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(Update 24.4.0) General Feedback Megathread


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Please add "Hold to melee channel" keybinding ASAP (for PC mouse and keyboard). I used channeling in melee for a fraction of second every few seconds on my lifestrike excalibur build. Now that is totally unusable - not only you have to click twice as much as before, but also you completely lose track of channeling being on or off at any given moment. Channeling visual effects are completely overshadowed by other effects in the heat of battle. Before I knew that if i hold the button channeling is on, if i don't then it is off. Now it is a mess. Anyone please feel free to try Excalibur lifestrike build on any endgame content and see for yourself.

So one more time - please add "Hold to melee channel" keybinding ASAP.

Thank you!

Edited by -d1m0n-
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I do really enjoy how quickly you can switch to melee. Switching back and forth feels fluid, but I'm not sure it's the best implementation for how to do this.

In particular, I may have yelled several choice expletives when I dropped a 3/4 cryo container (from the event) into who knows where in the Vallis (I was pretty high up when I dropped it). You can only see the icon for it if you're within ~50m of it (which is pretty dang close if you don't know where you dropped it). Anyhow, my item carrying fail is my fault (although unfamiliarity with the new system played a part), but I'm writing this post to point out an awkward interaction. 

  1. Start with your primary out
  2. Melee attack - you now have your melee equipped
  3. Pick up an item
  4. Now you effectively cannot use your aim glide, because if you do, you swap back to your primary and drop the item.

Very minor correction in the order of actions can prevent this, but it's still non-intuitive. If you instead have your secondary out in #1, then everything works as it did previously (you're always carrying the item until you manually switch to your primary). If you do #3 before #2 (i.e. just pick up the item with your primary out), things work fine because the game forces you into your secondary to pick up the item (so you're now swapping between secondary and melee). If you go into Archwing between #3 and #4, you'll also be fine (because you cannot have your regular melee weapon out in Archwing, the game will force you into your secondary), although this only available in PoE/Vallis. 

So there are workarounds, but you have to keep track of what weapon you had out before you started melee'ing and/or need to swap out of melee before you pick up an item.

Seems to be partially due to the removal of blocking, as no blocking means no aim gliding with your melee out. Possible fix might be to have aim gliding always force you into your secondary if you are holding something, and require manual weapon swap to drop the item. There does seem to be some push back against the removal of aim gliding with melee, so this issue might be moot if the system gets changed at a more fundamental level. 

Edited by Ascarith
Added Archwing workaround too.
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1. I can see ability details now for my archwing.  I got to arsenal-> select mode -> vehicle -> archwing -> abilities.  

I see the 4 abilities, and when I hover over them they highlight, but no details.  Missing something or bug?


2. The archwing play seems off.  My archwing is drifting hard to the left.  It's like my toyota's alignment.  During the missions, I'm constantly having to veer right to drive straight.  Don't recall that being a feature.  I do have a new archwing (elytron), so maybe one of it's features is driving into walls.  And maybe my keyboard is having a good laugh at my expense.  I'll try out other archwings and gain more data points.

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Spin slide cut isn't fluid, the warframe seems to be blocking before prepping another attack when you chain it in succession, making the move fairly clunky.

Edit-1: I'd like a way to know which gun I have off hand when I have my melee weapon equipped, perhaps some sort of icon?

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Melee is ruined if I cannot both melee attack and shoot on mouse 1.

Melee will take a huge back seat because there is no optimal keybinding for it anymore. Angled slam attacks and the odd click to cover your flank will be all that remains.

1500 hour player, 90% of that time melee only. Most of my resources from that time spent given to my melee arsenal. My melee weapons are now gimmicks, side-kicks. Now I have to turn around and focus on guns? Unless I don't want to bind primary fire on left click? Which will come out anyways every time I aimglide during movement?

Pretty sure I'm done. Was a good run but you gimped my entire setup and integrally changed the way the game is played for the worse.

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I can no longer feel as if I have different game modes, ie. melee hack n slash and shooter with quick slash or sniper gamplay, all this feels like now is more or less like a devil may cry rip off, the new melee mode has changed so much different styles of gameplay into one linear boring gameplay style for me. I can no longer glide slide with my melee, melee only (which gives the sword alone acheivement) is unbearable without glide and slide which requires manual blocking, auto block does not work when I need it to. there are so many issues to list but I guess I will have to not use melee anymore as they are now somewhat pointless and lackluster. doesn't feel realistic anymore. I feel like my ninja Nidus build is all a big waste as melee was the main weapon of choice for that build, now it is just hollow and isn't as fun.

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6 minutes ago, Jynx41174 said:

Um... Warframe is not Launching after this latest update... That's after Verifying/Optimizing my Download Cache in case anyone suggests it

I click "play" in launcher and crash, dont open client.

