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Excalibur favoritism has gone too far.


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This will be my opinion, but honestly, it has gone just too far.

I'm gonna try to divide this on each of my points, because there's too much to talk about this.


  • Excalibur skins everywhere (not even relevant but i wanted to mention it anyway)

Starting this with Excalibur's skins, is there a reason for him to have more than 8 god damn skins? Excalibur default, Immortal, Prisma, Dex, Proto, Prime, Umbra, PS4, Xbox.

I'm pretty sure i'm missing more skins without counting Tennogen, and why he has and deserve that much skins and designs? this is absurd, DE at least know that Excalibur is not the only warframe on existence? that there are 2 more starter choices? being the poster boy doesn't make him deserve this much stuff, and... no wait, oh yeah, because he's the poster boy they give him everything, the skins, the huge rework, being the place holder for everything.


  • Exalted Blade being absurdly broken

Nerfed? yeeeaaah sure mate, Exalted Blade still has the same and maybe even more range than Orthos and Atterax, it still can punch through walls while no other melee weapon can, it has the passive Swordsman sinergysing with it, and it has pretty much the same damage than Galatine Prime, not only that, but if that wasn't ENOUGH, the augment, Chromatic Blade gives that damn blade 100% status chance with elemental damage, dude, that' just too much honestly.

Exalted blade since it came was the most abused ability of all, and the most broken Exalted melee weapon, and as i said, 3 years since that thing came, and when i enter to fissures, sorties, arbitration, I always, ALWAYS FIND EXCALIBURS DOING THE SAME, it's like the only thing they can be able to process "Press 4 and E, i'm gonna try to move and aim if its possible" it has gone so far to the point where they totally forget about the other 3 abilitys he has, and maybe with the simple reason of Exalted blade already doing even more DPS than all of his abilities and at the cost of little to no energy to become an annoying turret, and slide attack is a discounted Radial Blind, god damn, it has everything.

Wukong and Valkyr looks like a joke compared to this so called Poster Boy, Primal Fury can barely have enough range to be compared with the 30 meter waves, and Valkyr's talons are even shorter than Garuda's talons, not only that, but Valkyr is pretty slow so she cannot run enough fast to go from enemy to enemy.

Oh, and if you're going to defend Exalted blade's absurd stats just because Excalibur isn't immortal like Valkyr (temporal immortality) and Wukong, think about it first, Chromatic Blade gives him 100% status chance at the cost of just 1 mod being the augment, and there's something called Healing Return, 11 hp for each status proc, waves with infinite punch through and absurd range, thinking about it is at least 50 hp/s because the thing is fast, not even mentioning Berserker.

I forgot, Exalted Blade has auto parry, making him even more resistant, so pretty much... 60% damage resistance, long waves that cost little to nothing, infinite HP recovery, 100% status chance, totally NOT BROKEN.


  • DE focusing things on Excalibur only

Skins, no nerfs, 3 variants, his own story, seriously? Excalibur, Excalibur Prime and Excalibur Umbra, making him even more powerful, and only him, why? Just because he's the poster boy apparently, i've been thinking that Umbra's story doesn't even match with Excalibur, his howl even feels a bit cringy, but the story instead could have been perfect for Valkyr, she's the one that suffered, she's the one that has a voice, it could have made sense for Valkyr Prime... oh yeah... but Excalibur is DE's baby so he deserves everything, the huge rework, the story, the skins, the attention, the only one that can use Umbral mods without having to struggle, the only sentient killer, and the only one that has a broken augment, for the love of god, HE'S NOT THE ONLY WARFRAME.


  • Valkyr was unique, until Excalibur's rework came

She was immortal, she had crowd control, and also she could use her ability for movement.





Slash dash can make him dash instantly while Rip Line was a delay before starting to move, and every time you re cast while in mid air, it slows Valkyr's movement making her lose all the momentum, not only that, but Slash Dash can be powered with melee mods, and it can hit multiple enemies being effective for CC and damage, while Rip Line makes Valkyr stay in position when using it against enemies and also she can only hit one enemy with damage that can barely kill anything.

