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So, the Brakk. What's the point?


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I finally got the final Brakk parts drop from the G3. I'm working on my MR22 test, so this has taken a while. I have killed the G3 a lot, though I haven't gone out of my way to get this.

So what do I get for this amazingly hard to get shotgun? A mediocre MR6 weapon with no real stand out qualities. If I'd got it at MR6 I guess it would have been decent, but who's fought the G3 that many times by MR6?

Shouldn't it be something special? Maybe 30% status for that magic 100% with 4 60-60 mods?

Then again, somehow this has a riven disposition of 2, which is surprising given it appears to be MR fodder.

So what's the point of this weapon?

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Brakk used to be one of the strongest weapons in the game, thanks to its high damage per shot and insane burst DPS. This was WAAAAY back in the day, though, during the glory days of the Acrid (i.e. during the days where all weapons were actually capable of bypassing armor simply by adding Armor-Piercing damage).

Damage 2.0 (November 2013) changed up damage types so that you couldn't just attach a "lol ignore armor" mod to your weapon, which basically took away Brakk's ability to deal with armor. In the years since then, many weapons gained access to new ways of mitigating/ignoring armor (e.g. 100% Status, Hunter Muntions), but the Brakk kind of... didn't. Even its one niche (high burst DPS) has since been overshadowed by numerous shotguns and crit weapons.



Why is its riven disposition still low if its popularity peak was in literally 2013? Who the hell knows.

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yeah it might be good to move it to cetus and syndicathe rewards, as well as pvp loot pool, if the brakk were to also have some hot sister handcannon, or pistol to toywith, it should be added or weaved into bounties, and submission on earth, at least they should have some more of its blueprints to popularize the farm process and new mods.

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14 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

My same question. I literally never see people use it

I drag mine out on occasion. It'll still kill the hell out of stuff if you stick in their nose and empty the cylinder. 

However, the Pyrana Prime exists, sooo… /shrug

I'd like to see a Vaykor or Prisma Brakk with a good stat update, but I'm not holding my breath. 

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24 minutes ago, COATTOQUALUNQUE said:

brakk is a decent weapon,  problem is getting the damn thing

It's decent for MR6. Unless you get crazy lucky grinding the G3 most players are going to get it somewhere MR12+, by which point there are significantly better shotgun pistols.

Either the Brakk should be an automatic drop for beating the G3 the first time, or it should reflect that it's so hard to get and be MR12+ with stats to match.

18 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

Brakk used to be one of the strongest weapons in the game, thanks to its high damage per shot and insane burst DPS

I would have guessed something like that, but who's keeping the Riven disposition so low? Anyone love this weapon and able to explain why?

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1 minute ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

It's decent for MR6. Unless you get crazy lucky grinding the G3 most players are going to get it somewhere MR12+, by which point there are significantly better shotgun pistols.

Either the Brakk should be an automatic drop for beating the G3 the first time, or it should reflect that it's so hard to get and be MR12+ with stats to match.

I would have guessed something like that, but who's keeping the Riven disposition so low? Anyone love this weapon and able to explain why?

brakk was popular, riven dispo is determined by weapon popularity, brakk dispo got buffed at patch 24, so with time and powercreep more and more unforgiving, dispo gonna go up, also powercreep aside i believe it can do sorties just fine 

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

I would have guessed something like that, but who's keeping the Riven disposition so low? Anyone love this weapon and able to explain why?

The dispositions aren't refreshed procedurally. The weapon could have literally zero players using it, and its disposition wouldn't change unless DE deliberately updated it.

I know this doesn't explain why the disposition was so low to begin with (considering that the Brakk's popularity plummeted long before rivens came out), but riven dispositions make very little sense all-around. DE claims to have set the dispositions based on weapon popularity, but didn't define what exactly they mean by "popularity"-- for instance, they made no mention of the timeframe over which the weapon usage data was collected, or how much of the disposition-selecting was purely arbitrary.

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8 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

he dispositions aren't refreshed procedurally. The weapon could have literally zero players using it, and its disposition wouldn't change unless DE deliberately updated it.

