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Time to change Valkyr?


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Hello there,


I dont know why but Valkyr is my favorite Warframe. Its one of the first Warframes I farmed the primed version for and since then I played her in all kinds of missions. But then I played other frames and Valkyr started to feel... not so special anymore. She is a melee frame but in the end she just gets more attack speed out of weapons and even then they bug out if you use to much power on her. So there is no real reason to play her. So lets begin with the problems.

Her 1: I dont know but I heard that in the past there where no such things as bullet jump or so. It came later. I have the feeling that her 1 is a relict out of that time where mobility was not so common. What I want so say is that her one is obsolete. You never use it. Vs enemies its a single target CC that more or less ragdolls the body across the room and for mobility you have wallcilmb and bullet jump that dont even cost energy and are better to control.

I think its about time that she gets some kind of a "anger restore" ability where she stores damage dealt to her over a time (like 15 seconds) and then gets a general damage and movement speed buff which gets stronger if you lose more health (also about 15 seconds long). Every 100 maybe +25% damage and +15% movement speed.


Then her 2. All in all its just a armor and melee speed buff. And the melee speed bonus is often bugged if you have to much power. I would change the speed to a simple melee attack bonus. That would make her the ultimate melee frame. We have mods like Berserker and Primed Fury that makes a speed buff often times just so fast that it bugs out and then... I would suggest give her a flat melee damage buff and remove the attack speed. Other wise it is fine.

Her 3... I dont really know why you would use a short distance CC that uses your shields as a resource. Finishers? Thats all it is used for. You dont really need that if you just could kill it with your melee weapon as a melee. You could use a dagger and CL to insta kill it yes... but then why use Valkyr in the first place for that?

I would suggest a leap to get into melee range like garudas 1. A simple jump with a cost of 15 or 20 energy and a rihno like shockwave that deals no damage but nocks enemies down in a 5 meter radius. That would help her to get into action pretty fast. Maybe a base range of 20m would be acceptable.


Her 4 would stay the same.


I really like Valkyr and I hope that DE revisits her. It is time to make her a true berserker and show the other frames what a melee based frame CAN do!

Thanks for reading.

Edited by DerGreif2
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Doesn't really agree with those changes.

The real thing first power need is to be a one-handed action and have a significantly reduced energy cost. This way it be used to grab or knockback important target, which work with the melee role of Valkyr. Maybe give a specific buff to enemy killed after they've been grab to give more incentive to use it. energy/health regen or temporary armor buff would be fine.

For the 2nd power, I think attack speed is a lot more valuable as increased attack speed also increase the status effect rate which is good with Condition Overload, corrosive or status that can stun. I think it is fine as it is.

Her 3rd power provide close range crowd controle which fit the berserker Valkyr playstyle, you run into enemies to stun them and kill them, which give security for high level missions, but only at close range to stay in the berserker theme. This one is fine too.

4th power is for me, the only one that don't fit, it's very bad at dealing damages compared to most of melee weapons and give invulnerability which defeat the purpose of initial high health/armor and armor buff from 2nd power. I think they should change the invulnerability to something like 90% damage reduction, which would actually balance it and make the lifesteal from it useful, and give something to make her damage scale with enemies level. Increasing her damage by x% for each successive hit to the same target would probably work.

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Her 1 is not useless, I use it to reposition myself quickly all the time. I wish it were less restrictive though, I feel like it sorta adds a drag effect as soon as you're done pulling, and no I don't mean gravity. It's a bit extra, and I'd rather it carried your momentum.

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il y a 26 minutes, (PS4)LoisGordils a dit :


Sound like you're the kind of guy who look at stats without testing how it performs ingame.

Sure, Valkyr Talon has 249.9 base damage with 50% crit chance, which is, tied to other exalted weapons, the highest of all melee which sound great.

However, against lvl 160 heavy gunners (random example of high level enemies), the Lacera which has 128 base damage and 2.5% crit chance and is one of the less played melee, perform a lot better.
Why ? Because Lacera has higher range, more status chance, different combo, different damage distribution, etc... which make it work better in some situations.

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11 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

Sound like you're the kind of guy who look at stats without testing how it performs ingame.

Sure, Valkyr Talon has 249.9 base damage with 50% crit chance, which is, tied to other exalted weapons, the highest of all melee which sound great.