Radial Blind and Warcry have both theyr advantages so not worth mentioning them.

Paralysis has 10m on range, and can barely kill anything, making it better for CC, because if you want to kill, you'll need to build her for Shields, and she's not a shield warframe you know? oh, but look, Excalibur's Radial Javelin has 25m, 1000 on damage and divided on Puncture, Slash and Impact, also works for a solid CC, but with more range and more damage with no penalisation if you have 0 shield at that moment.

Hysteria was the first exalted weapon and i liked that, it maked Valkyr unique and special compared to the rest of the warframes, even if she had less range than a knife, oh but LOOK AT THAT, ISN'T THAT EXALTED BLADE?

Let's compare them: 

-The talons cannot surpass 2 meters, while exalted blade has more than 30 and can attack through walls.

-Hysteria gives life steal, and the ability while being active, consumes more and more energy, ooh but Exalted blade cost little to no energy at all, with Life steal as well and 100% status chance making Excalibur potentially immortal as well for much, much less energy drain.

-Hysteria augment it's just... the ability to pounce between enemies... while Exalted blade augment it's 100% status chance with elemental damage... -cofcof favoritism cofcof-

Honestly, Valkyr deserves a serious buff because if not, Excalibur would be her direct upgrade, and i hate playing as Excalibur.


  • If Excalibur has a broken augment, for a broken ability, why are various augments just a microscopic upgrade?

Nyx - Assimilate: turtle mode with 50% less range and she can no longer absorv ally damage.

Ember - Fire Quake: 100% chance to knock down... her 2 can control better than this, please.

Rhino - Reinforcing Stop: Restores health of iron skin... literally a discounted Iron Shrapnel.

Ash - Rising storm: 100% more combo duration... wich would be 3 seconds, drifting contact might make it 20 seconds, but after hitting anyone the seconds will reset back to 10 so what's the point?

Mesa's Waltz: She only gets the ability to... WALK?!

Zephyr's Funnel Clouds: 50% less range and cannot pick enemies... so its just the already low dps and    the CC being removed.

Why are those augments so poorly made and pretty much useless or worthless compared to Chromatic Blade which is an absurdly op upgrade? i'm pretty sure that it's just because as i said, Excalibur is DE's baby and they don't mind making him more broken, because he's the favorite of them, and the hundreds of thousands of players that play him as well.

And because Excalibur has a huge amount of fanboys, no one complains about how unbalanced this is looking it in general, i'm pretty sure i'm the only one that has dared to talk about this regardless of the fanboys willing to hate, because this is a problem in my opinion.


It might be just me as well, but there's no way that i'm the only person in earth that constantly find Excaliburs over Excaliburs all the time, 3 years, and most of the groups where with Excaliburs, and I couldn't handle this anymore, i had to play every mission on solo because having to listen all the time to "SWING SWING SWING" was seriously stressful, Excalibur seriously need an Exalted blade nerf, some sort of overheat like Valkyr's hysteria because why not? Exalted blade is just as broken and abused as Hysteria was, and give the rest of his abilities more reasons to be used, not only that but Valkyr need a buff as well, because as i said Excalibur is better than her, and that feels completely wrong.


Oh, and another thing, Excalibur has the most broken Exalted melee of the game, then why is he a starter? Mag and Volt have a completely useful kit and players will eventually have a feel of progression while Excalibur is the infinite wave turret guy that cannot be more op, give a starter the Chromatic Blade augment and he'll be ready for sorties already, is that what DE wanted? is that suppose to be a "balanced" warframe? a guy that has a 4th ability that is better and can do more than his other 3 abilities?