Yes, but they just did a dispo pass, and have done lots more over the 5 years or so since this weapon was worth using.

20 minutes ago, COATTOQUALUNQUE said:

powercreep aside i believe it can do sorties just fine 

So can just about anything with the right mods. I could take the Brakk and scrape by, or I could take something like the Mara Detron (a tradable weapon that Baro stocks every 6 months or so, so much easier to get) and own everything on the map and somehow still have a higher Riven disposition.

It's not a worthless gun, it's just hard to get and weirdly popular for something so mediocre.

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13 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

Yes, but they just did a dispo pass, and have done lots more over the 5 years or so since this weapon was worth using.

To be fair, that dispo pass was very... conservative. Not a single weapon changed its disposition by more than a single "pip" in the arsenal.
It felt as if DE wanted to show that they're capable of making changes to rivens, but didn't want to make the changes so extreme that riven marketeers start rioting.

But yeah, overall, I'm still as baffled as you are that the riven disposition is so stupidly low on such a crappy weapon.

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It was my main secondary when I was rewarded it following the Gradivus Dilemma. I loved that thing, it was among the most powerful secondaries for its time. It's fallen off the charts since then and now it gathers dust in my arsenal as a now-mastery fodder weapon.

I'd love for it to make a comeback.

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9 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

To be fair, that dispo pass was very... conservative. Not a single weapon changed its disposition by more than a single "pip" in the arsenal

It's been ages since the Brakk was competitive. Lots of passes. Even if they only moved it ½ a pip each time it would be 4 or 5 by now (it's probably worth a 4 - it's not Convectrix-level useless).

5 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

It was my main secondary when I was rewarded it following the Gradivus Dilemma. I loved that thing, it was among the most powerful secondaries for its time. It's fallen off the charts since then and now it gathers dust in my arsenal as a now-mastery fodder weapon.

I'd love for it to make a comeback.

Yes, I think that's a common view from players who were around then :).

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51 minutes ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

Yes, but they just did a dispo pass, and have done lots more over the 5 years or so since this weapon was worth using.

So can just about anything with the right mods. I could take the Brakk and scrape by, or I could take something like the Mara Detron (a tradable weapon that Baro stocks every 6 months or so, so much easier to get) and own everything on the map and somehow still have a higher Riven disposition.

It's not a worthless gun, it's just hard to get and weirdly popular for something so mediocre.

well if you put it that way you have a point, i made a post asking if it was possible to get a buff for twin vipers wraith since the weapon despite being cool looking and fun to use, its S#&$, i mean even with the right mods and carrier its very possible to run out of ammo, and takes 40 p or 12 missions (4 invasions if a tvw component is rewarded) to get while weapons such as ignis wraith its a 5p or free blueprint. 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

It's been ages since the Brakk was competitive. Lots of passes.

You'd think so, right? But no, disposition passes have been virtually nonexistent.

I think the pass in U24.0 was the first true dispo pass since riven dispositions were introduced. To my understanding, Brakk was assigned a crappy disposition in 19.0.6, and was updated to a slightly-less-crappy disposition in 24.0, and that's literally it.

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17 hours ago, Loza03 said:

Or, in keeping with its counterpart Detron getting a fancy unique variant, something like Kuva Brakk when?

Mara Detron is just a Prisma weapon that DE for some reason refuses to rename, same with the Eos Prime set.

Nope, this issue totally isn't still rustling my jimmies, nah, perish the thought.

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4 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

Mara Detron is just a Prisma weapon that DE for some reason refuses to rename, same with the Eos Prime set.

Nope, this issue totally isn't still rustling my jimmies, nah, perish the thought.

Description states the Mara Detron is the "original" Detron all modern Detrons are based off of.

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In addition to Damage 1.0 > 2.0 changes they also later gave Brakk Damage Fall-off at max 22m which was the final nail in the coffin for the weapon. I recall shooting that thing across rooms no problem. Now you'll get 60% damage and the fall-off starts at 11m which is 1m more than some melee weapons can reach so there isn't much point.