However, against lvl 160 heavy gunners (random example of high level enemies), the Lacera which has 128 base damage and 2.5% crit chance and is one of the less played melee, perform a lot better.
Why ? Because Lacera has higher range, more status chance, different combo, different damage distribution, etc... which make it work better in some situations.

Ehhhhhhhhhhh... I beg to differ. A lot.

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I agree that Valkyr could use some updates. I don't think such wide-reaching changes are necessary, though.

Speaking with the context of a founder and long-time Valkyr fangirl player, here's my opinion on both Valkyr herself and your proposed changes:
Passive: Valkyr's passive gives her cat-like agility, such that she never takes landing stagger and also kips to her feet twice as fast as other frames. I think this is pretty good, really.

Rip Line (1 power): I agree that it's somewhat obsolete these days, sort of like Excalibur's Super Jump. My main complaint with Rip Line as a movement power is just that it feels so awkward. She casts it, and during the animation she's basically flying, until she isn't. As an example, if you bullet jump, and then cast Rip Line, you STOP in mid-air and then float slowly toward the point where you attached, losing all momentum once the effect ends.
If it worked more organically, which is to say that if it applied a physics impulse to her instead of making her literally float, and if you could use it to swing like Bionic Commando, then it could be really fun, even if it still wouldn't be that useful, really. (This clip from Apex Legends illustrates the way I'd like to use Rip Line perfectly.) 

As far as using Rip Line as a combat ability, you're right in that it doesn't get much use that way. The issue is mainly that it slings them across the room behind you. While this is hilarious, it also makes the power pretty useless as a combat tool. If it yanked enemies to her feet, particularly if it could hit more than one enemy at a time, it would be more useful. The animation also needs to go a LOT faster. Devs should load up Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen and try out the "Implicate" skill for Striders. That's how Rip Line should work. If you haven't seen that game, here's the short version: aim at an enemy, activate the power, and yank that enemy and their nearby friends to the ground at your feet.

Your suggestion was to completely replace Rip Line but I think it's a pretty central part of her character. I don't think RIp Line should go away.

War Cry (2 power): War Cry gives a huge armor and attack speed buff as well as slowing enemies. I really think this power is *okay* as it is, but "okay" is not "great."

One thing that would really improve this power (and a lot of things in Warframe) is if it added both flat and percentage bonuses. If War Cry added a flat amount of armor as well as a (lower than it is now) percentage bonus to the already-existing Warframe armor, it would be a lot more beneficial when you're in a team consisting of Nekros, Zephyr, and Trinity.

A classical criticism of Valkyr is that her moveset isn't very useful for teamplay. Drastically increasing the range of War Cry would help with this a lot. I sometimes have to beg people to gather so I can buff them and that's just irritating for everyone.

Honestly, the attack speed increase and enemy slow are both very strong. I wouldn't object to a mild nerf in these regards, if the developers felt it was necessary to keep the power balanced with the wider area of effect and improved armor buff.

Your suggestion was to add a flat melee damage bonus? I don't that's necessary. Plus, flat damage bonuses are rarely good in Warframe because there's so much variance in enemy level and in attack rate. Even if you actually meant a scaling damage bonus (percentage) I still think it would be excessive.

Paralyze (3 power): Paralyze consumes a tiny bit of energy and a portion of Valkyr's shields to stun enemies, setting them up for executions. This can be useful in extremely high-level circumstances but generally you can mod Valkyr's Talons to make this power all but useless.

Your idea was to replace it with a gap-closer type move. That's not a bad idea! Here's what I would do:
I'd replace Paralyze with Pounce. Used normally, it would have a low energy cost and launch her forward at a low angle (around 13°). If she hits the floor, she can continue sprinting with a large-but-short-duration run speed buff that wears off gradually. If she hits a wall, she can begin wall-running immediately with the same buff. Making the movement continue fluidly would be key to making this power fun to use.

If she targets an enemy it charge the cost of the power again (double power use, so maybe 15/30 or 25/50). Instead of getting the movement buff, generate a shockwave that counts as a melee hit for all purposes (combo counter, weapon damage, etc) in a small radial area around her target. Upon landing on the target, transition smoothly and immediately into a grounded finisher attack, perhaps with an attack speed bonus for the duration of the finisher so that it completes more quickly.