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16 minutes ago, Deluxe-Chimera said:

Starting this with Excalibur's skins, is there a reason for him to have more than 8 god damn skins? Excalibur default, Immortal, Prisma, Dex, Proto, Prime, Umbra, PS4, Xbox.

default? warframes have that 

immortal? not that immortal since DE stopped using them, they've pretty much completed the collection and I doubt they'll do more 

prisma? it's meh anyway 

prime? everything will get a prime, if anything it should count since u can't get his prime 

proto? it's just a fancy way of saying deluxe 

dex? makes perfect sense 

umbra? that's just story, more are coming anyway 

the 2 console ones were just a start, more frames are getting skins now (iirc valkyr got a smexy XBOX skin)


21 minutes ago, Deluxe-Chimera said:

Exalted Blade being absurdly broken

and yet it's not meta. it's pretty much the only thing got going for him and it hardly makes him that much of a threat, it's great but hardly absurd 

seriously, this is pretty much a salty rant and hardly a feedback

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to be honest, the usefulness of Ripline is more to that it can take a problem Enemy (like an Eximus buffing a pile of others, or something like that) and move it into a different Zipcode. the Mobility aspets of either Ability are neato, but all Players can move very quickly and fluidly without any Abilities anyways.
Slash Dash does deal solid Damage, but it doesn't use most of the scaling Mods or features that Melee is kinda centralized around thesedays so the Damage is just decent.

Paralysis is a way better Ability than Radial Javelin is. there isn't even much of any reason to Cast Javelin if you don't have the Augment on.
that Damage Value on Javelin is irrelevant outside of Enemies so low Level that they don't matter.

idk why you're calling Chromatic Blade super Overpowered or something. it's good, but then, so is Exalted Blade without the Augment.
and Hysteria is also very good. the Burst Damage of it is at worst competitive with Exalted Blade anyways. that Spindash (i.e. the only of like 2-3 things you should ever do with Hysteria) is very competitive. and both have access to easy Finishers for higher Level Enemies.


also we'll not talk about how stupid Tornadoes are now. you complain that Excalibur is 'too strong', but think Tornadoes are useless. funny how that works.

Edited by taiiat
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2 hours ago, Deluxe-Chimera said:

Mesa's Waltz: She only gets the ability to... WALK?!

Ay dont ve flaming on mesa's waltz now bruv, i got like 200p just by selling it in the mesa prime hype. The ability to walk during peacemaker is a essential utility that not only increases range but it also allows you to gather blue orbs or do stuff with an increase in field of vision. Basically its a must and its fine the way it is. 

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So, I have a serious question this time.

Have you actually tried to push Excal? I don't mean Sorties or Arbitrations. I mean really push to the limit of performance.

Excal is weighted like 90% Damage 10% Survival. These other frames you're comparing him to... Valkyr: Immortal, Zephyr: Conditionally Immortal, Wukong Conditionally Immortal, Rhino: 100-120k eHp, Ash: Immortal, Mesa 80k eHP. Excal has 40k eHP from the front half that in the back. If he didn't do bonkers damage he would kinda suck. Just sayin'

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Maybe Valkyr's Hysteria augment could use a small range buff for mobility, it's not really worth the slot right now, it would be otherwise good.

2 hours ago, (PS4)ImTheOx said:

Did we mention that Excalibur is a WHITE MAN!!! 

I would quote A**s Skrillex, but i would get banned for profanity and because DE can't appreciate npc memes, so whatever. :^)

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Not sure if the OP was baiting or trolling, but just to be clear:

  • Excalibur is the designated poster child for Warframe, which makes sense as he is one of the simplest frames to pick up and do well with (one of his skins/variants is also completely inaccessible to most players, i.e. Excalibur Prime). It therefore makes sense that he'd get a bit more attention than the others.
  • Excalibur is good, and Exalted Blade is strong, but neither is in any way broken, at least not by today's standards, which makes calls to nerf him questionable. At the very least, he needs to aim in the general direction of stuff he wants to kill, as opposed to many other frames that can kill enemies all around them through walls, and on top of that he does not have any tanking capabilities, so he ends up becoming fairly squishy in higher-level content and more reliant on active defenses via his 2. As others have mentioned, his 3 is also essentially a dead ability at this point.
  • Excal hasn't been touched since the Sacrifice, and in the meantime plenty more frames have been receiving reworks, skins, and so on, so I'm not quite sure how one can seriously complain that DE is "focusing things on Excalibur only".
  • I don't quite get the comparison between Excal and Valkyr: sure, both are melee-oriented and have an exalted weapon, but Excal is squishy and has a lot of reach, whereas Valkyr is much tankier and more short-ranged (their melee playstyles also differ heavily). I'm not sure how Excal receiving Exalted Blade made Valkyr any less unique when her Talons and Hysteria have virtually nothing in common (Exalted Blade is a pseudo-melee ranged weapon; Valkyr Talons are short-ranged claws that come attached with an invincibility effect).
Edited by Teridax68
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13 hours ago, ArchangelusAlpharius said:

Excalibur's survivability and damage endgame is laughable unless you are a very, very good player with arcanes. Meanwhile valkyr can cheese far past lvl 1k without sweating it as long as she gets finishers in. You are over reacting.

But he has a point. But not the point that he think I would think he would make. 😉

 Would see it as a "Valkyr and Wukong needs buffs" kind of thread. In this case he is right. Valkyrs claws, her 3 and her 1 needs something. For the claws I would think a small tweak would do it. The damage is fine but also get some movement speed because the augment is less than meh.


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18 hours ago, Deluxe-Chimera said:

his own story, seriously?

Sorry for not reading through the entire wall of text but this one isn't a story of Excal(atleast lorewise) just because it's Excal. It's the story of one man and his perspective during the hellish experiments and research was being done to be able to have these "super enhanced bodies" if not soldier that would be amplified in energy and control by the Tenno.

The reason it's Excal is probably because to DE and to the Orokin it is their earliest work, atleast Warframe related. Also so people get a "chance" to get some form of Excal Prime imo.

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3 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

Valkyrs claws, her 3 and her 1 needs something.

Only her 3 and 1 need buffs. Hysteria doesn’t need any kind of buff whatsoever, considering that when the melee changes drop, we’re going to be able to use guns in Hysteria. 

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42 minutes ago, Gurpgork said:

Only her 3 and 1 need buffs. Hysteria doesn’t need any kind of buff whatsoever, considering that when the melee changes drop, we’re going to be able to use guns in Hysteria. 

Nope. You cant use guns in hysteria and also melee 3.0 will not change that.

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2 hours ago, Gurpgork said:

Only her 3 and 1 need buffs. Hysteria doesn’t need any kind of buff whatsoever, considering that when the melee changes drop, we’re going to be able to use guns in Hysteria. 

Yerp.  Now I won't need to worry about modding for range and violently floundering at the edge of a nully bubble.  I can just shoot it.  Still, I think she needs a semi overhaul to be some what relevant again.

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On 2019-02-19 at 6:45 PM, GinKenshin said:

the 2 console ones were just a start, more frames are getting skins now (iirc valkyr got a smexy XBOX skin)

and yet it's not meta. it's pretty much the only thing got going for him and it hardly makes him that much of a threat, it's great but hardly absurd 

seriously, this is pretty much a salty rant and hardly a feedback

I hope more frames are getting skins because i just found absurd that Excalibur had that many extra designs, because i mean, i would apreciate a Dex Mag or Dex Volt, or even ps4/xbox mag and volt as well since they are starters as well.

Not meta? hmm... getting 200 hp/s, 100% status chance with viral or toxin making it literally instakill plus Condition overload, yeah... not meta at all.

It might be a rant, salty? might be since Excalibur is the direct upgrade of Valkyr and i hate that, and feedback... i'm making people notice how much attention he has got so far compared to other warframes, hopefully if one of the devs think about it, they might work a bit more on theyr reworks and learn one thing from the so hyped Excalibur rework, because Vauban, Titania and Nyx's patches aren't even comparable.

On 2019-02-19 at 8:10 PM, taiiat said:

to be honest, the usefulness of Ripline is more to that it can take a problem Enemy (like an Eximus buffing a pile of others, or something like that) and move it into a different Zipcode. the Mobility aspets of either Ability are neato, but all Players can move very quickly and fluidly without any Abilities anyways.
Slash Dash does deal solid Damage, but it doesn't use most of the scaling Mods or features that Melee is kinda centralized around thesedays so the Damage is just decent.