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I love phase one of melee 3.0 but i have one concern/suggestion. When you use your melee weapon there's no indication on screen which shooting weapon (primary or secondary) you'll switch back to when you start shooting. If we could get something above the melee weapon name that shows which weapon will be switched to and what the ammo count is that would be awesome!


See https://imgur.com/gallery/AkXBGcm

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4 minutes ago, the_becker said:

I feel your pain, I think he/she is trying to say to give melee weapons back their own selection and blocking back, auto block doesn't work properly and it's almost like an android game that plays itself with no real player input.

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While the new abilities page is visually nice, having to hover for stats and passive to display is a MASSIVE functionality downgrade.  Either the information needs to be visible at all times or there needs to be a toggle to make it visible at all times.

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Verdict: Melee 3.0 Still Needs Work, But I Believe In You All And I Swear We All Value You Guys As A Game Team Very, VERY Much (Slightly Too Long Of Title, Apologies)

A major and important disclaimer: You've all always been an excellent team of developers, and so far all of you at DE have listened to feedback from players on nearly all issues, and I certainly hope that you continue to set an example in an age of Fallout 76s and Metal Gear Survives. Few American companies give one hoot about anything more than the player's money, but you as a Canadian studio have set a standard that gives hope some businesses actually listen to their consumer. This is still one of the most lovingly crafted F2P games I've ever downloaded, and in both lore and aesthetics Warframe constitutes art.



  • I can no longer equip melee exclusively; which was exactly the gameplay experience that made me feel like I was in control of an awesome Dark Souls boss when using Valkyr or Excalibur to kill whole armies. The delightfully cathartic feeling of simply mauling things in the hundreds and not needing a ranged option unless I chose to equip one is gone. Please add a "legacy" melee toggle like you did after changing Archwing's steering controls; or make melee usable by its lonesome again. I don't like being forced to use my melee as a supplement to my guns instead of their equally powerful potential substitute.
  • Warframe's melee combat was so satisfying to me, back when I first joined in 2014, that it convinced me to suspend disbelief in the basic backstory of the game's world (well, planets, technically). The option to use exclusively high-tech sci-fi swords if I chose to, and forgo my pistol and rifle entirely, truly sold me on the idea that I was a "space ninja"; and not just yet another boring, heavily armored space marine with a face like a bicep. Sorry "Doomguy", but you and your ilk are done to death. The forced integration of melee to a side function, with shooting now taking precedence; forces me into that same overdone cliche; when Warframe's avoidance of it as a game was exactly what first attracted me to the gameplay and made me fall in love with using Valkyr and Excalibur.
  • Blocking is now passive and automatic, which I never wanted and makes me feel like a toddler being led along by their mother. This is exactly the sort of hand-holding, automatic-context programming that makes me feel less powerful. Reducing the truly awesome experience of deflecting bullets with a sword the size of a surfboard (by my own conscious choice) into an observed event (that my frame does without my input) feels like a removal of me from the game's world; and adds to the impression of no longer having any real control. My choice to block is gone, just as much as the choice to use only my melee weapons, which I would very much like to be a possible gameplay style again.
  • I find the apparent assumption by the development and programming teams that all players had the same mindset toward melee combat as Atterax quick attack spammers to be highly frustrating. I have always more than happily varied my attacks and gleefully used every combo available in a stance mod; with the notable exception of Crossing Snakes, which is objectively clumsy and awkward to use no matter who you are. Again, the feeling of using a sword, hammer, axe, rapier, staff, etc. without ranged weapons, and then chaining together intricate theatrics of gory death with extremely pretty and well-done animations was what made "old" melee fun; and added to the feeling of martial arts in a sci-fi setting. Now my stances have become irrelevant, since melee has been changed into a side thought to spraying ammo out; just like any other boring shooter. Warframe has far, far too intriguing of a setting and imaginative of elements to simply railroad players into the role of another dull "near-future" military grunt.
  • Quick melee shouldn't be removed, and its absence makes looting and spy vaults much more awkward. Instead of a single precise swipe with my holstered Dual Raza when I find Rare Grineer Storage container near Vault C in the Kappa node of Sedna, I now run the risk of doing the entire Winding Claws or Dancing Hunter combos. This resulted in the LOVELY experience of accidentally hitting the explosive barrels in the same room and alerting all three Regulators in the vault. Goodbye, flawless spy run.