Used during Hysteria, Pounce shouldn't have an energy cost, but also shouldn't have the radial area of effect. Instead, it has a longer range and perhaps a damage bonus (although Valkyr's talons already do so much damage I'm not sure that's necessary.)

Hysteria (4 power): Hysteria makes Valkyr invincible for the duration, and allows her to attack with her exalted Talons weapon. Hysteria is an amazing power, probably too good even after the nerfs some while ago. I wouldn't like to see it changed, though; I think it's still not as useful as Mesa's Regulators or Nova's Molecular Prime. So, I agree that it doesn't need any changes.

However, Hysteria's augment, "Hysterical Assault", is made redundant by replacing Paralyze with Pounce. To be fair, I always thought it was kind of a lame use of a mod slot, anyway. (Augments being worth a whole mod slot is a problem in this game, which is to say that very few augments actually ARE worth a mod slot.)

I'd replace Hysterical Assault with an augment called Hysterical Terror. It would apply a slow and armor reduction effect to enemies that come into the range of Valkyr's Hysteria aura that would linger for a few seconds (6?) after she leaves. Obviously this one wouldn't go in the Exilus slot like Assault does!

(edit) Upon reflection, maybe War Cry should become her third power and Pounce could be her second power. That makes more sense with the energy costs in any case.


If anyone reads this big wall of text, let me know what you think.

Edited by auxy
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In context to your proposed changes to her warcry, I really don't think the melee speed buff should be changed to a melee damage buff, because then all you would really be getting is a worse version of a meleeing chroma with vex armor up, and you usually don't melee with chroma because adding extra damage isn't that unique/special of a mechanic in itself. Plus extra attack speed doesn't just increase damage, it also indirectly increases status chance and movement speed.

What SHOULD happen is to fix the root of the glitching melee combo bug, the ACTUAL GLITCHING BUG. Not change the mechanics of warcry BECAUSE it suffers from said bug. As of now having increased melee speed can make some melee weapon stances combos impossible to perform, but with the upcoming soonTM melee 3.0 changes it should fix this since there won't be a need to do hold or pause combos. Hopefully they also fix some other melee bugs alongside that.

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8 hours ago, auxy said:

If anyone reads this big wall of text, let me know what you think

Yes I read it and I agree with you. I was not sure how I could replace her line but with a strongly reduced energy cost and faster animations it could be usefull.

The thing with a finisher when using Pound is that it is almost like a ashe teleport and I would try to make it a little bit different.

Also I like the idea of a support warcry. That would really benefit low armor warframes when it would use Valkyrs armor values instead.

10 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

4th power is for me, the only one that don't fit, it's very bad at dealing damages compared to most of melee weapons and give invulnerability which defeat the purpose of initial high health/armor and armor buff from 2nd power. I think they should change the invulnerability to something like 90% damage reduction, which would actually balance it and make the lifesteal from it useful, and give something to make her damage scale with enemies level. Increasing her damage by x% for each successive hit to the same target would probably work. 

We dont need anothe 90% damage reduction but I like the idea of scaling damage per hit to also kill high level enemies.


Thank you all for reading. 🙂

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I still think the "store damage (value not accounting for armor) while aoe check increases and energy cost jumps to 6x" is insanely dumb since it doesnt do anything but cause a pause in gameplay every other room.

90% DR or even 75% DR with complete status immunity without any ramping cost would be the easy fix (since mathematically if she were to disable and enable her 4 every time with its 93% DR since it only stores 30% damage then deals it as impact or between 97~98% depending on power strength with warcry up);

HOWEVER i still want the "damage you take is stored (100% of the value post armor thus encouraging to keep warcry up all the time instead of just when you need to break the games position calculation with attack speed or on toggling 4) slowly decays and damages both your hp and energy value a small % of it as it exponentially ramps up unless you lifesteal it away", think nier A2 berserker mode but the hp decay is only there if you were actually damaged. No range check, no energy drain, but encourages you to keep killing stuff or at least do the normal damage avoidance.

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10 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

However, against lvl 160 heavy gunners (random example of high level enemies), the Lacera which has 128 base damage and 2.5% crit chance and is one of the less played melee, perform a lot better.
Why ? Because Lacera has higher range, more status chance, different combo, different damage distribution, etc... which make it work better in some situations.


