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Hildryn Feedback Megathread


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9 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

"I'm gonna get Ivara today"

three months later

"Finally, I have Ivara"

Thanks, I needed a reminder. 

Ha. Try a year later like in some mmos. Ivara is bad, but entirely due to RNG. Some people get her in a hour of farming.

RNG frames like Ivara, Harrow, Nidus are much more troublesome than Baruuk and now hildryn. The unpredictable nature artificially and unequally increasing time needed is not present on buyframes that use standing.. the vox frames are just like dojo frames but take longer.

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7 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

Or farm a week relics and sell them.

My point was more to enforce what @(PS4)ForNoPurpose was saying. I don't have issues with farming frames. I farmed Ivara, which took me 3 months. 3 long and painful months but now I know the ins and outs of every spy vault in the game. 

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6 hours ago, Vargras said:

Literally anything involving energy doesn't work with her. Flow, Zenurik, Energy Siphon, Energy Vampire, etc. etc.

But would Trinity's Vampire augment work? As it converts excess energy to Shields. Only problem is if Hildryn is considered to either have no energy or max energy by the games coding.

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Whoever sais that its behind max rank Vox Solaris, should realy start thinking how much time has passed since Vox Solaris is out?!....
If it would have been behind max rank Quills would anybody complain? I think not. So why here? Also I read something like "because of this, I cant recomend my friend to start playing the game again" … you and I both know, thats BS 🙂

I had problems with making Baruuk as well, but not because of the standing (had more then could use it for, basicly geting my 2nd t3 arcanes), but becasue of the random System drops from Profit Taker (was patched thankfully, and could purchase the Systems I needed from standing points).

So just buy it for plat (I was very tempted, cause even if im skeptical, because you know...SHILEDS are, what they are...), or just grind it out. I personally dont like to "buy" warframes (excluding prime parts). I rather farm them out properly. Im very excited to try her out, but as always a bit sceptical and dont want to ride the hype train. For all I know we could have 2-3 hotfixes in the next couple of days, and/or nerfs/changes on her.

This is my 1st opinion of not the frame itself, but how to get her, and to reply for some comments. When I got her, I Will test it out myself as well.

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Initial impressions:

Hildryn feels playable but she does have 3 glaring issues:

1. Toxin and slash procs instantly kill you at higher levels. She needs a passive that redirects health damage to shields.

2. Shield pillage is highly inconsistent. Other posts have explained this well enough that I don't have to go any deeper on this.

3. Aegis Storm has a very low max altitude. The ability makes you fly but you still need to make sure that you fly over terrain because the very second that you fly over any edge, you instantly fall off the map. Having flight that still requires you to pay attention to the ground feels very clunky.


After 3 days and a few forma:

It takes a while to get used to the shield as energy mechanic in the sense that her 2 can literally be can every 2 seconds without a downside. This is somewhat of a fix to my first two problems.

1. Her 2 clears status effects and can be spammed as much as you want so toxin and slash procs can be dealt with if you react to them in time. This might not be the ideal solution but it seems to work.

2. While her shield pillage is still inconsistent. You can work around it by stacking power strength so you pretty much always get full overshields no matter what. It is also very spammable so the second cast will restore your shields if the first cast didn't do anything for some reason.

3. This is still the same but it doesn't matter to me anymore because I simply don't use this ability. It breaks the flow of her core gameplay by blocking the use of her shield pillage while amping up your shield drain and slowing movement speed. There's too many downsides to this ability at the moment so I just try to forget that it exists.


When you accept that you aren't going to use Aegis Storm, it opens up better modding opportunities for the rest of her kit. You can tank her duration and efficiency because shield pillage will keep your shields at max overshields at pretty much all times.


The Build:

Arcane Aegis and Arcane Barrier: Aegis helps you deal with the shield drain and barrier gets you to full every now and then. With this combination you can't go wrong.

Redirection and Adaptation. Adaptation gives damage reduction that affects shields so both of them seem to be must have mods.

Blind rage, Transient Fortitude, intensify: Shield pillage always gets you to full overshields and you don't get to feel the downside of negative eff and duration because shield pillage is more than enough to deal with the drain of 1 and 3.

Stretch, augur reach and Cunning drift: Increases the blast radius of balefire and the range of shield pillage and haven. 

1 mod slot to spare: You can freely choose to play around with natural talent, primed vigor, primed continuity, augur secrets or whatever you think rounds up the build for you.



