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Captured by Zanuka with only 1 Warframe. Results!


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24 minutes ago, ChaoticEdge said:

I wonder what happen if Zanuka capture the suit (the glitch and bug suit)?

Time will tell 😛

6 minutes ago, Leland_Gaunt said:

Let me know if you want a frame back, I'll gladly open my stash for someone doing extreme science . This is pretty awesome and far beyond duty!@greatmin

I'd also like to see suit prime in some sort of fashion

Thanks! I will try my best.

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WELL... I think I hit the wall. Played the Second dream quest and I'm softlocked in the Liset Stalker scene. I can't use transferrence and even if I Alt F4 the next time I start up Warframe I get automatically logged into the mission. I should have seen it comming 😛
Any suggestions how I solve this softlock lol... (Can't quit the mission it seems)


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25 minutes ago, greatmin said:

WELL... I think I hit the wall. Played the Second dream quest and I'm softlocked in the Liset Stalker scene. I can't use transferrence and even if I Alt F4 the next time I start up Warframe I get automatically logged into the mission. I should have seen it comming 😛
Any suggestions how I solve this softlock lol... (Can't quit the mission it seems)


No wonder, the Stalker saw you dual wielding the galatine and the detron and freaked out!

It's a shame really, hope someone can come up with a solution, but this is a situation when I always see others advise to contact support.

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29 minutes ago, greatmin said:

WELL... I think I hit the wall. Played the Second dream quest and I'm softlocked in the Liset Stalker scene. I can't use transferrence and even if I Alt F4 the next time I start up Warframe I get automatically logged into the mission. I should have seen it comming 😛
Any suggestions how I solve this softlock lol... (Can't quit the mission it seems)


I think the only option now is to contact support :C

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That's awesome! Is the moral of the story not to add daring features like taking away players' equipment because somebody will try these types of experiments and break the game? I mean taking away someone's warframe and weapons for the sake of story sounds pretty cool until someone is carrying a sword and gun simultaneously in one hand!

What happens if Suit gets the gustrag negator thing? Can Suit get a pink pimple on its neck? 


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3 minutes ago, nslay said:

That's awesome! Is the moral of the story not to add daring features like taking away players' equipment because somebody will try these types of experiments and break the game? I mean taking away someone's warframe and weapons for the sake of story sounds pretty cool until someone is carrying a sword and gun simultaneously in one hand!

What happens if Suit gets the gustrag negator thing? Can Suit get a pink pimple on its neck? 


I was kind of asking for it lol. I would have liked to try out those things.


I'm sorry if I let you guys down, I hope to resolve this loop in the pursuit of SUIT Prime. I discourage people to try getting this Warframe because of the likelyhood of a permanent softlock.
I've sent a report to the bugforum, and the quest support team. It seems like they could fix this problem. Let's hope so 🙂

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Greatmin, please post what happens after support gets this fixed, I'm curious of the end of the story. This is the funniest and most interesting thread I've ever read here!

Will you get the SUIT back? Will you be able to test more crazy possibilities? Will they give you back all your stuff + Excalibur Prime for the effort? I can't wait to find out!

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

Here ends SUIT's journey stuck in his own ship with his Deratine Vandal. Some say he's still there to this day...

In the walls...


9 minutes ago, Korusagi said:

So wait.... does EVERY weapon becomes pitch black if you copy warframe colors???

Yep! It sure seems so...

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6 hours ago, greatmin said:

WELL... I think I hit the wall. Played the Second dream quest and I'm softlocked in the Liset Stalker scene. I can't use transferrence and even if I Alt F4 the next time I start up Warframe I get automatically logged into the mission. I should have seen it comming 😛
Any suggestions how I solve this softlock lol... (Can't quit the mission it seems)


Its finally happening! One more step we will break the game! Send Zanuka capture the kid and the suit frame!

*success capture* waiting for the moment of truth *come back into the game*



...we broke it...welp we won gg everyone.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

So this is what end game in warframe has become : bugging the game onto oblivion only to then try and debug it back.

Side note, i wonder how bad it'd be if the g3 gimped your already gimped suit. I'd add vor's ascaris but that seemed way pass already.

Yeah, next thing I would like to try is the Grustrag bolt + all the dragon keys. I wonder if it's possible to keep the ascaris though 😞

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