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Top 6 frames that need attention in 2019

(XBOX)Knight Raime

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8 hours ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

Zephyr is just as garbage as she was before her rework changed nothing.

"But she's good plains frame" 


i'll have to respectfully disagree.

3 hours ago, ArcKnight9202 said:

For Ember: Fire is my favorite element but the frame that represents it is sadly 1-dimensional. Oh boy, it's damage on top of damage. Exciting. World on Fire sounds awesome at first until you realize how painfully unimaginative it is. If there's one skill I'd love see replaced, it's this one.

Having a way to deal with high-end armor would be nice but it could be solved just as easily(maybe) through reworking how absurd armor's DR actually becomes. That would benefit more than just Ember, too. Having to cast Accelerant just to get some decent fire damage, even on mid-level armored units, is depressing. That said, Ember needs some imagination put into her.

I always liked the idea of having a skill that burned so fast and hot that it caused a vacuum effect and pulled all the enemies towards the epicenter. Maybe if you charged up number 3 it could have that additional effect. That would be gnarly cool. Perhaps not the most functional, though, haha.

The frame just isn't very fun to play in my opinion. 😑

For Nyx: RIP my love.

Edit: I actually think Revenant is a bit underrated. I'll admit I absolutely hate his 3rd and 4th skills, though, haha. I'm used to playing frames with dead buttons. Oh, and his fashion is pretty swag.

Ember was either the first or second frame I grinded for.  Can't remember between her or nyx.  I feel you.  I can recognize that his skin and danse are what's good about him.  I'm just admittingly still pretty jaded how they made yet another AI based warframe and yet again failed miserably with it.

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Il y a 9 heures, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

Mirage has her 1 and that’s it. Her 2 and 3 are far to inconsistent to be reliable and her 4’s been nerfed to the point where using it is just for a pretty light show.

Well as a Mirage main player I mainly use the 3 which can boost insanly high your weapon damages and can be shared with allies.

The 2 is extremly usefull when you understand it, but it's totaly dependant of the tileset, for example Corpus laser doors can be instantly "deactivated" by Mirage's 2 and they will "work for you" (damaging enemy). Also on the Kuva Fortress it turns kuva turrets into allies, so it might works the same in PoE but it's more usefull in kuva surv.

Her 4 will deal insane damage if your build got enought strength, generaly build where you boost the 3 will also boost the 4, but keep in mind you'll need energy economy for it to be really interesting. Also you can reactivate it to blast the disco ball which will blind enemies, I still need to properly build my mirage for that usage.

Finally I use the 1 only when I'm not xping stuff, because the kills done by the clones goes to the frame and not to the weapon. It serv for melee very well with high range weapons but it's also some kind of protection against shoots, combined with the Mirage 3 in dark area you'll reduce incoming damage a lot, combine it with few mods and you'll see she's not as ininteressting as you thought.

But Mirage is definitly a Weapon frame with some very High Burst (instant, not constant) damage capacity with her ultimate. She also got the ability to slide for much longer and roll faster.

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14 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

I'd rather let DE Monkey explain why he's as bad as he is as he'd do the frame a far better justice than I ever could.

I'm tempted to make a video about it, showing each of his abilities and outlining why each one is subpar or straight up useless.

It'll take me some time to learn video editing and deciding whether to talk or just add text, but given how much people love to praise youtubers as if they're a higher power, I figure maybe this way I'll have a shot and getting across what I mean.

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vor 33 Minuten schrieb (XB1)Knight Raime:

Could you elaborate more on titania?

Her cast time is way to long, so that you can't play her without Natural Talent and even with you will sometimes be to slow to cast your cc before you die. Her Lantern is bugged and does not attract enemies consistent. Her Tribute buffs are not really good and you still lose your pet in Razorwing, which is not terrible now that we got Vacuum, but still sad that you can't benefit from their utility.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Hm.  I agree that her eclipse is not consistent due to it not being a snap shot ability.  But I still think it's useful regardless of what effect it's giving.  So I think it's a bit wrong to say she only has her one.  Could you elaborate more on titania?  I like her and have never personally understood why she's been considered bad outside of tribute being really clunky to use.