I feel like Hildryn works and is fun to play. She is by no means top tier but is good for pretty much all content that is currently available. She is basically an aura tank/support that has some damage capabilities. 

I think she is in a really good place if you just allow her to use shield pillage during aegis storm. Shield pillage is the only way to survive slash/toxin procs and the movement speed slow with the drain and inability to use weapons is enough to keep players from using Aegis Storm permanently. The drain is simply too much to handle if you have 3 and 4 active while dealing damage with 1. On top of that enemies shoot directly into your energy pool which reduces it even more. Other way to solve the issue is to allow weapons to be used during aegis storm so you don't have to spend all your shields to balefire while having 2 abilities that drain your shields.

Also there is an argument to be made for all her abilities (except shield pillage) to be free during the shield gate invulnerability so they will stay on if your shields get replenished by the sentinel mod Guardian or a similar mechanic.

Edited by KarvJon
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Her 1+4 combo doesn't fit the fast paced play style of Warframe. 

What her 4 needs is some way to move faster, like using a held version Hildryn's special dodge during flight in exchange for 50% more shield drain while using the extra energy for forward thrust. 

What her 1 needs is an alt fire that's better for clearing trash than the current charged nuke firing mechanic. Perhaps the Pax Seeker mechanic could be used for an alt fire, but only targeting enemies being affected by her 3 and/or 4.

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I like her 3, it's lackluster yes, but with some number tuning, I can be a shield tank support armed with a Secura Penta.

I'm not a fan of her 1, it's cumbersome to use, and not very fun.

I'd like to be able to use something else than her 1 as a weapon during her 4

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16 minutes ago, hs0003 said:

Her 1+4 combo doesn't fit the fast paced play style of Warframe. 

What her 4 needs is some way to move faster, like using a held version Hildryn's special dodge during flight in exchange for 50% more shield drain while using the extra energy for forward thrust. 

What her 1 needs is an alt fire that's better for clearing trash than the current charged nuke firing mechanic. Perhaps the Pax Seeker mechanic could be used for an alt fire, but only targeting enemies being affected by her 3 and/or 4.

I was hoping Balefire would have been a blend of Ocucor and Battacor.

Primary Fire dealing AoE seeking beams and Alt-fire being the Nuke explosion.

That way the status would make sense with Beam weapon to deal with Armor. (Scaling)

And the Alt-fire Explosive Projectile could have used a combo mechanic and been, as you commented, more critical and less status.

(Like opposing Euphona Prime stats)*

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shield pillage's radius is always like ~33 regardless of range. This is fine but the skill description needs to be updated.Also the projectiles that enemies are supposed to emit are either invisible or nonexistent.

Edited by JarodDempsey
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I hate this. I absolutely hate this. Why do you keep doing this to us? Why do you have to climb more ranks and grind more freaking standing? You have got to be kidding me. I thought we were past putting frames in Fortuna. Cetus/Plains has just Gara. Why does Fortuna/Orb Vallis have more? 

I am not happy with this. This is a nightmare for solo players, a legit nightmare. Some of us have no choice but to play alone and some of us prefer it. This feels like a punishment for that. I don't know if I can get around grinding again. It took me weeks to solo grind Vox Solaris and Solaris United to get Baruuk and now you want more? You have gotta be f*cking kidding me? 💩

One part, one god damn blueprint and you have to be max with Vox Solaris? What you are saying, without a doubt, is buy it or grind it. And you have made the grinding quite.... a push. Things haven't been like this before. Why now? What happened? Why do we all of a sudden have to be max ranked with these Syndicates? This is very strange.

You cannot be serious, look us players dead in the eye and call this a great idea?

Edited by imtooniceforthis
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After playing Hildryn for a bit, I can say that she's interesting. Not great, but interesting.

Her Passive is possibly probably the best Shield passive I've seen so far. Coupled with the Synergy from Guardian and Taxon's Molecular Conversion Precept makes it quite effective. However, I would like to know the breakpoints on the shield gating, if any. 

Balefire is a bit underwhelming, I expected a Secondary fire with it. Not saying the charge mechanic is bad, but it needs to be modded for which takes up space in a build. Not to mention, there's a lack of information regarding the Charge functionality, like does it increase range? damage? what exactly do you get from a full charge? is there anything to additional to gain from a full charge? Questions that need answers, I guess. If I were to change it, I'd reduce the Charge time by a bit.

