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What's up with all the people extracting after 5 waves / 5 minutes ?


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5 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

It was different, I remember the days where the norm was the opposite, and I remember them good. 

Must be bc the game attracts weenies that rather spend time with fashion and decorating than actually playing the game more than 10 minutes lol

Well...that's what's gonna happen when a game got popular. Coupled with the facts that gaming is the norm in our society right now. The number of casual gamer is  rising.

I miss the day when gamers are mostly hardcore no-lifer.

Edited by -AiLuoLi-
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All Kinds of reasons for staying or leaving... or staying for 5 minutes, 10,20,60... 

I wish we could get consolidated continuously during the missions... as one leaves, another enters that’s on the same mission, at the same general reward cycle... it’s fun having 4 players running around...

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19 hours ago, Elyann said:

Hope they'll implement a replacement system too tbh...having to continue as 2-3 people is still not so great for as viable as it is.

This is something I'd like to see. 

There's always another game, but it'd be nice to have replacements in something like an interception where going solo gets tedious very quickly. 

I'm usually in these for relic farming and the better spots have two tiers of relics. Extracting after 5-10 rounds is OK for the lower tier, but if you're after Axi, you need 20 round extractions--and it's easier and more enjoyable if you aren't going it alone. 

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What about a new function: 

When entering a popular node with many squads playing, the game could ask you how many rounds would you prefer to run. Players could be paired according to their preference. Sure, real life / trolls can happen, so someone still could extract before the originally set time, but this pretty much would solve the issue. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

What about a new function: 

When entering a popular node with many squads playing, the game could ask you how many rounds would you prefer to run. Players could be paired according to their preference. Sure, real life / trolls can happen, so someone still could extract before the originally set time, but this pretty much would solve the issue. 

I like this idea... it seems easy and would be effective... expect I’ve seen a lot of frames claiming they want more time in arbitration’s only to die two minutes later... but I’d vote for something like this in the future. 

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hace 22 horas, (PS4)robotwars7 dijo:

you're in luck, solo extraction is confirmed for PCs next mainline update, so you can stay as long as you want and everybdy else can leave, no Host Migrations and stuff to worry about (hopefully).

I can't wait for this to come to console, I just want more spawns in survivals, so if people leave after 5 mins and I get left with 4 players worth of enemies, all to myself, then great: more affinity for me.

It may be a partial solution, but not a whole one.

The people who make survival, that is not fissure, this can help a lot. But for those who are making survival / interception or a defense in fissure. This does not help almost anything, as soon as one user leaves, the others also. We all know that the more people there are, the more likely you are to get better things in the fissures.

The ideal would be, when selecting one of these missions (if you are going to do it in a group) You should put a small box asking: How many waves / minutes or rounds do you want to do as a minimum? (being multiplo of 5 for defenses and survival and multiples of 1 for interceptions), and also put a maximum. When it is complete, an attempt will be made to make a match based on what you and 3 other people want to do, always fulfilling the minimum of each person.

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On 2019-02-10 at 7:39 PM, Elyann said:

I don't know if it's just me or what but I've been noticing at least one person per defense / survival mission seems to extract as soon as they are allowed to ; 
coming from Void 1.0 era I am used to stay inside endless missions for hours even....now I don't think everyone should be playing that much of course but...why are you even going to Hydron to leave after 5 waves ? Or to an endless survival fissure to leave after 5 minutes ? 
I am not talking about something that has been happening to me every once every "x" missions, it's happening in literally every single mission I play. It is getting tiring.

thats been a thing since Dark Sectors with people doing a quick 5 waves then quiting with the 20k ish credits, many claim its faster or just easier to get some quick credits than doing index for example, it happened in (old) Xini briefly, a lot in Akkad and Hydron.

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I rather work on my taxes or clean the gutters than run one more defense mission, interception, or extraction that's over fifteen minutes that's not a alert with a Riven or Catalyst attached to it...

I can go 2 hours easily in Survival if it's the Void or Jupiter...simply because those maps allow for speed and upward mobility and are not clusters of geometry vomit everywhere and just painful to move around in...anywhere else...no thank you...the only other place I'll tolerate a massive amount of time spent is Heiracon for Axi relic farming...so thank you De for Ukko and Hemit in the Void for those lith, meso, and neo runs..... 

I'm also just thankful Onslaught is available to level gear...as well as Senchura for a credit farm and some Netflix..I only wish Kuva Survival had some better options rather than the one map in the fortress...

Seriously after playing a few runs on Hydron...I have no idea how anyone can sit there with a Banshee for more than 5 rounds and not want to gouge their eyes out of sheer boredom....

I see Life of Rio always going on about bite-sized players...but, after six years of the same old runs and enemies for hours to minutes repeatedly...Yeah..I don't hold anything against any veteran to new player wanting to jet when a Volt or Saryn just murders the map from its center out over and over again while the rest twiddle their thumbs...

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Just now, -AiLuoLi- said:

Because you're not on pc and probably not playing in asia region. It's a growing problem and nobody cares when the issue got brought up. It's just sad.

No and no, PS4 in North America. It's easy for me to forget that language can be an issue on pc in different regions.

As for the rude comments from people when you have asked, sorry you have to deal with that!

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it probably doesn't help that, frankly, most endless missions don't really HAVE anything good or time-efficient to farm for in their B and C rotations anyhow. It's the only choice for Axi relics, but for anything else in any lower tier, or if a person isn't trying to get axi right now... Eh.

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11 hours ago, Sloan441 said:

This is something I'd like to see. 

There's always another game, but it'd be nice to have replacements in something like an interception where going solo gets tedious very quickly. 

I'm usually in these for relic farming and the better spots have two tiers of relics. Extracting after 5-10 rounds is OK for the lower tier, but if you're after Axi, you need 20 round extractions--and it's easier and more enjoyable if you aren't going it alone. 

May as well just split each node into tiers, each with a different rotation, allow people to join regardless of rotation, and adjust the difficulty/rotation time per tier with how rare the rewards are meant to be. It'll at least bump up the odds everyone in a group is looking for similar rewards. (maybe this is what can become of de's idea of a difficulty options system)

As it is this game just feels less and less like a positive co-op experience though honestly.  

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On 2019-02-10 at 2:54 PM, Elyann said:

Hope they'll implement a replacement system too tbh...having to continue as 2-3 people is still not so great for as viable as it is.

Unlikely. As it'll turn Survivals & Defense missions into revolving doors of toxicity.

Imagine queuing for Public to be tossed into a Survival that's past the 1hr mark. You'd load into a One Shot fest you had no idea was coming.

For sanity sake they'd have to add a toggle/option to join an in progress group. Even then very few players would actually queue for that as they'd have no idea why the group needs more. Was it toxicity? Was it RL issues? Was it folks getting what they want & leaving? Was it folks not being optimally built for a run of ___ hours/waves?

I usually like to stay for 15-25 waves minimum but even I would never join an in progress group.

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