Spellbinds floating Ragdoll sucks because bullets and melee knock the enemy around.

Half of Tributes buffs are useless

Latern, even with the buffs to it has bugs that are preventing it from functioning correctly, and the floating ragdoll issue persists here despite the change to have it return very very slowly to its original position.

Razor wing is fine. Dex Pixia is good DPS.


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what? reworking underperfoming warframes? in warframe? nah better release more dojo/orbiter decorations or stuff like k drives because you know, those are what make the game running, surely not the warframes. i mean minelayer is so good right? spamming bounce pads while waiting people at extraction its so good and satisfying why would i ever want something that has an actual use in a mission, and tesla? oh man tickling enemies and turning allies into christmas trees its so satisfying as well 

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4 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

I'm tempted to make a video about it, showing each of his abilities and outlining why each one is subpar or straight up useless.

It'll take me some time to learn video editing and deciding whether to talk or just add text, but given how much people love to praise youtubers as if they're a higher power, I figure maybe this way I'll have a shot and getting across what I mean.

Monkey becomes partner i can see you and aggp having a sass off at tennocon

it be quite the sight

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My top 3 for a rework/tweak would be :

  • Titania : she is defenitely not bad, but as they are working on her now I hope they take some additional time and make her less clunky and buggy ( mentioned above )
  • Ember : mainly because she is boring to play and could be so much more, she was my main but cannot live up to her theme of Fire "Mage"
  • Nyx : still only one really good ability, I hope they also look some more into her.

I cannot say anything about Vauban (never played him) or Wukong (played him just some hours), but as a lot of threads are up for them they probably need some attention.

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On 2019-01-03 at 8:06 AM, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Hm.  I agree that her eclipse is not consistent due to it not being a snap shot ability.  But I still think it's useful regardless of what effect it's giving.  So I think it's a bit wrong to say she only has her one.  Could you elaborate more on titania?  I like her and have never personally understood why she's been considered bad outside of tribute being really clunky to use.

Oh if only it were Tribute being clunky to use and 3/4 of the buffs derived from it being an exercise in nihilism.

There's LanternI had a build set for max range lantern for interception/excavation. It was sweet, it was glorious and it was going to have four 56-meter-attraction lanterns tethered, no stapled/staked/immobile to the ground. You know, like the lantern in the Lion the Witch The Wardrobe? The lanterns in every 19th-20th century park? Glorious, liberated of the need for Razorwing to survive and possibly making the augment for it very viable.

What did I get? I got a balloon that provides a pretty light as every enemy in the solar system strolls past it and shoots me in the face. Maybe it will come back if it gets knocked away and settle in place. Or maybe it'll get stuck on geometry.

Finally Razorwing.  Welcome to the dichotomous states of 100% alive or 100% dead based on the flip of a coin.  To a certain extent she can survive in Razorwing using motion to increase enemy inaccuracy which is the best survivability buff she has going for her.  But she still meets a mechanical fly swatter whenever a boss has homing attacks or unavoidable damage (Profit Taker) or she encounters immunity (Arbitration drones).  If future design includes say The Floor is Lava, a boss fight in a disco rave with deadly lasers, or other attacks avoidable by mobility/skill (as opposed to *masochistic voice* "Please Sah, I want moar stacks of Adaptation, hit me again please") then yes, she'd be great.  Res a team mate or use an objective?  No can do in Razorwing, they're on their own.

Want to heal up in Operator?  Oh sure, exit Razorwing go to foot then Operator and then back again.  Fight an eidolon?  Oh hell no, the multi-stage clunky transition gets really annoying really fast.

Edited by WhimsicalPacifist
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22 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Would be curious to hear why you think titania and mirage are in dire states.