  • Slam attacks now also work at a diagonal angle, and not just when aiming straight down. This is very definitely a good change, and helps close the gap to get back to foes sent careening by non-lethal explosions or a prior slam attack with the same melee weapon. This is extra helpful on Paracesis and Gram Prime, which send foes flying in an 8-meter ring when you slam attack with them.
  • Melee sound effects are now much better than the first sound retouching for melee, especially slam attacks.I know longer have to wonder, baffled, why a slab of steel like the Paracesis is making a dainty whip-crack noise like a rapier instead of a leaden thud. The issue has been resolved, and melee weapons are now making noises appropriate to their shape and mass.
  • Channeling isn't required anymore to block effectively, which is nice. Blocking is no longer a conscious decision by the player and occurs automatically, as though I couldn't manage it alone; which is much less nice. But channeling is no longer mandatory to block. My complaint is just that I would like to block of my own personal choice again.
  • We finally have O-Dachi style weapons with the long-delayed introduction of Revenant's signature heavy curved sword. It looks awesomely bio-mechanical, like all Sentient faction items, and it's always nice to have yet another weapon category for the gameplay and fashion objects they bring.
  • Stealth attacks no longer make that revolting SPLRRRCHRKGK noise like before. Let me tell you, devs, there was nothing more disgusting or disconcerting than smashing a man into paste with Fragor Prime but hearing a wet slopping as though I had slit his throat instead. The new noise, though still fleshy sounding, is not half as gross.
Edited by Maxim_M_Payne
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1 hour ago, SilviaS12 said:

I can no longer feel as if I have different game modes, ie. melee hack n slash and shooter with quick slash or sniper gamplay, all this feels like now is more or less like a devil may cry rip off, the new melee mode has changed so much different styles of gameplay into one linear boring gameplay style for me. I can no longer glide slide with my melee, melee only (which gives the sword alone acheivement) is unbearable without glide and slide which requires manual blocking, auto block does not work when I need it to. there are so many issues to list but I guess I will have to not use melee anymore as they are now somewhat pointless and lackluster. doesn't feel realistic anymore. I feel like my ninja Nidus build is all a big waste as melee was the main weapon of choice for that build, now it is just hollow and isn't as fun.


1 hour ago, SilviaS12 said:

I feel your pain, I think he/she is trying to say to give melee weapons back their own selection and blocking back, auto block doesn't work properly and it's almost like an android game that plays itself with no real player input.

This is exactly my point. I am here to play the game and to do my own melee attacks/blocking, and the listed negatives compound a feeling that my input is irrelevant and I'm "playing" some rubbish IoS with a screaming man icon in the app store that just demands money but the buyer doesn't actually do anything. Let me go back to hacking and slashing like a madman.

Edited by Maxim_M_Payne
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Normally I had Melee Channel attached to my fire button for guns.

But since pressing fire (Right bumper) auto-switches to gun, I can't channel.

I tried to put Melee Channel to my Secondary fire button, which is the Right Trigger, but I'm not allowed to bind it to anything but Quick-Melee(doesn't exist anymore), Fire Weapon(switches to gun), and Aim Weapon(switches to gun).

So as of now, I have completely lost the ability to Melee Channel.

I'd suggest something like letting us bind controls without restrictions.


ALSO, an idea: Melee channel being able to cause the Aim Glide effect, but only on melee weapons.

Pressing Secondary fire button while in melee doesn't switch to gun mode, so that should be allowed for Melee Channel binding too.

Alternatively: Option to make Aim weapon simply aim, but not switch weapons. This way you'd get Aim Glide for gun or Melee. Would also be very good so we can aim our new diving slam attacks too.

Being able to assign Melee channel to that would be fine too.


Also, something is up with Ivara's skirt. The usually glowing stuff now looks like just dead cloth. (Youkai Skin)

Edited by Teliko_Freedman
addition, and more info
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I'm having a noticible issue with weapons that have Alt-fires. My zenith for example cannot shoot it's secondary disk until its "equipped" even though it's the primary gun if i've just happened to kill an enemy with melee. So you can be pressing the alt fire and nothings going to happen even though both melee and primary are technically equipped. 

If possible can we please try get it to the point where both melee and your other weapon are counted as equipped status so you can alt fire while melee is swapped out? It's pretty much my only issue with the current system because it makes it less accessible than primary + quick melee that we had before

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8 minutes ago, Maxim_M_Payne said:

Verdict: Melee 3.0 Still Needs Work, But I Believe In You All And I Swear We All Value You Guys As A Game Team Very, VERY Much (Slightly Too Long Of Title, Apologies)

A major and important disclaimer: You've all always been an excellent team of developers, and so far all of you at DE have listened to feedback from players on nearly all issues, and I certainly hope that you continue to set an example in an age of Fallout 76s and Metal Gear Survives. Few American companies give one hoot about anything more than the player's money, but you as a Canadian studio have set a standard that gives hope some businesses actually listen to their consumer. This is still one of the most lovingly crafted F2P games I've ever downloaded, and in both lore and aesthetics Warframe constitutes art.