Finally, Aegis Storm is...confusing. It has Decent CC, which is a plus, but why does it turn off or become less effective if I go higher than a certain point? and why can't I descend with the Archwing controls? Going up is fine with the Archwing controls, but down is not allowed? I think there was some oversight during implementation, since one Moa stomp or Enemy Ground slam sends you flying up with no way to return to a normal height where the power is effective without deactivating Aegis Storm entirely. Additionally, when I'm over a pit I just fall slowly into it even when attempting to fly out of it by holding Spacebar. Rather poor implementation here...

Overall, I'm liking Hildryn, but some of her powers are baffling in their implementation.

EDIT: I've tried other keys when dealing with the flight controls, no go on any of them. So it's something that was either omitted or just broken.

Edited by Dojutrek
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I think her 3rd is a bit lackluster and cloud use a few changes.

For example it would be much better if allies and Hildryn  would get a dmg buff while its active and enemys would be slowed down when affected by her 3rd. Giving her a nice support tool for squadplay and a bit of cc instead of only mediocre shieldregen/overshield.

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Just to be different from the main criticism about Hildryn being locked behind highest VS rank.

I actually don't really mind that. The frustrating part is the fact that there's a daily cap to the grind. What's the logical reasoning behind telling players they have to grind to achieve something but aren't allowed to actually grind as much as they'd like? Literally every other part of Warframe has no form of limitations in terms of grinding. I can Forma a Warframe 500 times in a day if I want to put the time behind that so why can't I do the same for reputations? Why am I not allowed to grind bounties, gems, fish or floofs for a full day to gain max rank if I want to?

It's insanely illogical and pointless.

Edited by Saerane
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After playing a bit her for a few hours, i can honestly say that: I'd only play her for her Passive and her Balefire

Please consider ALL Energy/Range changes, as they are the most important thing to her kit. Stacking range mods dosen't help as much as needed.

If none of the changes below are going thru, consider lowering her price from 325 to 225 or 175. She is not worth the price of 325. She has 0 scaling against armored enemies, and her 2/3/4 are pretty bad abilties in their state right now.



P:Passive: It saved my life several times, so i'm giving it a thumbs up, it's pretty good imo. (Assuming she will get a new passive in the future , or just more invulnerability time to her passive).



1.Balefire - Seems decent for her first ability, but it costs to much to shoot. It's radius it's straight garbo.

How to improve: 

Increase activation cost to 100, reduce drain per shot from 100 to 25.

Remove self damage (I'm actually amazed this got thru her release)

Increase explosion radius from 3 meters to 4 meters.

Increase fire rate from 0.833 to 1.25



2.Shield Pillage - Gonna be honest here, this ability it's straight up bad.  Range it's limited, and it's usefulness it's very minimal against Armored / Infested.

How to improve:

Activation cost reduced from 150 shields to 100.

Increase radius from 8 meters to 15 meters (Who thought that giving her 8 meters would be a good idea?)

Remove LoS (Line of sight) requirement to pillage enemies  (I'm not sure if LoS affects her second ability, but if it does please remove it)

Increase duration from 2 seconds to 4 seconds.

Increase the shield amount gained from Armored/Infested enemies. It's nonexistent, rendering her usless against Grineer/Infested factions.

Allow Shield Pillage to be casted while using Aegis Storm

I'd rather not cast this ability as it dosen't steal any Armor from enemies, or at least help me regen my own shields from armoed enemies.



3.Haven - Good idea, poor execution. High costs, witch also affected by LoS.

How to improve:

Activation cost reduced from 250 to 0 (removed) / / / Or Activation cost reduced from 250 to 100.

Range increased from 15 to 20 meters

LoS requirement removed.

Damage increased from 200 to 250 (Maybe switch the damage to Magentic, or make it deal half 50% Radiation and 50% Magnetic)

Remove screenshake when tethering a new enemy




4.Aegis Storm - Just like Haven, and her other abilities great idea, poor execution.

How to improve:

Reduced activation cost from 100 to 50

Reduced energy drain per enemy from 25 to 10 (I'm amazed this got thru as it is right now).

Radius increased from 15 meters to 20.

Enemies will keep taking damage for 5 more seconds  (Affected by duration mods) after they leave Aegis Storm radius. They won't be held up.

Damage now deals 2% of enemies max hp.

?Add a faster way to move while using aegis storm (maybe sprinting, or something)? tho i don't mind it as it is right now.

Increased slam damage from 500 to 1000.

Consider adding normal weapons for use. Using Aegis storm with the current Balefire it's not fun and pretty boring.