I kinda question any weapon with such short fall-off with melee damage output that we have.

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20 hours ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

It's decent for MR6.  

Going to highlight this, since it's really the fundamental problem with the Brakk going forward from where we are now. 

It's a low MR weapon with the concomitant limitations that brings with it. 

A better Brakk will have to be a new Brakk--Prisma, Wraith, Vaykor, or whatever variant. Then it could have a much higher MR and much better stats more suited to the present milieu. 

It's an interesting gun and a new variant would be popular, especially if you like handcannons. It's still my most used secondary, though that's mostly from the Good Old Days(tm) and certainly not from recent use. 

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On 2019-01-16 at 11:25 PM, (XB1)KayAitch said:

So what's the point of this weapon?

Currently none. As others mentioned, the weapon used to be amazing, but suffered hard from the Damage 2.0 changes, and following that got powercreeped so hard that it turned into Mastery fodder. What was supposed to be a cool reward for repeatedly beating a then-powerful assassin squad is now nothing really special (the Detron suffers from the exact same problem). Technically, DE could simply buff its stats, but using their current model for weapon balancing, if they wanted to make it really powerful they'd also likely want to bump up its MR requirement, which would make certain players unable to use the difficult weapon they spent a lot of time grinding.

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16 minutes ago, Teridax68 said:

which would make certain players unable to use the difficult weapon they spent a lot of time grinding

They still would be able to use it unless they ditched it and have to craft it again. MR requirements don't apply on what's in your inventory, they apply on what you can craft, buy or trade.


In my eyes, Brakk is still more than decent. I can't deny it's not the best secondary out there (mostly compared to the recent secondaries) and that the damage falloff is quite bad, but it does pretty well if modded correctly.

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23 minutes ago, Redeye said:

They still would be able to use it unless they ditched it and have to craft it again. MR requirements don't apply on what's in your inventory, they apply on what you can craft, buy or trade.

Then that would simply shut off the Brakk to people who haven't crafted it yet, and we're back at the same problem, made even worse by the fact that the player wouldn't even have a single weapon, so much as a scattered set of parts that they can't even put together because of some arbitrary progress barrier. The OP is unlikely to run into either issue because they're at MR 21 at least, if not MR 22 as we speak, but seeing how many people routinely complain about how mediocre the Brakk is once they finally unlock it, they are by far not the only person looking for the weapon, and setting themselves up for disappointment.


In my eyes, Brakk is still more than decent. I can't deny it's not the best secondary out there (mostly compared to the recent secondaries) and that the damage falloff is quite bad, but it does pretty well if modded correctly.

Literally any weapon "does pretty well if modded correctly". The Machete, the worst weapon in the game, can be made Sortie-viable if you force a Condition Overload or Maiming Strike build out of it, and the same can be said for a fully-Forma'd MK-1 Braton or Lato. At the end of the day, the fact remains that the Brakk is shockingly mediocre for how hard it is to obtain, particularly when compared to a weapon like the Atomos, one of the best secondaries in the game right now (if not the current best), with a fairly cheap, easy mode of unlocking (you just get to MR 5, lower than the Brakk's current MR requirement, buy the blueprint off the market, find two Argon, and you're golden). Unlike several other shotgun secondaries, the weapon cannot even reach 100% status per shot, which means it cannot even make full use of the overpowered modding options given to all other weapons.

Edited by Teridax68
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@Teridax68 I can agree on the fact that Brakk is shockingly hard to obtain compared to how good it is. Fortunately, mine does a hundred times better than my 8 forma riven'd MK1 Braton, or even 7 forma riven'd Lato (I've got free time and formas ok).

Your point of view on Atomos is debatable (and I've ben using it for quite a long time, even before it got buffed), but that's off-topic. Comparing it to the Brakk in terms of usefulness vs obtainability is quite relevant however. I'm not saying Brakk doesn't need a buff, or an easier way of obtaining it. I'm saying some here might be underrating it.


On a side-note: modding a Brakk for status is as smart as doing the same for Vaykor Hek.

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