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Are "Mastery Rank Tests" there to make players leave the game?


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On 2019-01-30 at 9:00 PM, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

Don't be that person. For years there wasn't even a practice option for mastery tests. Then DE didn't even inform players that they could practice the tests and only used a prompt for them to take the mastery test. It wasn't until very recently that DE did anything to inform players that they could actually practice the MR test before taking it.

Woo boy, good thing this thread was bumped moments before I logged back on to look through this forum, so I don't have to feel bad about responding to you over a week later.

I'll damn well be "that person". It's irrelevant if there wasn't a practice option in the past, or if they only recently added the clarity; that was then, this thread is now. And all of us who were around for that update could have read the patch notes. And I'll reiterate, you can use eyeballs and/or explore the environments you find yourself in. It's a video game, explore. The purpose of MR and the acquisition of MR points may not be clearly explained, but the test practices and the functions of Simaris/Sanctuary are not hidden or vague. As the first person to respond to you said, stop being accustomed to being "over tutorialized". The issue at hand isn't even that bad, and at this point in the game's life it's basically a non-issue.

The 24 hour delay is an eh deal to me. The most sympathy I give are to people who may have failed their tests due to a bug, and being forced to wait those 24 hours. But no sympathy for people who fail and then immediately head off to forums to make complaint threads because they want the game to be immediately folded and changed to suit what they want. 

Edited by so_many_watermelons
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1 hour ago, so_many_watermelons said:

Woo boy, good thing this thread was bumped moments before I logged back on to look through this forum, so I don't have to feel bad about responding to you over a week later.

I'll damn well be "that person". It's irrelevant if there wasn't a practice option in the past, or if they only recently added the clarity; that was then, this thread is now. And all of us who were around for that update could have read the patch notes. And I'll reiterate, you can use eyeballs and/or explore the environments you find yourself in. It's a video game, explore. The purpose of MR and the acquisition of MR points may not be clearly explained, but the test practices and the functions of Simaris/Sanctuary are not hidden or vague. As the first person to respond to you said, stop being accustomed to being "over tutorialized". The issue at hand isn't even that bad, and at this point in the game's life it's basically a non-issue.

The 24 hour delay is an eh deal to me. The most sympathy I give are to people who may have failed their tests due to a bug, and being forced to wait those 24 hours. But no sympathy for people who fail and then immediately head off to forums to make complaint threads because they want the game to be immediately folded and changed to suit what they want. 

I'm MR 26 so I've been around a while now. The mastery rank system was poorly implememted and only recently were any QoL improvements made. This was after years, yes years, of asking, no begging DE for them.

So no, I don't blame players for venting their frustrations on the forums because DE deserves the criticism. The fail timer needs to be reduced to 12 at minimum and 22 at most. And the success timer needs to be reduced to 1 hour at minimum and 10 hours at most. The tests themselves have been overhauled several times now and stealth is still awkward, amps have a quills faction barrier, archwing is way too floaty, but parkour is finally in a good place (some tests were awful before bullet jumps were added).

In the end, while I understand the need for mastery tests as a qualification for increasing your arsenal, I also understand that they are not perfect and their flaws are continually ignored by DE. It is only because the community has worked so hard to document how to overcome these issues that players do not complain more about them.

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I dont think anything should be reduced, or removed. Mastery rank should never NEVER be fun. It should be difficult, because it tests your skills. If you cant do it, then play the game more and learn because you clearly do not know anything about this game

Edited by Rhaegar2k17
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Mastery rank is there to earn DE money, the tests really aren't necessary for that, it just adds some flavor. Warframe is free to play so to make money DE needs to encourage you to collect all the frames and weapons you can, hopefully spending money on some to save time, or at least buying some more inventory space. Why would I want multiple tank frames, multiple support frames, multiple dps frames, multiple different sniper rifles, etc.? Thus DE came up with mastery rank to keep you grinding, lets face it you can level a frame and or weapon fast if you know where to go, so to keep you playing and spending you need to keep getting more frames and weapons, not just the ones you like.

Realistically it is nonsense. Yes some weapon classes require unique skills and training, but if you are a good marksman with your PPK, you should be able to go the range and quickly shoot well with my H&K. Switching from one sniper rifle to another should not require relearning how to shoot.  Weapons in the same class should not require redoing mastery rank. The whole system is a not so subtle technique to keep you playing pokemon and collecting them all.

Edited by brucifer1
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What MR test are you having trouble in? I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but you can go to Samaris at the relays to practice your tests. Some tests are frustrating, but they're basically a test of your general knowledge of the game. You can also find a crapload of vidoes on YouTube of each MR test and the best way to pass them. I know it's annoying as kcuf all, but you can do it!