  • I can no longer equip melee exclusively; which was exactly the gameplay experience that made me feel like I was in control of an awesome Dark Souls boss when using Valkyr or Excalibur to kill whole armies. The delightfully cathartic feeling of simply mauling things in the hundreds and not needing a ranged option unless I chose to equip one is gone. Please add a "legacy" melee toggle like you did after changing Archwing's steering controls; or make melee usable by its lonesome again. I don't like being forced to use my melee as a supplement to my guns instead of their equally powerful potential substitute.
  • Warframe's melee combat was so satisfying to me, back when I first joined in 2014, that it convinced me to suspend disbelief in the basic backstory of the game's world (well, planets, technically). The option to use exclusively high-tech sci-fi swords if I chose to, and forgo my pistol and rifle entirely, truly sold me on the idea that I was a "space ninja"; and not just yet another boring, heavily armored space marine with a face like a bicep. Sorry "Doomguy", but you and your ilk are done to death. The forced integration of melee to a side function, with shooting now taking precedence; forces me into that same overdone cliche; when Warframe's avoidance of it as a game was exactly what first attracted me to the gameplay and made me fall in love with using Valkyr and Excalibur.
  • Blocking is now passive and automatic, which I never wanted and makes me feel like a toddler being led along by their mother. This is exactly the sort of hand-holding, automatic-context programming that makes me feel less powerful. Reducing the truly awesome experience of deflecting bullets with a sword the size of a surfboard (by my own conscious choice) into an observed event (that my frame does without my input) feels like a removal of me from the game's world; and adds to the impression of no longer having any real control. My choice to block is gone, just as much as the choice to use only my melee weapons, which I would very much like to be a possible gameplay style again.
  • I find the apparent assumption by the development and programming teams that all players had the same mindset toward melee combat as Atterax quick attack spammers to be highly frustrating. I have always more than happily varied my attacks and gleefully used every combo available in a stance mod; with the notable exception of Crossing Snakes, which is objectively clumsy and awkward to use no matter who you are. Again, the feeling of using a sword, hammer, axe, rapier, staff, etc. without ranged weapons, and then chaining together intricate theatrics of gory death with extremely pretty and well-done animations was what made "old" melee fun; and added to the feeling of martial arts in a sci-fi setting. Now my stances have become irrelevant, since melee has been changed into a side thought to spraying ammo out; just like any other boring shooter. Warframe has far, far too intriguing of a setting and imaginative of elements to simply railroad players into the role of another dull "near-future" military grunt.
  • Quick melee shouldn't be removed, and its absence makes looting and spy vaults much more awkward. Instead of a single precise swipe with my holstered Dual Raza when I find Rare Grineer Storage container near Vault C in the Kappa node of Sedna, I now run the risk of doing the entire Winding Claws or Dancing Hunter combos. This resulted in the LOVELY experience of accidentally hitting the explosive barrels in the same room and alerting all three Regulators in the vault. Goodbye, flawless spy run.


  • Slam attacks now also work at a diagonal angle, and not just when aiming straight down. This is very definitely a good change, and helps close the gap to get back to foes sent careening by non-lethal explosions or a prior slam attack with the same melee weapon. This is extra helpful on Paracesis and Gram Prime, which send foes flying in an 8-meter ring when you slam attack with them.
  • Melee sound effects are now much better than the first sound retouching for melee, especially slam attacks.I know longer have to wonder, baffled, why a slab of steel like the Paracesis is making a dainty whip-crack noise like a rapier instead of a leaden thud. The issue has been resolved, and melee weapons are now making noises appropriate to their shape and mass.
  • Channeling isn't required anymore to block effectively, which is nice. Blocking is no longer a conscious decision by the player and occurs automatically, as though I couldn't manage it alone; which is much less nice. But channeling is no longer mandatory to block. My complaint is just that I would like to block of my own personal choice again.
  • We finally have O-Dachi style weapons with the long-delayed introduction of Revenant's signature heavy curved sword. It looks awesomely bio-mechanical, like all Sentient faction items, and it's always nice to have yet another weapon category for the gameplay and fashion objects they bring.
  • Stealth attacks no longer make that revolting SPLRRRCHRKGK noise like before. Let me tell you, devs, there was nothing more disgusting or disconcerting than smashing a man into paste with Fragor Prime but hearing a wet slopping as though I had slit his throat instead. The new noise, though still fleshy sounding, is not half as gross.

I couldn't agree any more, I feel like all the immersion is taken away or just plain ruins it, seeing the nikata magically teleport on my back, I can't take the sword out when I want to go full on melee but instead this new method which feels like an unfinished unrealistic type of weapon switch, so to switch my weapon I have to first attack with it. I don't think I can play this game like this, I feel like I wasted my money this week making this build for melee only to not be able to put them to use, I tried to melee only and it was unbearable not being able to block or glide slide. I also notice the fang primes keep throwing the warframe far away from the battle on finishing moves and when near cliffs it kept throwing me in the cliff frequently.

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