Mirage has good self buffer for dps and has illusions to dodge bullets BUT, those two including 4th is set and forget.


It has high duration if built 200% duration + 200% strength for the self buffer, which is great.


Shes strong but unfortunately not that interactive except playing with AOE weapons that can bounce or explode.


Just need interactive abilities that make her active. Shes just chroma but with illusion and self buff.


Titania has some problem that players might not notice.


Now her reworked caused problem on her Lantern, lantern seemingly not prevent enemies from shooting which might be a bug.


Some tribute buff is bad especially the one with "50% damage taken will be returned to the attacker" which is suicide for high level.


Razorwing that is mini archwing has bad control, which DE need to overhaul Archwing mechanics just to fix razorwing.


Razorflies do not scale their health with enemy level, means they get killed pretty fast and that causeTitania's lose her defense from getting shot.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Herrwann69 said:

Most of the problems you're putting on frames are gameplay and system matters.

What most of those frames need is not a rework but a overall damage rework and system adjustements.

While true, is that going to happen? DE made a big push about sweeping reforms to damage and scaling like a year ago: status redesigns, element rebalances, retooling enemy defenses, cutting back on needlessly inflationary +numbers mods...  and then they stopped talking about it.

For now it seems like we're stuck with what we've got, so making suggestions for how to fix stuff in the game as it exists makes sense. 

Edited by Elementalos
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I hope they do something to Ember and Valkyr...


Ember feels so weak to play... I dont know how good she was before the WoF nerf because I wasent there at that time but how was she a better option back then than Saryn, Banshee or Mesa noways? She can barley kill level 50 enemy with ability. She is a caster! She dont have any damage reduction or movement ability. That WoF consumes more energy is fine but why does the range shrink by 50%???


Same with Valkyr. Valkyr is a melee frame but in the end you can almost use every other frame for melee combat. Her 1 is pretty useless. Her 2 is good but if you have to much power you glitch the animations... and other frames can just get attack speed with mods so there is that... Her 3 is also useless. A stun? Why do you need a MELEE RANGE STUN when you just can shredd them with a melee weapon? Maybe make them open to finishers for a long time to balance out the range and the lost of shields. Her 4 is also pretty week if you compare her to other exalted weapons. I like the life steal but why invincible? Why not remove the "death ring" and make it a 90% damage reduction and 50% life steal or even less. Almost every melee weapon is better than the claws of her... and I like the skill!


I hope they see that they need some love.

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Oh also forgot about Titania.  She has a few bugs involving transitions between states.  Specifically losing the ability to go into Operator, losing all abilities, and getting stuck in geometry where /unstuck won't save you.  It's not too bad in a normal mission, (managing to die will reset you) but these will end your Arbitration run if you run into them.

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On 2019-01-03 at 7:27 AM, DeMonkey said:

I'm tempted to make a video about it, showing each of his abilities and outlining why each one is subpar or straight up useless.

It'll take me some time to learn video editing and deciding whether to talk or just add text, but given how much people love to praise youtubers as if they're a higher power, I figure maybe this way I'll have a shot and getting across what I mean.

I'd deff be interested in seeing that.

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On 2019-01-03 at 7:44 AM, Naneel said:

Her cast time is way to long, so that you can't play her without Natural Talent and even with you will sometimes be to slow to cast your cc before you die. Her Lantern is bugged and does not attract enemies consistent. Her Tribute buffs are not really good and you still lose your pet in Razorwing, which is not terrible now that we got Vacuum, but still sad that you can't benefit from their utility.


On 2019-01-03 at 8:16 AM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Spellbinds floating Ragdoll sucks because bullets and melee knock the enemy around.

Half of Tributes buffs are useless

Latern, even with the buffs to it has bugs that are preventing it from functioning correctly, and the floating ragdoll issue persists here despite the change to have it return very very slowly to its original position.

Razor wing is fine. Dex Pixia is good DPS.


Thank you both.

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Revenants fine, the only issue he has is long casting animations and you can just slot in natural talent instead of a health mod since mesmar skin stops him from taking damage anyway.  