Works fine for me...


Perma Hysteria is still Valkyr's best build.

Lacera is highly underrated though.

They should have simply done some tweaks and buffed some abilities, esp her eHP when they nerfed (tried) Hysteria.

Instead she was popular enough even with that nerf to sell so she got nothing and is pretty much a discount Chroma... or well, any of the brawlers really and unlike those frames her kit is based on melee yet she doesn't even make top 5 melee frames. That's pretty sad.

While I don't think there's any particular flaw in her kit the numbers just aren't good. Some tweaks would be nice of course like the ability to re-cast Warcry and make use of it's %Slow. Ripline pulling enemies to Valkyr's feet instead of random locations. Perhaps pulling enemies in a cone instead of one at a time. The rest is just numbers. Not enough eHP, Paralysis stun duration can't be altered without an augment. She's just out of date and didn't get an update with her Prime like she should have.

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1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

They should have simply done some tweaks and buffed some abilities, esp her eHP when they nerfed (tried) Hysteria.

Instead she was popular enough even with that nerf to sell so she got nothing and is pretty much a discount Chroma... or well, any of the brawlers really and unlike those frames her kit is based on melee yet she doesn't even make top 5 melee frames. That's pretty sad.

While I don't think there's any particular flaw in her kit the numbers just aren't good. Some tweaks would be nice of course like the ability to re-cast Warcry and make use of it's %Slow. Ripline pulling enemies to Valkyr's feet instead of random locations. Perhaps pulling enemies in a cone instead of one at a time. The rest is just numbers. Not enough eHP, Paralysis stun duration can't be altered without an augment. She's just out of date and didn't get an update with her Prime like she should have.

Numbers are good, gameloop feel isnt. 1 overpulling enemies while not completely pulling you to the target point (especially not with any bonus range/she pulls herself only 1/3rd of the way at 100% range thus making any spiderman shenanigans attempts require 3-4 casts to get to the point you aimed at), 2 armor bonus wasted in hysteria while sufficient strenght means you break the attack speed calculations of there game/start teleporting around with melee and the as mentioned 4 having to be toggled on and off for bloody no reason because some genius thought "punishing players for trying to keep playing the game instead of jumping away or hiding from where killing is with 6x drain is a good idea".

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My thoughts on Valkyr, as someone who's played her relatively little:

  • Her 1 hasn't aged well, even though it is an iconic ability on her still.
  • Her 2's armor bonus doesn't work well on everyone.
  • Her 3 needs the augment to be fully functional, and the effect is... alright, I guess?
  • Her 4's augment feels kind of redundant considering the core purpose of her 1, and while people seem to like the invincibility effect, her claws aren't everyone's cup of tea.

My thoughts on how she could change:

  • Base stats:
    • Remove Valkyr's shields.
    • Give Valkyr armor growth per rank instead of shields per rank.
  • Passive:
    • Allow Valkyr to store damage received and convert it to bonus attack/firing/reload speed for herself, decaying when not in combat.
  • 1 - Rip Line:
    • Always have Valkyr dash to her target, including against enemies, instead of having her pull enemies to her.
    • On impact, Valkyr should jump up while knocking her target down to the ground.
  • 2 - Warcry:
    • Change the bonus from armor (which not everyone makes use of) and attack speed (which Volt already provides) to life steal (which nobody iirc provides as a utility bonus right now).
  • 3 - Paralysis:
    • Double the baseline stun duration and remove that bonus from the augment.
    • Have the augment instead scale its pull range.
    • Have the baseline ability apply self-damage, rather than damage to her shields (which would no longer exist).
    • Have the baseline ability taunt affected enemies after they recover, so that they focus Valkyr.
  • 4 - Hysteria:
    • Potentially make Valkyr's Talons an innate weapon she could equip optionally, or at least let her use other weapons while in the mode (which might be the case already with Melee 3.0).
    • Remove the life steal if it's getting shifted to her 2.
    • Remove the damage accumulation and Energy drain effect, instead have Valkyr continuously damage her own health while the ability is active.
    • Rework the augment in some way, e.g. by giving Valkyr massively increased movement speed and/or maneuver distance against enemies attacking her.
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15 hours ago, Gnohme said:

Her 1 is not useless, I use it to reposition myself quickly all the time. I wish it were less restrictive though, I feel like it sorta adds a drag effect as soon as you're done pulling, and no I don't mean gravity. It's a bit extra, and I'd rather it carried your momentum.