Final Note: Great Warframe only Hindered by high shield costs (against Armored/Infected) and bad range numbers. Needs big adjustments to her range/costs and her Second ability against armored enemies.

Edited by m3stuart
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12 hours ago, Auris40 said:

Please reconsider placing her main blueprint into the "shadow" rank. I already skipped baruuk because of the unbearable grind (or adjust the toroid drop rates at least). Id hate to have to skip yet another frame.

I farmed all the standing. It was hell. I don't recommended it. It took me weeks as a solo player to do it all. And now it's expected that we do it again. Good god.

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2 hours ago, Flemat said:

Whoever sais that its behind max rank Vox Solaris, should realy start thinking how much time has passed since Vox Solaris is out?!....

True, but Vox Solaris' standing climb is particularly egregious. For one, components needed to rank up are dropped at random from a pretty gruelling boss fight, meaning that you might have to do it multiple times to get it. Then you need the Toroids, and those don't have a good droprate at all. I spent about twenty minutes at the enrichment labs earlier today trying to get Calda toroids, and none dropped, and that was with an active chance booster. 

And it requires 10.

They're not easy to farm either, as the fights can get unbelievably cluttered, there's a plethora of knockbacks and knockdowns, shield ospreys start spawning in and ruining any ability usage you might be relying on, not to mention that there's enemies that appear to be inherently resistant to some abilities. 

Package that all up together and you have the absolute, unquestionably worst standing grind ever. I would've done it ages ago -if it was reasonably doable-.

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I just gotta say this:

"Note on Hildryn from Update thread: An incredible new boss fight will unlock in the Operation: Buried Debts where you can earn Hildryn! We are expecting this to take approximately a week with the estimated pacing of this Operation. Free players - we appreciate your patience, rest assured Hildryn is a completely free Warframe for you to earn as the Operation unfolds!" 

Sounds nice, right? But what caught my eye was the bold part.

Yeah, free players. I know this means the people who can't, won't or refuse to pay real money to play. I know what it means but god damn why does it feel like a... low blow?
This game is free. It handles microtransactions so well, but this feels like the people that don't hand out money are somehow lower class?

I know I'm reading too much into this. I know I might be over-reacting, but still. What.... the hell?

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41 minutes ago, imtooniceforthis said:

I just gotta say this:

"Note on Hildryn from Update thread: An incredible new boss fight will unlock in the Operation: Buried Debts where you can earn Hildryn! We are expecting this to take approximately a week with the estimated pacing of this Operation. Free players - we appreciate your patience, rest assured Hildryn is a completely free Warframe for you to earn as the Operation unfolds!" 

Sounds nice, right? But what caught my eye was the bold part.

Yeah, free players. I know this means the people who can't, won't or refuse to pay real money to play. I know what it means but god damn why does it feel like a... low blow?
This game is free. It handles microtransactions so well, but this feels like the people that don't hand out money are somehow lower class?

I know I'm reading too much into this. I know I might be over-reacting, but still. What.... the hell?

Personally I don't see why they even mentioned that unless she's like a free drop from completing the assassination.  It feels entirely like it's being said because DE has been accused of "forcing" players to buy both Garuda and Baruuk due to their "obscene" grind.  If this is the case i'm not surprised at how poorly it hits the mark.  DE has NEVER been good at addressing community out cry with things like this.  They almost always bumble at first and then after receiving a tongue lashing from the community they actually do something right about the issue.

Considering the whole debacle with moderation lately and their gross reply to Rhetal's video they really can't afford to take anymore hits to their reputation right now.

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I'm unsurprised that she's basically looking DoA outside those that have arcanes.  Because with those you can actually make one part of her kit (the tankyness) actually work.  Seems like the only change she received post reveal was gaining proc immunity while she has overshields.  Even if she was basically perfect at launch the fact that she can only use her exalted during her 4 makes her a dead frame to me.  I'll still pick her up at some point just for completion sake.  But that was the ONE thing I didn't want to be a thing with her.  I don't care if using them together is the best thing ever.  I still don't like being forced to use a specific weapon.  It's odd that in the same update she's introduced they also allow exalted weapons to use a gun or a melee.

Reminds me of when they made exalted weapons seperately moddable but then released Khora who relies on a stat stick in the same update.

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Base strength of Balefire increases with level. Mostly modded, my total Balefire damage is nearing 60k. The low crit and status isn't ideal, but it does do decent damage once you're at level 30.

The fact that Hildryn is borderline useless against grineer is a huge pain and really isn't acceptable.

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