He has insane mobility with his 3 and 4 synergy, and his 1's still a better version of nyxs gimmick. I dont get people's issue with him, is it because he has a similar 4 to mesa that is actually balanced and not braindead overkill like peacemaker which has honestly needed a nerf for a long time coming

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i would say

#1 wukong since his one is flatout useless, worse than valkyrs ripcord thing. His 3 is also totally useless and his 4 is more or less also useless, if he wasnt the frame thats debatably more immortal than any other frame he would be completely useless.

#2 probably vauban, his damage is abysmal, his survivability is poor, and his cc has not held its efficacy as the game progressed. His theme is also severely squandered as the combat engineer and really deserves to be developed. 

#3: nyx. she seems to be one of the oldest victims of antiquation. Her kit is just so outdated and really does not showcase her theme well. She can mind control 1 person, rev can control a whole group. Psychic bolts would be nice if they did respectable damage but are currently not worth using. Chaos is neat and does help to fill her kit in thematically, similar abilities exist such as radial disarm. I think the augment should either be the main skill or not hinder the range. Nyx would do well being able to inhabit the bodies of enemies for various effects such as hacking, bypassing alarm systems/barriers in addition to attacking.

#4: Titania: the changes theyve mentioned last i heard are far from being adequate. Lantern needs to not float away or it should really just be able to be tethered to objects. Itd be cool if the augment would reduce the radius but allow like 4, thne she could tether a lantern to each of her allies and everyone runs around all happy and free. spellbind would be perfectly fine if the radius wasnt 5 fcking useless meters. just halve the cast range and make the aoe radius equal to it and it would be perfectly fine. The only tribue aura thats really of much use is dust and that falls off pretty quickly at higher levels because of titanias abysmal ehp, thorns and entangle are flat out useless and full moon is only good for hyper niche pet focused team builds.

#5: valkyr is not bad, really fell out after her nerf but she was basically perma immortal. from what i understand she has a useless skill in her ripcord zip line thing but imo her biggest problem is how laughable her claws look since garuda was released. Valkyrs claws should be as cool or better than garudas talons. Like make some of them out of energy or something anything cooler than the tiny little knuckle pins she has now

6+ honestly so many champs have like half of their kit being filled with outdated or useless skills, warframe really needs to start devoting resources to reworking old content to bring it up to the current quality of the game. wf isnt a new game anymore, it's middle aged and needs more maintenance than it did before, DE needs to figure that out.


also rev does not need a rework, lol thats a joke, he can press 4 and delete an entire room

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On 2019-01-03 at 7:44 AM, Aldain said:

Just here to say that Ember isn't quite as bad as Wukong and Vauban and would likely benefit from a smaller rework (energy cost being a big one) and some form of armor countermeasures rather than a more full overhaul. Ember is mostly serviceable, but her damage element doesn't fit well in today's wacky armor hyper scaling conditions and a few changes to make her better against armor and an increase to fun factor would likely be most of what she needs, rather than a full rework.

Giving her the ability to strip armor and shield based on the heat damage might do the trick.

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1 hour ago, JarodDempsey said:

#3: nyx. she seems to be one of the oldest victims of antiquation. Her kit is just so outdated and really does not showcase her theme well. She can mind control 1 person, rev can control a whole group. Psychic bolts would be nice if they did respectable damage but are currently not worth using. Chaos is neat and does help to fill her kit in thematically, similar abilities exist such as radial disarm. I think the augment should either be the main skill or not hinder the range. Nyx would do well being able to inhabit the bodies of enemies for various effects such as hacking, bypassing alarm systems/barriers in addition to attacking.


 this is actually genius imagine instead of controlling an enemy u get to actually play as an enemy you choose with 5x the enemy controlled base dmg or crib multiplies (scales with power strength duration and drain) imagine playing as Nox or corrupted heave bombard lol that would make Nyx's very well tuned 

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