice. Granted some of Fortuna existed before the start of Sacrifice was being implemented. 

In the mists of this I do recall the Hydroid Prime trailer being mentioned by Steve that it was finished and withheld due to lore...  Which leads to question where is it? I bet the original story was altered and now a fully finished cinematic was withdrawn because of this. 



So this year..  I just want similar effort that was given to players before cinematic were involved. 

They clearly take time to make with such a small crew..  Give us actual gameplay mechanics, fixes, and whatnot. 

Work on management and potentially considered enlarging their team. But they do need to be hand selected. 

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3 minutes ago, (NSW)Evilpricetag said:

I believe cinematics are a huge cause of content drought.  They managed Fortuna in almost as much time as Sacrifice. Granted some of Fortuna existed before the start of Sacrifice was being implemented. 

In the mists of this I do recall the Hydroid Prime trailer being mentioned by Steve that it was finished and withheld due to lore...  Which leads to question where is it? I bet the original story was altered and now a fully finished cinematic was withdrawn because of this. 



So this year..  I just want similar effort that was given to players before cinematic were involved. 

They clearly take time to make with such a small crew..  Give us actual gameplay mechanics, fixes, and whatnot. 

Work on management and potentially considered enlarging their team. But they do need to be hand selected. 

Actually, it was mentioned on a recent Devstream(I want to say the last one?) that Hydroid Prime's was pretty much comeplete, it's just that someone needed to write some lines for Ballas to say.

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In order of personal relevance:

1) Melee 3.0 being good

2) Railjack being good

3)  N E W   W A R

3.5)  T A U   S Y S T E M

4) More stuff to do in the Helminth room, like a way to umbrafy other warframes, add an umbral polarity, strenghten excal umbra, any number of things really, I just want the room to have something other than a cyst popper

5) Changes to the way focus is acquired, implementation of a softcap, removal of convergeance orbs, etc.

6) Infested open world on Eris

Honorable mentions: Chroma rework that allows us to change his energy color while in missions, operator melee, komi added as a PvP minigame that gives conclave standing, a revisit to other tilesets like the one they're doing with the gas city, flying eidolon, more sentient enemies.

If we get the top 3 in 2019 I'll consider it a huge success.

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7 hours ago, LupisV0lk said:

Melee 3.0, for the forum community to get it's collective head out of it's ass and for people to stop being youtubers sheep.

It’s not too late to accept Rio into your heart, brother. Don’t worry, I will never give up on you.


in topic: I hope DE nerfs nidus.

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