Paralysis is a way better Ability than Radial Javelin is. there isn't even much of any reason to Cast Javelin if you don't have the Augment on.
that Damage Value on Javelin is irrelevant outside of Enemies so low Level that they don't matter.

idk why you're calling Chromatic Blade super Overpowered or something. it's good, but then, so is Exalted Blade without the Augment.
and Hysteria is also very good. the Burst Damage of it is at worst competitive with Exalted Blade anyways. that Spindash (i.e. the only of like 2-3 things you should ever do with Hysteria) is very competitive. and both have access to easy Finishers for higher Level Enemies.


also we'll not talk about how stupid Tornadoes are now. you complain that Excalibur is 'too strong', but think Tornadoes are useless. funny how that works.

Ripline is good to send enemies far away or send them to hell directly, but its still not recommendable in general to be used against enemies for the lack of damage and the slow animation, yes, we can move quickly, but that doesn't mean that we can even compare ourselves to some abilitys, Slash Dash, Rhino's 1th ability, Nova's teleport, they are even faster and they are as well unstopable, Ripline needs something better honestly because is not a recommendable ability to use against enemies, and just sometimes might be useful sometimes, but that's the thing, sometimes, not all.

Are you serious...? Paralysis is better... than Radial Javelin, Javelin has more range, solid CC as well, and more damage, how is that not better than Paralysis? also if you have 0 shield, Paralysis do 0 damage as well, honestly Paralysis is only better on the fact that cost a very little amount of energy, and it has a fast animation, but just that.

I'll explain to you why i'm calling CB extremly OP again, 100% status chance, Condition Overload, Healing Return, not only that but blind enemies and is instakill, the blind is ok for me honestly, but most of the Excali mains doesn't even know that Radial blind is a thing anyway.

Hysteria is good indeed, really good, but you have to run from side to side all the time and the augment doesn't make it easier because aiming without zoom is hard, while Excalibur just becomes a turret hitting everything and staggering them as well, at the end of the day (sadly) Exalted blade is still better, and i wish it wasn't like that.

I don't say tornadoes are useless directly, it was an example more than anything because the joke with tornadoes is pick up enemies and finish them all at once, the augment makes the job hard because they "run" around and its better to just shoot enemies directly than waiting for the tornadoes to run over them.

17 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

Not sure if the OP was baiting or trolling, but just to be clear:

  • Excalibur is the designated poster child for Warframe, which makes sense as he is one of the simplest frames to pick up and do well with (one of his skins/variants is also completely inaccessible to most players, i.e. Excalibur Prime). It therefore makes sense that he'd get a bit more attention than the others.
  • Excalibur is good, and Exalted Blade is strong, but neither is in any way broken, at least not by today's standards, which makes calls to nerf him questionable. At the very least, he needs to aim in the general direction of stuff he wants to kill, as opposed to many other frames that can kill enemies all around them through walls, and on top of that he does not have any tanking capabilities, so he ends up becoming fairly squishy in higher-level content and more reliant on active defenses via his 2. As others have mentioned, his 3 is also essentially a dead ability at this point.
  • Excal hasn't been touched since the Sacrifice, and in the meantime plenty more frames have been receiving reworks, skins, and so on, so I'm not quite sure how one can seriously complain that DE is "focusing things on Excalibur only".
  • I don't quite get the comparison between Excal and Valkyr: sure, both are melee-oriented and have an exalted weapon, but Excal is squishy and has a lot of reach, whereas Valkyr is much tankier and more short-ranged (their melee playstyles also differ heavily). I'm not sure how Excal receiving Exalted Blade made Valkyr any less unique when her Talons and Hysteria have virtually nothing in common (Exalted Blade is a pseudo-melee ranged weapon; Valkyr Talons are short-ranged claws that come attached with an invincibility effect).