Or you could... umm.. idk, bullet jump?

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9 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

Or you could... umm.. idk, bullet jump?

You can bullet jump once without touching the ground/a wall, thus ripline having base movement momentum instead of the one you had before the drag (in addition to always dragging for around 1/3rd of its base range without counting said momentum) is exactly why it needs little love taps (aka enemy and self pull strength+said after momentum reversed).

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4 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

Numbers are good, gameloop feel isnt. 1 overpulling enemies while not completely pulling you to the target point (especially not with any bonus range/she pulls herself only 1/3rd of the way at 100% range thus making any spiderman shenanigans attempts require 3-4 casts to get to the point you aimed at), 2 armor bonus wasted in hysteria while sufficient strenght means you break the attack speed calculations of there game/start teleporting around with melee and the as mentioned 4 having to be toggled on and off for bloody no reason because some genius thought "punishing players for trying to keep playing the game instead of jumping away or hiding from where killing is with 6x drain is a good idea".

Yea, ragdoll is a poor means of offense. I mentioned pulling enemies to her feet. Even in a cone. I think that would be a solid first ability for a melee specialized frame. The whole swinging in the air thing is dead far as I'm concerned.

The armor bonus is wasted mostly because it's armor and it's additive. Just doesn't do much either way. The only frame that was ever able to get armor on it's own to work well was pre-nerf Chroma since he could get such a high value damage types dipping into his armor didn't hurt as much. If anything is to be truly durable it needs flat DR.

Hysteria was just a chain of desperate nerfs to get players to stop perma Hysteria. Almost none of them made sense and even after all the changes she can still do it. With no buffs or tweaks; it's still the best thing she can do compared to other frames. Hysteria is hardly the best for scaling damage output but it's kinda the only way Valkyr can get to a level range where you'd see the difference otherwise she's got some of the lowest eHP for a non-caster type in the game. Same as my Garuda which is sad.

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14 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

The whole swinging in the air thing is dead far as I'm concerned.

The armor bonus is wasted mostly because it's armor and it's additive. Just doesn't do much either way. The only frame that was ever able to get armor on it's own to work well was pre-nerf Chroma since he could get such a high value damage types dipping into his armor didn't hurt as much. If anything is to be truly durable it needs flat DR.

Hysteria was just a chain of desperate nerfs to get players to stop perma Hysteria. Almost none of them made sense and even after all the changes she can still do it. With no buffs or tweaks; it's still the best thing she can do compared to other frames. Hysteria is hardly the best for scaling damage output but it's kinda the only way Valkyr can get to a level range where you'd see the difference otherwise she's got some of the lowest eHP for a non-caster type in the game. Same as my Garuda which is sad.

Its ok for you to think so, still its a functional niche that if it worked (as said just swapping enemy pull and self pull strength so that it shoots you for full length+gives momentum while pulls enemy for 1/3rd with the weak additional push) wouldnt hurt.

And 1k armor with just intensify isnt bad, 1.4k ehp not counting shields is what most frames get with vitality and steel fiber (and counting those 2 valkyr is at a comfy 5.4k ehp).

Also due to str scaling of exalted and warcry attack speed buff in addition to gladiator set effect, id say she scales very well (kill power is low due to lack of range/cleave when not doing slide attacks vs clumped enemies, but with the rest of hysteria i dont count it as much of a downside in contrast to when comparing what goes into the melee weapon slot).

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1 hour ago, Andele3025 said:

You can bullet jump once without touching the ground/a wall, thus ripline having base movement momentum instead of the one you had before the drag (in addition to always dragging for around 1/3rd of its base range without counting said momentum) is exactly why it needs little love taps (aka enemy and self pull strength+said after momentum reversed).

Problem is that level of movement just doesn't work in most places, and even when it does it's pretty unnecessary. I just feel like it doesn't work well as a mobility tool, mostly because its on a melee frame like Valkyr, I feel like she would have been better off getting something like Garudas 1, even though that would have made her 4 aug (which should have just been baked into the stance) useless.


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5 minutes ago, Andele3025 said:

And 1k armor with just intensify isnt bad, 1.4k ehp not counting shields is what most frames get with vitality and steel fiber (and counting those 2 valkyr is at a comfy 5.4k ehp).