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MR tests only serve to make people who don't like obvious tests rethink why they are playing. 

You get good at MR tests the same way you get good at anything in the game. By alt tabbing and having a wiki or YouTuber explain it to you. But they are not one in the same, just like everything else in the game.

In the end I got over it and passed the tests but only because I like the rest of the game. MR tests just feel like a mini mission based extension of a bad metal gear solid game to me.

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TBH those Tenno that able to pass through the hardship within Warframe is True Tenno. I curious why some Tenno able to do all the challenge DE given yet some cannot. It weird to me take some example .

1) Grind - Some love it and able to Grind happily but some cannot accept the Grind

2) Graphic - Some love the Unique Warframe world but some cannot accept the Graphic

3) Gameplay - Some master it/adapt it Train to the Finest but some cannot do it

4) MR Test - Some can do it but some cannot accept it

5) Whole game - Some really love Warframe with Heart but some like to rage 

6) DE - Some truly love DE and appreciate what DE did but some cannot.

 Warframe is a game that full of weirdness in game industry.. 

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2 hours ago, Gnlstorm said:

TBH those Tenno that able to pass through the hardship within Warframe is True Tenno. I curious why some Tenno able to do all the challenge DE given yet some cannot. It weird to me take some example .

1) Grind - Some love it and able to Grind happily but some cannot accept the Grind

2) Graphic - Some love the Unique Warframe world but some cannot accept the Graphic

3) Gameplay - Some master it/adapt it Train to the Finest but some cannot do it

4) MR Test - Some can do it but some cannot accept it

5) Whole game - Some really love Warframe with Heart but some like to rage 

6) DE - Some truly love DE and appreciate what DE did but some cannot.

 Warframe is a game that full of weirdness in game industry.. 

That is probably one of the main things that keeps me coming back to the game...the fact its this weird grab-bag of ideas, that don't necessarily mesh together very well, but create a rather unique, schizophrenic game that has individual elements that appeal to all sorts of people, while as a whole being full of flaws in the eyes of many players.

The forums pretty well reflect this, with all the threads calling for X, Y & Z to be added, while getting rid of A, B & C.


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the first MR test i've failed was 19. the trick is to make sure that you can pass it: go to simaris in the relays, practice until you can pass it thrice in a row, not just barely, but smoothly, and then dive into the actual attempt. It's simple as that, really. as for 19, i recommend getting clever. there's a banshee/gunblade strategy to safely wipe the map before going in, but you can also use glaives or (how i did it) use the sacrifice's quest-reward blade with its post-finisher invisibility to clean out the map undetected and get free reign of it. the thing with MR tests is that it doesn't test just how you press your buttons, but also to force you to plan ahead and get clever with your loadouts.

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4 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

That is probably one of the main things that keeps me coming back to the game...the fact its this weird grab-bag of ideas, that don't necessarily mesh together very well, but create a rather unique, schizophrenic game that has individual elements that appeal to all sorts of people, while as a whole being full of flaws in the eyes of many players.

The forums pretty well reflect this, with all the threads calling for X, Y & Z to be added, while getting rid of A, B & C.


I really like the warframe combat when Tenno truly master and known all the warframe mystery this game will be so much fun

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I left Warframe (MR14) because these Mastery Rank Tests are just so stupid and game killing to me....

I think theres nothing more stupid than these forced Mastery Tests.... i dislike them with passion...

All i wanted was to trade and i needed to do theses Tests to get more Trades per day.... how stupid ....

My Account is rotting since like 12 month with 8k Plat and like 5k plat in items... so like 13k Platinum for nothing...

If i log in sometimes i get this 75% Ticket which i dont care about...


Once these Mastery Tests are gone i return to play the game further seriously....




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6 minutes ago, Tuccos said:

I left Warframe (MR14) because these Mastery Rank Tests are just so stupid and game killing to me....

I think theres nothing more stupid than these forced Mastery Tests.... i dislike them with passion...

All i wanted was to trade and i needed to do theses Tests to get more Trades per day.... how stupid ....

My Account is rotting since like 12 month with 8k Plat and like 5k plat in items... so like 13k Platinum for nothing...

If i log in sometimes i get this 75% Ticket which i dont care about...


Once these Mastery Tests are gone i return to play the game further seriously....

Do you take a breath after each word when talking?

No? Then don't abuse ellipsis. Those 3 dots have a meaning and you are not using them correctly. Sentences are supposed to be ended with a full stop.

An ellipsis (plural: ellipses) is a punctuation mark consisting of three dots.