I don't see why should be baiting or trolling, i'm trying to make a point and hopefully, other warframes like Valkyr would get something well deserved like Excalibur

  • You're saying that because Excalibur is the poster boy he should be more op even at the beginning to make things extremly simple and easy? because if it was like that, then Saryn and Octavia should be starters as well right? or at least that's what i understanded, sorry if i mistaked
  • Comparing it to Hysteria, Primal Fury and Baruuk's 4th (forgot the name) it's broken, not only for the OP augment, but because it cost little to no energy, Hysteria and Primal Fury has short and not so short range, Baruuk is the only one that can compare himself to how OP exalted blade is, but honestly, he has his reasons because he can only kill with those punches, and he's forced to control and disarm or tank in order to build his 4th ability for a determined amount of time, while Exalted blade can be active for the god damn eternity with no penalisation at all, just the fact that you cannot use guns, and Exalted blade is not a melee but literally a gun so why would you need them? and i know other warframes can kill the entire map (cofcof saryn) and that's why i point, Exalted MELEE weapons, because in general, Peacemaker would be better, but is not melee. He does have tanking capabilities, autoblock, a powered armored because of umbral mods, infinite health regen with his augment, he becomes squishy yes, but pretty much cannot be killed while you control crowds and you instantly regen all your health.
  • I'm saying pretty much in general, the amount of official skins and the fact than they worked on the "second prime", the mods that only he can use, his augments having no penalisation at all but being direct upgrades, look at Assimilate, 50% less range and no ally damage, literally feels like Excalibur got that broken augment because he's DE's baby, while other warframes like Nyx and Rhino just got something that they didn't even thought about, and because he got those many things just for Poster Boy reasons, then what about the rest? the closest thing was a Volt Twitch skin that i didn't even knew existed, nothing else.
  • As you said, Excalibur is long ranged making him better overall, and he can be tankier with the things i mentioned earlier, not even mentioning the arcane that gives more armor, that's why i said he's sadly the direct upgrade of her after the rework, they are not common, but just compare them:

Exalted blade has a lot more range, gives Excalibur more resistance, and also health regen, and also can spin to blind instantly

Hysteria has invincibility and extremely short range and the health regen, and has a cool jump animation

Overall Exalted Blade is sadly better, because you can pretty much end up doing the same, get health just a bit slower but constantly and without your ability consuming +150% of the initial energy drain

Actually Exalted blade should be the one draining more energy if its 10 times more abused than Hysteria, that Hysteria nerf eons ago felt totally unfair compared to how Exalted blade is at the end of the day

20 hours ago, Xzorn said:

So, I have a serious question this time.

Have you actually tried to push Excal? I don't mean Sorties or Arbitrations. I mean really push to the limit of performance.

Excal is weighted like 90% Damage 10% Survival. These other frames you're comparing him to... Valkyr: Immortal, Zephyr: Conditionally Immortal, Wukong Conditionally Immortal, Rhino: 100-120k eHp, Ash: Immortal, Mesa 80k eHP. Excal has 40k eHP from the front half that in the back. If he didn't do bonkers damage he would kinda suck. Just sayin'

I remember pushing him to the limit to up to 2 or 3 hour survivals with no problem at all and not focusing on exalted blade because as you may have guessed, i'm an Exalted blade grumpy hater so when i play him i use anything else that isn't that overrated ability (my melee weapons, and the other 3 abilitys) but when i used Exalted it still could kill anything with no problem, Chromatic blade would make things even more easy, and no, you got that wrong, i'm not comparing him to Zephyr, Ash, Rhino or Mesa, i just mentioned their poorly worked augments compared to the OP upgrade Chromatic Blade, and Valkyr has little to no range making her suck compared to Excalibur, things should be balanced instead of being him 10 times better than other warframes with exalted melee weapons

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10 minutes ago, Deluxe-Chimera said:

I remember pushing him to the limit to up to 2 or 3 hour survivals with no problem at all and not focusing on exalted blade because as you may have guessed, i'm an Exalted blade grumpy hater so when i play him i use anything else that isn't that overrated ability (my melee weapons, and the other 3 abilitys)


I know for a fact Excal can't solo any faction with Nullifiers past 2 hours without camping his EB through walls. Let alone using a melee weapon. Maybe you're recalling the Naramon - Shadow Step days? Though I don't know how serious to take this since you said "and the other 3 abilities" meaning you actually cast Radial Jav.