Also due to str scaling of exalted and warcry attack speed buff in addition to gladiator set effect, id say she scales very well (kill power is low due to lack of range/cleave when not doing slide attacks vs clumped enemies, but with the rest of hysteria i dont count it as much of a downside in contrast to when comparing what goes into the melee weapon slot).


Armor on it's own isn't good.

When 1k Armor is hit by Puncture damage it's reduced to 500. ie it goes from 76.9% DR to 62.5% which is a 62% increase in damage intake. If you compared the same with 3k armor at 90.9% DR being halved by Puncture damage to 1500 at 83.3% DR which is an increase 83% damage intake. At 30k Armor (What pre-nerf Chroma could get) 99% DR. Puncture would have an increased damage intake of 198%, nearly double damage. Armor is by far The Worst  source of Defense in the game.

That's why many frames now are getting flat DR buffs. They don't get reduced or ignored by damage modifier types like Armor does.

Valkyr can get like 20k eHP before Adaptation. Cool. Rhino gets 120k or more, Trinity gets 188k, Nova gets 70k, Mesa gets 80k, Baruuk 100k, Chroma 66k, I could go on but like I said my Garuda which is a caster has the same eHP as Valkyr. She's not the worst but if you can't perma Hysteria I don't see a reason to play her.

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17 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

Sound like you're the kind of guy who look at stats without testing how it performs ingame.

Sure, Valkyr Talon has 249.9 base damage with 50% crit chance, which is, tied to other exalted weapons, the highest of all melee which sound great.

However, against lvl 160 heavy gunners (random example of high level enemies), the Lacera which has 128 base damage and 2.5% crit chance and is one of the less played melee, perform a lot better.
Why ? Because Lacera has higher range, more status chance, different combo, different damage distribution, etc... which make it work better in some situations.

But valkyrs claws have a stupid fast attack speed which helps it proc status more often then you’d think, multi hit combos to take more advantage of the combo multiplier, and the charge attack leads into a finisher. Valkyrs claws aren’t bad.

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il y a 26 minutes, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

But valkyrs claws have a stupid fast attack speed which helps it proc status more often then you’d think, multi hit combos to take more advantage of the combo multiplier, and the charge attack leads into a finisher. Valkyrs claws aren’t bad.

Actually the claws are the only skill of hers really REALLY worth using, between the insane slide attack, the gladiator set effect, the ludicrous ground pond damage and its retarded attack speed. 

It's the rest of her kit that needs an overhaul from the ground up :S

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3 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

But valkyrs claws have a stupid fast attack speed which helps it proc status more often then you’d think,

It has a status chance of 10%...


3 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

multi hit combos to take more advantage of the combo multiplier, and the charge attack leads into a finisher. Valkyrs claws aren’t bad.

They are not bad. Thats the reason why I would not change her 4 at all but the other abilities.


3 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

between the insane slide attack,

What? You can do that with every freaking weapon... also Maiming Strike. So that nothing that she is picked for.


3 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

, the gladiator set effect,

It is a set and also usable at any other frame... so also nothing that speaks for Valkyr.


3 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

, the ludicrous ground pond damage

Its not that high...

3 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

and its retarded attack speed.

If we just had other weapons with a lot more range that could be better than her claws... oh. Right. Berserker and any pole arm, staff or whip crit weapon. Build a zaw and her claws look like a joke. The only special thing about them is life steal and I have a zaw that is with healing return much more efficient.


3 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

It's the rest of her kit that needs an overhaul from the ground up :S

Just the 1 and 3.

Edited by DerGreif2
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25 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

It has a status chance of 10%...

A small chance done rapidly has the same effect as a large chance done less rapidly.

22 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:


This is going through my head with every single Valkyr rework suggestion.

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42 minutes ago, nlas-slayerkane said:

why change what isnt broken ?

She is outdated. She is not special anymore nor does she fit the role of a berserker or melee based warframe in the moment if you compare her to other frames.


49 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

This is going through my head with every single Valkyr rework suggestion. 

Because why? Do you play Valkyr alongside other characters? Do you realize that you have often the same impact if not a better if you just using a frame with a melee weapon than using Valkyr with a melee? Thats a pretty bad thing IMO.

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