Use an ellipsis when omitting a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage. Ellipses save space or remove material that is less relevant. They are useful in getting right to the point without delay or distraction:

Full quotation: "Today, after hours of careful thought, we vetoed the bill."

With ellipsis: "Today … we vetoed the bill."

Although ellipses are used in many ways, the three-dot method is the simplest. Newspapers, magazines, and books of fiction and nonfiction use various approaches that they find suitable.

Some writers and editors feel that no spaces are necessary.

Example: I don't know…I'm not sure.

Others enclose the ellipsis with a space on each side.

Example: I don't know … I'm not sure.

Still others put a space either directly before or directly after the ellipsis.

I don't know …I'm not sure.
I don't know… I'm not sure.

A four-dot method and an even more rigorous method used in legal works require fuller explanations that can be found in other reference books.

Source: https://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/ellipses.asp

Knowing this, your post should look like this:


I left Warframe at MR14 because these Mastery Rank Tests are just so stupid and game killing for me.

I think there's nothing more stupid than these forced Mastery Tests, I hate them with passion.

All I wanted was to trade and I needed to do these tests to get more Trades per day... How stupid... (here it's actually ok to use ellipses)

My Account has been rotting for like 12 months with 8k Plat and like 5k plat in items, so like 13k Platinum for nothing... (This is a passable use too, as a sort of dramatic pause)

When I log in sometimes I get this 75% Ticket which I don't care about.


Once these Mastery Tests are gone I will return to the game.


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3 hours ago, Tuccos said:

I left Warframe (MR14) because these Mastery Rank Tests are just so stupid and game killing to me....

I think theres nothing more stupid than these forced Mastery Tests.... i dislike them with passion...

All i wanted was to trade and i needed to do theses Tests to get more Trades per day.... how stupid ....

My Account is rotting since like 12 month with 8k Plat and like 5k plat in items... so like 13k Platinum for nothing...

If i log in sometimes i get this 75% Ticket which i dont care about...


Once these Mastery Tests are gone i return to play the game further seriously....




So you are never coming back to this game yet continue to post on the forums (12 months later)?   Wow...that is all sorts of "amazing".    Is your life such that reading these forums of game your don't play waiting for this one specific thread topic to come up is what gets you going?    

Too many flags..you are either playing and lying about quitting or trolling.  I'll let you decide.

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5 hours ago, Tuccos said:

I left Warframe (MR14) because these Mastery Rank Tests are just so stupid and game killing to me....

I think theres nothing more stupid than these forced Mastery Tests.... i dislike them with passion...

All i wanted was to trade and i needed to do theses Tests to get more Trades per day.... how stupid ....

My Account is rotting since like 12 month with 8k Plat and like 5k plat in items... so like 13k Platinum for nothing...

If i log in sometimes i get this 75% Ticket which i dont care about...


Once these Mastery Tests are gone i return to play the game further seriously....




I don't see how it's stupid at all. If you think about it, players can earn affinity simply by having other squad members do things. It's easy to get affinity without doing much. The test is there to make sure that you actually deserve the higher rank and not just because you got carried. IMO it sounds more stupid that you got your high MR by simply leeching off other players. Not that most players leech but if you really did your part in game, you should have enough experience to pass the test right? Then if not, it's an eye opener that you actually need to up your game - > this should make you wanna practice again and again till you get better and pass the test. 

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Gonna drop an nuclear hot take here.

Most of the tests are fine really, its just that some of them hamstring you into playing a certain way or using a halfbaked mechanics that aren't used/are ignored in every other mission/piece of content in the game.

The 24 hour limit on doing/retrying tests is a silly hold over that makes the game feel less like a real game, and more like a phone app that wants to steal money.

Lastly, the screen for the tests should give a little blurb that would inform you about what the test wants from you, ie: "test your melee abilities" or "test your agility" without having to go look up every test on the wiki. And no "jUsT PrAcTiCe aT ThE ReLaY" isn't an excuse, everything else in the game you have some rough idea what you're going into, why should MR tests force you to go in blind or with the wiki open?

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24 hours is quite a bit much for failing.


There that is all the op wanted to say.




As for my take on Mastery Test, they are whatever, its clearly a old design trait of Warframe that DE deems ok enough to not touch, apart from the MR 9 and a few hiccups when bringing the wrong weapon to a test, test have not given me much trouble. MR test are far from the crudest design Warframe has under the hood. Which is the main reason MR tests are barely been updated over time. MR in general is a weird way to gauge a players "skill level/Game mastery".

In my opinion MR tests are ok, they seemed cool when I first played but I can see where players with less time or...skill would suffer greatly to this mechanic.


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