Have you not realized DE uses augments to band-aid abilities? Nova has 2 augments now for the same QoL feature of re-casting her 1st ability.


30 minutes ago, Deluxe-Chimera said:

and Valkyr has little to no range making her suck compared to Excalibur

Valkyr played like most play her sucks; Valkyr how I play her will put Excal to shame against anything not Infested. Esp on MoT.

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53 minutes ago, Deluxe-Chimera said:

Are you serious...? Paralysis is better... than Radial Javelin, Javelin has more range, solid CC as well, and more damage, how is that not better than Paralysis? also if you have 0 shield, Paralysis do 0 damage as well, honestly Paralysis is only better on the fact that cost a very little amount of energy, and it has a fast animation, but just that.

I'll explain to you why i'm calling CB extremly OP again, 100% status chance, Condition Overload, Healing Return, not only that but blind enemies and is instakill, the blind is ok for me honestly, but most of the Excali mains doesn't even know that Radial blind is a thing anyway.

Hysteria is good indeed, really good, but you have to run from side to side all the time and the augment doesn't make it easier because aiming without zoom is hard, while Excalibur just becomes a turret hitting everything and staggering them as well, at the end of the day (sadly) Exalted blade is still better, and i wish it wasn't like that.


I don't say tornadoes are useless directly, it was an example more than anything because the joke with tornadoes is pick up enemies and finish them all at once, the augment makes the job hard because they "run" around and its better to just shoot enemies directly than waiting for the tornadoes to run over them.

flat Damage Abilities are useless. it doesn't matter if it can Kill that Lv10 whatever. the Radial Javelin Augment is.... surprisingly good since Warframe is #consisentmath but the base Ability is totally useless. it's only good as a Stun, and Blind does a better job at that.
while Paralysis gives you Finishers, or Prolonged Paralysis adds a completely new type of CC to Valkyr (and free group Ground Finishers since Combat Finishers are kind've garbage below like lv80 or lv100, things just don't have enough Health for Animations that slow to be efficient).
yes, Paralysis is massively better. because it brings Utility.

taking advantage of Condition Overload is something that Exalted Blade does at all times. Chromatic Blade does not make the Ability. the Ability already does a lot of Damage. what Chromatic Blade does is let Exalted Blade take more consistent advantage of Corrosive, Viral, or Gas Status. like i already said... Exalted Blade deals a lot of Damage with AND without Chromatic Blade.

Hysterical Assault is kind've a joke i agree. instead, you could use Prolonged Paralysis. :)


i only brought it up because you're sitting here complaining that Exalted Blade, or specifically just Chromatic Blade of all things (like, seriously?) is some incredibly Overpowered thing, and then even in your response here, still disregard Tornadoes in any form as not useful and not effective.
when it's actually superior to Exalted Blade in the vast majority of situations. gotta love that #consistentmath thing i mentioned.

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Not sure if you've played Excalibur enough or what but 100% status on chromatic blade isn't what i'd called something overpowered or anything. Good luck killing anything with primary elements only, Grineer's scaling armor will laugh at that. This mod is really cool but not including combined elements is a huge drawback.

Frontal block only saves you from frontal attacks, trust me you can die a lot from other attacks.

Combo counter isn't that easy to manage since waves do not count toward it, just like Baruuk. Anyway this is going to change with melee 3.0, buffed melee exalted weapons will most certainly make this frames even deadlier at melee.

You could compare Excalibur with many other frames all day and it won't make an argument though, frames are different, period. Valkyr can do things Excalibur won't ever be able to (party buff), they also have far different levels of durability (60% frontal resistance vs total invulnerability). The only thing you could complain about Valkyr is her range which can make melee quite tedious but hey, this is not a thread about Valkyr !

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